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What causes divorce?

1. The unstable financial situation makes the relation unstable

2. A marriage without thinking twice makes both husband and wife doubt each other

3. The extremely heavy mental pressure makes the life boring

4. The domestic violence

5. Many people havent be taught how to be a good husband or wife

6. The real life after marriage is far different from the except one

7. The job
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What causes divorce?

Most of us want to have a long-last marriage. However, the recent record shows that the

divorce rate are increasing recent years and more and more people feel frustrating about

marriages. What causes divorce? The reasons are variable.

Firstly, an unstable financial can cause divorce easily. To keep a relationship forever

require both material support and mental support, while the first one is more important. A

marriage without mental support will dying out, while without material support will die

immediately. Just imagining a marriage which one of a couple havent a stable job to support his

or her family. Problems of money will come by soon: the tuition fee of child, the money of water

and electric, the cost of fuel, or even worse, the food. Argument will happened when couples

face with money problems, and then, they divorce.

Another reason of divorce is many people married without thing twice. As many novels

and movies described, the marriage will make the life better. However, real life is not as simple

as the imagination. Many teenagers have a relation and have children at a very young age. So

they leave school early to marry. But those people are not likely to have a stable job. As

described before, argument happened and finally they divorce. And the domestic violence is

another cause of divorce, especially in China and some other countries. Because the extremely

mental pressure suffered from working or something else, and also the stupid traditional idea

man is always greater than woman, more husbands seek their solutions of problems by hitting

their wife. A research shows that 27 percent of divorces in China are caused by the domestic

violence. Also, many people are still dont know how to be a good husband or wife after married.

Some girls are just like fractious children and make a lot of funny requires. Some boys just
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promise things that wont happened and stay in home playing video games all days long. Some

of them even worse. They think the life after married should be like the life in fairy tales.

However, when things become different, they departed. Many people dont know the

responsibility they should take after married, so such marriages wont stay long.

Job can also be a reason of divorcements. As we all know, marriage means company. But

in many families in China, husband has to always be on a business trips. Without company, wife

will doubt about husband. And a marriage with doubt will not last long.

Even there are many people believe they can have a marriage once forever, there are

many couples divorce. Many divorce caused by poverty, nave and suspicious. So to not divorce,

the only way is couples to known each other better.

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Chenyu Wang

Professor Caza

WRI 0100


What causes divorce?

Most of us want to have a long-lasting marriage. However, recent records show that

divorce rates are increasing in recent years and more and more people feel frustrated about

marriages. What causes divorce? The reasons are variable.

Firstly, an unstable financial situation can cause divorce easily. To keep a long lasting

relationship requires both material support and mental support, while the first one is more

important. A marriage without mental support will eventually die out, while without material

support will die immediately. Just imagine a marriage with which one of the couple havent a

stable job to support his or her family. Problems of money will come by soon: the tuition fee of

child, the money of water and electric, the cost of fuel, or even worse, the food. Arguments will

happen when couples are faced with money problems, this may lead to divorce.

Another cause of divorce is many people get married without thinking twice. This is

because many novels and movies describe that marriage will make life better. However, real life

is not as simple as the imagination. Many teenagers have a relationship and have children at a

very young age, so they leave school early to marry. Those people are not likely to have a stable

job. As described before, arguments may happen and finally, they divorce. Domestic violence is
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another cause of divorce, especially in China and some other countries. Because the extreme

mental pressure suffered from working or something else, and also the stupid traditional idea that

men are greater than women, more husbands seek their solutions of problems by hitting their

wife. Research done by The Divorce Research of China 2017 shows that 27 percent of divorces

in China are caused by the domestic violence. Many people still dont know how to be a good

husband or wife after they get married. Some girls are just like fractious children and make a lot

of funny requirements. Some boys just promise things that wont happened and stay at home

playing video games all days long. Some of them even worse. They think the life of marriage

should be like the life in fairy tales. However, when things become different, they depart. Many

people dont know the responsibility they should take after get married, so such marriages wont

last long.

Jobs can also be a reason of divorcements. As we all know, marriage means company.

But in many families in China, the husband has to always be on a business trips. Without

company, the wife will have doubt about her husband. A marriage with doubt will not last long.

Even so, there are many people that believe they can have a marriage last forever, but

there are many couples that still divorce. Most of divorces are caused by poverty, naivety and

suspicion. To avoid a divorce, the only way is for couples to know each other better.
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