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Universidad de Guanajuato

Anlisis y Reflexin de la Enseanza del Ingles

Dra. Irasema Mora Pablo

Second Review Classroom management

Cristina Montelongo Garcia

October 14, 2017

When we hear the concept of classroom management, is confused with discipline. According to
Saroban (2005) refers to the actions and strategies teachers use to maintain order and systems for
classroom groups rather than spot and punish misbehavior, resolve behavioral disorders, or capture
the attention of individual students (p. 2). In other words, continue with the class, and do not make
a big problem over a small situation, it is to prevent and manage these situations effectively.

Also, it is mentioned in Saricoban article, another factor that help and improve the classroom
management are the physical environment in the classroom, sigh, sound and comfort, the type of
seating arrangement, equipment. On the other hand, we have the teacher role, teaching styles, on
the contrary, if the teacher has an unplanned class, the results will not be positive (Saricoban, p. 5)

On the other hand, I read an article by Burnett (2011) related to classroom management, however,
even that their research was made with different groups (the difference was the economical level)
the situations that they had with this group were not related to the comfort of the classroom, but
the behavior of the class.

This article mentions that while more classroom-centered research in second languages has been
published over the last two decades, the field of language education can nonetheless still benefit
from studies that more fully describe the structure of classroom language teaching in pedagogical
and interactional terms (Burnet, p. 7). This research was made with different groups in public
school. Both teachers were women, that had experience in public school, however, one (Adriana)
was working in an economically disadvantaged school and the other (Ilse) in high-achieving mixed
population school.
Both had classroom management situation with their groups, however Adriana had more incidents
than Ilse. The article presents the situation of each group, the economically disadvantage behavior
was to make noise, blow their nose loudly, clap, etcetera. On the other hand, the group of high-
achieved mixed population instead of making noise they use their Nintendo, talk to each other
get their mp3, etcetera. Both teachers knew how to manage the groups; however, the article is
focused on how the teachers use classroom management, even though that have a different
background their students, both of them improve the knowledge of the students.

Classroom management it is important as Saroban mentions, however as a teacher if you do not

have the correct accommodation in it, you improve with what you have. On the other hand, you
can have the same result either if there are from a low economic status or high-level status, the
difference that can be seen in the students is their personal background, that is the one that will
help us as teacher or have a problem.


Burnett, J. (2011). Two case studies of secondary language teaching: A critical look at the intersection of
management and the local and social realities that shape our classrooms. The Modern Language Journal,
95(s1), 4-26.

Saroban, A. (2005). Classroom management skills of the language teachers. Journal of Language
and Linguistic Studies, 1(1).

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