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Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Kamran Sultan
Licensed Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Life Coach

Reference Manual

Name ___________________________________________
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Few Words Of Caution!

Once upon a time, someone went to a fine restaurant and enjoyed
eating a sumptuous meal. To keep memories alive he brought a menu
with him. When he shared his experience with some friends, their
mouths began to water.
Wiser of them decided to taste the great meal right away. They
went to the same restaurant and had a memorable experience, they
savored for many, many years to come.
While a miser deluded himself by saying I am too busy with my
work, so I will not join now he foolishly decided to eat the menu to
get some ideas.
It took a while before he could overcome severe cramps &
digestive problems. In fact, it turned out to be a nauseous idea.
Just as a menu is NOT the meal, a manual is NOT the
The manual you are seeing is like a menu. It can not and does not
equate with actual coaching sessions experience.
If, by reading it, someone foolishly tries to assimilate what real
training is, s/he may not digest the information presented. S/he may end
up with severe digestive problems and confusions in mind.

To understand fully, develop your skills and have a really great

time participate in a coaching session.
You will notice that the sequence of this manual and actual
session will differ. We may or may not follow or refer to this manual. I
design each session according to groups needs and what comes up.
- Kamran Sultan
July 2017

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 2

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

How You Can Get Most from Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Lets make sure that you get the best out of your time and investment in this program.

Here are some ground rules. Those who follow them will get maximum benefits, those
who dont will have regrets.

1. Minimize Distractions: Keep your cell phones off or put them to silent during
sessions. This is important. If you are expecting an important call, make sure you
receive it before or after your session is over.

2. During session, when you have a question, ask your trainer, instead of asking other
participants. They know this program just as much as you do.

3. Pay MAXIMUM ATTENTION to what is happening during the session, because that
will enable you to get most out of the training.

4. If for any reasons you have to leave the session, feel free. No need to ask for
permission. You will get recording of the call.

5. Have an open mind and use your sense of humor. You will find some innovative
ideas that may cause certain shifts to occur, inside.

6. Be prepared for lots of fun!

7. Follow through; In other words, ACT. Whatever you learn in this course PUT

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 3

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Think for a moment you spend most of your time & effort in trying to acquire MONEY
but you never learn what money really is, how to acquire & manage it and most
importantly what is the mindset that leads to a prosperous life, did you?

People may have painted a gloomy picture of success by saying it is hard to earn & keep
money BUT no one ever told you what really blocks flow of abundance into your life
and how to breakthrough that Did they?

Some people may have passed faulty beliefs to you about lack of opportunity here, but
no one really told you living a prosperous life requires an ATTITUDE let alone, how to
develop that attitude.

You may have read books THINK & GROW RICH or Law of Success but you wonder how
it all really works if at all.

You may want to discover how you can find more abundance, more
opportunities and more resources from your present environment.

And this is why I designed Prosperity Coaching Sessions.

These session provide you opportunity to change this major area of your life.

These sessions will not make you rich but will help you develop a mindset that leads to
richness of life, mental peace, relaxation, happiness for no particular reason, better
health as well as more satisfying and fulfilling relationships.

The course is spread over six sessions. Each session is about 60 to 75 minutes long. Each
session will be recorded and you will get access to recordings, just in case you miss for
any reason.

Heres what you will learn in each session

Session # 1:
The True Nature of Money In this session you will discover what money really is, how
if flows and what causes it to flow to you. You will discover the myths about prosperity
& abundance. PLUS you will learn the principles that cause abundance to work for you.

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 4

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Session # 2:
Identify & Remove Barriers To Prosperity In this session you will discover the
common blocks to prosperity & success. You will identify what really prevents you
from success and how to release to blocks.

Session # 3:
Setting Your Internal GPS In this session you will discover your internal GPS, how it is
set now and how to set it so that you continue to move in the right direction to succeed
with more ease.

Session # 4
Being Success In this session you will work at the core level of your identity to become
the person who naturally & easily attracts financial success.

Session # 5
Your Relationship With Money In this powerful session you will learn & develop a
deeper understanding of how you relate to prosperity. In addition you will learn
amazingly simply techniques that seem to attract money to you, almost automatically.
PLUS you will learn a simple and practical money management system.

Session # 6
Writing a New History In this session you will learn to create a new reality for your
financial life and program it into your unconscious.

Remember if you were born or raised in unprivileged circumstances,

thats not your fault BUT if you do not learn how change that but keep
blaming others or circumstances or luck that will be your fault,

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 5

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

A blank page.

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 6

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

What is Money, really

Money is a measure of value of what you can give as a product or in service to others.
More value you give, more money you receive.

Money is a symbol that you can get the experiences you want.

Money is ENERGY.

You give your energies to your job/clients/work place. They compensate you in some
way. Sometimes by paying you in currency notes, sometimes you get a cheque and
sometimes you get a pay slip or some other form of understanding that your energies
have been compensated.

A currency note, (Rupees, Riyal, Dirhams, Dollars, Pound Sterling, Euro, Yen, etc.) is only
representations of money.

Remember, Money is NOT a source of happiness.

Important: Earning more money has nothing to do with your education, your family
background, your age or luck.

It does have a lot to do with your beliefs about money, your hierarchy of values, your
well defined & correctly formulated goals for making, your plans to achieve your goals &
your motivation to put your plans into action.

What is WealthWealth includes every resource that one needs in order to live in
this world. This may include your health, your relationships, your family, your friends,
your knowledge, money, experiences, time etc.

A person can be wealthy without any significant cash resources and a person can be
poor with a lot of cash in his account.

