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Cases of dengue fever in the Philippines may be on the decline, but that doesnt mean we

should put our guards down.During the first half of the year, the Department of Health (DOH)

reported in their Dengue Disease Surveillance Report that there were a total of 43,770 dengue

cases in the country.

According to the report, the cases this year were lower by 36.8 percent compared to the

same period last year, at 69,297 cases. Among the regions hit by the said disease, only Metro

Manila experienced an increase in the cases, which went up by almost 25 percent compared to

the same period last year. (Testa,2017)

With the use of Tawa-tawa, this study aims to make a jelly mixture that will help cure

children who has dengue and lessen the mortality rate of this said disease in children.


C. Definition of Terms

Dengue - is an acute infectious disease manifested initially with fever. It is transmitted by

Aedes aegypti, the transmitter of the disease, is a day-biting mosquito which lays eggs in clear

and stagnant water found in flower vases, cans, rain barrels, old rubber tires, etc. The adult

mosquitoes rest in dark places of the house.

Tawa-tawa (Euphorbia hirta) - also known as gatas-gatas, is a hairy herb grown in

open grasslands, roadsides and pathways. This indigenous plant is considered as one of the most

popular folkloric treatment for dengue in the Philippines.

Jelly a semisolid nonliquid colloidal solution.


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