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Pee ee ee eee ee See eee eel PP eee ee ee BUREAU PROCEDURAL GUIDE VERITAS TLD / GM 150 INDUSTRY DIVISION + _ ofa usr [A Hennes e0a07 | M HENNEMAND Indices | Name Signature Name ‘Slgnanure Date | Name re WRITTEN BY VERIFICATION APPROVAL FOR APPLICATION PUTCCLL ELLE eee LLL Pee Tee eee ee TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 - ‘PURPOSE 2 ~ SCOPE OF APPLICATION 3 - RESPONSIBILITY FOR APPLICATION 4 - REFERENCES 5 - TERMINOLOGY 6 - IDENTIFICATION - FILING - REVISION - DISTRIBUTION 7 - RECRUITMENT, TRAINING / CERTIFICATION AND CHOICE OF SURVEYORS Factory Auditor Guide TLD/GM 150 Rev. 0 - 15/03/97 4. PURPOSE This Procedural Guide aims at supplying guidance fo Bureau Veritas appointed surveyors on {he steps to be fulfiled during the process of approval of conteiner manufacturing production facility. also proposes forms that can be readily used by the auditor to record its findings, and ‘communicate with the interested parties, SCOPE OF APPLICATION This Procedural Guide primarily applies to dry freight containers manufacturing production facilties, that are engaged into the mass assembly of intermodal equipment conforming Primarily to the definition of a container in the text of the International Convention for Safe Containers (C.8.C.). PONSIE For ION “The effective implementation of this Procedural Guide is the responsibilty of ali Regional Chief Executives, Country Chief Executives and Office Managers. REFERENCES (latest ection) ~ Quality Manual = Industry Division General Procedures Manual (G.P.M.) + Technical Instruction IT 319 "Organization, identification and provision of statutory services” ~ Procedural Guide GM 316 "Preliminary assessment of a supplier and other documents listed below, page 5/15 « Reference documents » TERMINOLOGY Referto « Preamble and definitions » below, page 3/16. Factory Auditor Guide TLD/GM 180 Rev. 0- 15/03/97 6 - IDENTIFICATION - FILING - REVISION . DISTRIBUTION Identification This Procedural Guide, which title is « Factory Auditor Guide », is recorded into the list of Industry Division reference documents, under reference number TLD / GM 150. * Filing ‘The original of this Procedural Guide is fled in the Manual of Procedures, by the Transport Department Manager. seenreet This Procedural Guide is revised on the basis of changes in relevant standards or feguletions, andfor at the warranted request of the executives concerned. * Distribution ‘The distribution of the present Procedural Guide is organized in such a way that all Bureau Veritas concermed personnel can have access to the full information it is made of, through Circulation of at least one up to date exemplary for each Bureau Veritas office. 7 - RECRUITMENT, TRAINING / CERTIFICATION AND CHOICE OF SURVEYORS, Auditors qualification refer to « Surveyor » into « Preamble & definitions » below, page 3/15. Factory Auditor Guide TLD / GM 160 Rev. 0- 15103/97 ‘BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 1/15 ‘TLD/GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 2/15 | SUMMARY 2) Day Frsicu ContAINERS & SwaP BODIES CERTIFICATION. 3) CSC, 1996 EDITION, QUOTE OF ANNEX 1 CHAPTER 2 REGULATION. CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO INITIATE THE FACTORY APPROVAL PROCESS .cumnnieinnen 15 GENERAL INFORMATION -vessstnnesnnnstnnnnntntnntntnr ese PART I - DOCUMENTED FILE TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFACTURER... GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY. ORGANIZATION CHART OF THE PLANT... LAYOUT OF THE CONTAINER MANUFACTURING PLANT.” DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTRACTORS APPROV: DESCRIPTION OF THE AVAILABLE MATERIALS TRACEABILITY SYSTEM. PRODUCTION FLOW-CHART AND INSPECTION STATION: ORGANIZATION CHART OF THE QUALITY CONTROL (Q.C) SYSTEM QC. SYSTEM RELATED GENERAL PROCEDURES... ORGANIZATION OF THE DESIGN DEPARTMENT, AND ITS RELATION WITH TAE QC. EQUIPMENT & MAIN CHARACTERISTICS ..rsnesnrnnnninninnn PLANNED MAINTENANCE CYCLES OF THE PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT. IMPLEMENTED AND QUALIFIED WELDING PROCEDURE! WELDERS QUALIFICATION TEST DESCRIPTION. UPDATED LIST OF QUALIFIED WELDERS. ‘TEST RIG DESCRIPTION, CAPACITY, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ITEMIZED INSPECTION & ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA... CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCEDURE... SAMPLE Q.C, INSPECTION DOCUMENTS IF AVAILABLE, QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL... MISCELLANEOUS. PART 