Notes On Ellas Lesson

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Notes for Ella

Ella asks students how to use materials -reenforcing norms

-students talk about having one person speak
at a time
-Ella asks students what they know about -stimulates prior knowledge
states of matter Commented [E1]: Based on the science lesson they
-Students remember states of matter, had earlier in the week, students initially only referred
differences between them to ice, water, and steam as the three states of matter
and seemed to think of matter as something that
-Ella reminds students to raise their hand applied only to water. I explained that actually
-reenforcing norms
-Ella asks students which states of matter everything in the world is made up of matter and is
either a solid, liquid or gas. See video clip #1 below for
they see in a cup of seltzer (gas, liquid, solid)
students beginning to formulate some ideas about how
-Ella has students help to define a property to tell if something besides water is in solid, liquid, or
as in property of a matter gas form.
-Ella introduces balloons: each one has a Commented [E2]: See video clip #2 for a students
response to this.
different state of matter in it, explains task
-explaining the task Commented [E3]: I actually said a different kind of
that students will describe attributes of each
matter, not a different state of matter, since 6 of the 8
balloon balloons were filled with different types of solids. Still, it
-Ella hands out a graphic organizer for might have been better to introduce them in a way that
-enforcing organized data emphasized their different properties.
students to take notes in
-students have 1.5 minutes to take notes on
what they feel in each balloon
-Ella redirects students who go immediately
-keeping students on task
to guessing whats in each balloon, asks
students to instead talk about properties of
what theyre feeling
-students feel balloons and take notes on
what they feel
-students rotate which balloon theyre taking
notes on
-Ella asks what does rice feel like? Is it
-using probing questions
-once each student has had a chance with
each balloon, they share out observations
-Ella cuts open each balloon and empties the
contents into a bowl to show students what
was actually inside Commented [E4]: Unfortunately, this last part was
very rushed because we had to make sure we were all
-students discuss if each substance was a cleaned up before Ms. Ingersons class came back to
solid, liquid, or gas, and how they know the room. Students were excited to see their
-returning to focus question predictions confirmed and were surprised when their
predictions were proven false. I tried to redirect
conversation back towards states of matter but there
wasnt time to be thorough, so I ended up leaning
heavily on Destinys earlier observation that even
though rice and similar collections of small objects
moves when you stick your finger into it, you cant stick
your finger through an individual grain of rice the same
way you could stick your finger into water.

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