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Running Head: JOIN US 1

Join Us



Chandler Gilbert Community College


Welcome to the vegan club, now that you have become a vegan I will prove any opinions

you have had about being a vegan wrong and show you what it means to be vegan. Feel free to

ask any questions throughout the seminar I will gladly educate you on any myths or

misconceptions in the vegan culture. Now I know what you are thinking, wow all along I thought

being a vegan was just some angry hippies screaming about how we should stop animal cruelty

but it is actually a simple concept. If I break down the meaning of a vegan it is a person who

does not use or eat any animal products. For myself, being a vegan activist has been the most

rewarding identification. Vegans are mostly looked down upon because of how headstrong we

are about helping our environment, caring for our animals and making sure we live a healthy

lifestyle. Unfortunately, veganism has sadly been displayed as being glamorous to the younger

generation, no being vegan is not a fashion statement and it will not change your social status. I

am here to educate you on the rules and regulations to go over about being a vegan and how to

keep your community aware of what they are feeding themselves the true proper vegan etiquette.

So now that you have made the decision to be apart of the vegan culture you have now

entered the best stage of your life, thus far. I want to make you aware that being a vegan does not

mean you are required to wear tie dye, john lennon glasses, and sing kumbaya with everyone you

encounter. Being a proud vegan means practicing your beliefs even if it is at the cost of your

friends and family members hating you every time attend an event. Vegans are often seen as

obnoxious and having a higher standard which is simply not the case. Vegans are actually not

pretentious or condescending people we just wish everyone could understand what it means to

respect animals by not using the animals life to entertain the human life.

A lot of new members to the vegan club sometimes mistake dairy products eggs and

sugar as okay to eat. This is wrong. Vegans are not allowed to eat anything that is close to being

from any type or form of animal. A lot of misconceptions that people who do eat meat think that

vegans just eat rabbit food. That is also wrong. Vegans have a wide variety of food to chose

from. Silly carnivores, dairy and meat does not make the world go round. This concept also goes

for products that are tested on animals and even to the clothing people wear on their day to day


In the American society you would be surprised at how many companies do their testing

on animals. These products range from shampoos to body washes and even makeup, trust me it

gets ugly. So how can you stop the companies from testing on our poor innocent animals, make

everyone aware of the issue happening right under their noses. Talk about being a vegan and

what we can do as a community to save our environment and even better save our animals.

When approaching your friends family members or even neighbors on stopping animal

testing make it aware that we are helping rather than shoving our beliefs down their throats.

Being a vegan by any means does not make it okay to protest in restaurants or persuade your

fellow friends to change their lifestyle. Speak to your fellow friends and coworkers in an

assertive tone and make sure that you mean business when it comes to saving our animal

environment. Now as passionate people you might come off as strong and belligerent but trust

me, your friends will thank you in the end.

Protesting is something each vegan should be passionate about because we want human

life to live on as long as possible. When humans are consuming other meat and dairy products

they are getting a vitamin supplement that most vegans can not get. Being vegan means that you

must get your nutrition other ways than eating meat. The grocery stores have supplements that

you can take but as a vegan for 5 years I suggest you get your vitamins a different way through


Broccoli and other green leafy vegetables are a great source to get iron in your everyday

diet (Fetters, 2014). Another vegan option to receive iron through the food you eat is consuming

beans and dried fruits (Fetters, 2014). Most Americans will attest to the vegan diet and often

ridicule one for eating like a rabbit or not being strong because we do not ingest meats or dairy

products but that is completely wrong. Another issue most new vegans have about getting the

right supplements is their protein. It is recommended that humans consume 0.8 grams of protein

per kilogram of body mass. This type of protein does have alternatives and can be provided

through lentils and quinoa (Fetter, 2014). Vegans have been known to get their nutrients from

other forms so when people to tell you you can not get your vitamins anywhere else. Prove them


The seminar is almost over and sadly we have only touched the surface of what it means

to be a true passionate vegan. Another item I would like to share with you when you are grocery

shopping and do not have time to make it to the local farmers market, at the grocery store always

check the nutritional facts for the food you may potentially want to buy. The labels on the food

in commercials stores such as Wal-Mart or Target have been known to use big words that hide

the fact that the item you are purchasing is not vegan. Some words to look out for when reading

the labels on boxes is if there is high fructose corn syrup in the ingredients. Now high fructose

corn syrup is vegan but it is actually extremely unhealthy for a you to consume copious amounts.

Vegans, generally speaking, are good people. We may be irritating and come off as

pretentious but we have great intentions. I hope I have showed you what it means to be an

inspiring vegan and also what it takes to help our community understand the importance of

veganism. The vegan lifestyle is not a trend or in any way make you a better person, it is an art.

As a human you now have the knowledge of what your should eat and what you should not eat.

You should also understand that meat is not the best part of a meal. The best part of a meal is

helping our animals stay alive and live healthy lives just as humans do each day.


12 Things You Need to Know Before Going Vegan. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2017, from,,20773383,00.html#you-ll-have-to-find-new-protein-


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