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Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272

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How much does Lean Manufacturing need environmental and

information technologies?
Antonio Sartal a,c, , Josep Llach b , Xos H. Vzquez c , Rodolfo de Castro b
New University of Lisbon, Portugal
University of Girona, Spain
University of Vigo, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper analyses the role played by Environmental and Information Technologies (ET&IT) in the capa-
Received 10 June 2017 bility of Lean Manufacturing (LM) to achieve improved industrial performance. In contrast to seminal
Received in revised form 12 October 2017 literature about lean practices, and in view of increasing consumer requirements regarding response
Accepted 23 October 2017
times and environmental concerns, we suggest that shop-oor technologies are crucial for transform-
Available online 1 November 2017
ing lean routines into enhanced performance. Hypotheses were tested in a multisectoral sample of 763
manufacturing plants (NACE codes 1537) from ve different European countries. Results conrm total
mediation by both technologies between lean routines and industrial performance, which entails that
Lean Manufacturing
Information technologies
LM establishes efcient conditions on the shop oor for developing technology-enabled capabilities that
Environmental technologies can be leveraged to improve industrial performance. From a managerial perspective our ndings high-
Industrial performance light the need for avoiding short-sighted attitudes and for internalising plant technologies within lean
transformation projects. This is important not only because such technologies are determinant for max-
imising the potential of organisational routines in current manufacturing systems but also because of
their intrinsic benets.
2017 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction these resources was considered not only because these are two
of the most widespread technologies on shop oors, but also
This paper addresses how Lean Manufacturing (LM) can lever- because they are closely related to the fullment of these cus-
age technology-enabled capabilities to achieve improved industrial tomer demands [4,5]. The technology-enabled capabilities of both
performance. Over the last 30 years, competitive pressures in resources can constitute therefore powerful mechanisms through
the business environment have focused attention on organisa- which lean routines reinforce their contributions to manufactur-
tional efciency popularising management theories such as LM [1]. ing efciency and also, because of their nature, help meet these
Increasingly, however, market developments, with sudden changes changing client requirements and concerns (e.g., environmental
in preferences and growing environmental concerns, force com- challenges) in which lean principles seem weaker [6,7].
panies to recongure their management strategies to reduce the On the one hand, although the application of IT and LM prin-
complexity [2,3]. In order to maintain their competitiveness, rms ciples have long been seen as mutually exclusive (e.g., [8,9,10]; it
have to incorporate new resources to meet such demands without is increasingly claimed that both approaches may be interdepen-
harming efciency, or even, where possible, improving it. dent and complementary [11,12,13]. While lean practices can be
Accordingly, this paper analyses the role played by environ- conducted adequately in a simple manner without using IT, recent
mental and information technologies (ET&IT) in the capability of academic and business evidence highlights the increasing impor-
LM to achieve improved industrial performance. The analysis of tance of technology for managing the huge amount of real-time
data and enhance the rms absorptive capacity to respond to the
variation in client requirements [14,15].
Corresponding author at: UNIDEMI, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Scholars increasingly consider IT resources to be decisive for
Engineering, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, leveraging organisational practices, which then lead to further
Campus Universitario, Caparica 2829-516, Portugal. improvement in industrial performance [16]. Similarly, many lean
E-mail addresses:, manufacturers have begun adopting IT to support daily process
(A. Sartal), (J. Llach),,
management and new product development (NPD) to respond
(X.H. Vzquez), (R. de Castro).
0278-6125/ 2017 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272 261

with greater speed and exibility to changes in customer demands nalise technology-enabled capabilities; (2) we empirically validate
[17,4]. the ways in which lean routines positively inuence performance
There are, however, some discordant opinions which must be through ET&IT technologies; and nally (3) we examine how the
considered to avoid wasted time and resources; including the ET&IT mediation differs under diverse conditions (e.g., small vs.
automation of muda (non-value added activities). This is probably large rms, high-tech vs. low-tech industries).
one of the best examples of how a technocentrist view can increase The other contributions of our study are framed in the empirical
waste just by getting caught up in the newest technological fads. section. First, the hypotheses are tested using a broad international
Classic authors such as Sugimori et al. [18] and Ohno [9] had already database the European Manufacturing Survey (EMS) focus on
warned that the use of IT could entail a certain dehumanisation of manufacturing sector (763 manufacturing plants) and covering ve
processes and, more importantly, gave rise to unnecessary costs European countries. This is a relevant aspect of our study since
associated with surplus information. Similarly, Toyoda [8] stated most of the literature in this eld is based on case studies or ad hoc
that receiving a huge amount of information could damage work- surveys. Second, since LM is rooted directly in the foundations of
ers capacity to think and, therefore, their problem-solving skills. Toyota Production System (TPS), we address LM as a second-order
Along the same lines, Liker [19] advocates using only reliable, formative construct comprising 3 reexive sub-constructs corre-
thoroughly-tested technology that serves your people and pro- sponding to TPS pillars: JIT, Jidoka, and Respect for People (RfP)
cess, whereas Riezebos et al. [20] and Hendricks et al. nuance this [18,9].
posture suggesting that introducing IT could add value in specic The paper is organised as follows. The next section examines
areas such as production planning or in supply chain management the mediating role of both technologies between lean routines and
(SCM), among others. industrial performance to develop our two hypotheses and the
On the other hand, social awareness about global warming, or research model. In the third section we describe our data as well as
water and land contamination, also makes a difference in how the methodology whereas Section 4 presents the results. Finally, in
operations should be run. After all, according to a recent survey Section 5 we discuss our ndings, describe the theoretical and man-
by Nielsen, 55% of consumers will pay extra for products and ser- agerial implications, and conclude with a summary of limitations
vices from companies committed to pursuing a positive social and and future research directions.
environmental impact. Designing tense ows under a Just-in-Time
(JIT) inspiration, for instance, should be taken into account how
these are going to affect CO2 emissions. Shorter product life cycles 2. Theoretical background and hypotheses
and sudden changes in preferences, analogously, should have some
inuence on how product design, industrialisation and logistics 2.1. Lean routines, environmental technologies and industrial
affect the rms environmental impact. The issue at stake is that performance
the efciency and sustainability approaches to operations are not
always aligned, so additional resources are required to achieve Lean practices did not initially include the idea of protecting
green goals [21,22,23]. Environmental technologies (ET) thus the environment. However since LM pursues the systematic elim-
come into play as a valuable resource to develop and complement ination of waste, it is considered by many authors as the most
lean initiatives. The ET approach to waste and energy reduction, adequate paradigm to balance the trade-off between efciency and
together with lean principles and tools, should enable rms to nd sustainability [25,7].
new opportunities for waste elimination and thereby improve their Although we recognise the appropriateness of LM for this pur-
industrial performance. However, despite of the enormous devel- pose, it is also true that efciency and sustainability approaches
opment of the Lean-Green topic in recent years, the absence of are not always aligned, and additional resources are required to
studies that analyse the relationships among lean principles, ET achieve the green goals [21,23]. Thus, ET appear here not only
and industrial performance is striking [21]. as the necessary resource for developing lean routines consistent
Against this background, the contribution of this paper is not with the environmental commitment, but also to articulate and
only to clarify and extend the literature on the relation between reinforce their contribution to manufacturing efciency. We shall
LM and ET&IT, but also to do so while studying multiple media- evaluate this issue empirically, equating it with the mediating role
tors of industrial performance in an integrated model. Bono and (H1) that can be played by ET between lean routines (LR) and indus-
McNamara [24] emphasised the need of this type of exercises when trial performance (IP). This approach requires analysing, rstly, the
an area of research becomes more mature and when the causal causality between LR and ET (H1a) and then, between ET and IP
relation between variables A and B in our case LM and industrial (H1b) as shown graphically in Fig. 1.
performance can be taken for granted. In these situations, choos- Although we analyse both sub-causal links, we do not propose
ing the right mediators to describe and measure the process by the sub-hypotheses separately because they have already been
which variable A affects variable B becomes essential, but treating extensively studied in the literature [26,27]. Similarly, the direct
them separately, as is usually with Lean-ET and Lean-IT, when in effect (LM on performance) is not tested because numerous studies
fact they coexist in the vast majority of industrial environments, have already proven the positive link between LM and productivity
can be a sign of omitted variable bias. results.
Here, precisely, lies the main contribution of this paper. Mov- Regarding the rst part of the mediation (H1a, Fig. 1), which
ing away from the usual separate analysis, and bearing in mind evaluates the link between LR and the level of ET implementa-
the characteristics of most manufacturing systems today, we pro- tion, ample evidence suggests that many LM principles (e.g., waste
pose a comprehensive model that is closer to reality and allows reduction, supplier collaboration and continuous improvement)
for evaluation of the relationships among technological and orga- precede and serve as the foundation for numerous environmental
nizational resources. We attempt to evaluate how LM establishes practices and technologies implementation. King and Lenox [28],
the right conditions for developing technology-intensive envi- for instance, cite different cases in which rms developed their
ronments, and how shop-oor technologies can subsequently be environmental and technological initiatives by following the same
leveraged to enhance the contribution of lean practices to industrial basic lean principles. Similarly Gonzlez-Benito and Gonzlez-
performance. This allows us to extend the current Lean-Green and Benito [29] note the need to have JIT-based programs and Total
Lean-IT knowledge in three areas: (1) we widen the conventional Quality Management (TQM) programs to develop truly efcient
lean wisdom by drawing attention to the need to explicitly inter- environmental initiatives and standards. Florida [30] argues that
262 A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272

