METODE Agregat Full

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A. Constant Average Production

1. Analisis Agregat Constant Average Production (Level Strategy)
a. Bulan Januari
1) Total Demand = D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5
= 1400 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200
= 7450
2) Regular Production = (Total Demand Inventori Awal + Safety Stock) :
jumlah periode = (7450 250 + 50) : 5 = 1450
3) Total Production = Regular Production = 1450
4) Ending Inventory = (Regular Production Demand) + Jumlah inventori
periode sebelumnya = (1450-1400) + 250 = 300

b. Bulan Februari
1) Total Demand = D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5
= 1400 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200
= 7450
2) Regular Production = (Total Demand Inventori Awal + Safety Stock) :
jumlah periode = (7450 250 + 50) : 5 = 1450
3) Total Production = Regular Production = 1450
4) Ending Inventory = (Regular Production Demand) + Jumlah inventori
periode sebelumnya = (1450 -1450) + 300 = 300

c. Bulan Maret
1) Total Demand = D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5
= 1400 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200
= 7450
2) Regular Production = (Total Demand Inventori Awal + Safety Stock) :
jumlah periode = (7450 250 + 50) : 5 = 1450
3) Total Production = Regular Production = 1450
4) Ending Inventory = (Regular Production Demand) + Jumlah inventori
periode sebelumnya = (1450-1600) + 300 = 150
d. Bulan April
1) Total Demand = D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5
= 1400 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200
= 7450
2) Regular Production = (Total Demand Inventori Awal + Safety Stock) :
jumlah periode = (7450 250 + 50) : 5 = 1450
3) Total Production = Regular Production = 1450
4) Ending Inventory = (Regular Production Demand) + Jumlah inventori
periode sebelumnya = (1450-1800) + 150 = -200
Bernilai 0 karena ending inventory tidak mungkin bernilai negatif maka
beban kekurangan pasokan akan dibebankan pada bulan berikutnya (Bulan

e. Bulan Mei
1) Total Demand = D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5
= 1400 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200
= 7450
2) Regular Production = (Total Demand Inventori Awal + Safety Stock) :
jumlah periode = (7450 250 + 50) : 5 = 1450
3) Total Production = Regular Production = 1450
Ending Inventory = (Regular Production Demand) + Jumlah inventori
periode sebelumnya = (1450-1200) + (-200) = 50
2. Analisis Biaya Constant Average Production (Level Strategy)
a. Bulan Januari
1) Regular Time = Regular Production x waktu perakitan/unit x biaya
pekerja = 1450 x 0.5 x 2 = $1450
2) Undertime = (Jumlah jam kerja/bulan x jumlah pekerja)
(waktu perakitan x regular production)
= (140 x 6) (0.5 x 1450) = $115
3) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory x biaya penyimpanan
= 300 x $0.01 = $3
4) Total Cost = Regular Time + Undertime + Inventory holding
cost = $1450 + $115+ $3 = $1568

b. Bulan Februari
1) Regular Time = Regular Production x waktu perakitan/unit x biaya
pekerja = 1450 x 0.5 x 2 = $1450
2) Undertime = (Jumlah jam kerja/bulan x jumlah pekerja) (waktu
perakitan x regular production)
= (140 x 6) (0.5 x 1450) = $115
3) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory x biaya penyimpanan
= 300 x $0.01 = $3
4) Total Cost = Regular Time + Undertime + Inventory holding
cost = $1450 + $115 + $3 = $1568

c. Bulan Maret
1) Regular Time = Regular Production x waktu perakitan/unit x biaya
pekerja = 1450 x 0.5 x 2 = $1450
2) Undertime = (Jumlah jam kerja/bulan x jumlah pekerja) (waktu
perakitan x regular production)
= (140 x 6) (0.5 x 1450) = $115
3) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory x biaya penyimpanan
= 150 x $0.01 = $1.5
4) Total Cost = Regular Time + Undertime + Inventory holding
cost = $1450 + $115 + $1.5 = $1566.50
d. Bulan April
1) Regular Time = Regular Production x waktu perakitan/unit x biaya
pekerja = 1450 x 0.5 x 2 = $1450
2) Undertime = (Jumlah jam kerja/bulan x jumlah pekerja)
(waktu perakitan x regular production)
= (140 x 6) (0.5 x 1450) = $115
3) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory x biaya penyimpanan
= 0 x $0.01 = $0
4) Total Cost = Regular Time + Undertime + Inventory holding
cost = $1450 + $115 + $0 = $1565

