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Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Extreme

Preterm Infants
Srinivas Bolisetty, Anjali Dhawan, Mohamed Abdel-Latif, Barbara Bajuk, Jacqueline
Stack, Kei Lui and on behalf of the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
Neonatal Intensive Care Units' Data Collection
Pediatrics 2014;133;55; originally published online December 30, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-0372

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located on the World Wide Web at:

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Intraventricular Hemorrhage and

Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Extreme
Preterm Infants
AUTHORS: Srinivas Bolisetty, MD, FRACP,a,b Anjali Dhawan, WHATS KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Cranial ultrasound is
MD, FRACP,a Mohamed Abdel-Latif, FRACP, MRCPCH, MPH, routinely used in identifying cerebral abnormalities in premature
MScEpid,c Barbara Bajuk, MPH,d Jacqueline Stack, FRACP,e infants. Grade III and IV intraventricular hemorrhages, cystic
Kei Lui, MD, FRACP,a,b on behalf of the New South Wales periventricular leukomalacia, and late ventriculomegaly are all
and Australian Capital Territory Neonatal Intensive Care known predictors of adverse neurodevelopmental sequelae in
Units Data Collection
these infants.
aDivision of Newborn Services, Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney,

Australia; bSchool of Womens and Childrens Health, University of

WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: We reviewed neurodevelopmental
New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; cNeonatal Intensive Care
Unit, Centenary Hospital, Canberra, Australia; dNew South Wales outcomes among 2414 extreme preterm infants. Infants with grades
Pregnancy and Newborn Services Network (PSN), Sydney, I and II intraventricular hemorrhage had increased rates of
Australia; and eNeonatal Intensive Care Unit, Liverpool Hospital, neurosensory impairment, developmental delay, cerebral palsy, and
Sydney, Australia deafness at 2 to 3 years corrected age.
infant, extremely premature, intraventricular hemorrhage,
neurodevelopmental outcomes
ACTAustralian Capital Territory
BSIDII-MDIBayley Scales of Infant Development-II Mental
Development Index OBJECTIVE: Not many large studies have reported the true impact of
CIcondence interval
GMDS-GQGrifths Mental Developmental Scale General Quotient lower-grade intraventricular hemorrhages in preterm infants. We
IVHintraventricular hemorrhage studied the neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely preterm
MDImental developmental index infants in relation to the severity of intraventricular hemorrhage.
NICUSNeonatal Intensive Care Units database
NSWNew South Wales METHODS: A regional cohort study of infants born at 23 to 28 weeks gestation
PVLperiventricular leukomalacia and admitted to a NICU between 1998 and 2004. Primary outcome measure
ROPretinopathy of prematurity
was moderate to severe neurosensory impairment at 2 to 3 years corrected
Dr Bolisetty conceptualized and designed the study, coordinated age dened as developmental delay (developmental quotient .2 SD below
and supervised data analyses, and reviewed and revised the
manuscript; Dr Dhawan contributed to the initial concept and the mean), cerebral palsy, bilateral deafness, or bilateral blindness.
design of the study and to analysis and interpretation of data RESULTS: Of the 1472 survivors assessed, infants with grade IIIIV in-
and drafted the initial manuscript; Dr Abdel-Latif contributed to
the initial concept and design of the study and contributed
traventricular hemorrhage (IVH; n = 93) had higher rates of develop-
substantially to data analysis and review of the initial draft of mental delay (17.5%), cerebral palsy (30%), deafness (8.6%), and
the manuscript; Ms Bajuk contributed to the initial concept and blindness (2.2%). Grade III IVH infants (n = 336) also had increased
design of the study, acquisition of data, and critical review of the
rates of neurosensory impairment (22% vs 12.1%), developmental delay
manuscript; Dr Stack contributed to the initial concept and
design of the study and critical review of the manuscript; Dr Lui (7.8% vs 3.4%), cerebral palsy (10.4% vs 6.5%), and deafness (6.0% vs
contributed to the initial concept and design of the study, 2.3%) compared with the no IVH group (n = 1043). After exclusion of 40
assisted with data analysis and interpretation, and assisted with infants with late ultrasound ndings (periventricular leukomalacia, por-
critical review of the manuscript; and all authors approved the
nal manuscript as submitted. encephaly, ventricular enlargement), isolated grade III IVH (n = 296)
(Continued on last page)
had increased rates of moderate-severe neurosensory impairment
(18.6% vs 12.1%). Isolated grade III IVH was also independently
associated with a higher risk of neurosensory impairment (adjusted
odds ratio 1.73, 95% condence interval 1.222.46).
CONCLUSIONS: Grade III IVH, even with no documented white matter
injury or other late ultrasound abnormalities, is associated with ad-
verse neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely preterm infants.
Pediatrics 2014;133:5562

