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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

Subject Focus on one subject Virginia Studies

Grade Level This may be the 1 1

same or different for each app.

Copy and paste the standard/s here from the website Copy and paste the standard/s here from the website
Learning Objective
The objective of the lesson is what
students will be able to do as they
finish the activity. For this objective,
The student will demonstrate skills for historical and The student will demonstrate skills for historical and
use the Standards of Learning (SOL) geographical analysis and responsible citizenship, geographical analysis and responsible citizenship,
to say what you want to focus on.
You can find the SOLs at
including the ability to including the ability to

look on the right of the screen for the

subjects and go from there.
b) determine cause-and-effect relationships; c) compare and contrast historical events;

Activity Describe what the When the students come in the question, A bunch of historical events will be written
learning activity will be. What will the
students and the teacher be doing
What is cause and effect? will be written on the board.
with the app? on the board. When the students come in and sit down
Students will come sit down and write their the teacher will explain that they will be
answers in their notebooks. After about five using their tablets with the keyboard
or ten minutes, once most of the students attachment to write a paper comparing and
are done, the teacher will go around and ask contrasting two historical events.
everyone their answer. This is a good way to The students will get their tablets out and
review cause and effect relationships. open the google classroom app.
For the lesson of the day students will get The teacher will have an article about each
out their textbooks and tablets. They will historical event uploaded to the app. There

look for cause and effect events in their will also be a venn diagram template for the
textbook. students to fill out before they begin their
Each student will use the flashcard maker paper.
TLED 430

app. Each student needs to find five cause The teacher will grade the venn diagram
and effect events. The cause goes on the from her device using either a check or x. If
front of the card and the effect goes on the they get an x she will leave a comment
back. saying what they need to do to fix it.
The teacher will review their flashcards Once the students begin working on their
when they are done, if they are correct the papers, the teacher will watch and correct
student will share them with their from her device.
classmates through the app. The finished paper will be read to the class.
While the students are looking at all the
flashcards, the teacher will be making an
exit quiz using the events on the flashcards.
The students will end the class by taking the
Technology Flashcard Maker- This is a free app in the google Google Classroom- This is an app in the google play

The name of the Mobile play store that allows students to create and share store that is free for schools. Teachers can upload
Application flashcards. documents for students. The teacher can also grade
what the students are working on from their device.
Discussions can be had through this app.
Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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