2- FACTORY AUDIT wsssnnsmsnes GENERAL INFORMATION... APPENDICES wn APPENDIX 1 - FACTS RECORDING FORMS - DRY FREIGHT CONTAINERS APPENDIX 2- APPLICATION FORM FOR APPROVAL OF MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION FACILITIES (Fonm Ad.1627/5615 a) APPENDIX3- AUDIT REPORT COVER SAMPLE (Form Ad.1627/5617) ‘TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 15/03/97 Pee eee ee eee et eee eee Pee eee ‘BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page3/15 PREAMBLE & DEFINITIONS “The present guide is valid for all audits performed in view of the approval by Butea Veritas of Freight Container Manufacturing Plants. This guide is in no way comected to Quality Assurance centification as outlined in ISO 9001, 9002, or 9003 standards, eventhough some items of this guide may refet to similar select requirements, Surveyor ‘The term of "’Surveyor” refers to the Person nominated by Bureau Veritas to conduct the audit, who will issue the audit report, The “'Surveyor"* detains a qualification in line with the requirements of the Bureau Veritas register of skills and activities - sheet n° 7 - Surveyor, general purpose and/or special purpose containers - revel 2 Factory ‘The term of "Factory tefers to the entity, subjected to the audit, Technical Center “Technical Center’” refers 10 the technical functional unit of Burean Veritas Land Transport Department ‘Management, in charge of the certification and classification of transport equipment in conformity with regulations in force, that detains the final authority to approve or not approve the Factory, on the basis of documentation submitted by the Applicant, and Surveyor (s) report (5), in connection with the requirements of Jotemnational and National regulations, the Society’s rales, International Standards and technical ‘recommendations. ‘TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 eee ee te eee ee eee eee] eee eee th hn hl ‘BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 4/15 STATEMENT Although of a lesser “visible” and “tangible” nature than other regulatory activities attached to the Containers Classification and Certification process (e.g, prototype testing and/or individual inspection ), Factory Approval, cannot be dispensed with. Factory A i B ita itis a Bureau Veritas has received, from the Freuch Government, delegation of authority to deal with all CSC related ‘matters, on its behalf Carrété du 10 Juillet 1992" published in the “Journal Officiel" dated August 21, 1992.) By way of consequence, when performing the audit of a factory, the Surveyor should always bear in mind that his activity isthe one of the" Authority, over and above any commercial consideration. ‘The Surveyor, represeuting both Bureau Veritas and the Authority, must in all citcursstances display a diligent and courteous attitude Independence, objectivity, integsity and professional competency are to be permanendly demonstrated. ‘Note: When UIC approval is sought for transport equipment, Bureau Veritas! factory approval certificate is considered as a valid substitute to UIC éelegated body requirements for the evaluation of the Manufactures ability to mass-producing equipment conforming with UIC leaflets. TLD / GM150 Rev 0- 15/03/97 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 5/15 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS (latest edition) 1) Factory Approval ‘Bureau Veritas Rules for the Classification and Certification of freight containers (IND-IT 178.1), ‘especially Chapter 1, page 4, § 1.5.1 and Appendix 2 to chapter 1, pages 15 €: 16 1972 International Convention on Safe containers (CSC), 1996 edition, especially Annex 1 Chapter 2 segulation 5 - 5° TACS Requirements concerning containers - section C3 - Quality control arrangements at Works engaged in series production of containers 2) Dry Freight Containers & Swap Bodies Certification ‘Bureau Veritas rules for the Classification & Certification of freight containers (ND-IT 178.1) 1SO standards N°: 668 Series 1 freight containers - Classification, dimensions and ratings 830 Freight containers - Terminology 1161 _ Series 1 freight containers - Comer fittings - Specification 1496 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing Part 1 ; General cargo containers for general purposes Part 2; Thermal containers Part 4: Nom-pressurized containers for dry bulk Part 5 : Platform end platform-based containers Part 6c: Platform based containers, open-sided, with complete superstructure 6346 Freight containers - Coding, identification and marking 9669 Series I freight containers - Interface commections for tank containers (@ll when applicable) UIC teafiets N°: 592-1 OR Conveyance of transcontainess on wagons - Technical arrangements 592-20R Large containers for land transport - Technical conditions to be fulfilled by large containers for land transport accepted for use in international traffic 592-4OR Swap bodies which can be handled by grabs - Technical conditions 396-6 OR Conveyance of road vehicles on wagons - Technical organization conditions for coding combined transport load units and combined transport lines {all when applicable) ‘TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 6/13 3) CSO, 1996 edition, quote of Annex 1 Chapter 2 regulation’S - 5° ° “The Administration shati not confer on a Manufacturer authority to affix safety approval plates on the basis of design approval, unless satisfied that the Manufacturer has instituted internal production control featares to ensure that the containers produced will conform to the approved prototype. "* Comments: In issuing its Type Approval cenificates, and CSC certificates, Bureau Veritas respectively approves a prototype container, and authorizes the Mamufacourer to affix safety approval plates onto series containers assembled in conformity to the approved type. Burean Veritas is therefore acting as the “’Administration’” the above text refers to, ‘As a consequence, Burean Veritas must at the same time be satisfied that production control features are implemented by the Manufacturer, to ensure the Tepeatitivity onto series containers of the prototype safe characteristics, as determined during type testing, Bureau Veritas has established that it would be satisfied on the matter of repeatitivity of the safe characteristics of the protorype, in the sense of the CSC, when the Factory has successfully passed the approval process, which principles are laid down into IND-IT 178.1, and maintains the conditions prevailing at time of approval Bureau Veritas has also established that a Factory Approval would be valid for a period of four years, subject to periodical re-assessments, performed at least once a year, for facilities continuously producing containers, conforming with the provisions of the CSC. Notes: > Burega Veritas cannot accept existing (even valid) approval(s) issued to the Factory by ancther certification agency. > Factory Approval is attached to a single outfit. Sizuilar plants located in different places cannot be approved unless each one has been submitted to the full process. > Additional or different production tines installed at an already approved plant do mot invalidate the approval of existing line(s), but the approval of the new line(s) need() to be performed. TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 7/15 CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO INITIATE. THE FACTORY APPROVAL PROCESS As per Bureau Veritas requirements, the factory approval process can only be initiated after the Manufacturer ‘has applied for it, through an original « Application for Approval of Manufacturing Production Facilites » form Ad.1627/5615 a (sce sample in appendix 2) duly filled-in, signed and stamped, ‘The reason behind this requirement lays in the fact that by signing and stamping the form, the Manufacturer implicitly accepts the Bureau Veritas General Conditions of Service that are printed on the back of the ‘Application, of attached to it. ‘tis therefore of importance that prior to starting the Factory Approval process, the Surveyor is satisfied that such an application form has been recived by the local Bureau Veritas center, and thet a BVCT reference number has been assigned to the job. ‘TLD / GM 150 Rev - 15/03/97 Peer ee eee Eee eee eet eee Pee eee BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 8/15 | GENERAL INFORMATION Bureau Veritas’ Factory approval process is centered on two specific steps, both referring to. the following ‘concepts; > ORGANIZATION > COMPETENCIES > MATERIAL SUPPLY CONSISTENCY v PROCEDURES ‘CONTROL, ‘MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT vv ‘The first step consists of the evaluation of the theoretical capability of the factory to provide an acceptable level of repeatativity, through the submission, by the Manufacturer, of 2 documented file (see part 1, below). ‘The second step consists of the audit proper, which aims at confronting theory, as described in the - Mamufacturer Sle, and reality as witnessed by the Surveyor, within the Factory