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Adventure to Acceptance

Chandler-Gilbert Community College

Eng 101

Alexandra Avelar

Adventure to Acceptance

The journey throughout an individuals life span exists a magnificent adventure to be

told. Each person undergoes steep hurdles pushing their own limits causing one to trudge

through conflict. The battle people are faced with every day can be a mental or a physical

challenge that a person overcomes. Each expedition has various trails; some can be easier than

others. Most people lumber through their own voyage where others sprint in the venture to seek

happiness. When walking down different pathways people gather the experience which is used as

equipment to withstand the strenuous trails in this hike called life such as conflicts, obstacles and


To define and break down the word hike research shows it is the act of walking

vigorously (Harper, 2001). Being a descent of English dialectic the word was first spelled as

hyke in 1809, although this word did not become popular until the 20th century (Harper, 2001).

To me the meaning of the word hike is ambiguous. A person who is hiking does not always walk

at a fast pace. Depending on the individual the hike could be vigorous and rapid or steady and

relaxed. Hiking has also been seen to be medicinal to humans through the terrain they walk to

people who are dealing with mental illness.

In America suicide is common in society. Humans lack the willingness to live because

they cannot handle the certain pathways life throws. Trekking through trails can lead a person to

the enlightenment of self-discovery. In a scientific study, people who had tried to commit suicide

once were told to go mountain hiking for 9 weeks (Mutz, 2016, par. 5). After the experiment was

finished the results were positive. The results showed that the feelings of hopelessness and

depression had decreased but the thoughts of suicide were unchanged (Mutz, 2016, par. 27).

There have been several programs correlating with hiking trails to decrease the emotions of

depression and thoughts of suicide. Another program used to decrease suicide rates is the

Wilderness Experience Program.

The association called Wilderness Experience Program is designed to help people who

are struggling with mental illness (Dietrich, 2015, par. 1). The most profound study the

organization has conducted was for veterans who have gone through warfare. The research was

over a six month long period taking place in the Eastern United States expanding from Georgia

to Maine (Dietrich, 2015, par.1). This hike is for combat veterans who need a form of therapy

and development to overcome the tragedies that they have experienced (Dietrich, 2015,

par.3).The themes that this program focuses on is social reconnection, life-improving change,

inner peace, psychological healing, processing and reflection (Dietrich, 2015, par. 1). The

veterans who participated in this study were overwhelmed by the results.

The study was administered to 14 veterans who were dealing with depression after the

incident on September 11th that shook America (Dietrich, 2015, par. 16). Though at times the

veterans who were involved stated it was a tough hike they gained happiness within themselves.

By the end of the journey only 7 veterans had remained and embraced their adventure through

the Appalachian Trail (Dietrich, 2015, par. 16). In the interviews held after the route the veterans

were thrilled because of how accomplished they had felt and how important it was to conquer the

trail. The level of depression had decreased and each veteran was grateful for the experience with

the program. Hiking not only helps with mental illness but it can also be seen as an exercise

activity for others.

In todays culture the act of hiking is seen as a sport, activity or even a vacation idea to

do. People gather in groups or alone to hike up unpredictable heights. Hiking any mountain and

accomplishing a steep summit can be refreshing for people, it gives a sense of fulfillment.

Another study orchestrated in Europe by university students had people volunteer to spend eight

days in the wilderness to see if it improved their overall happiness (Bowden, 2016, par.1). When

the test was complete the participants scored higher in self efficiency (Bowden, 2016, par.2). As

a result the students also were tested for stress levels and their tests showed a decrease (Bowden,

2016, par. 5). Most people see hiking as a physical activity but it is also a mental exercise. When

trekking through the uphill inclines a person is faced with strain on the human body one must be

prepared for the adventure of defeat or triumph.

Hiking through the woods, desert or any type of terrain can be satisfying and a great way

to stay fit not just mentally but physically as well. As an avid hiker myself, I spend most of my

free time in the mountains. Climbing to the highest altitudes and enduring the rough trails are my

favorite. Hiking has always been a sense of clarity for myself and a form meditation. Knowing

that even at the end of the difficult path is a beautiful view, a victory. I relish in being able to

take the strenuous route in hiking and also in my everyday life. Meandering through different

paths and greeting others along the course is the greatest reward the hike has given me. I know at

the end of my voyage I can accept my efforts of walking or running in my hike because I have

reached my nirvana.

Everyday should be seen as a new leap to great heights, an adventure. One of my favorite

philosophers, Albert Camus speaks about living the most absurd life and not worrying about the

end destination. Camus states, You will never be happy if you continue to search for what

happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. I interpret

Camus encouraging each individual not to be so obsessed with the destination but to enjoy the

voyage given regardless if it is coruscating or egregious. Through the journey of life there are

difficult paths and moments of vanquish. These moments should be added to the lessons of

wisdom an individual has throughout their years of traveling. Whether it is an obstacle or a

struggle on the steep narrow path one must remember to enjoy the journey.


Bowen, D. J., Neill, J. T., & Crisp, S. J. (2016). Wilderness adventure therapy effects on the

mental health of youth participants. Evaluation and Program Planning, 58, 49-59.

Dietrich, Z. C., Joye, S. W., & Garcia, J. A. (2015). Natural Medicine. Journal Of Experiential

Education, 38(4), 394-406.

Harper, D. (2001). Hike | Origin and meaning of hike by Online Etymology Dictionary.

Retrieved 2017, from

Mutz, M., & Mller, J. (2016). Mental health benefits of outdoor adventures: Results from two

pilot studies. Journal of Adolescence, 49, 105-114.

Sturm, J., Plderl, M., Fartacek, C., Kralovec, K., Neunhuserer, D., Niederseer, D., Hitzl, W.,

Niebauer, J., Schiepek, G. and Fartacek, R. (2012), Physical exercise through mountain hiking

in high-risk suicide patients. A randomized crossover trial. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,

126: 467475.

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