vide excellent breeding grounds for the development of proactive

green programs and include the necessary resources to facilitate
ET implementation. Thus, regarding the rst part of the mediation
(H1a), ET can be regarded as a mechanism through which lean rou-
tines articulate and reinforce their contribution to performance and
Regarding the causality analysis of the second part of the medi-
ation (H1b), although the relationship between environmental
issues and industrial performance has been studied extensively in
recent decades [34,23], there is still no consensus in the literature
[26,35]. Whereas proponents of a positive relationship maintain
that green investments lead to signicant savings in the long
term and may create new business opportunities, sceptics point to
green costs and argue that the ultimate consequences of adopting
environmental initiatives are lower prots and reduced competi-
Fig. 1. Research model: Hypotheses proposed and sub-causal links. Despite these different points of view, most studies nd a posi-
Note: The next section describes the H2 development (the lower triangle in the tive relationship between a proactive environmental approach and
research model): how the IT implementation mediates between Lean routines (LR)
better performance and, more importantly, recent evidence shows
and industrial performance (IP). We analyse the two sub-causalities: rst, between
LR and IT (H2a) and then, between IT and IP (H2b). that waste minimisation in the form of reduced emissions and
prevention leads to a better economic performance (e.g., [36,37].
Certain authors even suggest that this positive inuence will be
only lean environments can successfully incorporate environmen-
even greater in those plants with certain LM tradition [29]. Accord-
tal concerns into their systems. Likewise, Pil and Rothenberg [31]
ingly, we posit a positive correlation in the second sub-causality of
maintain that certain lean practices (continuous improvement and
the mediation (H1b) and postulate that the implementation of lean
TQM) are the necessary rst step for incorporating more efcient
routines contributes to the improvement of industrial performance
equipment into the shop oor. In the same way, other typical lean
through the mediating role of waste reduction technologies. Thus,
practices, such us collaboration with suppliers, also encourage the
based on previous reviews and the two sub-causalities analysed
adoption of pollution-prevention technologies [32].
(H1a & H1b), both positive, we propose the following hypothesis:
Thus, since both initiatives LM and ET share the same
objective of eliminating waste, many authors suggest that lean H1. The level of ET implementation positively mediates the rela-
practices facilitate the introduction of environmental practices tionship between lean routines and industrial performance.
and technologies involved in the pursuit of this goal. As a result,
waste-reduction technology becomes a logical extension of waste- 2.2. Lean routines, information technologies and industrial
free lean production. While the path to sustainability starts with performance
(lean) efcient resource utilisation, ET appears to provide the nec-
essary complementary capabilities to develop an effective lean Although LM and IT have long been seen as mutually exclusive
program consistent with environmental commitment. In fact, envi- (e.g., [8,9,10], the literature has recently shifted towards positions
ronmental technicians occasionally awaken new environmental that not only favour their joint deployment but also emphasise their
opportunities when the traditional lean initiatives are insufcient. complementarity and interdependence [11,16,12]. In addition, in
Certain authors even mention the impossibility of implementing ET philosophical and practical terms, both initiatives share the same
and practices unless TQM-type programs such as LM are already in objective: improving efciency. Today, real-time production infor-
place [33]. mation is crucial in business decisions. It is here that IT becomes
In short, although lean practices and ET implementation can be indispensable for managing the huge amount of data required for
developed separately, a signicant portion of green initiatives are satisfying customer demands in terms of response times, exibility
based on the foundations of LM principles and furthermore, as Des and customisation [17,14].
et al. [25] state, the lean environment serves as a trigger to activate Against this background, our study aims to examine empirically
green commitments. Accordingly, our research premise is that envi- how the level of IT mediates between LR and IP (Fig. 1). To test
ronmental management and, by extension, ET, are partially and this hypothesis (H2) we analyse as in the previous section two
necessarily extensions of LM routines. Lean environments pro- sub-causalities: rst, between LR and IT implementation (H2a) and

Fig. 2. Sample distribution by country, turnover, size, age and technological intensity.
Note: (*) Based on the OECD classication for technological intensity in manufacturing industries [87]
A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272 263

Table 1
Distribution of rms by R&D intensity and comparison with EUROSTAT.