premises (see part 2, below). TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 Pee eee eee eee eee Poe eee eee eet [soma was ey Page 9/15 - PARTI - DOCUMENTED FILE TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE MANUFACTURER TLD / GM 150 Rev 0- 15/03/97 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 10/15 Below are listed items that should typically be considered for Manufacturer evaluation file GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY Beet remnant the comgany's capital sues / l Int : 5 Full style of the plant (and fall style of the registered office if different) ORGANIZATION CHART OFTHERLANT. ~~ Y ‘This is self explanatory, + The organization chart will however encompass all fonctions, highlighting the independence cof the Quality Control department towards the Production department. +The count of persons by functional occupation isto be recorded. + Brief information on experience and qualification of Senior, Middle and Junior Management isto be supplied. cepa, + Self explanatory. A brief description with basic parameters can usefully complement the sketch, DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTRACTORS APPROVAL METHOD / SYSTEM + available, the criteria of selection of suppliers and contractors must be provided. ay [DESCRIPTION OF THE AVAILABLE MATERIALS TRACEABILITY SYSTEM nekevat A + Sef explanatory. A Miabcer must be able to produce ial cvs fr materi wed ‘tw build any container. “PRODUCTION FLOW-CHART AND INSPECTION STATIONS + This requirement aims at documenting production and intermediate and final inspection steps ‘within the plant ORGANIZATION CHART OF THE QUALITY CONTROL (@.C) SYSTEM = The QC. system must be described thoroughly. + Because the Q.C. department must act as the “Police Department”” towards production matters, all Q.C. functions must be defined, and the persons in charge, must be recorded on the chart, + Supplementary information on Q.C. members of the staff experience and qualification is to be supplied, ‘TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 ‘BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 11/15 (QC. SYSTEM RELATED GENERAL PROCEDURES + Written Q.C, procedures, detailing action, reporting, traceability, effective power of Q.C. members of the staff must be supplied. ‘ORGANIZATION OF THE DESIGN DEPARTMENT, AND ITS RELATION WITH THE Q.C. DEPARTMENT + Because of its nature, the Design Department is at the crossroads of: ~ Customer requirements ~ Production requirements + QC. requirements +The interaction between the Q.C. function and the Design function needs to be documented. LIST OF PRODUCTION, MEASURING AND TESTING EQUIPMENT & MAIN CHARACTERISTICS + Abasic listing by manufacturer, year of purchase, type of machine, and main characteristics is sufficient, ‘PLANNED MAINTENANCE CYCLES OF THE PRODUCTIONEQUIPMENT + The Manufacturer must identify and quamify the maintenance actions platined on production ‘equipment, IMPLEMENTED AND QUALIFIED WELDING PROCEDURES “~~~ + Documented qualified & implemented welding procedures must exist within the factory. A copy must be submitted in the file, - WELDERS QUALIFICATION TEST DESCRIPTION =~ * = A record of Welders qualification tests applied is to be available UPDATED LIST OF QUALIFIED WEEBIERD 7 6.61. oan See my + Since welders qualification is only valid for oortain types of welding, and for a certain aration, an up to date list of qualified welders is to be maintained, ‘TLD / GAM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 12/15 Brey TEST RIG DESCRIPTION, CAPACITY, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ‘AE available within the Factory, full information on the test rig used must be supplied, including, ‘but.not limited to: + Date erected + Rig specifications & drawing(s) + Cylinders characteristics + Procedure implemented for rig use + Procedure implemented for rig maintenance + Type(s) and characteristics of measuring devices used + Phoceduce for measuring davices calibration ITEMIZED INSPECTION & ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA + Factory’s internal inspection guidelines and acceptability criteria must be documented ‘CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCEDURE + Contective action procedure in connection with inspection and acceptability criteria must be documented, ‘SAMPLE Q.