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By : Nor Wariza Jufri

Within the elastic limit of a solid material, the deformation
(strain) produced by a force (stress) of any kind is
proportional to the force.

If the elastic limit is not exceeded, the material returns to it

original shape and size after the force is removed, other it
remains deformed or stretched.

The force at which the material exceeds its elastic limit is

called 'limit of proportionality.' Discovered in 1676 by the UK
scientist and inventor Robert Hooke (1635-1703).
A historical reconstruction of what Robert Hooke looked like.
Credit: Wikipedia/Rita Greer/FAL
Definition of Hookes Law
Hooke states that a body will return to its original length
when the load is removed from it as long as it is within the
elastic limit.
Hooke said that if the material is loading with not exceeding
the elastic limit, the deformation is proportional to the load.

As the load is proportional to the stress and elongation is

proportional to the strain, so the stress is proportional to
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Hooke's law: the force is
proportional to the extension

The balance wheel at the core of

many mechanical clocks and
watches depends on Hooke's law.
Since the torque generated by the
coiled spring is proportional to the
angle turned by the wheel, its
oscillations have a nearly constant
Hooke's law is valid with the
following conditions;
1. The loading axis
2. Cross section of the body is fixed/uniform.
3. The material of the body is homogenous (uniform
material properties throughout the body).
When a material is subjected to tensile some properties may
be identified:

Ductile - It refers to a material that has high elongation.

Brittle - Materials fragile materials that have a low
elongation before fracture without any warning.
Elastic - It refers to the material back to its original length
when the load is removed from it.
Plastic - The ability of a material having an excessive
elongation when tensioned.
Ductile iron pipe Brittle example

Elastic rubber bands Plastic example

Modulus Elasticity
Hooke's Law constant in this equation is referred to as the
modulus of elasticity.
It is also known as the modulus of elasticity or Young's
The modulus of elasticity is the ratio between stress and
The symbols is E and the unit were N/mm2, kN/mm2, N/m2,

E= P
Young's Modulus values typical for the
Material Modulus Young
Steel 200 220
Aluminium 60 - 80
Cuprum 90 110
Wood 10
This modulus value indicates the high strength of the material due to the
high value of the stress-strain graph. Thus the high load required to
produce the same elongation.
stress Stress vs Strain

Modulus of Elasticity From Graph
What is Tensile Testing?
A tensile test, also known as tension test, is probably the most
fundamental type of mechanical test you can perform on material.
Tensile tests are simple, relatively inexpensive, and fully
standardized. By pulling on something, you will very quickly
determine how the material will react to forces being applied in
tension. As the material is being pulled, you will find its strength
along with how much it will elongate.

Gauge Sample

Figure : Tensile Test

Graf Beban vs Pemanjangan

Cerun, m =

= y 2 y1
x2 x1

Modulus Young, E = P

E=P x



A Elastic point
That is the end point of complying with Hooke's Law

B Plastic limit
Limit where the starting material is plastic until it failed and no longer follow Hooke's Law

C Yield point
Yield limit of elongation occurs without increasing the load.

D Maximum load
The maximum load applied and critical material elongates until it fails at point E

E Failure point
Material failure
Example 1:
The following results were obtained from a tensile test:
Diameter of sample = 10mm
Gauge length = 50mm
Maximum Load = 40 kN
Final length = 58.88mm
Neck diameter = 7.7 mm

Determine :
a) The ultimate stress
b) Percentage of elongation
c) Percent reduction in area

Solution :
Example 2:
Semasa ujian tegangan ke atas satu contoh, keputusan pada jadual dihasilkan.

Beban (kN) 5 10 15 20 25 30

Pemanjangan 40 78 117 157 197 237

x 10-3mm

Berikut merupakan data contoh bahan yang diuji:

Garispusat asal = 12.5 mm
Panjang tolok = 200mm
Garispusat akhir = 8.0 mm Dari graf:
Panjang akhir = 260mm y1 = 6.5
Tentukan: 30
a) Modulus Young y2 = 19
b) Peratus pemanjangan x1= 50
c) Peratus pengurangan luas 10
x2 = 150

Pemanjangan x 103 mm
a) Kecerunan graf, m =

= 125 kN/mm

Modulus keanjalan, E = m x

= 125 x

= 203.72 kN/mm2#
b) Peratus pemanjangan = Perubahan panjang
X 100
Panjang asal

= 30%

c) Peratus pengurangan luas = Pengurangan luas

X 100
Luas asal

= = 59.04%
Section A : Fill in the blank.

a) Hooke's law is valid provided the material for the body / specimen is
b) Modulus of elasticity indicates the ___________ of a material.
c) The graph of the stress-strain curve for a specimen tested in a tensile test
as long as it is directly proportional to the limit of the ________________.
d) Gradient of 'load-elongation graph' gives the _______________________.

Section B : The following results were obtained from a tensile test.

Diameter sampling = 10mm
Gauge length = 51mm
Maximum load = 25kN
Last reading of length = 58.88mm
The diameter of the neck = 8.4mm

Determine :
a) Ultimate stress
b) Percent elongation
1. Lakarkan graf tegasan melawan terikan untuk satu contoh keluli struktur
biasa serta tandakan titik-titik berikut di atasnya:
Had kekadaran
Tegasan muktamad
Tegasan alah

2. Sebatang rod berongga sepanjang 800mm bergaris pusat luar dan dalam
masing-masing 30mm dan 15mm. Ia dikenakan daya 60kN dan didapati
memanjang sebanyak 0.25mm. Tentukan :
Tegasan dalam rod
Modulus Young/Modulus Keanjalan

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