It is possible to be wealthy without money and

with money it can be even better

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 7

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

If your keep searching,

you will findits ALL
energy & that... energy
flows where your
attention goes & that
energy flows through
your intention & that...
energy can be positive
or negative.
Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 8
Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Two Ways for Channeling Your Thought Energies

1. Paying attention to Poverty

2. Paying Attention to Prosperity

1. Paying attention to Poverty causes poverty consciousness which is a dangerous

style of thinking that causes people to find scarcity and deficiency in life, rather than the
abundance and resources that are all around. Poverty consciousness results in competitive
thinking patterns, severe anxiety, stress, heart attacks, ulcers, broken and/or unsatisfying
relationships. It is a cancerous way of thinking that must be changed for a person who desires
to achieve wealth in the truest sense of the word.

Beliefs That Lead To Poverty: Following are some common beliefs that people hold about
money and not being rich. You may or may not have some or any of these beliefs. We are not
suggesting if any of the following beliefs is true for anyone in his/her personal experience. Our
objective is not to find what is good or what is bad, but what beliefs help in developing
capabilities, creating the behaviors that lead to achieving financial abundance in your life.

Tick the one(s) you have so that you can change them during the course of this workshop.

Money is root of all evil. If someone else has more, I will have less.
More money means more trouble. There is only finite amount of money and
Money makes people mean and power infinite wants.
hungry. There is scarcity of resources.
More money, more enemies. If I do not get it, someone else will.
I/we am/are a poor person, because my/our Sharing causes shortages.
family is poor. When I do not have enough, why should I
The Holy prophet was poor, so I am also give someone else.
poor. If God wanted to give him/her, he would
I am poor because God wants me to be so. have given it.
Poor means spiritual. People are bad and mean. They are to
Allah wants me to be poor. cheat and deceive others.
Poverty is pleasing to God. World is a dangerous place to live, its a
I do not deserve more than what I get. jungle out there
I simply cant be a rich & wealthy. Only money attracts money.
Pakistan is a poor/third world country, I am a
poor Pakistani.

Think in how many ways through your Thoughts & Actions

you reinforce scarcity consciousness or prosperity
consciousness on your mind?

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 9

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Session # 2:
Identify & Remove Barriers To Prosperity In this session you will discover the
common blocks to prosperity & success. You will identify what really prevents you
from success and how to release to blocks.

Our BELIEFS are our reasons for our actions. Why we do, what we do.

We have beliefs about everything.

Our beliefs come from many sources including

Elders Parents, grandparents, teachers, siblings etc.
Major events during early years of our life

Beliefs operate at emotional level of mind, this is why we feel uncomfortable when
someone challenges our beliefs.
Beliefs can be supporting or limiting. Thus they can propel you to success or repel you
from success in any area of life.

Here we will focus on LIMITING beliefs about money only.

Beliefs are expressed in two thought forms:

1. _______ causes ________ (e.g. Money causes problems).

The word cause can be replaced by several words e.g, makes, leads to, enables to

Other variations of this thought form are.

- If _______ happens/does not happen _______ will happen/will not happen.

- Since _______ has happened/ is happening_______ has happened / will happen.
- Because ________ is/is not, ______ will/wont be.
- As ______ then ______.

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 10

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

Here are some common examples of LIMITING beliefs about money using this pattern.

1. Money causes a brother to fight with his brother.

2. Money causes evil in society.
3. Money causes people to become showoffs.
4. Money makes people rude & self.
5. Money makes people selfish/mean.
6. Dont talk about money because it is unethical/bad.
7. Dont talk about money unless you are a hypocrite.
8. Should I steal or rob people to get rich?
9. The more you cheat and deceive others the more you will earn.
10. Impossible to sell without lying.
11. If I do not cheat/lie/take bribe, I will remain poor.
12. They cheated so they are successful.
13. How can I charge more, I am not worth it?
14. Obviously, I can earn only as much as my job pays.
15. Only haram money enables one to have a lavish life style.
16. Affluent societies are far from Allahs deen. (i.e Affluence causes distance from deen)
17. Hes gone out of control because hes got money.
18. As he got more money, he turned into a bad guy.
19. If you have money, people will envy you.
20. If you make a lot of money, you will be left alone.

What such thought forms do you hold?









Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 11

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

2. _______ means ________. (More money means more trouble)

1. Money means sleepless nights.

2. Working for money means you will lose relationships.
3. Thinking about money means you are going in wrong direction.
4. If you ask for money that means you are inconsiderate/selfish.
5. Having more money means it is from haram sources.
6. Having more money means no entry in jannah.
7. My family is poor means I will remain poor too.
8. How can I grow, I live in Pakistan???

Write your personal limiting beliefs about money:

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 12

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:
Prosperity Coaching Sessions

2. Paying attention to Prosperity leads to Prosperity Consciousness, which is

another perspective or style of thinking. It enables you to find more abundance, more
opportunities and more resources from the same or similar conditions. Prosperity
consciousness leads to mental peace, relaxation, happiness for no particular reason,
better health as well as more satisfying and fulfilling relationships.

Beliefs Leading To Prosperity Consciousness:

There is more than enough for all. People are good, they have different
There are more opportunities, than I can
handle. God is rich in every way.

More I give, more I receive. Getting rich is not a matter of

I can help poor by being rich myself.
I can attract money.
More Money, more power to contribute &
help others.

Write your personal beliefs leading to abundance:

What you pay attention to determine

your thoughts and that determine your
actions and that determine your

Kamran Sultan The First Institute Of Dynamic Learning 13

Ground Floor, 90-A, Block 2, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400 Cell : +92-300-2198031 Tel: 34552392
Email: Web Page:

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