Wish and Regrets - Answers

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Exercise 1 / ANSWERS

Change the following sentences to express a wish or regret

1. I get embarrassed so quickly.

I wish I didnt get embarrassed so quickly

2. I didnt know what to say to Julie.

I wish I had known what to say to Julie

3. I cant relax.

I wish I could relax.

4. I didnt go out last weekend.

I wish I hadnt gone out last weekend.

5. Im not going out this weekend.

I wish I wasnt going out this weekend

6. My ears are so big.

I wish my ears werent so big

7. I find it so difficult to make friends.

I wish I didnt find it so difficult to make friends.

8. Our classroom doesnt have any windows.

I wish our classroom had windows

9. The sun isnt shining.

I wish the sun were shining

10. I didnt go shopping.

I wish I had been shopping

11. I dont know how to dance.

I wish I know how to dance.

12. You didnt tell them about it.

I wish you hadnt told them about it.

13. Its cold today. Im not wearing a coat.

Its a cold day. I wish I were wearing a coat

14. Patricia isnt coming to dinner with us tonight.

I wish Patricia wasnt coming to dinner tonight

15. You cant meet my parents.

I wish you could meet my parents

16. Im not going to the beach this weekend.

I wish I wasnt going to the beach this weekend.

17. The teacher is going to give us an exam soon.

I wish the teacher wouldnt give us the exam. ALSO

I wish the teacher didnt have to give us the exam soon.

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