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Rubric for Speaking Assessment


N/S Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced

(Novice (Novice High) (Intermediate (Intermediate
Mid) Low) Mid)
Fluency Lots of Variety of Large variety of
Some repetition
repetition of words and words and
of words and
words and original original
sentences sentences sentences
Organization Follows
Follows main Follows general Follows
some points
points of class structure of the structure of the
of class story
story and mostly class story and class story and
and makes
makes sense makes sense makes sense
some sense
Use of Target Uses 1 or 2 Uses 3 or 4 out Uses each target Uses each
Vocab out of the 5 of the 5 target vocab at least target vocab in
target words words once multiple times
Subject/Verb Subjects and Subjects and Subjects and Subjects and
Agreement verbs rarely verbs sometimes verbs generally verbs almost
agree agree agree always agree
Adjective/Noun Adjectives Adjectives and Adjectives and Adjectives and
Agreement and nouns nouns sometimes nouns generally nouns almost
rarely agree agree agree always agree
Details Very few Uses few Uses some rich Uses many rich
details in descriptive and descriptive and descriptive
story details in story details in story details in story
Length Talks for less Talks for
Talks for little Talks the entire
than half of majority of the
over half of time time
the time time
Uses some English words Only Spanish is used
Overall: (List one or two levels here as final assessment of work)

Intermediate Mid: You use a wide range of words and phrases to give details. You string
together compound, original sentences to describe and explain, and your speech is mostly
Intermediate Low: You use a variety of words and phrases and give details. You can combine
words and phrases to create original sentences. Everything that you say is comprehensible.
Novice High: You use familiar words and phrases and elaborate a little. You use phrases and
short, simple sentences to provide basic information. Your speech is mostly comprehensible.
Novice Mid: You use a limited number of words and phrases, but they are repetitive. You use
words, phrases, and occasional sentences to provide basic information. Your speech is mostly

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