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Cranial ultrasound is the most readily weeks gestation and admitted to the NICU a neurodevelopmental assessment by
available and commonly used imaging between January 1998 and December a developmental team at 2 to 3 years of
technique for the diagnosis of cerebral 2004. Infants with major congenital mal- age, corrected for prematurity, including
lesionsinpreterminfants.Intraventricular formations and those who died before an the administration of the Grifths Mental
hemorrhage (IVH) is the most commonly ultrasound was obtained were excluded. Developmental Scale General Quotient
recognized cerebral lesion on ultrasound A full description of the NSW and ACT (GMDS-GQ) or Bayley Scales of Infant
in extremely preterm infants.1 Papile neonatal service organization and net- Development-II Mental Development In-
classication is commonly used to grade working and the validity of the Neonatal dex (BSIDII-MDI). Follow-up assessment
the severity of IVH.2 Grade IIIIV IVH and Intensive Care Units (NICUS) database has results are included in the NICUS data-
other lesions noted on ultrasound in- been described.8,9 base.
cluding periventricular leukomalacia In NSW and ACT NICUs, cranial ultrasound Data for this study extracted from the
(PVL), porencephaly, and ventriculomegaly is the standard screening test used to NICUS Data Collection included all rele-
are well documented to be associated with detect IVH and other cranial pathologies vant clinical information, hospital out-
adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.37 for all preterm infants born before 32 comes and follow-up information at 2 to
However, the true impact of lower-grade weeks gestation. The standard policy in 3 years of age, corrected forprematurity.
IVH on the neurodevelopment of these ex- the network is to perform head ultra- The primary outcome measure was
treme preterm infants has not been well moderate to severe neurosensory im-
sounds during days 1 through 4 of life,
described. IVH originates in the germinal
days 10 through 14 of life, and 4 to 8 pairment at 2 to 3 years corrected age.
matrix, which is the source of future neu-
weeks of age and at 36 to 40 weeks cor- Moderate neurosensory impairment was
ronal and glial cells in the immature brain.
rected age. The interpretation of the head dened as the presence of developmental
The germinal matrix that initially sur-
ultrasound was based on the reports of delay (GMDS-GQ or BSIDII-MDI between 2
rounds the whole fetal ventricular system
radiologists and/or neonatologists at and 3 SD below the mean), moderate ce-
in the previable gestation gradually invo-
each hospital. Papile classication is used rebral palsy (able to walk with the assis-
lutes to reside over the body of the caudate
to grade the severity of IVH on ultra- tance of aids), or deafness (requiring
between 24 and 28 weeks gestation and at
sound.2 Porencephalic cysts are dened amplication with bilateral hearing aids
the level of the head of the caudate nucleus
as parenchymal lesions corresponding to or unilateral/bilateral cochlear implant).
between 28 and 32 weeks gestation. It is
grade IV intraventricular hemorrhage. Severe neurosensory impairment was
therefore logical to suspect that even
PVL refers to the ischemic brain injury dened as developmental delay (GMDS-GQ
smaller hemorrhages within the germinal
affecting the periventricular white matter or BSIDII-MDI $3 SD below the mean),
matrix at this gestation may have an im-
in the boundary zones supplied by ter- severe cerebral palsy (unable to walk
pact on the future neuronal and glial cell
minal branches of both the centripetal with the assistance of aids), or bilateral
migration within the immature brain.
and centrifugal arteries. Encephaloclastic blindness (visual acuity of ,6/60 in the
We therefore undertook this study to in- porencephaly refers to the late de- better eye).11
vestigatethelong-termneurodevelopmental velopment of extensive echo-dense and Statistical analyses were performed by
outcomes in relation to the severity of IVH cystic lesions involving the periphery of
in a large cohort of extremely preterm using Predictive Analytics SoftWare Sta-
the cerebrum. Interobserver reliability tistics (version 20; IBM SPSS Statistics,
infants admitted to any of the 10 NICUs
and accuracy in interpreting cranial IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY). Multivar-
within New South Wales (NSW) and the
ultrasounds in NSW and ACT has pre- iate analysis using logistic regression
Australian Capital Territory. We hypothe-
viously been validated and reported.10 models adjusted for signicant clinical
sized that preterm infants with any grade
Overall agreement among the reporters characteristics were performed to de-
of IVH have poorer neurodevelopmental
was found to be 88%. Multirater agree- termine the relationship between the
outcomes compared with those without
ment for individual grades of IVH found in study groups (no IVH, IVH grade III, and
this report were as follows: normal IVH grade IIIIV) and neurodevelopmental
ultrasounds, 78%; grade I, 45%; grade II, outcome. In multiple group comparisons,
METHODS 41%; grade III, 38%; and grade IV, 70%. where appropriate, x 2 for larger con-
This was a retrospective cohort study Intraobserver reliability ranged from 78% tingency table, analysis of variance, or
using prospectively collected data from all to 90%.10 Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to test for
10tertiaryNICUsinNSWandtheAustralian For all preterm infants of ,29 weeks between group differences. A no-IVH
Capital Territory (ACT). The study included gestation, the standard practice among group was used as controls for all sub-
all infants born between 23+0 and 28+6 the NICUs in this region is to perform sequent post hoc 2-group comparisons.

