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Jessica Nemnich

Dr. Kelly Rippard

23 September 2017

TLED 430

TPACK Interactive Whiteboard Lesson

TPACK Template

C Subject English
n Grade Level 10th Grade
e Learning Objective 10.3 The student will...
b) Use context, structure, and connotations to
determine meanings of words and phrases.
P Activity The objective of this lesson is to have students become familiar
e with and practice how to predict and infer, in order to use
d context to determine meanings of words and phrases in any
a text they are given.
o 1. The teacher will have a Journal Response warm-up on
g the board for students to begin thinking about the
y day's lesson on Prediction and Inference. The Journal
Response Prompt will be Think about a time you put
played hide and seek. How were you able to the other
players? Was it easy or difficult?.
2. The teacher will then have students share their journal
response with the class.
3. Next the teacher will have the SMART Notebook lesson
on Prediction and Inference on the SMARTboard and
introduce the day's lesson on how to determine
meanings of words and phrases by the use Inference
and Prediction. The teacher will define Inference and
Prediction and use examples from the Journal
Responses from Step 1.
4. Students will then be able to use the SMART Notebook
lesson to practice their Reading skills using Inference
and Prediction. The students will answer questions
using their inference skills to predict what the words
that are given all have in common and circle clues in
the pictures given that helped make their prediction on
what is occurring and its meaning. Lastly, students will
listen to three songs that are linked and predict the
song's meaning by inferring the words and phrases
5. The teacher will distribute copies of the poem The
Road Not Taken by Robert Frost and divide the class
into groups of 3-4.
6. The teacher will provide the students with instructions
for their Group Activity with the poem: The students
will read the poem with their group and discuss what
they predict the poet is saying. As students discuss
amongst their groups, they must provide examples as
to why they inferred their predictions.
7. The teacher will then call on each group to present
their inferences and predictions about the poem and
have a brief open discussion with the class about each
group's inference and prediction.
T Technology
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