e. Bulan Mei
1) Regular Time = Regular Production x waktu perakitan/unit x biaya
pekerja = 1450 x 0.5 x 2 = $1450
5) Undertime = (Jumlah jam kerja/bulan x jumlah pekerja) (waktu
perakitan x regular production)
= (140 x 6) (0.5 x 1450) = $115
2) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory x biaya penyimpanan
= 50 x $0.01 = $0.50
3) Total Cost = Regular Time + Undertime + Inventory holding
cost = $1450 + $115 + $0.50 = $1565.5
B. Constant Regular Time Employee
1. Analisis Agregat Constant Regular Time Employee (Level Strategy)
a. Bulan Januari
1) Regular Production = waktu produksi x jumlah pekerja x produksi unit/jam
=140 x 6 x 2= 1680
2) Total Production = Regular Production= 1680
3) Ending inventory =(Regular Prod. Demand) +Inventory periode
sebelumnya =(1680 1400) + 250= 530

b. Bulan Februari
1) Regular Production = waktu produksi x jumlah pekerja x produksi unit/jam
=140 x 6 x 2 = 1680
2) Total Production = Regular Production = 1680
3) Ending inventory =(Regular Prod. Demand) +Inventory periode
sebelumnya =(1680 1450) + 530 = 760

c. Bulan Maret
1) Regular Production =waktu produksi x jumlah pekerja x produksi unit/jam
=140 x 6 x 2= 1680
2) Total Production = Regular Production = 1680
3) Ending inventory =(Regular Prod. Demand) +Inventory periode
sebelumnya =(1680 1600) + 760 = 840

d. Bulan April
1) Regular Production =waktu produksi x jumlah pekerja x produksi unit/jam
=140 x 6 x 2 = 1680
2) Total Production = Regular Production = 1680
3) Ending inventory = (Regular Prod. Demand) +Inventory periode
sebelumnya=(1680 1800) + 840= 720
e. Bulan Mei
1) Regular Production =waktu produksi x jumlah pekerja x produksi unit/jam
=140 x 6 x 2 = 1680
2) Total Production = Regular Production = 1680
3) Ending inventory =(Regular Prod. Demand) +Inventory periode
sebelumnya = (1680 1200) + 720= 1200

f. Total Demand = jumlah permintaan seluruh periode

= 1400 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200 = 7450

g. Total Regular Production = jumlah produksi regular seluruh periode

= 1680 + 1680 + 1680 + 1680 + 1680 = 8400

h. Total Production = jumlah produksi total seluruh periode

= 1680 + 1680 + 1680 + 1680 + 1680 = 8400

i. Total Ending Inventory = jumlah persediaan seluruh periode

= 530 + 760 + 840 + 720 +1200 = 4050
2. Cost Analysis Constant Regular Time Employee (Level Strategy)
a. Bulan Januari
1) Regular Time = Regular production x waktu perakitan/unit x
biaya pekerja / jam = 1680 x 0,5 x $2 = $1680
2) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory periode tertentu x biaya
penyimpanan inventory = 530 x $0,01= $ 5.30
3) Total Cost bulan Januari = Regular Time + Inventory Holding Cost
= 1680 + 5.30 = $1685.30

b. Bulan Februari
1) Regular Time = Regular production x waktu perakitan/unit x
biaya pekerja / jam = 1680 x 0,5 x $2 = $1680
2) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory periode tertentu x biaya
Penyimpanan inventory = 760 x $0,01 = $7.60
3) Total Cost bulanFebruari = Regular Time + Inventory Holding Cost
= 1680+ 7.60= $1687.60

c. Bulan Maret
1) Regular Time = Regular production x waktu perakitan/unit x
biaya pekerja / jam = 1680 x 0,5 x $2 = $1680
2) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory periode tertentu x biaya
Penyimpanan inventory = 840 x $0,01= $8.40
3) Total Cost bulan Maret = Regular Time + Inventory Holding Cost
= 1680+ 8.40 = $1688.40

d. Bulan April
1) Regular Time = Regular production x waktu perakitan/unit x
biaya pekerja / jam = 1680 x 0,5 x $2 = $1680
2) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory periode tertentu x biaya
Penyimpanan inventory = 720 x $0,01= $7.20
3) Total Cost bulan April = Regular Time + Inventory Holding Cost
= 1680 + 7.20= $1687.20
e. Bulan Mei
1) Regular Time = Regular production x waktu perakitan/unitx biaya
pekerja / jam = 1680 x 0,5 x $2 = $1680
2) Inventory Holding Cost = Ending Inventory periode tertentu x biaya
Penyimpanan inventory = 1200 x $0,01= $12
3) Total Cost bulan Mei = Regular Time + Inventory Holding Cost
= 1680 + 12= $1692
4) Total Reguler Time Cost = jumlah biaya regular time seluruh periode
= 1680 + 1680 + 1680 + 1680 + 1680 = 8400