56 BOLISETTY et al
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All P values were 2-sided, and the signifi-

cance level was not changed when mul-
tiple comparisons were performed.
The study was approved by the South
Eastern Sydney Illawarra Area Health
Services Northern Hospital Network
Human Research Ethics Committee.

During the study period, 2701 extremely
preterm infants (2328 weeks; gestational
age) were registered in the NICUS data-
base, and 133 infants died before head
ultrasound screening (Fig 1). Of the sur-
vivors, 152 infants had major congenital
malformations and were excluded from
the study. Another 2 surviving infants
who did not have ultrasound examina-
tion were excluded. The study population
comprised 2414 infants of whom 819
(33.9%) were diagnosed with IVH, 515
(21.3%) grade III IVH and 304 (12.6%) FIGURE 1
Grade IIIIV IVH. Of these, 446 infants died. Prole of study group from admission to follow-up assessment. *P , .05, **P , .01, ***P , .001. F/U,
Infants with IIIIV IVH had a signicantly follow-up.
higher mortality rate (62.2%) compared
with III IVH (15.7%) and the no-IVH Major morbidities including chronic 24% for grade II (n = 104); 41% for
groups (11%). lung disease, postnatal steroid therapy, grade III (n = 56) and 46% for grade IV
Of the 1968 survivors, 1472 (74.8%) patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing (n = 37). After exclusion of ultrasound
infants were assessed at 2 to 3 years of enterocolitis, sepsis and severe retinop- abnormalities including PVL, porencephalic
age, corrected for prematurity. Of these, athy of prematurity (ROP) were signi- cyst, and ventricular enlargement,
1043 had no IVH. Grade I, II, III, and IV IVH cantly more common in infantswith IVH of moderate-severe neurosensory impair-
was found in 232, 104, 56, and 37 infants, any grading. Pneumothorax was associ- ment rates were 17.6% for isolated grade
respectively. Table 1 compares infants ated with higher incidence of Grade IIIIV I (n = 205); 20.9% for isolated grade II IVH
who were followed up with those lost to IVH. Compared with no-IVH infants (Ta- (n = 91); 36.8% for isolated IVH III (n = 19),
follow-up. Infants lost to follow-up had ble 2), signicantly more IVH infants had and 40% for isolated IVH IV (n = 10). The
less neonatal morbidity compared with abnormal 6-week ultrasound ndings comparable rates of impairment for
infants who were followed-up. including PVL, porencephalic cyst, and grades I and II and for grades III and IV
Perinatal characteristics of the IVH and hydrocephalus (ventricular dilatation .97th allow grouping into 2 IVH groups, grade
no-IVH group are summarized in Table 2. percentile). In particular, these cerebral III and IIIIV, for subsequent analyses.
Pregnancy-induced hypertension, ante- abnormalities were found in 64 (69%) of Thus, infants with IIIIV IVH had the
natally detected intrauterine growth re- the grade IIIIV infants. highest rate (43.0%) of moderate-severe
striction, and antenatal steroids were neurosensory impairment (Table 3).
signicantly associated with a lower in- Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2 Infants with grade III IVH were twice as
cidence of IVH. Caesarean delivery (with to 3 Years, Corrected for likely to have a moderate-severe neuro-
or without labor) is associated with lower Prematurity sensory impairment (22.0%) compared
incidence of IVH. Outborn infants (delivery Higher rates of moderate-severe neuro- with the no-IVH group (12.1%). Infants
outside a tertiary perinatal center), male sensory impairment were seen with with grade III IVH had a signicantly
gender, and low Apgar scores were as- increasing grades of IVH, being 12.1% for no- higher rate of cerebral palsy than the
sociated with a higher risk of IIIIV IVH. IVH (n = 1043); 21.1% for Grade I (n = 232); no-IVH group (10.4% v 6.5%. odds ratio

