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A2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 9

1 Complete the conversation between Clara and her father. Use the modal
forms from the box. Look at the example.
do I have to should I ll have to will I have mustnt ll need to
go have go to pay drive do
ll also have must take have to be need to shouldnt I must do
to practise take do

Clara: I hate riding my bike to school. I want to learn to drive.

Father: Well, you cant start yet. You have to bex 17 years old before you can start driving
Clara: Thats rotten! Im nearly 17! My birthday is in two months from now.
Father: You can ask for your learners licence now, but you ____________1 until your 17th
Clara: Where ____________2 to get my licence?
Father: You ____________3 to the Post Office.
Clara: Do I need to take any documents?
Father: Yes, you ____________4 your passport, a photograph and some identity with this
Clara: How much ____________5 for the licence?
Father: Fifty pounds. It was much cheaper when I learned to drive.
Clara: Was it easier when you learned to drive?
Father: Yes. I didnt have to take a theory test when I learned to drive,but you ____________ 6
two tests; a practical test and a theory test.
Clara: How many lessons ____________7 before the practical test?
Father: You ____________8 about 45 hours of lessons with the driving school, but dont
worry, Ill pay for them. That will be your birthday present!
Clara: Thanks Dad! That will be great!
Father: You ____________ 9
with me. Ill have to buy some L plates!
Clara: Thanks Dad. Thats fantastic! Ill go to the Post Office now and Ill buy some L
plates in town.
Father: OK. Remember, you ____________10 your passport to the Post Office.
Clara: Dont worry, I wont forget!

Marks ______/10 L

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Activate! A2 Extra Grammar Tests
Test 9

2 Circle the correct form to complete the sentences. Look at the example.
x] Im very tired. I | must | have to | need to | sleep.
1] Im very tired. I | dont have to | dont need to | shouldnt | drive my car.
2] You | need to | have to | should | pay 12% tax on everything you buy.
3] It isnt going to rain, so you | dont need to | mustnt | shouldnt | take you umbrella.
4] If you want to be thinner, you | should | have to | need to | stop eating chocolate.
5] Do I | must | should | have to | get a visa to visit Russia?
6] We | shouldnt | mustnt | dont need to | buy food because my sister will bring some
cakes for us.
7] You | dont need to| had to | need to | have a key so you can open the door.
8] Its my sisters birthday on Thursday. I | should | dont have to | mustnt | go to the
shops and buy a present for her.
9] Olga | doesnt need to | mustnt | shouldnt | take Spanish lessons. She can already
speak Spanish very well.
10] My little brother | shouldnt | doesnt have to | doesnt need to | play in the road
because its dangerous.

Marks _____/10

3 Complete the teachers instructions about taking examinations. Write the

correct verb form. Look at the example.
should try must should mustnt need to mustnt sit
arrive leave talk sleep
wont be ll need to shouldnt ll have to are not shouldnt
allowed to check try to answer allowed answer

You should tryx to read your books in the week before the examination. You shouldnt
try to1 read everything on the evening before the examination. You need to sleep2 well
on the night before the examination. You must arrive3 at school in time for the
examination. You mustnt arrive late. If you arrive late, you wont be allowed to4 take
the examination. Mobile phones are not allowed5 in the examination room, so you
should leave6 your mobile phone at home. Remember to wear your watch, because
youll need to check7 the time in the examination.
In the examination, youll have to answer8 4 questions. You should read all the
questions before you start writing. You should start by answering the easiest question.
You must stop writing after 60 minutes. Remember, you mustnt talk9 to your friends
during the examination. If your friends talk to you, you shouldnt answer10 them.
Marks ______ / 10

Developed by Pearson 2011

Activate! A2 Extra Grammar Tests
Test 9
4 Write positive or negative short answers to these questions. Look at the

x] Did Mike have to leave? [positive] Yes, he did.

y] Do your friends have to leave? [negative] No, they dont.

1] Did the girls have to wash? [positive] Yes, they did.
2] Will Tom have to wear special clothes? [negative] No, he wont.
3] Should they bring their mobile phones? [positive] Yes, they should.
4] Does Richard have to wake up early? [negative] No, he doesnt.
5] Do elephants need to drink water? [positive] Yes, they do.
6] Did the students have to wear school uniform? [negative] No, they didnt.
7] Has Naomi had to go? [positive] Yes, she has.
8] Should I buy the XTT200 computer? [negative] No, you shouldnt.
9] Does Helen need to buy a new shirt? [positive] Yes, she does.
10] Have they had to repeat the work? [negative] No, they havent.

Marks ____ /10

Total Marks ______/40

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