f. Total Inventory Holding Cost = jumlah total biaya penyimpanan seluruh periode
= 5.3 + 7.6 + 8.4 + 7.2 + 12 = $40.50

g. Total Cost = jumlah biaya regular time dan jumlah biaya

penyimpanan seluruh periode
= 1685.3 + 1687.6 + 1688.4 + 1687.2 + 1692 = 8440.50
A. Metode Up to Demand with Regular Time Employee
1. Analisis perencanaan Agregat Up to Demand with Regular Time Employee
a. Bulan Januari
1) Regular production
= (1) +
= 1,400 250+50
= 1200

2) Overtime Production
Overtime production = 0, karena tidak ada overtime
3) Total production
= 1,200 + 0
= 1200
4) Ending Inventory
Ending Inventory = ( Regular production Demand ) + jumlah inventori periode
= (1,200 1,400) + 250
= 50
5) Number of employees
( ) ( )
. =
. /
1,200 0.5
. =
. = 4.286 5

6) Dismissal or hiring
= 5 6
= 1
Dismiss (Memecat) 1 pekerja

b. Bulan Februari
1) Regular production
= (1) +
= 1450 50 + 50
= 1450
2) Overtime Production
Overtime = 0, karena tidak ada overtime
3) Total production
= 1450 + 0
= 1450
4) Ending Inventory
Ending Inventory = ( Regular production Demand ) + jumlah inventori periode
= (1450 1450) + 50
= 50
5) Number of employees
( ) ( )
. =
. /
1450 0.5
. =
. = 5.179 6

6) Dismissal or hiring
= 6 5
= 1
Hiring (merekrut) 1 pekerja

b. Bulan Maret
1) Regular production
= (1) +
= 1600 50+50
= 1600
2) Overtime Production
Overtime = 0, karena tidak ada overtime
3) Total production
= 1600 + 0
= 1600
4) Ending Inventory
Ending Inventory = ( Regular production Demand ) + jumlah inventori periode
= (1600 1600) + 50
= 50
5) Number of employees
( ) ( )
. =
. /
1600 0.5
. =
. = 5.714 6
6) Dismissal or hiring
= 6 6
= 0
Tidak merekrut maupun memecat pekerja
d. Bulan April
1) Regular production
= (1) +
= 1800 50+50
= 1800
2) Overtime Production
Overtime = 0, karena tidak ada overtime
3) Total production
= 1800 + 0
= 1800
4) Ending Inventory
Ending Inventory = ( Regular production Demand ) + jumlah inventori periode
= (1800 1800) + 50
= 50
( )( )
5) . = . /

1800 0.5
. =
. = 6.429 7
6) Dismissal or hiring
= 7 6
= 1
Hiring (merekrut) 1 pekerja

e. Bulan Mei
1) Regular production
= (1) +
= 1200 50+50
= 1200

2) Overtime Production
Overtime = 0, karena tidak ada overtime
3) Total production
= 1200 + 0
= 1200

4) Ending Inventory
Ending Inventory = ( Regular production Demand ) + jumlah inventori periode
= (1200 1200) + 50
= 50
= 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 250

( )( )
5) . = . /

1200 0.5
. =
. = 4.286 5
6) Dismissal or hiring
= 5 7
= 2
Dismiss (Memecat) 2 pekerja

Total Dismiss = 1+0+0+0+2= 3

Total Hiring = 0+1+0+1+0 = 2
2. Analisis biaya pada Up to Demand with Regular Time Employee
a. Bulan Januari

1) Reguler Time
Reg.Time = Reg.Production Capacity hour per unit Reg.time cost
per hour
. = 1200 0.5 $2
. = $1200
2) Undertime
Undertime = ((Numb.of employees Reg.time capacity in hour per employee) -
(Tot.productionCapacity req in hour per unit))Undertime cost
Undertime=((5140)- (12000.5))x$1
3) Overtime
Tidak ada overtime, maka overtime = 0
4) Holding
Holding cost = Ending Inventory x biaya inventory
= 50 $0.01
= $0.50
5) Hiring
6) Dismissal
7) Total cost per month
= (. + + + +
+ )