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TABLE 1 Comparison of Infants Followed Up and Lost to Follow-Up (22% vs 12%). After excluding other ul-
Characteristics Followed Up (n = 1472) Lost Follow-Up (n = 496) trasound abnormalities including PVL,
Maternal age, y 30 (2634) 27 (2232)*** porencephaly, and ventricular enlarge-
Aboriginal 38 (2.6%) 52 (10.5%) ment, it was 19% and 12%, respectively,
Assisted conception 213 (14.4%) 34 (6.8%)
Multiple pregnancy 392 (26.6%) 114 (23%)
representing a 7% impairment rate
Pregnancy-induced hypertension 26 (17.7%) 50 (10.1%)*** difference between no-IVH and isolated
Vaginal breech delivery 149 (10%) 41 (8.3%) IVH III infants. After adjusting for con-
Caesarean delivery 473 (32.1%) 122 (24.6%)***
Outborn 105 (7.1%) 82 (16.5%)***
founding perinatal variables, isolated
Gestational age, wk 27 (2628) 27 (2628) grade III IVH remains a signicant in-
Birth wt, g 945 (7761110) 1024.5 (11851865.7)*** dependent risk factor associated with
Birth wt ,10th percentile 152 (10.3%) 26 (5.2%)***
poor outcomes (adjusted OR 1.73, 95%
Apgar ,7 at 5 min 281 (19.2%) 86 (17.4%)
PDA treated 647 (43.9%) 190 (38.3%)* CI 1.222.46). It is noteworthy that a 5%
NEC 110 (7.5%) 33 (6.7%) increase in the neurosensory impairment
CLD 596 (40.5%) 133 (26.8%)***
rate persisted even when the infants were
Postnatal steroid 408 (27.7%) 78 (11.7%)***
Home oxygen 306 (20.8%) 58 (11.7%)*** stratied by gestational age, indicating
Systemic infection 595 (40.4%) 141 (28.4%)*** that the presence of isolated grade III IVH
Any IVH 429 (29%) 120 (24%)* can be associated with poor outcomes.
IVH grade III or IV 93 (6.3%) 22 (4.4%)
IVH grade I or II 336 (22.8%) 98 (19.7%) There was a relatively high incidence of
ROP grade $3 187 (12.7%) 36 (7.3%)*** hearing loss in grade III IVH, which could
Abnormal HUS at 6 wk 120 (8.2%) 21 (4.2%)** have contributed to the adverse neuro-
Data are presented as median (interquartile range) or n (%). CLD, chronic lung disease dened as respiratory support at 36 weeks
corrected age; HUS, head ultrasound; NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus. *P , .05; **P , .01; ***P , .001.
sensory outcomes. However, even after
excluding infants with isolated hearing
loss, grade III IVH remained a risk factor
[OR] 1.72, 95% condence interval (CI) stratied by gestation. Moderate to for increased neurosensory adverse out-
1.112.67). Both IVH groups had higher severe neurosensory impairment was comes.
incidence of hearing loss in comparison signicantly higher in III isolated IVH Our ndings add to the growing number
with no-IVH group. compared with no IVH in both 23 to 25 of studies from different populations
After controlling for confounding factors weeks gestation (24.3% vs 18%) and 26 reporting similar concerns with iso-
by multivariate analysis (Table 4), the to 28 weeks gestation groups (15.5% lated low grades of IVH.1215 The EPIPAGE
adjusted OR for moderate-severe im- vs 10%), representing a consistent 5% study from France involving 942 pre-
pairment for infants with III IVH was impairment rate difference between term infants of ,32 weeks gestation
1.61 (95% CI 1.142.28) compared with no-IVH and isolated IVH grade III born in 1997 found that isolated grade
no IVH, and for IIIIV IVH, it was 3.81 (95% infants (Table 5). After multiple logistic III IVH occurred in 16% of infants and
CI 2.306.30). Small for gestational age, regression analysis controlled for was associated with a 5.5% risk of ce-
male gender, PVL, chronic lung disease, male gender, small for gestational age, rebral palsy at 2 years corrected age.13
and ROP independently predicted signi- chronic lung disease, and ROP, varia- When other ultrasound abnormalities
cant adverse outcomes. In view of the high bles that were found independently were included, the rates of CP increased
incidence of hearing loss in grade III signicant from Table 4, moderate to to 8.1% for grade I IVH and 12.2% for
IVH, multivariate analysis was repeated severe impairment was still signi- grade II IVH. Patra and colleagues from
with the exclusion of infants with isolated cantly increased for isolated III IVH. United States, in an institutional study of
hearing loss. Grade III IVH remained an extremely low birth weight infants born
independent risk factor for moderate- DISCUSSION from 1992 to 2000, reported that the 104
severe neurosensory impairment (adjusted Our regional study of a recent and large infants with isolated grade III IVH had
OR 1.45, 95% CI 1.0032.112, P = .048). sample of 1472 very premature survi- a signicantly lower mean mental de-
Of the 336 grade III IVH, 40 had other vors revealed that presence of IVH, velopmental index (MDI) score than the
ultrasound abnormalities including PVL, even for grade III, was associated with 258 infants with a normal cranial ultra-
porencephalic cyst, or late ventricular di- poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. sound (mean 74 vs 79). They had signif-
latation detected at 6-week ultrasound. Moderate-severe neurosensory im- icantly higher rates of low MDI ,70 (45%
Table 5 shows the neurodevelopmental pairment was signicantly higher in vs 25%; OR 2.00), major neurologic ab-
outcome of 296 isolated grade III IVH the III IVH group than the no-IVH group normality (13% vs 5%; OR 2.60), and

