Jamie Carlson Individual Study Plan 2017

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Jamie Carlson

Individual Study Plan

Table of Contents:

Introduction 3-5

Course Requirement Map 6

Courses 7-18

Internship TBD

Study Abroad TBD

Senior Project TBD


I graduated Ridgefield High School in 2013, and went straight to Clark

Community College in Vancouver Washington. I was unsure of where I wanted to go in

life, and knew that I had some time to figure it out. A few years later, and here I am, at

the University of Washington, finally feeling like I may have figured out my path.

After receiving my associates degree from Clark College, I was accepted as a

transfer student at UW starting in fall of 2016. When I first came here, I thought I knew

what I wanted to do. I thought I was going to go down the path of Civil Engineering, but

as it turns out, not everything goes as planned. My first quarter her was anything but

easy, I struggled with finding friends, establishing myself, and finding a place at the

University that was for me. Nothing was going the way I wanted it to, I thought that

when I came here I was really going to find my place and be happy, but it was quite the

opposite. Not really having anyone, I struggled with classes, and didnt preform the way I

usually do; I ended up feeling more lost then when I first came to the University. It was

at the time, when I was struggling that I really had to think about what I wanted, who I

was, and how I could find that here.

I started doing some research on my own time, trying to find something where I

could really do what I wanted to do, and find others that feel just as passionately. From a

young age, I always saw myself as a planner. I would see an open space, and my head

would be filled with ideas on what to do with it. Initially, I thought Civil Engineering

would be a good fit for me, because it involved an aspect where I could develop plans,

and put them to use in cities. But soon realized that it wasnt for me, it wasnt the perfect

fit. Towards the end of my first quarter, I was at a loss for where I belonged. I felt like
maybe the University of Washington wasnt the place for me. Then I learned about

Community, Environment, and Planning, and I thought maybe could be a place for me.

After taking CEP 200, and getting more of a feel for what the major is about, I

feel like I am finally starting to really get a feel for what I want to do. Majoring in CEP

with a focus in Urban Design is the path that I am intending on going. In the past, I have

been involved with a group called the Clark County Youth Commission that was

composed of 30 diverse youth from all over Clark County. This group focused on ways to

help make our community better. We did a variety of things, including writing policy

reports for our County Commissioners, giving back to our community, etc. I participated

in this group for 6 plus years, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. When I

look at the CEP major and this group, I find myself comparing them and finding a lot of

similarities, for example the small group aspect, where everyone brings something

different to the table, and everyone is passionate about what they are doing. I believe

CEP will allow me to pursue and accomplish what I want to do in life. Community is a

very important aspect of my life, and I want to give back to it by helping create/design

places that allow people to grow as individuals, and as groups as well.

Money is not the end goal for me. It is more important to enjoy what I am doing, I

want to be good at it, and I want others to benefit from it as well. I believe that the

University of Washington can offer classes that challenge me and help me grow as an

individual. The goal is to continually develop skills in becoming a leader, professional,

and just an overall better person. I truly believe that CEP will help me do this and it will

always help carve out a path for my future career and me.
I am hoping that the University of Washington will provide me with some of the

tools I need to get to where I want to be. This is where I want to challenge myself, learn

more, meet new people, become independent and just grow as a person. It is on my own

time where I am figuring out what I want to do in life, but my time spent at here can aid

me in getting there. I think most Universities are a place for those who want to explore

what is out there, there are so many resources and possibilities, and it is up to us to us


The end goal for me is of course to graduate from the University of Washington,

but I would like to come out of it knowing that I will be able to give back to community

the same way they gave to me. I want to take what I will learn here, and apply it to my

future career in a way that everyone can benefit from it.


Being a transfer student, I have already taken a wide variety of classes, which

include Calculus, Chemistry, Economics, Women Studies, Photography, and various

other courses. So my 4-year plan will consist of a 2-3 year plan here at the University of

Washington. This plan is created with the intentions of going into CEP and focusing in on

Urban Planning.

Here is a list of courses that I have taken at UW, and plan on taking:

Fall 2016:

-PHYS 121 (5): Mechanics

-AMATH 301 (4): Beginning Scientific Computing

-MATH 126 (5): Calculus with Analytic Geometry III

I took these classes when I had originally that I wanted to go into Civil

Engineering. They were prerequisites for my intended major, but I learned that I didnt

enjoy what I was doing. I felt like I was not involved with the community, and I was

isolating myself.
Winter 2017:

-CEP 200 (5): Introduction to Community and Environmental Planning

This course was an introduction to how the Community, Environment, and

Planning would be structured. This course is intended to give students a brief introduction

of all three topics and the central themes of major. There are opportunities to engage in

community action and planning process, while developing ecological literacy. I took this

course to make myself more familiar with the major itself.