= $1200 + $100 + $0 + $0.50 + $0 + $60

= $1360.50
b. Bulan Februari

1) Reguler Time
Reg.Time= Reg.ProductionCapacity hour per unitReg.time cost
per hour
. = 1450 0.5 $2
. = $1450
2) Undertime
Undertime = ((Numb.of employees Reg.time capacity in hour per employee) -
(Tot.productionCapacity req in hour per unit))Undertime cost
= ((6 140) (1450 0.5))$1
=$ 115
3) Overtime
Tidak ada overtime, maka overtime = 0
4) Holding
Holding cost = Ending Inventory x biaya inventory
= 50 $0.01
= $0.50

5) Hiring
= 1 50
= $50
6) Dismissal
= 0 60
= $0
7) Total cost per month
= (. + + + +
+ )

= $1450 + $115 + $0 + $0.50 + $50 + $0

= $1615.50
c. Bulan Maret

1) Reguler Time
Reg.Time= Reg.ProductionCapacity hour per unitReg.time cost
per hour
. = 1600 0.5 $2
. = $1600
2) Undertime
Undertime = ((Numb.of employees Reg.time capacity in hour per employee) -
(Tot.productionCapacity req in hour per unit))Undertime cost
= ((6 140) (1600 0.5))$1
3) Overtime
Tidak ada overtime, maka overtime = 0
4) Holding
Holding cost = Ending Inventory x biaya inventory
= 50 $0.01
= $0.50
5) Hiring
= 0 50
= $0
6) Dismissal
= 0 60
= $0
7) Total cost per month
= (. + + + +
+ )

= $1600 + $40 + $0 + $0.50 + $0 + $0

= $1640.50
d. Bulan April

1) Reguler Time
Reg.Time= Reg.ProductionCapacity hour per unitReg.time cost
per hour
. = 1800 0.5 $2
. = $1800
2) Undertime
Undertime = ((Numb.of employees Reg.time capacity in hour per employee) -
(Tot.productionCapacity req in hour per unit))Undertime cost
= ((7 140) (1800 0.5))$1
3) Overtime
Tidak ada overtime, maka overtime = 0
4) Holding
Holding cost = Ending Inventory x biaya inventory
= 50 $0.01
= $0.50
5) Hiring
= 1 50
= $50
6) Dismissal
= 0 60
= $0
7) Total cost per month
= (. + + + +
+ )

= $1800 + $80 + $0 + $0.50 + $50 + $0

= $1930.50
e. Bulan Mei
1) Reguler Time
Reg.Time= Reg.ProductionCapacity hour per unitReg.time cost
per hour

. = 1200 0.5 $2
. = $1200

Total reg.time =$1200+$1450+$1600+$1800+$1200

Total reg.time= $7250

2) Undertime

Undertime = ((Numb.of employees Reg.time capacity in hour per employee) -

(Tot.productionCapacity req in hour per unit))Undertime cost
= ((5 140) (1200 0.5))$1

Total undertime cost= $100 + $115 + $40 +$80 +$100 = $435

3) Overtime
Tidak ada overtime, maka overtime = 0

4) Holding
Holding cost = Ending Inventory x biaya inventory
= 50 $0.01
= $0.50

Total Holding cost = $2.50

5) Hiring
= 0 50
= $0
Total hiring = $0 + $50 +$0 + $50 + $0 = $100
6) Dismissal
= 2 60
= $120

Total dissmissal = $60+$0+$0+$0+$120 = $180

7) Total cost per month

= (. + + + +
+ )

= $1200 + $100 + $0 + $0.50 + $0 + $120

= $1420.50

Total of total cost per month= $1360.50 + $1615.50 + $1640.50 + $1930.50

Total of total cost per month = $ 7967.50
B. Up to Demand with Regular And Overtime Employee ( Chase Strategy )
1. Analisis perencanaan Agregat Up to Demand with Regular And Overtime Employee
a) Bulan Januari
1) Demand = 1400
2) = 1 +
= 1400 250 + 50
= 1200
3) =
( )
( +

(1200 0.5)
(140) + 40
= 3,33 4

4) =

(4 140)

= 1120
5) =

= 1200 1120 = 80

6) Dismissal or hiring =

= . . 1

= 4 6 = 2

Kesimpulan : Dismiss (Memecat) 2 pekerja . Hiring = 0

7) = +
= 1200 1400 + 250 = 50
b) Bulan Februari
1) Demand = 1450
2) = 1 +
= 1450 50 + 50
= 1450
3) =
( )
( +