Country Non-R&D-intensive sector% Highly developed% High-technology sector% Total

% N

France 31.6 [33.7] 61.4 [60.1] 7.0 [6.2] 100.0 164a

Netherlands 28.2 [28.9] 66.7 [66.1] 5.1 [4.9] 100.0 323a
Slovenia 7.1 [32.6] 84.3 [62.2] 8.6 [5.1] 100.0 71a
Spain 33.3 [37.6] 60.5 [59.8] 6.1 [2.3] 100.0 116a
Croatia 37.2 59.3 3.5 100.0 89 n.a.

Source: Adapted from Bikfalvi et al. [49]. Fraunhofer ISl, [Eurostat 2007, tables sbs sc 2d d. . .02, extracted 4-7-2012]
Notes: Sector classication is based on the Peneder typology [52]. Non-R&D-intensive sectors comprise, e.g., food, beverages and textiles. Highly developed technology sectors
comprise, e.g., the automotive industry and mechanical engineering. High-technology sectors comprise, e.g., medical engineering, measurement and control systems, and
electrical engineering.
No signicant difference between EMS distribution of data and EUROSTAT data; n.a. = data not available.

Table 2
Description of the variables and constructs, main descriptive statistics and support in the literature.

Variable/Construct (and supporting literature) N Meanc St. Dev Min. Max.

INDUSTRIAL PERFORMANCE. We use the productivity (in millions) as proxy according to our unit 696 0.25 0.61 0.01 10.6
of analysis: the manufacturing plant [54,55].

JITa A set of practices for managing production ow that seek to produce only the products needed in the exact time and in the required amount [54,36]
a. Internal zero-buffer principles (e.g., Kanban) 742 2.92 1.90 1 7
b. Shop oor segmentation 742 3.09 2.53 1 7
c. Digital exchange of operation scheduling data with SCM systems 742 1.97 1.87 1 7
JIDOKAa A set of initiatives to ensure the quality of the products, zero defects and the continuous improvement [54,42]
a. Application of quality management systems (e.g., ISO 9000, TQM) 763 3.84 2.59 1 7
b. Integrated quality control in processes 763 2.22 2.03 1 7
c. Utilization of Quality Circles (QC) 763 2.23 2.08 1 7
RfPa A set of practices related to human aspects: formal training programs, self-directed work teams and appropriate and motivating working conditions, among others. [9,19,56]
a. Personnel training initiatives as a special function in human resources 763 3.30 2.24 1 7
b. Financial participation by employees eligible for all employee groups 763 2.13 1.95 1 7
c. Regular individual appraisal interviews 763 3.41 2.30 1 7


ETb Shop-oor technologies that are less polluting or use all resources in a more sustainable manner than the standard ones ([53]; Agenda 21 (UNCED) in Kuehr [57])
a. Waste heat recovery technologies (retrieval of kinetic and process energy) 763 3.31 1.14 1 7
b. Utilization of highly efcient equipment (e.g., pumps) 763 2.49 1.43 1 7
c. Energy and material saving technologies (motors with rotation speed regulation) 763 2.56 2.15 1 7
IT Manufacturing technologies to manage and control the whole production process (including warehouses) and manage all information generated [58,16]
a. Manufacturing Execution System (MES) (i.e. integration of PPS/ERP with production data 763 2.30 2.21 1 7
logging, CAD/CAM)
b. Utilization of RFID. Utilization in on-site/external logistics 763 3.23 1.01 1 7
c. Automated Warehouse Manag. Systems (WHS) for on-site logistics and order-picking 763 2.61 1.59 1 7
Reective-formative hierarchical latent variable (Type II).
Reective rst-order constructs.
On a 4-point Likert scale (1: no use; 3: low potential use; 5: medium potential use; 7: high potential use).

then, between IT and IP (H2b). As before, we do not pose either implementation of effective Lean/JIT practices. In the same vein,
sub-hypotheses here because they have already been studied in Moyano-Fuentes et al. [16] demonstrated empirically that there is
the literature (e.g., [11,16,38]. a direct link between the IT level and the degree of implementation
The rst part of the mediation (H2a) is based on the increasing of lean initiatives. A similar situation occurs in the maintenance
importance of IT in current lean environments. On the one hand, area. The emergence of information-intensive in recent years
LM practices trigger a series of information-intensive processes has required the implementation of maintenance management
(including continuous improvement, elimination of waste, and sta- information systems [20]. Thus, applications such as Computer
tistical control) pointing to the need for correct and complete IT Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) are increasingly nec-
development [16,14]. On other, the IT-enabled capabilities not only essary for real-time monitoring in order to meet customer demands
allow for the successfully adaptation of traditional lean tools to in terms of response times and exibility.
current manufacturing environments, but also lead to better, and On the other hand, some traditional lean tools (e.g., Kanban
leaner, operating results [39,40]. Thus, although lean practices may cards, Heijunka boards or visual inventory management) become
conceptually be implemented without IT, under today market con- unmanageable given the huge amount of real-time data needed.
ditions, the leaner an organisation aims to be, the higher the level It is here that IT-enabled capabilities, such as data reliability and
of IT required in the short term [11]. There are various examples in information integration, are essential for managing the massive
the literature to support this assertion. amount of records that must now be processed on a daily basis
Ward and Zhou [41] found, for instance, that when lean prac- [17,14]. Chen [39] describes, for example, the emergence of a
tices are adopted, not only does the need to implement information web-based kanban system. Based on the traditional principles,
systems arise, but the mediating effect of IT-enabled capabili- e-Kanban expands monitoring and real-time performance indica-
ties improves various lean indicators (in this case, shorter lead tors, minimising human errors. Similarly, Poka-Yoke devices have
time) due to decreased decision-making process time. Similarly, led to advanced computer vision systems that not only pinpoint
Shah and Ward [42] concluded that IT integration facilitates the defects but also allow analyze them in real-time and generate
264 A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272