58 BOLISETTY et al
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TABLE 2 Perinatal Characteristics and Morbidities Among 1472 Infants

Characteristics No IVH (n = 1043), 71% All IVH (n = 429), 29% IVH III (n = 336), 23% Isolated IVH IIIa (n = 296), 20% IVH IIIIV (n = 93), 6%
Maternal age, y 31(2635) 30 (2334) 30 (2534) 30 (2534) 30 (2334)
Aboriginal ethnicity 41 (3.9) 13 (3.0) 11 (3.3) 7 (2.4) 2 (2.1)
Assisted conception 152 (14.6) 65 (15.1) 49 (14.6) 44 (14.8) 16 (17.2)
Pregnancy-induced 214 (20.5) 47 (10.9)*** 41 (12.2)*** 37 (12.5)*** 6 (6.5)***
ROM .24 h 255 (24.4) 118 (27.5) 94 (28.0) 86 (29) 24 (25.8)
APH 300 (28.8) 139 (32.4) 106 (31.5) 97 (32.7) 33 (35.5)
IUGR 103 (9.9) 23 (5.3)** 17 (5.1)** 13 (4.4)** 6 (6.5)
Multiple pregnancy 288 (27.6) 104 (24.2) 81 (24.1) 71 (23.9) 23 (24.7)
Antenatal steroids 945 (90.4) 377 (87.8) 301 (89.5) 270 (91.2) 76 (81.7)*
Fetal distress 191 (18.3) 76 (17.7) 57 (17.0) 51 (17.2) 19 (20.4)
Breech delivery 90 (8.6) 59 (13.7)** 46 (13.7)** 42 (14.2)** 13 (14.0)
Caesarean section 643 (61.6) 169 (39.3)*** 130 (38.6)*** 115 (38.8)*** 39 (41.9)***
Outborn 68 (6.5) 40 (9.3) 25 (7.4) 22 (7.4) 15 (16.1)***
Apgar ,7 at 5 min 181 (17.3) 100 (23.3)* 70 (20.8) 62 (20.9) 30 (32.2)***
GA, wk 27(2) 26 (2) 26 (2) 26 (2) 26 (2)
Birth wt, g 956 (329) 915 (342)* 895 (349)* 889 (344)* 960 (348)
Birth wt ,10th percentile 121 (11.6) 31 (7.2)* 25 (7.4)* 20 (6.7)* 6 (6.5)
HC ,10th percentile 85 (8.1) 33 (7.7) 28 (8.3) 26 (8.7) 5 (5.4)
Male gender 532 (51.0) 254 (59.2)** 195 (58.0)* 175 (59.1)* 59 (63.4)*
Surfactant 722 (69.2) 328 (76.4)** 245 (72.9) 218 (73.6) 83 (89.2)***
CLD 377 (36.1) 219 (51)*** 164 (48.8)*** 146 (49.3)*** 55 (59.1)***
Postnatal steroids 256 (24.5) 151 (35)*** 111 (33.0)** 97 (32.7)** 40 (43.0)***
Home oxygen 199 (19.1) 107 (24.9)* 84 (25.0)* 73 (24.6)* 23 (24.7)
PDA treated 427 (40.9) 220 (51.3)*** 170 (50.6)** 167 (56.4)** 50 (53.8)*
NEC 62 (5.9) 48 (11.2)*** 34 (10.1)** 25 (8.4) 14 (16.1)**
ROP grade $3b 110/103 (10.7) 77/425 (18.1)*** 56/332 (16.7)** 48 (16.2)** 21/93 (22.6)**
Systemic infection 383(36.7) 212 (49.4)*** 159 (47.3)*** 139 (46.9)*** 53 (57.0)***
PVL 9/999 (0.9) 24/425 (5.6)*** 14/332 (4.2)*** 0/296 10/93 (10.7)***
Porencephalic or 5/999 (0.5) 23/425 (5.4)*** 8/332 (2.4)** 0/296 15/93 (16.1)***
other cysts
Ventricle size .97th 8/999 (0.8) 68/425 (16)*** 18/332 (5.4)*** 0/296 50/93 (53.8)***
Data are presented as median (interquartile range) or n (%). No-IVH group acted as the control group for all comparisons. APH, antepartum hemorrhage; CLD, chronic lung disease; IUGR,
antenatal diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; NEC, necrotzing enterocolitis; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus. *P , .05; **P , .01; ***P , .001.
a Isolated grade III IVH, dened as grade III IVH without PVL, porencephaly, and ventricular enlargement .97th percentile.
b Denominator is number of infants examined.

