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Before you can start drafting your project, youll need to clarify the demographics and

psychographics of your chosen audience. Demographics are measurable, quantifiable

characteristics of a given group of peopleage, gender, religion, etc. Psychographics
are the more qualitative characteristics that define a given group of peoplethings like
attitudes, beliefs, interests, lifestyles, and other psychologically-based factors. In the
context of your RIP, demographics describe who your audience is, while
psychographics explain why they would be interested in your project.
If youre choosing to address an adult audience (millennials), check out this Pew
Research Center report:
adulthood/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
If youre choosing to address an older audience,
search (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for
information on your chosen audience (Baby Boomers, Generation X).
Based on the information you read at Pew Research (explore and read as many reports
as you need), take notes on the following information as it relates to your plans for your
RIP. Revise and correct your earlier answers from Part 1 as necessary. DO NOT TRY

What demographic details define your chosen audience?

Age range: 18-33, around the Millennials

Income level: middle class

Education level: College level

Geographic location: in the U.S.

Gender (if applicable):

Ethnicity (if applicable):

Sexuality (if applicable): (Is this different from gender? Im confused.)

Religion (if applicable): believes there is a cosmic.

What psychographic details define your chosen audience? Use as many words as you
need to be as specific as possible.
Important values (political, social, personal, etc.): The Millennials are less concerned
about politics and religions. However, in society, they are leading the internets
social place.

Favored activities (what do they like to do? focus on verbs, not just nouns): They
like to surf on the internet, make friends on Facebook,

Short-term & long-term goals: Probably pay off their student debt in short term, and
become financially free in long term.

Attitudes toward your chosen subject: Friendly. I will embrace what kind of people
they are. In my RIP project, it will be a travel guide that welcomes the audience to

Other defining psychological characteristics: Self-centered, logical, and liberal.

Next, youll need to clarify the context in which your audience will encounter and
understand your RIP. By context, we mean the historical, cultural, and intellectual
circumstances surrounding your text. Context includes any external factor that will
shape your audiences understanding and response to your RIP.
Before you begin taking notes on the following questions, read the infographic How to
Use Google Search More Effectively (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
Then brainstorm some key terms (take inspiration from your earlier research) to help
you research historical events and cultural trends that are relevant to your
project. Record your key terms here.
Moon landing, Space travel, space adventure, space novel, travel guides, posters
Use your search terms to fill in the following details. Make sure to record all necessary
source information as well (author, title, genre, URL, etc.). You will later annotate these
sources in your RIP Working Bibliography.
List all the sources you consult here, formatted properly in MLA format. Then for
each category below, fill in contextual information that your audience would ALREADY
KNOW or NEED TO KNOW in order to understand and respond to your message.
Roston, Michael. NASAs Next Horizon in Space. The New York Times, The New
York Times, 28 Aug. 2015,
Dunbar, Brian. President Outlines Exploration Goals, Promise. NASA, NASA,
Reallifelore. Will Humanity Reach Another Star In Your Lifetime? YouTube, YouTube,
6 Oct. 2017,
Political and economic events and policies: Space travel is supported by the
government, and it costs a lot.

Social relationships, tensions, and hierarchies: The society is excited for space
travel, but not everyone can.

Intellectual debates and questions: Is it safe? Where do we go? How long does it

Technological inventions, access, and concerns: Space projects, rockets, space

ships. They do not need to worry about operating the space ships, and when
customers are allowed to ride, the safety should be granted.

Cultural references and touchstones: There are already successful man missions in
the space. The guide is in the future, therefore the travel should be practical.

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