records that can be used for learning [43]. Similarly, RFID-based pre-tests and back-translation procedures) to facilitate interna-
applications at plant-level enabling a more efcient inventory man- tional comparisons and, ultimately, to allow the generalization of
agement supporting traditional JIT initiatives [40]. IT resources results obtained [49]. In addition, Fig. 2 describes the distribution
enable automated data ow facilitating the interpretation of oper- of rms by country, turnover, size, age and technological intensity
ational, tactical and strategic information (e.g., inventory and sale (more information in Table A1 in the Appendix A).
specications, production schedules and demand forecasting and Although both hypotheses (H1 and H2) are tested for the whole
planning) in a faster and more accurate manner. sample (n = 763), there are certain endogenous (rm age and size)
IT can be considered therefore as a logical and necessary and exogenous (technological intensity) variables for which it is
extension of lean initiatives because a signicant proportion of worth performing a descriptive analysis. The sample classication
IT-enabled capabilities are based on the same foundations as LM by number of employees and turnover reects, for example, the
principles. The leaner a workplace is, the more inevitable the devel- normal distribution of industrial rms throughout Europe accord-
opment of technology-intensive environments will be. Accordingly ing to their size [50]. With regard to technological intensity and
we propose a positive causality in the rst part of the mediation rm age, Fig. 2 shows that most companies have a medium and
(H2a) and posit that IT implementation can be regarded as a pos- low technological level (89%), and that they are more than 20 years
sible mechanism through which lean routines can articulate and old (71%). Both issues are also considered in subsection 4.3 (contex-
reinforce their contribution to performance and competitiveness. tual analysis) to evaluate their inuence on the causal relations of
This positive impact of IT is less evident, however, in the second interest.
part of the mediation (H2b). Despite the enormous interest that IT Regarding the submission process, the respondent was always
has aroused in last decades, and although most recent literature a top-level informant manufacturing manager, industrial direc-
shows positive performance results (e.g., [14,44], the debate about tor or Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO), depending on the size of
the impact of IT on organisational performance continues. Although each company with a global perspective (or access to informa-
it has been found that investment in IT is an important factor in the tion) about the industrial and business requirements. According to
optimisation of internal processes and the generation of prots, Phillips [51] top-level informants tend to be more reliable informa-
IT alone seems to be insufcient for achieving a better competi- tion sources than lower levels.
tive position [45]. However, it was found that certain rms gained Additionally, random phone calls to non-responsive plants were
advantages by using IT to leverage complementary organisational made and no specic pattern was evident in these cases or in the
plant resources [46]. It is therefore necessary to evaluate other fac- reasons given for non-response. There is no evidence therefore that
tors such as lean practices that contribute to the improvement responses were received only from a specic type of plant and it
of industrial performance [11]. In fact, the existence of suitable IT is not necessary to consider the non-response bias that may occur
infrastructure will favour the creation of synergies between dif- in mail surveys. In addition, a Harmans single-factor test was con-
ferent business units but will only improve results when these IT ducted to determine a possible bias among the collected responses.
features are used effectively to generate reliable, real-time infor- According the results obtained, a single factor did not account
mation, and to enhance the capacity for integration [4]. for the majority of the covariance among the variables (19.85 per
In short, IT implementation enables the transformation of lean cent), and therefore, we can also afrm that there was not a bias
environments into a new (Lean-IT) manufacturing system that explained by a unique factor. Similarly, a comparison of early and
adapts better to the changing environment [47]. Accordingly, we late responses found no statistically signicant differences in any
also expect a positive effect on this second part (H1b) of the media- of the study variables.
tion (Fig. 1). Based on LM principles, IT initiatives contribute to cost In our study, we used a proportionally large, size- and industry-
and time reduction and ultimately to the improvement of nancial based, stratied, random sub-sample (n = 763) comprising French
results [13]. Thus, considering the arguments offered on the rst (164), Croatian (89), Dutch (323), Slovenian (71), and Spanish (116)
(H2a) and second (H2b) sub-causalities both positive we pose datasets collected in 2009 (Fig. 2). Data from these ve countries
the following hypothesis: can be merged because the questions and criteria used for sample
selection were the same. Table 1 compares the sample country dis-
H2. The level of IT implementation positively mediates the rela- tribution with EUROSTAT sector data (in brackets), showing that
tionship between lean routines and industrial performance. there are no signicant differences in R&D intensity between sec-
tors. Additional statistical tests available upon request were
3. Data and measurements conducted to assure the viability of merging data from the ve
countries. Further details about this survey can be found in EMS-
3.1. Sample related publications (e.g., [53,49].

To test the hypotheses, we used data from the European Manu- 3.2. Measures
facturing Survey (EMS) covering 763 rms in ve representative
European countries. The EMS is the largest European survey of We used several multi-item scales to test our hypotheses. The
manufacturing [48] and is coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute research team selected measurement items from the EMS database
for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer-ISI). It targets a based on the existing literature to ensure fact and content validity.
random sample of manufacturing establishments with at least 20 Table 2 summarizes the variables and constructs, the supporting
employees (NACE codes from 15 to 37). This mailed questionnaire- literature and, nally, the main descriptive statistics. Additionally,
based survey provides a large cross-national database covering in the Appendix A we include two radar charts in order to describe
the value-creating processes in the manufacturing of goods and graphically the measures that make up each of the constructs of the
services, focusing on technology dissemination and organisational model: Lean routines, ET and IT (Fig. A1).
This database provides a unique opportunity for testing our 3.2.1. Lean/TPS routines: JIT, Jidoka and RfP
research hypotheses because it addresses in depth our three areas LM represents a multifaceted concept that entails numerous
of interest, i.e., LM, IT and ET. To avoid problems arising from principles and practices. This is the reason why it is so common
linguistic differences and the specic terminology used by respon- nd in the literature multitude of different lean practices and tools
dents, the EMS consortium applies several procedures (e.g., country though the focus on LM is the same [59]. Accordingly many authors
A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272 265

Table 3
Reliability assessment of the reective rst-order constructs.


Loading Standard Error t-value Composite reliability (c)

JIT(a) 0.724
Zero-buffer principle 0.702 0.037 18.731
Shop oor segmentation 0.650 0.046 14.043
Supply chain management 0.696 0.039 17.691
Jidoka (a) 0.741
ISO 9001 0.693 0.030 22.515
Integrated quality control 0.741 0.028 26.454
Utilization of quality circles 0.660 0.039 16.567
RfP (a) 0.748
Financial participation 0.604 0.049 12.182
Regular individual interviews 0.702 0.036 19.080
Personnel training programs 0.803 0.020 39.563
Kinetic and process energy 0.626 0.080 7.779
Highly efcient pumps 0.725 0.051 14.106
Rotation speed regulation 0.776 0.049 15.747
Manufacturing Execution System 0.819 0.033 24.248
Radio Frequency Identication 0.624 0.081 7.645
Automated Warehouse Management Systems 0.627 0.066 9.449