neurodevelopmental impairment (47% vs Despite these publications, there is gen- had either CP or low MDI ,70 at 2 years
28%; OR 1.83) at 20 months corrected erally less appreciation among clinicians of corrected age.17
age, even when adjusting for confounding the neurodevelopmental impact resulting A number of studies reported IVH-related
factors.14 Vavasseur and colleagues from from lower grades of IVH. This is probably adverse outcomes extending into school
Ireland demonstrated that infants with because of a high baseline of adverse age and beyond. In a study of preterm
grade III IVH in the 24 to 26week and the outcomes noted in very premature infants
infants weighing ,1000 g at birth, the
27 to 29week groups had signicantly even without IVH, and it requires a large
Victorian Infant Collaboration Study Group
lower MDI and PDI scores. However, no sample size to appreciate a relatively small
reported at 8 years that no-IVH was asso-
signicant difference in scores was noted increase in impairment risks compared
ciated with cerebral palsy rates of 6.7%,
in the 30 to 32 weeks gestation sub- with no IVH. For example, in our 979 no-IVH
group.15 Similarly, another recent infants without any ultrasound abnormal- with no rise in association with grade I IVH
institutional study from Austria by ities, the baseline impairment rate was (6.4%) but a marked elevation to 24% with
Klebermass-Schrehof and colleagues 11.6% and 18% in the 23 to 25 weeks grade II IVH.18 A population-based national
showed abnormal neurodevelopmental gestation high-risk subgroup. The NICHD study from the Netherlands involving pre-
outcomes up to 5.5 years in preterm Network showed that nearly 30% of the term infants with a gestational age of ,32
infants ,32 weeks gestation with grade 1473 ,1000-g infants cared for in 1996 weeks and/or a birth weight ,1500 g
III IVH.16 1997 with normal cerebral ultrasounds reported that the risk of needing special

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28 (30.1)*** [5.99, 3.5010.21]
14/80 (17.5)*** [6.00, 2.8812.39]
education for adolescents with grades III research protocol. It can be argued that

40 (43.0)*** [5.49, 3.428.83]

2 (2.2)* [11.44,1.14114.92]
8 (8.6)** [4.0, 1.609.69]
IVH increased twofold compared with a higher incidence of adverse outcomes

3 (3.2) [2.01, 0.586.99]

IIIIV IVH (n = 93)
those without IVH.19 Lowe and colleagues in in grade III IVH, even for some no-IVH
1990 found that VLBW infants ,1501 g with infants, was probably due to white mat-
grades III IVH performed less well at 5 to 6 ter injury, which is not readily identied
years of age than at 1 to 2 years of age on ultrasound. The retrospective nature
because specic visual motor and tactile of the study would not allow us to de-
perceptual skills are difcult to assess at 1 termine the interobserver reliability and
to 2 years of age.20 accuracy of ultrasound reporting. Sec-
55 (18.6)** [1.66, 1.172.35]

16 (5.4)** [2.42, 1.274.63]

The mechanism of brain injury in isolated ond, studies of IVH grading reliabilities
15/263 (5.7) [1.69, 0.903.19]

10 (3.4) [2.11, 0.964.66]

Isolated III IVH (n = 296)

3 (1) [5.32, 0.8832.04]

grades III IVH during early gestation have generally showed good results for
may result from impaired cortical higher grades of IVH or the absence of
development. The germinal matrix is IVH, but less so for grade I and II.10,2426
a source of neuronal precursor cells at For example, the interobserver agree-
22 (7.4)

