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Ashley Foster


PSY 1010 Reflection Paper

I had taken an AP psychology course during high school about 7 years ago, but I had

forgotten a lot over the years. Being able to take PSY 1010 was a great refresher and reminder of

a lot of the things I had learned. To me, psychology is one aspect in life that everyone needs to

have some basic knowledge on. Especially this semester, I really was able to examine how I was

dealing with certain things in my life and reevaluate. I think it started from the very beginning of

the semester when we discussed stress and mechanism to deal with it. I have been in several

different courses where stress is discussed, but being able to study it through psychology lenses

was very different. As we moved on through the semester, it seemed like several of the

assignments were very applicable to my life and made me examine it and make some changes. I

especially liked the topic of memories and also the reflection assignment on a turning moment in

life. I chose this assignment specifically as my signature assignment because it really helped me

bring a lot of my thoughts into one paper. I was able to share some new insights about social

psychology with my family, because some things were going on at the time and it became

completely applicable to them. Overall, being able to take this psychology course really opened

my eyes not only to the study area of psychology, but to my own mind and life.

I was only taking one other course along with PSY 1010 this semester, it was PSY 1100,

or developmental psychology. I was actually quite grateful that I took these courses

simultaneously, because they seemed to go hand in hand a lot of the time. Learning the social

psychology chapter in this course explained a lot for my PSY 1100 class. The PSY 1100 was like
a more in-depth addition to this more general class, and I really enjoyed having both of them


I seem to always have the bad habit of not editing or re reading the things that I write for

assignments. For the first time in my college career, I actually proof read my assignments for

several of them in this class. My signature assignment was one of them, and I was very proud of

myself. I noticed that even when I went through the assignment that I chose for it, I didnt have

to make too many changes, in fact, very few. I am very happy with myself over this

accomplishment and I am going to be better at it for future courses.

I feel as though my signature assignment is a good illustration of exactly why I am doing

the learning and work that I am currently doing. It is my drive and motivation. I think that it also

shows that I am able to learn from hardships in my life and make them into wonderful

motivations and positive things. I hope that I never stop learning and placing all my discipline

and hard work into learning and my future goals.

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