€. INSPECTION DOCUMENTS AND THEIR EFFECTIVE USE + QC. inspection documents must allow the Management of various departments of the Factory 10 trace the origin of defects found, thus allowing to eliminate the cause, + What is important is the type of data recorded into Q.C. inspection documents, and their distribution within the Organization. + Any information on wilization of electronic data processing and statistical analysis systems can be usefully supplied, v {IF AVAILABLE, QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL. ‘Self explanatory, ‘MISCELLANEOUS: + Tuformation on various items, such as: staff training schemes, planned extensions, other goods ‘produced within the factory... are very useful forthe edification of the Technical Center. ‘The Surveyor may assist the Manufacturer into the preparation of the file, that is to be issued in a sufficient ‘quantity, to allow two sets to be forwarded, via the concemed Bureau Veritas local center, to the Technical Center for evaloation and possible comments If applicable, motivated comments and remarks from the Technical Center will be forwarded through the Bureau Veritas district office in charge, to the Manufacturer. Any such comments and remarks will be accounted for by the Surveyor when performing the audit of the facility. TLD / GM 150 Revo - 15/03/97 Pe eee eee eee eee ee Pee eee eee eee eet 4 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 13/15 ~ PART 2 - FACTORY AUDIT TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 TIE LLELL LLL LL LLL TTT Eee PEELE LLL ere BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 14/15 GENERAL INFORMATION \y/ ‘The Surveyor in charge of the Factory audit must contol the effective conditions prevailing at the manufacturing works, by comparison with the file submitted by the manufacturer, taking into account possible semarks made by the Technical Center in charge of the file evaluation, ‘The audit should cover all the items of the manufacturing process. The Surveyor in charge of the assignment must record his findings in a usable manner, that will allow ultimately the Technical Center in charge, 10 ‘approve the factory on the basis of the Surveyor's recommendations and final report, Proposed Fact recording forms (check lists) that aim at covering as many "positions" (tags) of the factory audit ‘as possible can be found in appendix 1. These forms display the same format, can be copied as necessary, and ‘could be used for various purposes: + monitoring of the audit process, + information to the Manufacturer and the Technical Center in charge on the stams of acceptability of certain items; + traceability purposes at local Bureau Veritas center; + supporting document on items subject to remark, and/or non-conforming items for the final « Audit report of manufacturing production facilities, and surveyor recommendations », form ‘Ad. 1627/5617 (see sample in appendix 3). ‘Each form is made of nwo parts: 2) alist of a mumber of key items (up to 20 per form), subject to Surveyor control for each major “position” (tag) of the audit, followed by four columns, marked: NA we ticked-in if item is not applicable within the Factory c to be ticked-in if item conforms with the file statement (s), or the industry msual good practice NC tobe ticked-in if ftem does not conform with the file statement (5), or the industry usual ‘good practice REM (remarks) to be ticked in as necessary, and/or if column NC was ticked-in for the item. 2) a succession of 20 blank lines where remarks should be entered as necessary by the surveyor, referring to ‘the item mumber. Some of the forms are "blank" and can be used to add any “position” (tag) as applicable, if not’ already available. Finally a specific "check list" is appended, that relates to minimum controls that need to be made on the test bench / rig (if available within the factory) that will be used for type tests on prototypes, and batch tests on series containers, ‘The BVCT reference number assigned to the job should be quoted on each form. Factory name (initials) should ‘be recorded on each form, as well as the name of the atending Surveyor, followed by the date of audit performance, Each form should be sigmed by the attending surveyor once completed. Note: GM 316 can usefully be referred to for assessing a Manufacturer contractor(s) level of quality controt. ‘TLD/ GM 150 Rev - 15/03/97 ‘BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Page 15/15 * Appendix1 Facts recording forms (28 pages) * Appendix2 Application form (Ad.1627 / 5615 a) (1 page) " Appendix3 Audit report (Ad.1627 / 5617) (2 pages) ‘TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 ‘BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Appendix 