10 to 20 weeks gestation after which it is ment in the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Na-
a source of glial precursor cells that are tional Institute of Child Health and
in the process of migration to cortical Development network report ranged
from 48% to 68% for grade III IVH, which
74 (22.0)*** [2.06, 1.482.86]

regions at about the time very low birth

35 (10.4)* [1.72, 1.112.67]
23/297 (7.8)** [2.37, 1.314.28]

20 (6.0)** [2.69, 1.415.12]

3 (0.9) [4.69, 0.6440.16]

was not dissimilar to the previous data

13 (3.9) [2.42, 1.165.05]

weight infants are born. These cells give

III IVH (n = 336)

rise to oligodendroglia, the absence of from 151 infants from our region10
Data are presented as n (%) [OR, 95% CI]. CP, cerebral palsy; GQ, general quotient; MDI, mental developmental index. *P , .05; **P , .01; ***P , .001.

which may affect myelination, and astro- showing an overall k of 70% to 77%.
cytic precursor cells, necessary for Considering the likely blurring of grades
cortical development. It is suggested that between lower IVH grades, we analyzed
when a small IVH occurs at a relatively all 336 grade I and II infants as a group
early period of gestation, it may affect and found that low grades of IVH are also
the neuronal migration and result in associated with increased risk of ad-
114 (26.6)*** [2.63, 1.963.53]
63 (15.1)*** [2.48, 1.713.61]

verse outcomes.
37/377 (9.8)*** [3.08, 1.835.19]

28 (6.5)*** [2.96, 1.645.36]

excessive brain injury.2,21 Grades III IVH

5 (1.2)* [6.14,1.0645.77]

16 (3.7) [2.34, 1.174.67]

can also cause lesions in the head of the Our neurodevelopmental follow-up rate
All IVH (n = 429)

was 75%. However, those who were

TABLE 3 Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of 1472 Infants at 2 to 3 Years Corrected Age

caudate nucleus as well as destroy cells

that would otherwise migrate to the lost to follow-up in our region had
subcortical structures such as amygdala fewer perinatal risk factors and less
and the thalamus. Therefore, functions early neonatal morbidity compared
served by the subcortical areas may be with assessed infants. The ultrasound
negatively affected in low-grade IVH.22 imaging in our NICUs is generally re-
Indeed, an MRI study of 12 uncomplicated stricted to sagittal and coronal views
No IVH (n = 1043)
126 (12.1)

IVH infants, 7 grade I, 4 grade II, and 1 through the anterior fontanel. It is not
68 (6.5)
31/900 (3.4)
2 (0.2)
24 (2.3)
17 (1.6)

grade III, found that the cortical gray a standard practice among the NICUs
matter volume was reduced compared to obtain mastoid views to improve the
with the 11 no-IVH infants.23 There are detection of any cerebellar or poste-
a Hearing loss without any other neurosensory decit.

also several more determinants that rior fossa lesions. Paneth and col-
Moderate/severe neurosensory impairment

may not be picked up by the ultrasound leagues found cerebellar lesions in

imaging. These include associated white 28% of preterm infants at autopsy.
matter injury, brainstem and hippocam- However, the importance of these lesions
pal hypoxic injury, and cerebellar hem-

remains uncertain.27 Finally, neuro-

orrhage or ischemia.24 developmental follow-up in our net-
There are limitations to the study. This is work is performed by a team including
Bilateral blindness
MDI or GQ #2 SD

Bilateral hearing
loss Isolateda

a retrospective review, and grading of IVH a developmental pediatrician, neo-

andotherultrasoundabnormalitieswere natologist, and/or psychologist certi-
based on clinical information collected in ed to perform Grifths and Bayley

the database and not undera prospective assessment. As a part of the case review,