(1450 0.5)
(140) + 40
= 4,028 5
4) =

(5 140)

= 1400

5) =

= 1450 1400 = 50

6) Dismissal or hiring =

= . . 1

= 5 4 = 1

Kesimpulan : Hiring (merekrut) 1 pekerja . Dismiss = 0

7) = +
= 1450 1450 + 50 = 50
c) Bulan Maret
1) Demand = 1600
2) = 1 +
= 1600 50 + 50
= 1600
3) =
( )
( +

(1600 0.5)
(140) + 40
= 4,44 5

4) =

(5 140)

= 1400
5) =

= 1600 1400 = 200

6) Dismissal or hiring =

= . . 1

= 5 5 = 0

Kesimpulan : Hiring = 0 . Dismiss = 0

7) = +
= 1600 1600 + 50 = 50
d) Bulan April
1) Demand = 1800
2) = 1 +
= 1800 50 + 50
= 1800
3) =
( )
( +

(1800 0.5)
(140) + 40

4) =

(5 140)

= 1400
5) =

= 1800 1400 = 400

6) Dismissal or hiring =

= . . 1

= 5 5 = 0

Kesimpulan : Dismiss = 0 . Hiring = 0

7) = +
= 1800 1800 + 50 = 50
e) Bulan Mei
1) Demand = 1200
2) = 1 +
= 1200 50 + 50
= 1200
3) =
( )
( +

(1200 0.5)
(140) + 40
= 3,33 4

4) =

(4 140)

= 1120
5) =

= 1200 1120 = 80

6) Dismissal or hiring =

= . . 1

= 4 5 = 1

Kesimpulan : Dismiss (Memecat) 1 pekerja . Hiring = 0

7) = +
= 1200 1200 + 50 = 50

= 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3
= 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 1
= 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 250
= 80 + 50 + 200 + 400 + 80 = 810

= 1200 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200 = 7250

= .

= 1120 + 1400 + 1400 + 1400 + 1120

= 6440
= 1400 + 1450 + 1600 + 1800 + 1200 = 7450
2. Cost Analysis Up to Demand with Regular And Overtime Employee (Chase Strategy)
a. Bulan Januari
1) =
= 1120 0,5 $2 = $1120
2) = (
= 80 0.5 $3 = $120
3) =

= 50 $0.01 = $0,50

4) =

= 0 $50 = $ 0

5) =
= 2 $60 = $120
6) = + 0 +
+ +

= $1120 + $120 + $0,50 + $0 + $120

= $1360,50

b. Bulan Februari

1) =
= 1400 0,5 $2 = $1400

2) = (
= 50 0.5 $3 = $75

3) =
= 50 $0.01 = $0,50

4) =

= 1 $50 = $ 50

5) =

= 0 $60 = $0
6) = + +
+ +

= $1400 + $75 + $0,50 + $50 + $0

= $1525,50

c. Bulan Maret
1) =
= 1600 0,5 $2 = $1600

2) = (
= 200 0.5 $3 = $300

3) =
= 50 $0.01 = $0,50

4) =

= 0 $50 = $ 0

5) =

= 0 $ 60 = $ 0

= +
+ +

= $1400 + $300 + $0,50 + $0 + $0 = $1700,50

d. Bulan April
1) =
= 1400 0,5 $2 = $1400

2) = (
= 400 0.5 $3 = $600

3) =
= 50 $0.01 = $0,50
4) =

= 0 $50 = $ 0

5) =

= 0 $ 60 = $ 0

= +
+ +

= $1400 + $600 + $0,50 + $0 + $0

= $2000,50

e. Bulan Mei
1) =
= 1120 0,5 $2 = $1120

2) = (
= 80 0.5 $3 = $120

3) =
= 50 $0.01 = $0,50

4) =

= 0 $50 = $ 0

5) =

= 1 $ 60 = $ 60

= +
+ +

= $1120 + $120 + $0,50 + $0 + $60

= $1300,50
. = $1120 + $1400 + $1400 + $1400 + $1120 = $6440

. = $120 + $75 + $300 + $600 + $120 = $1215

. = 0,5 5 = $2,50

. = $0 + $50 + $0 + $0 + $0 = $50

. = $120 + $0 + $0 + $0 + $60 = $180

. = $1360,50 + $1525,50 + $1700,50 + $2000,50 + $1300,50

= $7887,50

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