recommend to create bundles of practices that allow analyze the prot sharing schemes, share (option) plans, etc.); and 3) regu-
multidimensional nature of this concept in an integrated way (e.g., lar individual appraisal interviews. These partial measures aim to
[54,36]. cover the main concer of TPS (and, therefore of LM), i.e., to obtain
While there have been several classications of packages put appropriate and motivating working conditions for all employees.
forth by previous literature, we use the classication developed by In other words, the third pillar allows balancing the management
Dal Pont et al. [60]. We chose this classication, which lists three dif- by stress [9] generated by the rst two pillars in two ways: rst,
ferent bundles: JIT, TQM and Human resource management (HRM), by complementing the initial empowerment inherent in JIT and
with a twofold purpose. On the one hand it is a widely used in the Jidoka with an explicit intention to improve working conditions and
literature (e.g., [54,36,59]. On the other, since LM is rooted directly employee motivation [56], and second, by promoting active partic-
in the foundations of TPS, the adoption of these bundles of practices ipation by well-trained workers and encouraging worker-manager
allows us to identify them directly with the three Toyotian pillars: cooperation in the problem solving process [9,19].
Just-in-Time, Jidoka and Respect for People (RfP) [18,9] (Table 2).
The rst pillar, Just-in-time (JIT), relates to a set of interrelated
3.2.2. Environmental technologies (ET)
management tools that aim to produce only the products needed
The analysis of ET was considered not only because this
(in line with customer expectations) at the necessary time and
resources are becoming one of the most widespread technologies
in the required amount [54,36]. In line with this denition, our
on todays shop oors, but also because they are closely related to
JIT construct comprises three parameters to cover the essence of
some of main customers concerns (e.g. pollution, climate change)
this principle: 1) Shop-oor segmentation: customer or product-
in which lean principles seem weaker [6,7]. In a generic way Envi-
focused lines/cells in the factory; 2) Internal zero-buffer principles
ronmentally sound technologies or environmental technologies
(e.g., Kanban); and 3) Real-time exchanges of information regard-
can be dened as those technologies that create less pollution, use
ing manufacturing orders and other traceable information with
all resources in a more sustainable manner, recycle more waste and
customers and suppliers (e.g., the digital exchange of operation
products, and handle residual waste in a more acceptable manner
scheduling data with SCM systems). These three aspects make it
compared with the technologies for which they were substitutes
possible to focus on the customer, producing the products required
(Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment and Devel-
(through the creation of specic lines/cells) at the required time
opment in Kuehr [57].
and in the required amount, both internally (internal zero-buffer
However, a greater specicity is necessary because many differ-
principles) and externally, through the digital data exchange in the
ent technologies fall under the ET umbrella [57,53]. According to
our unit of analysis, the shop-oor, we regard here Clean Tech-
The second construct, Jidoka (Built-in Quality), also comprises
nologies technologies cleaner than conventional ones because
three variables: 1) application of quality circles focused on continu-
they reduce emissions, consumption of raw materials and energy
ous improvement; 2) integrated quality control into processes; and
[57] as the only technologies that can mediate between LR and
3) application of quality management systems (e.g. ISO 9000, TQM).
IP. In accordance with this, as in the previous cases, we design a
This construct allows us to measure the level of quality with which
construct (ET) that intended to reect the main characteristics of
each organisation works and to simultaneously evaluate the second
the cleaner version of standard equipment, i.e., sustainable use of
aspect of this principle, i.e., ensuring zero defects (through the inte-
resources, greater energy efciency and systems that harness waste
gration of quality control into processes), and the development of
energy and materials. Thus, our ET construct integrates speci-
constant improvement programs to address non-conformities. Our
cally the three following sub-dimensions: 1) Use of waste heat
measures of JIT and Jidoka are both consistent with prior research
recovery technologies (e.g. retrieval of kinetic and process energy);
on LM and TPS [54,42,60,33].
2) application of highly efcient equipment (e.g. pumps, electric
For the third and nal pillar, Respect for People (RfP), we also
motors, among others), and 3) implantation of energy and material
use a construct comprising three measures: 1) personnel training
saving systems (e.g. electric motors with rotation speed regula-
programs as a special function in human resources; 2) nancial
tion) (Table 2). This measure is consistent with prior research (e.g.
participation by eligible employees for all employee groups (e.g.,
266 A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272

Fig. 3. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach.

3.2.3. Information technologies (IT) methodology provides advantages to researchers for (i) modeling
IT was considered not only because today real-time produc- relationships among multiple predictor and criterion variables, (ii)
tion information is crucial in business decisions, but also because constructing unobservable latent variables, (iii) modeling errors in
IT becomes indispensable for managing the huge amount of data measurements for observed variables, and nally, (iv) statistically
required for satisfying customer demands in terms of agility and testing a priori substantive/theoretical and measurement assump-
customisation [17]. tions against empirical data [62]. Accordingly, the SEM approach
While IT is often dened in the literature by means of complex particularly ts this study since it allows us to cope simultaneously
constructs encompassing several specic resources within orga- with the issues of construct measurement measurement model
nization. Nevertheless, taking into account our research question and the structural relationships structural model among the
and the unit of analysis, we have focused specically on shop- constructs (Fig. 3). Both questions are explained below in subsec-
oor IT, particularly the technologies that are characteristic of tions 4.2 and 4.3 respectively.
Computer-integrated Manufacturing (CIM). CIM is a manufacturing Nevertheless, there are also several important methodolog-
approach that uses computers to control the entire production pro- ical matters to consider when using SEM. Shah and Goldstein
cess and exchange information so that manufacturing is faster and [63] gather them into three groups: (1) pre-analysis stage (con-
less error-prone and automated manufacturing processes can be ceptual issues, sample size issues, degree of freedom and model
based on real-time input from sensors. In addition, CIM structure identication, measurement model identication, latent model
can be divided into two different levels: the manufacturing opera- specication); (2) data analysis stage (data screening, type of input
tions level and the strategic level, which is also called supply chain matrix, estimation methods), and nally, (3) post analysis stage
management (SCM) [58]. (evaluation of solution, model specication). These assumptions
In line with our research objective our IT construct includes pushed the authors to consider the Partial Least Square SEM (PLS-
the three following sub-dimensions: (1) Manufacturing Execu- SEM) approach as the most suitable according to our modeling
tion Systems (MES) (i.e., integration of PPS/ERP with production requirements. Furthermore, this approach has been widely used
data logging, CAM); (2) Radio-frequency identication (RFID) in in the literature to address both organizational (such as LM) and
on-site/external logistics systems; and (3) Automated Warehouse technological issues, and their impact on performance (e.g., [64,65].
Management Systems (WHS) for on-site logistics and order picking The PLS-SEM is a composite-based approach to SEM that linearly
(Table 2). This construct integrates therefore main internal infor- combines indicators to form composite variables, which serve as prox-
mation management systems throughout the entire production ies for the concepts under investigation [66,p. 3998]. Beyond these
process. This measure is consistent with previous research (e.g., properties, two main reasons contribute to the decision in choos-
[58,16]. ing this approach in our research. First and most importantly, we
used reective and formative constructs, for which PLS-SEM is par-
3.2.4. Industrial performance (IP) ticularly well-suited given its robustness in considering complex
We used productivity, measured as the plant-operating income models with a limited sample size [67]. Specically, the formative
(in millions of Euros) divided by plant employees, as a proxy for second-order factors cannot be easily and efciently run in other
industrial performance. The choice of this variable, instead of prof- structural equation models [68].
itability as the measure of efciency, was due to two reasons: rst, Secondly, PLSs underlying mathematical algorithm makes it a
because this measure is widely used in the literature on operations suitable approach for this research, which is determined by non-
management to assess manufacturing performance [54,55,61] and normal distribution, due to the iterative algorithm of PLS [69],
second, because our unit of analysis is the shop oor in the indus- which transforms non-normal data in accordance with the central
trial area, not the company. Protability is inuenced by factors that limit theorem [70]. Additionally, PLS results are robust when using
are beyond the control of the plant management, such as supply skewed data [71]. Indeed, this technique is described as a soft mod-
conditions negotiated by the parent company, centralised policies eling technique because unlike other methods, it does not require
of a legal, scal or market-related nature, etc. restrictive assumptions of measurement [72], data normality [73],
known distribution [74], or sample size [67].
Regarding the software, we chose SmartPLS 2.0 M3 [75]. A boot-
4. Methodology and results
strapping procedure (5000 samples) was used to assess standard
errors and t-statistics to evaluate the statistical signicance of the
4.1. Methodology
path coefcients [69]. According to Fig. 3, this section is structured
in two parts based on the calculation process. First, the mea-
We use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the hypothe-
surement model was assessed, with a focus on the psychometric
ses. SEM is a popular technique that combines the econometric
properties of the scales under study. Second, the structural model
perspective focusing on prediction and the psychometric per-
was assessed in terms of predictive power.
spective targeted on measuring latent (variables). The use of this
A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272 267

