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ETEN3000 Digital Signal Processing

Design Exercise Study Break

1 Introduction

Suppose we are required to design a Type I/II linear phase lowpass FIR filter that meets the
following specification using the Kaiser window method:

0.95 < H (e jq ) < 1.05, 0 q 0.2p

H (e jq ) < 0.05, 0.45p q p

Following the established design process, we have:

1. Dq = qs - q p = 0.45p - 0.2p = 0.25p

and since Dq is less than both the passband and stopband widths

d = min {d1, d2 } = 0.05

2. Accordingly A = - 20 log d = - 20 log(0.05) = 26.0206

b = 0.5842( A - 21)0.4 + 0.07886( A - 21) = 1.5099

A - 7.95 26.0206 - 7.95

and M = = = 10.0692 11
2.285 Dq 2.285 0.25p

3. Next we choose qc = (qs + q p ) 2 = 0.325p. This yields the first-cut design with
magnitude response shown below


|H(e )|




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Clearly, the first-cut design does not meet the specification.

Y H Leung (2016) 1
2 The Challenge

Fine-tune the first-cut design so that:

(i) the final design meets the specification, and

(ii) M is as small as possible.

3 How to Submit?

Email me ( or your lecturer the following by 5.00pm, Saturday 01

October 2016.
(i) A MATLAB .mat file containing the variable h which holds the filter coefficients;
(ii) A pdf or .docx file describing how you arrived at these coefficients.

4 Aids

(i) In Blackboard, under Quizzes, you will find a MATLAB script which you can use and
modify to fine-tune the first-cut design. The script is called Kaiser_LP_Design.m.

(ii) Read pp. 30 of the Lecture Notes on FIR Filters.

Have fun!

Y H Leung (2016) 2

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