1 APPENDIX 1 FACTS RECORDING FORMS TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Ancit - Facts recording form - dry freight containers Page / Ue area ~ covered - area «open = ‘Storage area - Segregation of calls Segregation of coils ier, of coils by age. [Easiness of colls identification Easiness of access 10 coils juateness of handlin ‘Condition of handli ‘Sufficient handling equipment ‘Raw material n blastn ‘Raw material preparation cleanin Y [Raw material [Raw material ‘Raw material ‘Raw material [Raw material BvCT FACTORY: Line identification: BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Andit - Facts recording form - dry fight containers BYCT FACTORY: Line identification: ‘SURVEYOR: ‘Date: BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Audit - Facts recording form - dry freight containers Page / ie) Ttem# | Description. oO [front trame assembly jig condition. 02 front frame components positioning : 03 ‘components stirch-welding ‘O# of specified gaps tolerances 5 ‘of welding machines to WPS. 06, front frame inspection ‘oF ont frame assembly rework segregate 08 front frame assembly reject segregate 09) front frame assembly avoepl segregate 10 ‘doot frame assembly jig condition it | door frame components positioning | 12. components sitch-welding 13 Tespect of specified gaps tolerances 2 fe setting of welding machines to W. 15 ‘door hardware fitting | 16 ear frame assembly inspection 7 sear frame assembly rework segregats 18 ‘seat frame assembly reject segregat i rear frame assembly accept segregate 20. BYCT FACTORY: ‘Line identification: SURVEYOR: ‘Date: TITLE LeeLee eee PEELE Pee eee ‘BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Appendix 2 ~ APPENDIX 2 APPLICATION FORM (Ad.1627 / 5615 a) v TLD / GM 150 Rev 0 - 15/03/97 ‘aa DEMANDE DE RECONNAISSANCE D’USINE DE FABRICATION APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION FACILITIES N° BVCT GD Usine de fabrication de conteneurs / Container manwfacturing production failiies ‘ Usine de fabrication de pitces de coin / Comer fistings manufactoring production facilities Dersandenc / Applicant Adsesse /Adiress 1 3 4 Ad1627/ 5615 a Informations générales / General information LL Type de prodtits febriqués / Type of product mamifactared 1.2 Capecité de production / Production capacity 13 + Nombre de lignes de production / Productign lines count 14~ Année de début de fabrication / Year of production start: Quallté/ Quatisy 2.1 Systime d’assurance qualité cenfié/ Certified quality assurance system coun 22. Mameleasanice quik dipole Quality assoeneemamalvaiahe sales cho pooo Information 4 joindre / Information to be annexed 3.1 - Organisation de 'usine / Plant organization 3.2 Organisation du département conte / Quality control organization ‘¢ Organigramme / Orgentzation chart ‘+ Description des responsabilité, autaits et intertelations / Description of responsibilities, uthorites (ved interelations ‘+ Qualification du personnel / Persormel qualification 3.3 - Achat et matériel / Procurement and material ‘+ Liste des vendeurs et soustraitants/ Vendors & sub-contractors list ‘© Procédure de ivi des vendemrs et sous tratants / Procedure for vandors & sub-contractors follow-up ‘+ Procédure d'identification et trapabili/ Identification & traceability procedure 53.4. Prodivetion et contdle des méthodes / Production & process control © Provédures / Procedures 3.5 - Inspections et tests / Inspections and teste ‘Plan qualité et procédures / Quality plan & procedures 1+ Liste des moyens dessa! et calibrage /List ofthe testing devices and calibration 3.6 Procédure poar le controle des noa-confonmités et actions comectives / Procedure for non-conforming. products & corrective actions 3.7 Plans et specifications du prototype / Drawings and specifications ofthe design be ‘Note: Les informations demandes dans le paragraphe 3 doivent ignter dans le manuel d'sssurance de a qualité si isponible / The required information per § 5 shall normally appear tn the quality assurance manual if available Conditions générales / General conditions cae ‘La signature de la présente demande implique, de 1a part du ou des signataires, !'acceptation expresse des conditions générales de service, ‘The signature ofthe present application involves from the signer or signers, tee strict acceptance of the general conditions of service. AlAL Le/On ‘Nom, sigantore et cachet du demandeur Name, signature and stamp of the applicant BUREAU VERITAS - Factory Auditor Guide Appendix 3 APPENDIX 3 AUDIT REPORT (Ad.1627 / 