Fig. 4. Structural model: Two-path mediation model.

4.2. Measurement model Table 4

Validity assessment of the reective rst-order constructs.

The reliability and validity of the rst-order constructs was JIT Jidoka RfP ET IT
proven through three attributes: on the one hand, item reliabil- JIT 0.683
ity and construct reliability and, on the other hand, discriminant Jidoka 0.384 0.698
validity. Item reliability was assessed by the loadings of the stan- RfP 0.226 0.349 0.708
dardised items. Although there is not an absolute cut-off value for ET 0.099 0.275 0.170 0.712
IT 0.353 0.286 0.246 0.155 0.659
factor loading, according to Kline [76] values over 0.6 can be con-
sidered strong. Construct reliability was examined by composite Note: Diagonal represents the square root of AVE (average variance extracted).
reliability (c ), following Werts et al. [77], for two main reasons.
Firstly, because it accomplishes the same task as Cronbachs alpha
[78] and, secondly, because it is more suitable in a PLS context signicant and have similar values. However, in order to conrm
since it does not consider that each item contributes equally to the adequacy of the formative second-order construct, a multi-
the construct [79]. According to Nunnally [80], values of compos- collinearity procedure was also applied as well. By means of the
ite reliability over 0.7 demonstrate internal construct reliability. As Variance Ination Factor (VIF) the inexistence of this undesirable
shown in Table 3, both individual factor loading values and con- property in formative models [68] was conrmed. In all cases the
struct composite reliability values are over the required cut-off VIF values were below the cut-off level of 3.3 proposed by Roldn
levels. and Snchez-Franco [78].
Discriminant validity of the constructs was examined follow-
ing Fornell and Larcker [73]. When the inter-factor correlation
4.3. Structural model
among constructs is less than the square root of the average vari-
ance extracted (AVE) it is considered that each factor represents a
In line with our theoretical framework and the review of the
separate dimension. See Table 4.
literature, this study investigates the mediating effect of ET and IT
The adequacy of the second-order constructs in the model
on the relationship between TPS/lean routines (LR) and industrial
cannot be proven by the same attributes as the rst reective rst-
performance (IP). We created a PLS model incorporating both medi-
order constructs because the latter are formative [81]. In this case,
ating variables together and assessing the Variance Accounted For
individual item reliability is assessed using weights. Loadings are
(VAF) to ascertain in each case whether the mediating effect is full
misleading because the estimation does not consider the intraset
or partial [82] (Fig. 4).
correlations for each construct. Table 5 shows that the individ-
The results in Table 6 conrm that the structural model has sat-
ual weights for all three formative second-order constructs are
isfactory predictive relevance since all cross-validated redundancy

Table 5
Reliability assessment of the formative second-order constructs.


CONSTRUCT/indicator VIF Weight Standard error

LEAN/TPS Routines JIT 1.193 0.421 0.031

Jidoka 1.274 0.491 0.027
RfP 1.137 0.441 0.033

Note: signicant at ***p-value < 0.01 (2.58); **p-value < 0.05 (1.96); *p-value < 0.1 (1.65).
268 A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272

Table 6 partially mediate the effect of lean routines on industrial perfor-

Structural model assessment.
mance when estimated separately; however, in the comprehensive
Dimensions/Hypotheses Path coefcient Bootstrapping model, the mediation is full (VAFET&IT = 92%). This result supports
therefore both research hypotheses, H1 and H2.
Standard error t-value