-LARCH 353 (5): History of Modern Landscape Architecture

This course discusses the development of profession and art of landscape

architecture in the United States, Europe, South America, and Japan in relation to

prevailing social, economic, political, and cultural factors. I took this course to explore

other areas in the built in environment and to learn more about the history of Landscape


-ESRM 321 (5): Finance and Accounting from a Sustainability Prospective

This course gives an introduction to business concepts relating to finance,

accounting, and international business in the context of environmental resource

management. I took this course in order to expand my knowledge about the business

world. This information will be useful for when I enter a profession and need to know

more about the business part of planning.

Spring 2017:

-URBDP 200 (5): Introduction to Urbanization

This course introduces how cities work and explores alternative ways of planning

and designing urban futures. Explores the economic, cultural, political, and social aspects

of cities and how we might change them for the better. It also examines numerous case

studies from the Global North and South. I am taking this course to make myself more

familiar with the history and context of urbanization and why it is important to Planning.

-URBDP 300 (5): Introduction to Urban Planning

This course goes over principles and theories of urban structure and institutions as

well as concepts and logic of planning as a community process and a professional

activity. It discusses the evolution of planning ideas in response to changing social,

economic, and environmental conditions within the American political framework,

complementary nature of public and private responsibilities, and major procedures used

by planners. I took this course to get a better understand of what Urban Planning is and

what Planners do in the profession.

-ESRM 321 (5): Marketing and Management from a Sustainability Perspective

This course gives an Introduction to business concepts relating to marketing,

human resource management, small businesses and entrepreneurship, and economics in

the context of environmental resource management. I wanted to continue learning more

about the business aspect of Planning and Sustainability.

-URBDP 480 (1): Planning as a Profession

This course provides students interested in the planning profession an opportunity

to understand the different pathways and career choices within the profession. It

introduces students to guest professionals in various planning careers and highlight key

issues, skills used, and tips to entering the field and focuses on professional practice

rather than analytical methods or theory. I took this course to learn more about what

Professionals in the field of planning do and learn about the different kinds of work.
Fall 2017:

CEP 300 (1): CEP Retreat

-CEP 400 (1): Governance

-CEP 301 (5): The Idea of Community

This course revolved around reading several philosophers and their ideas

pertaining to community. This course was one of the core courses and is required.

However I have never taken a course like this so I expect to get a lot out of it.

-URBDP 404 (3): Introduction to GIS

This course is aimed towards teaching students introductory skills about GIS. It

goes over the main principles and different techniques that can be used to solve different

kinds of problems. I am taking this course to gain some hard skills that will add to me

resume and give me more experience with the kind of work the some areas of the

planning field do.

-CEP 498 (3): Planning Practicum

This course is a practicum that lets you work with actual clients. This will give me

actual experience with the real world and how to communicate with clients. I am taking

this class to learn about how the real world of planning works, and to build my portfolio

as well.
-URBDP 450 (5): Introduction to Land Use, Growth Management, and Environmental


This course provides an understanding of contemporary land use issues (including

sprawl, smart growth, new urbanism, transit-oriented development, and Washington's

Growth Management Act) and examines their environmental impact and social welfare

implications. I am taking this course to gain more knowledge about planning.

Winter 2018:

-CEP 400 (1): Governance

-CEP 302 (5): Environmental Response

This course explores issues of environmental crisis and societal responses. This

course will help me develop a grounded perspective in ecological literacy and

consciousness through readings and reflective analysis from broad selection of

authoritative sources. This course will give me more of a background on the

environmental issues going on.

-URBDP 424 (3): Site Planning: Issues and Techniques

This course gives an introduction to site planning; how it is regulated; why it is

important to know; and how to carry out its key tasks, including residential subdivision

and mixed-use development layout; basic topographical and hydrological analysis and

manipulation; roadways, parking and hierarchies of circulation, and site design detail. I

want to continue to grow as a potential planner and this is a course that could help me in

the future. I believe this course will provide me with information that will be necessary

for the profession I want to pursue.

-ENVIR 439 (3): Attaining a Sustainable Society

This course discusses diverse environmental issues, the importance of all areas of

scholarship to evaluating environmental challenges, and the connections between the past

and the future, to reveal integrative approaches to protect the long-term interests of

human society. This class will further my understanding of sustainability and help me

take that knowledge and use it in my future career.

Spring 2018:

-CEP 300 (1): CEP Retreat

-CEP 400 (1): Governance

-CEP 303 (5): Social Structures and Processes

This course investigates use of formal and informal social structures and

processes within context of community and environment. It looks at patterns and

institutions of social organization and relationships among different sectors. It covers

issues of interrelatedness, citizenship, knowledge, and communication. I am taking this

course because I want to learn more about social structures and how they effect our

community and environment.