5617) ¢@ = Blank form + Form filled in as an example TLD / GM 150 Rev0 - 15/03/97 ‘As, 1027 1 ‘RAPPORT D'AUDIT D'USINE DE FABRICATION, ET RECOMMANDATIONS DE EXPERT AUDIT REPORT OF MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION FACILITIES, AND SURVEYOR RECOMMENDATIONS Ne BVCT ion de contenenrs / Contamer manfacturing production facilities ‘O Usine de fabrication de pidces de coin / Comer fitings manufacturing produation facilities ‘Dewandeur/ Applicant Adresse / Address 1, Informations générales ! General inforenation L.L~ Type de produits tabriqués / Type of product mamftcnared = 1.2 Capatié de production / Produetion eapeacity : 1.3 ~ Nonibre de lignes de production / Production lines count: 1.4 Annie de dtbut de fabrication / Year of prodction start 1.5 Station dessais disponible / Available test bench 2 Résumé des éléments relevés / Summary of findings 2.1~ Nombre de fiches individuelles diandit utilisées / Count of Facts recording forms used: 22+ Nombre de fiches individvelles avec remarque(s)/ Count of Facts recording forms with remarks) ' 2.3 --Nomibre de fiches individueles non conformes / Count of nan-conforming Facts recording forms ', 3. Recomimandations de Expert / Surveyor recommendations 3.1 -Reconnsissance sans remarque / Approval without reer D 3.2~Reconnsissance avec remarave(s)/ Approval with remark(s) 3.3 ~ Traitement des non-coufommités avant reconnaissance / a Remedy to non-confermities prior 10 approval ‘Le présent rapport ne constitue pas un certificat de reconnaissance de Tusine de fbcicetion, les informations gail contient, ef ses eunexes éventuelles sont émises dans Ie care des conditions générales de service de la Division Industie du Bureat ‘Veritas, pour Tinformatioa des parties coanemnées. This report does not constitute a Manufacturing Production actly approval cerificae. The information it contains and ts appended docionents are issued within the frame of the general conditions of service of Bureax Veritas’ Industry Division, for the information of concemed parties. AlAT el On ‘Nom, signature et cachet de expert Name, signanure and stamp of the surveyor » a joindre au présent rapport /to be appended to this report 3617 @ EGS | ( RAPPORT D'AUDIT D’USINE DE FABRICATION, ET RECOMMANDATIONS DE L'EXPERT AUDIT REPORT OF MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION FACILITIES, AND SURVEYOR RECOMMENDATIONS NeBVCT: 9760000/g © Usine de fabrication de contenears / Container mannfacturing production facilities 'D Usine de fabrication de pigoes de coin / Comer finings manufacturing production facilities Denteadeur/ Applicant: XVZ Container Manufacturing co ‘Adresse / Address 1, Magic eastle avenue -99099 Lilliput Fairyland 1. Informations générales / General information 1.1 Type de produits fabrignés/ Type of produat memfacrured: Dry Frelght Containers 1.2 Capac de prodaction / Production capacity + 12000 containers /year (20") 9000 (40°) 1.3 Nombre de lignes de production / Production lias coun: 14- Année de dibut de fbeication / Year of preduecton stat: 2001 15- Station deasais disponible / Available test bench eyes 2, Résunaé des éléments relevés / Summary of findings 2.1 Nombre de fiches individoelles duudit utilisées / Count of Facts recording forms used: 38 2.2 ~ Nombre de fiches individuelles avec remarque(s) | Count af Faets recording forms with remarks): 2 2.3 = Nombre de fiches individuelles non conformes /Cownt of non-conforming Facts recording forms "0 3. Recommandations de Expert / Surveyor recommendations 3.1 Reconnalssance sans remangae / Approvel without remark o 3.2.-Reconnaissance avec remarque(s)/ Approval with remak(s) 3.3 Traitement des non-conformités avant recenntiseance / o Remedy io non-conformities prior to approval Le présent rapport ne constime pas un certficat de reconnaissance de Iusine de fat , Ies informations quil contient, etses eames tretullos ont nse das le cdre des condton gence de service Gea Divison dunt Barat ‘Veritas, pour Finformation des parties concernées. This report does not constitute a Manufacturing Production Facility approval ceria. The information it contains and its appended documents are issued within the frame of the general conditions of service of Bureau Veritas’ Indusmry Divison, for the information of concerned parties, AlAt Lipa Le/On 0/30/2001. Nom, signatare et cachet de I'expert ‘Name, signature and stamp ofthe serveyor Gulliver Joindce au présent rapport / to be appended to this report ‘Ad, 1627) 5617

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