1. ET (Q2 = 0.065)
LEAN (a1) 0.265*** 0.038 7.013
4.4. Additional contextual analysis
2. IT (Q2 = 0.197)
LEAN (a2) 0.446*** 0.033 13.531
3. Performance (Q2 = 0.029) Although both hypotheses (H1 and H2) are supported for aggre-
LEAN (c) 0.008 ns
0.042 0.186 gated samples (Fig. 3), there are interesting endogenous (rm age
ET (b1) 0.145*** 0.054 2.697 and size) and exogenous (industry) differences to consider. Com-
IT (b2) 0.105*** 0.037 2.847
pany size (measured by number of employees and re-coded into
Note: signicant at ***p-value < 0.01 (2.58); **p-value < 0.05 (1.96); *p-value < 0.1 small or medium/large) allows us to consider the effects of scale on
productivity [85,55,61].
Similarly, the age of the rm (i.e., years since the company was
created) gives an indication of how age inuences lean routines,
indices (Q2 ) are above zero [79], providing support for the models technology implementation and industrial performance [54,55].
predictive relevance regarding the latent variables (see Fig. 1). Following Shah and Ward [54], we consider plants less than 10
Regarding the mediating effect (Hypotheses 2 and 3), we applied years old to be new plants. Finally an exogenous variable is also
the analytical approach described by Preacher and Hayes [83] to included: technological intensity in the sector. It has been shown
test our (mediation) hypotheses (H1 and H2). Following Williams that relevant scientic and technological know-how progresses at
and MacKinnon [84], we chose the bootstrapping procedure to test different speeds and faces different obstacles in each sector [86].
the indirect effects. Chin [79] proposed a two-step procedure for Hence, the technological level is measured as a dummy taking a
testing mediation in PLS: (1) using the specic model in question, value of 1 if the company belongs to a high-tech sector and 0 if it
including both indirect paths, perform N bootstrap resampling and belongs to a medium or low-tech sector [87]. Table 8 summarizes
explicitly calculate the product of the two sub-paths (e.g., a1*b1) the variables operationalization as well as the descriptive statis-
that form each indirect path under assessment; and (2) estimate tics by expanding the sample description given in Fig. 3 and
the signicance using percentile bootstrapping [84]. This gener- supporting literature. Finally, Table 9 shows additional contextual
ates a 95% condence interval (CI) for mediators. If the interval for analysis (small vs. medium/large rms, young vs. old rms and
a mediation hypothesis does not contain zero, this means that the high-tech vs. low-tech industries).
indirect effect is signicantly different from zero with 95% con- Our results indicate that both endogenous and exogenous
dence (Table 7). contextual factors affect the second part of the mediation (H1b
In addition, in Table 7, the value of variance accounted for (VAF) and H2b) (Table 9). Specically, the strength of the relationships
indicates the relative size of the mediating effect. Authors such as between environmental and information technologies, and indus-
Hair et al. [82] note that VAF is a good criterion: no mediation trial performance is affected. Thus, the statistical signicance of the
(<20%), partial mediation (from 20% to 80%), and full mediation relationship between ET and IP decreases (albeit it is still marginally
(>80%). Hair et al. [82] showed furthermore as VAF determines the supported) for young rms and high-tech rms but remains the
size of the indirect effect in relation to the total effect, and that same for rms over ten years old and low-tech rms.
much of the target constructs variance is explained by the indirect The other part of the mediation (H2b), between IT and IP, seems
relationship via the mediator variable. Three different situations to show similar results. This relationship is not statistically sig-
were estimated using this procedure. First we tested the mediat- nicant for small rms but is signicant for medium and large
ing effect of ET, second, the mediating effect of IT, and nally the rms. Finally, when we divide our sample in terms of age (young
mediating effect of both technologies, ET&IT (the proposed model). vs. old), we obtain inconclusive results because the relationship
According to VAF values (VAFET = 42% and VAFIT = 51%), ET and IT becomes insignicant in both cases. Forthcoming studies may fur-

Table 7
Mediating effect between Lean routines and Industrial performance.

Mediator Total effect Direct effect Indirect effect VAF Mediating Effect

Coefc. Coefc. Point estimate Percentile bootstrap

95% condence interval

ET (upper triangle) 0.093** c1 0.054 a1*b1 0.038 0.013 0.072 42% Partial mediation
IT (lower triangle) 0.093** c2 0.045 d2*e2 0.047 0.017 0.082 51% Partial mediation
ET&IT (Proposed 0.093** c 0.008 Total 0.085 0.045 0.133 92% Full mediation
model) a*b 0.038 0.013 0.072
c*d 0.047 0.017 0.082

Note: signicant at ***p-value < 0.01 (2.58); **p-value < 0.05 (1.96); *p-value < 0.1 (1.65).
VAF > 0.80 full mediation, 0.20 VAF 0.80 partial mediation, VAF < 0.20 no mediation.

Table 8
Operationalization of the contextual variables and main descriptive statistics.

Variable Operationalization Supporting literature N Mean St. Dev Min. Max.

Firm Size No. Employees Banker et al. [85], Saldanha et al. [55], Vzquez et al. [61] 761 85.24 164.9 10 3000
Age Years since the rm was Shah and Ward [54], Saldanha et al. [55] 641 37.8 29.6 1 173
Technological Intensity High-Tech sector (1) and OECD [87] 761 0.33 0.47 0 1
Low-Tech sector (0)
A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272 269

Table 9
Contextual analysis (size, technological intensity and age).

Hypotheses Size Age Technology intensity

Small (n = 396) Medium/large (n = 367) Young (n = 78) Old (n = 509) Low (n = 514) High (n = 249)

H1a: LEAN ET 0.222*** 0.213*** 0.277** 0.272*** 0.211*** 0.318***

H1b: ET IP 0.159** 0.139** 0.202* 0.169** 0.199** 0.125*

H2a: LEAN IT 0.439*** 0.326*** 0.451*** 0.429*** 0.426** 0.470***

H2b: IT IP 0.082 0.115** 0.039 0.090 0.179** 0.071*

Note: signicant at ***p-value < 0.01 (2.58); **p-value < 0.05 (1.96); *p-value < 0.1 (1.65).