-CEP 473 (5): Digital Design Practicum

This course uses digital technologies for mapping, drafting, modeling, and

communication. It includes real-world case study projects that focus on urban design and

planning issues. This course will help build my skills as well as build my portfolio. These

skills will be need in my future career so this class is a necessity

Summer 2018: During summer of 2018, I would like to potentially study abroad. I

would like an opportunity to learn about design and planning from different parts of the

world and how it affects those regions.

Fall 2018:

CEP 400 (1): Governance

-CEP 300 (1): CEP Retreat

-CEP 460 (5): Planning in Context

This course examines theory against backdrop of practice for broad historical

understanding of social, political, environmental planning. Critique from viewpoints, e.g.,

planning history, ethics, ecofeminism, environmental justice, class and capitalism,

planning and global economy. This course will give me a greater understanding of

planning and how it works.

-CEP 490 (1): Senior Project

This course supports the conceptualization and planning of senior

project/capstone work. Focuses on selecting a project, beginning a literature review,

finding a mentor, and developing a plan. This course will aid in my Senior Project.

-ESRM 371 (5): Environmental Sociology

This course discusses the social processes by which environmental conditions are

transformed into environmental problems; scientific claims, popularization of science,

issue-framing, problem-amplification, economic opportunism, and institutional

sponsorship. IT also goes over the examination of social constructs such as ecosystem,

community, and free-market economy. This course will allow me to use human ecology

to assess whether the current framing of environmental problems promotes ecological

Winter 2019:

-CEP 400 (1): Governance

-CEP 461 (5): Ethics and Identity

This course develops an understanding of ecological context, moral responsibility,

self-awareness. It constructs positive, diverse view of humanity, environment regardless

of race, gender, ethnicity, and beliefs. This course will be essential to thought process and

overall a change in my way of thinking. Ethics are a huge part of both home and work

place and this class will be very valuable.

-CEP 491 (1): Senior Project

This course focuses on implementing the senior project/capstone, including

revisions and updates as seen fit. It will help me continue my senior project and bring it

into the final stages.

-CEP 446 (5): Internship

This course connects core and individual courses with field work. The group and

individual readings develop understanding of how students' internships and field

placements constitute particular element of community and environmental planning. It

explores how what we do for a living is part of our lives as citizens and public service. I

will take an internship and develop better skills and work experience needed to help me

pursue a career after graduation.

Spring 2019:

-CEP 400 (1): Governance

-CEP 300 (1): CEP Retreat

-CEP 462 (5): Community and Environment

This course compares theoretical definitions of community and environment with

individual philosophies and knowledge within thoughtful, applied context. This being the

last core course, it will be an important one to tie it all in together. It will convey some

very important issues surround the community and environment that will be important to

think about.

-CEP 498 (5): Planning Practicum

This course is a practicum that lets you work with actual clients. This will give me

actual experience with the real world and how to communicate with clients. I am taking

this class to learn about how the real world of planning works, and to build my portfolio

as well.
Back up courses:

These are course that I intend to take if they are offered during the time I am here.

They arent shown to be projected any time soon but I will be keeping an eye out for

them if they are offered.

ENVIR 384 (5): Global Environmental Politics

URBDP 502 (4): Tools for Sustainable Cities

URBDP 451 (3) : Housing

URBDP 466 (4): Infrastructure and Community Facilities

L ARCH 463 (3): Urban Recreational Design

ESRM 311 (3): Soils and Land Use

Courses: The courses I intend on taking will help me develop skills in Urban Planning. I

will be taking classes that deal with Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, and

Community, Environment and Planning. Some of the Urban Design classes will help me

develop skills for the profession itself. For example GIS is a very useful thing to

understand when it comes to Urban Planning. Taking URBDP 404 will give me an

introduction to GIS, and then URBDP 422 will help me apply what I learned to areas

pertaining to urban design. Many of the classes will also give me a better understanding

of the topic, the principles, and theories behind it as well. I want to learn how to create

rich and meaning spaces where the community can come together. Each of these courses

will contribute to the goal of challenging myself, and becoming a better individual for

society. While the courses may help me develop skills I need for Urban Planning, the

experiences from volunteering, RSOs and potentially study will be what really makes

me a great Urban Planner.

Volunteering: During Winter 2017, I volunteered at The Boys and Girls Club Rotary. I

am still in pursuit of other volunteer opportunities, especially for the next two academic

years. I want to gain a wide variety of experiences and believe that I shouldnt spend all

my time at just one place.

RSO: I would like to explore different RSOs that UW has to offer. For example, Race

and Equity in Urban Planning and Undergraduate Urban Planning Society. I believe these

will allow me to explore what Urban Planning has to offer, and give me a more hands on

Internships: This is a work in progress, I am currently undecided on what I would like to

pursue for an internship. But I would like a more hands on experience when it comes to

planning and the community. An internship could involve me working along side a

planner and learn more about the profession itself, or being involved with ways to help

communities come together.

Study Abroad: Summer of 2018 would be an ideal time for me to study abroad and go

explore what urban planning and design looks like in different regions of the world.

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