60 BOLISETTY et al
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TABLE 4 Multivariate Analysis to Determine Independent Factors Associated With Moderate- study: NICUS, Dr JenniferBowen (Chair-
Severe Neurosensory Impairment
person), Barbara Bajuk (Coordinator),
b Coefcient (SE) Adjusted OR (95% CI) P Value
Sara Sedgley (Research Ofcer); Cen-
III IVH 0.48 (0.176) 1.61 (1.142.28) .006 tenary Hospital for Women and Chil-
IIIIV IVH 1.339 (0.257) 3.81(2.306.30) ,.001 dren, Associate Professor Zsuzsoka
2325 vs 2628 weeks gestation 0.448 (0.173) 1.56 (1.122.19) .01
Kecsks (Director), Dr Hazel Carlisle,
SGA,10th percentile 0.665 (0.295) 1.94 (1.093.46) .024 Lyn Barnes; John Hunter Childrens
SGA,3rd percentile 0.685 (0.348) 1.98 (1.003.92) .049
Hospital, Dr Paul Craven (Acting Direc-
Male gender 0.592 (0.159) 1.81 (1.322.47) ,0.001
Out born 20.037 (0.305) 0.96 (0.531.75) .904 tor), Dr Chris Wake, Dr Rebecca Glover,
PVL 2.176 (0.41) 8.81 (3.9219.78) ,.001 Lynne Cruden, Alissa Argomand; Royal
Chronic lung disease 0.587 (0.17) 1.79 (1.292.49) ,.001
Pregnancy-induced hypertension 0.203 (0.22) 1.22 (0.791.88) .358 Prince Alfred Hospital, A/Prof Nick
Proven systemic infection 0.190 (0.239) 1.20 (0.881.65) .239 Evans (Director), Dr A/Prof David
NEC 0.087 (0.261) 1.09 (0.651.82) .738
ROP grade 34 0.758 (0.197) 2.13 (1.443.14) ,.001 Osborn, Girvan Malcolm, Dr Ingrid
NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; SGA, small for gestational age. Rieger, Shelley Reid; Liverpool Hospi-
tal, Dr Jacqueline Stack (Acting Direc-
TABLE 5 Moderate-Severe Neurosensory Impairment in Isolated Grade III IVH Group in tor), Dr Ian Callander, Kathryn Medlin,
Comparison With No-IVH Group After Exclusion of Other Ultrasound Abnormalities Kate Marcin; Nepean Hospital, Dr Vijay
Gestation No-IVH Isolated III IVH Adjusted OR [95% CI] Shingde (Acting Director), Dr Basiliki
2325 wk 35/194 (18%) 25/103 (24.3%) 1.45 (0.812.60) Lampropoulos, Mee Fong Chin; The
2628 wk 79/785 (10%) 30/193 (15.5%) 1.64 (1.042.58)*
Total 114/979 (11.6%) 55/296 (18.6%) 1.73 (1.222.46)** Childrens Hospital at Westmead, Pro-
Excluded PVL, porencephalic cyst, or late ventricular dilatation detected at 6-week ultrasound. Logistic regression models fessor Nadia Badawi (Director), Dr Ali-
adjusted for male gender, small for gestational age, chronic lung disease, and ROP as identied from Table 4.
*P , .05, **P , .01
son Loughran-Fowlds, Caroline
Karskens; Royal North Shore Hospital,
they are, however, aware of the childs neurodevelopmental outcomes in Dr Mary Paradisis (Director), A/Prof
ultrasound ndings and the NICU course extremely preterm infants. In light of Martin Kluckow, Claire Jacobs, Glynis
from the hospital discharge summary. these ndings and similar reports Howard; Sydney Childrens Hospital,
We acknowledge the theoretical possi- from various other populations, we
Dr Andrew Numa (Director), Dr Gary
bility of bias, but given that standardized suggest a more cautious approach by
Williams, Janelle Young; Westmead
objective measurement tools are used clinicians in counseling these fami-
for neurodevelopmental assessment of lies and highlight the importance of Hospital, Dr Mark Tracy (Director), Dr
these infants, we postulate that any bias regular long-term follow-up and Melissa Luig, Jane Baird; and Royal
of the developmental evaluators that screening for adverse neuro- Hospital for Women, A/Prof Kei Lui (Di-
might have been attributed to the posi- developmental outcomes in this pop- rector), Dr Julee Oei, Dr Lee Sutton, Diane
tive ndings in our study is negligible. ulation. Cameron. We also thank the infants and
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS their families and the nursing and mid-
CONCLUSIONS We thank the directors, the NICUS mem- wifery, obstetric, and medical records
We found that even lower grades of IVH bers, and the audit ofcers of all tertiary staffs of the obstetric and childrens hos-
can adversely inuence long-term units in supporting this collaborative pitals in NSW and the ACT.

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(Continued from rst page)
Accepted for publication Oct 1, 2013
Address correspondence to Srinivas Bolisetty, MD, FRACP, Division of Newborn Services, Royal Hospital for Women, Barker Street, Locked Bag 2000, Randwick, 2031
NSW, Australia. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conicts of interest to disclose.

62 BOLISETTY et al
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Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Extreme
Preterm Infants
Srinivas Bolisetty, Anjali Dhawan, Mohamed Abdel-Latif, Barbara Bajuk, Jacqueline
Stack, Kei Lui and on behalf of the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
Neonatal Intensive Care Units' Data Collection
Pediatrics 2014;133;55; originally published online December 30, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2013-0372
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References This article cites 25 articles, 8 of which can be accessed free
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