ther explore these specic contextual factors and investigate the or Lean-IT) and, furthermore, rarely assesses the impact on rm
underlying reasons for the small detected differences in the second performance. Lean-IT literature, for example, focuses mainly on
part of the mediation (H1b and H2b). synergies and dysfunctions between IT resources and lean routines
[20,17,11]. Similarly, most of Lean-Green studies focus exclusively
on their complementarity (e.g., [25,21]. Surprisingly, there is no
5. Discussion of results and conclusions
empirical evidence explaining the joint effect of these initiatives
LM routines and ET&IT on performance improvement.
5.1. Discussion of results
To ll this gap, we analyse here the role played by environ-
mental and information technologies (ET&IT) in the capability of
This study proposes a conceptual-path model for exploring
LM to achieve improved industrial performance. It is necessary to
the link between lean routines (LR) and industrial performance
simultaneously study these two mediators specically and in the
(IP) by evaluating the mediation of environmental technologies
same model for two reasons. Firstly, because both technologies are
(ET) and information technologies (IT) in a unique comprehen-
widespread in manufacturing environments and interact on a daily
sive model. We started by analysing the ET mediating effect (H1),
basis with lean principles [5]. In addition, they are closely linked to
rst through regression a1 which conrms that LR enhances ET
changes in consumer trends where lean principles may not be able
(n= 0.265***) and secondly, through regression b1, verifying the
to respond so efciently [6,7]. Secondly, as pointed out by Bono and
signicant impact of ET on IP ( = 0.145***). These ndings are con-
McNamara [24], in more mature areas of research where causal-
sistent with earlier literature (e.g., [33,36] and support H1. Similarly
ity relations e.g., LM and performance can be taken for granted,
we replicated this same procedure for IT mediation. According to
choosing the right mediators is essential for exploring the transfor-
the results, regression a2 conrms that LR enhances the IT level
mation mechanisms involved. However, treating them separately
( = 0.446***) and regression b2 conrms the impact of IT on IP
and in isolation may be a sign of omitted variable bias.
( = 0.105***). Both hypotheses, H1 and H2, are therefore con-
Our results empirically validate the manner in which LM pos-
itively inuences rm performance through ET and IT. Findings
Nevertheless, the inuence of the independent variables on the
suggest that LM and both technologies are mutually interdepen-
dependent variables differs depending on the presence of media-
dent and that lean routines can be effectively transformed into
tors and on the presence of one or both technologies. In line with
performance improvement in current technology-intensive envi-
Table 7, when assessing each of the technologies individually the
ronments. It was found that LM practices trigged higher levels
upper and lower triangles we obtain a partial mediation. How-
of IT&ET implementation because, in the face of increasing green
ever, when both technologies (ET&IT) are present, the mediation is
concerns and competitive requirements, technology-enabled capa-
total. We prove therefore how the inuence of lean routines on IP is
bilities offer new methods of effectively managing processes. LM
now distributed toward the two mediation paths, i.e., via the new
practices establish the efcient conditions on the shop oor for
Lean-ET and Lean-IT routines. In other words, rst lean practices
developing technology-intensive environments, and subsequent
establish the efcient conditions on the shop oor for developing
technology-enabled capabilities are leveraged to enhance indus-
technology-intensive environments, and subsequent technology-
trial performance. Although these support capabilities may remain
enabled capabilities are then leveraged to enhance performance
dormant initially, they become apparent when organisations
(see Fig. 1).
require real-time data management, cross-functional coordination
This is consistent with the perception that technology-enabled
or, for instance, greater environmental requirements.
capabilities may have a positive impact on rm performance
These ndings provide evidence that supports a number of per-
through other organisational capabilities [36]. Our ndings do not
tinent theoretical and practical implications for academics and
mean, however, that the goal of LM (i.e., improving productivity) is
practitioners, respectively. From an academic perspective, the pri-
lost, but that it varies qualitatively as it passes through new and
mary research contribution is recognition of the mediating role of
different channels. Thus, the capacity of LM to enhance perfor-
ET and IT between lean routines and industrial performance. The
mance seems to need certain technologies such as ET&IT that
results extend the current Lean-Green and Lean-IT knowledge base
can address increasing customer demands in terms of response
by showing that these technologies do not have a negative inu-
time and environmental requirements (Table 7). This is explained
ence on efciency as some of the literature has stated but rather, in
in depth in the following section.
addition to preserving the efciency objective of LM, may provide
support in situations in which LM principles seem present some
5.2. Concluding remarks and theoretical and practical response difculties [6,7].
implications In contrast to conventional wisdom, nowadays the capability of
LM to enhance performance seems to lie exclusively in a technolog-
Although the relationships among technological, environmen- ical infrastructure that can address increasing customer demands
tal and organisational issues have received increasing attention regarding response time and environmental requirements. On one
from the scientic community in recent years, there remain several hand, the ET approach to waste reduction should clarify and exploit
major gaps in the literature [53,21]. The vast majority of previ- new environmental goals (e.g., the reduction of pollutant mate-
ous research addresses these issues in isolation (e.g., Lean-Green
270 A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272

Fig. A1. Radar chart with the main constructs: lean routines and shop-oor technologies (ET&IT).

rials or increased use of eco-friendly component parts), which in take technological issues into account. In addition, when managers
turn will lead to improved productivity and predisposition of the are required to justify ET&IT investments, they can justify not only
plant toward environmental initiatives, thus balancing the con- the direct effects of both resources on rm performance but also the
ict between performance and sustainability. On the other hand, effects that occur indirectly through intermediate organisational
IT offers the possibility of reliable real-time information and facili- capabilities.
tates knowledge sharing, the redesign of business processes and The results of our research must be interpreted with caution.
innovative problem-solving, all of which lead to desirable per- Although this paper points to a strong connection between lean
formance results. Additionally, by supporting other organisational practices, ET&IT and rm performance, we acknowledge that our
resources (such as LM routines), IT will develop its full potential and study might suffer certain limitations. Here, the use of a large-scale
allow the development of other competitive advantages associated survey provides, for example, representative empirical evidence
with emergent IT-enabled capabilities [16]. and involves a key issue for generalizing results. This also means,
Finally, from a public policy perspective, the paper casts light on however, that we cannot measure the variables of interest directly
the importance of an integrated viewpoint technologies and orga- but rather must estimate them using constructs. In addition, the
nizational routines by contrast with an exclusively technocentrist transverse nature of the data does not allow analyzing the temporal
approach that is present in many public R&D programs, especially inuence in the joint deployment of lean routines and technolo-
in Europe with regard to the Industry 4.0 initiative [12,13]. gies over time. Consequently, we cannot draw as many detailed
Our results suggest the need for avoiding short-sighted attitudes conclusions as we would desire.
and for internalising shop-oor technologies within lean trans- These limitations provide avenues for future research. For exam-
formations and vice versa. This should be done not only because ple, it would be interesting to use a panel data rather than cross
of the intrinsic benets of these technologies as Industry 4.0 sectional analysis, or even a longitudinal case study, to analyze
promulgates but also because the technology-enabled capabili- in-depth the evolution of the factors involved in a lean transforma-
ties seem to be determinant for maximising the full potential of tion supported by shop-oor technologies. This would allow us not
organisational routines in todays industrial environments [88,12]. only to explore the why and how of synergies and dysfunctions
In fact, authors as Zuehlke [89] argue that the LM philosophy should in the relations proposed, but also allows to go beyond the simple
be used when developing a factory-of-things to reduce the com- decision on whether to invest in the technologies described.
plexity associated with the increasing demands of customization, On the other hand, this paper only analyses the inuence of
shorter life cycles and time-market adjustments. Similarly, Kolberg ET&IT on lean routines at the plant-level. A logical extension of
and Zhlke suggest that production processes in LM shop oors this work could be therefore to replicate the relationships identi-
are less complex due to being more standardized, more trans- ed for the entire value chain [91]. Future work could also extend
parent and reduced to essential work and hence support the the empirical analysis to other contexts beyond the manufacturing
installation of Industry 4.0 solutions in a better way. industry, for example, in the services or health sector, among oth-
Top managers should promote therefore a close collaboration ers. All of these possibilities can provide additional insight into the
between environmental and IT managers, on the one hand, and lean growing eld of relationships among shop-oor technologies, orga-
practitioners, on the other. The old-style defensive attitude of prac- nizational routines and industrial performance. Clearly, this eld
titioners toward the environmental-economic trade-off [90] or the has ample space to grow in terms of research opportunities.
initial rejection of IT by lean conventional wisdom must be totally
overcome. Our ndings reveal that environmental investments
should be designed at the outsetin parallel with their particu- Acknowledgment
lar objectivesto improve lean initiatives, especially in situations
in which it may not be feasible to continue the traditional process This work has received nancial support from the Spanish Gov-
of continuous improvement. Reciprocally, lean programs should be ernment through grant ECO2016-76625-R.
A. Sartal et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45 (2017) 260272 271

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