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Annotated Bibliography

Davidson, A. (2015, September 08). Is College Tuition Really Too High? Retrieved November

06, 2017, from


New York Times sheds light on the history of college tuition and its accessibility since

the 1900s. It discusses how the colleges decide what their tuition prices will be, but not

in depth. The tuition price is determined based on the students willingness to pay,

ethnicity, gender, academic accomplishments, most likely choices of majors, and many

other undiscovered factors. I chose this article because it discusses discrepancies in the

creation of the cost of tuition, and how it is really just subjective.

Halloway, K. (2017, September 21). U.S. college tuition is the highest in the world. Retrieved

November 06, 2017, from


This source is discussing the price of tuition in America versus other countries, and using

facts and data, it is proved that the cost of tuition in America is higher than any other

country in the world, and attending a private college can run up to $21,189 for students.

The total cost of student debt now stands at $1.2 trillion. I chose this source because it

proves with facts and numbers, bar graphs, that college tuition costs in America are too

high, when in other countries they are learning the same things, if not better, for a lower


Martin, E. (2017, October 15). Heres How Much it Costs to go to College in 25 Countries

Around the World. Retrieved November 06, 2017, from

This article contains lots of facts and numbers about the differing college tuition costs all

over the world. There are bar graphs and pie charts explaining the differences and

showing average household income versus average tuition costs. This source is relevant

to my topic because it exposes America as the country with the highest tuition costs and

the highest amount of students who are in debt.

Now This World (Producer). (2015, January 19). Should College Be Free? [Video file].

Retrieved November 29, 2017, from N. (Producer). (2015, January 19). Should College

Be Free? [Video file]. Retrieved November 29, 2017, from


In this video, President Obamas free community college proposition is discussed. He

says, from a quote, ...a college education is one of the surest ways into the middle class.

This means that going to college will make you successful, but how can you be if you

dont go? Now This World explains how college is a necessary part of everyones life, if

you want to succeed in the future and be successful in life in general. I chose this video

because it agrees with my stance in a way; college education is a necessity, and should

therefore be more accessible.

Page, M., & Clawson, D. (n.d.). It's Time to Push for Free College. Retrieved November 06,

2017, from

This source talks about how America has made K-12 education free and available to all

of Americas citizens because it is a necessity for everyone. It also says that this topic has

come up in discussion many times because we have noticed our students struggling.

Obviously, according to the source, this means that something needs to change in order
for our students to succeed in life, and removing money from the equation is a start to a

good future. I chose to include this topic because this argues that my point is correct;

college tuition is a big hinderance.

Samuels, B. (2011, November 18). Why All Public Higher Education Should Be Free. Retrieved

November 06, 2017, from


This source says that while people argue that offering free college would cost more than

$15 billion, everyone would end up saving money in the long run. Only about 30% of

students who enroll in college, actually graduate, and this is because of the high tuition

costs, among many other things. If students did not have to work while in school, the

graduation rates would be way higher, and students only have to work because they

cannot afford the cost of tuition. I chose this source because it presents great facts in

regards to the fact that college being expensive causes more harm than good in more

ways than one.

The Washington Post (Producer). (2015, October 22). Senator Bernie Sanders Explains Why He

Wants College Free For All [Video file]. Retrieved November 03, 2017, from

In this video, Bernie Sanders explains that there are students who are not able to go to

school because their family cannot afford it. He also says that the amount of debt that

people face in the U.S. is absurdly high, and that they will never be able to pay it back

because of the ridiculously high interest rates on their student loans. Sanders says, We

need to have the brightest people possible, getting the best education possible, so that we

can grow the strongest economy possible. The main reason I chose this video, is because
of a key sentence Bernie says, was great for a very long while, that public education

meant kindergarten through high school, but today, when a college degree is in many

ways the equivalent of what a high school degree was 50 years ago, we have got to

extend that concept.

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