Draft Agreement - Local Consultancy Alliance - OCYANA

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This Agreement is made on this .. day of.. 2016 in Colombo by and


MG Consultants (Pvt) Ltd bearing registration No PV 2055 having its registered office at No.
03, Swarna Place, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya, incorporated under the laws of Sri Lanka herein
after referred to as (MGC) the Party of the 1st Part and / or JV partner


Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd bearing registration No PV 10690 having its registered
office at No. 03, Swarna Place, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka incorporated under the laws
of Sri Lanka herein after referred to as (ECL) the Party to the 2nd Part and / or JV partner


Resources Development Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd., bearing registration No PV 3679 having its
registered office at No. 55-2/1, Galle Road, Colombo 3 incorporated under the Company Laws
of Sri Lanka hereinafter called and referred to as (RDC) the Party of the 3rdPart and /or JV


... CEA
bearing registration No having its registered office at
. incorporated under the Company Laws
of Sri Lanka hereinafter called and referred to as the Party of the 4th Part and/or a Sub


bearing registration No having its registered office at
. being incorporated under the Company
Laws of Sri Lanka hereinafter known as CEA its successors assigns hereinafter referred to as
the Party of the 5th Part and/or a Sub Consultant.
OCYANA Consultants (Pvt) Limited bearing registration No. PV2122 having its registered Formatted: Highlight
office at Apartment No 1/1, CBM House, No 2A, Lake Drive, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka
incorporated under the Company Laws of Sri Lanka hereinafter known as OCYANA its
successors and assigns hereinafter referred to as the Party of the 6th Part and/or a Sub

.GT bearing registration

No having its registered office at.. being
incorporated under the Company Laws of Sri Lanka hereinafter known as GT its successors
and permitted assigns hereinafter referred to as the Party of the 7thPart and/or a Sub

This Agreement forms a Strategic Alliance between the aforesaid parties herein described as
the Joint Venture Partners and the Associate Sub Consultants to jointly implement
consultancy work for the Central Expressway Project - Section 2 (from Mirigama to
Kurunegala) covering a total distance of 39.91 Km.

The party of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, will be taken as a single entity 4th 5th, 6th and 7th Parties will be
associate sub consultants in their desirous of submitting a proposal to undertake the
supervision consultancy of the proposed Central Expressway Project - Section 2

ITS WITNESSTH that all parties above referred to agree to abide by the conditions herein after

1. The Party of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd JV Partners shall form an association together with the
Party of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th the sub consultants to the Central Expressway Project
Section 2.

2. The entity shall be known as MGC ECL RDC JV in association with CEA, CECB,

3. Aforesaid Joint Venture Partners together with the Party of the 4th,5th,6th, and 7th the
Sub Consultants agree and confirm the Party of the 1st Part (MGC) as the lead Party to
the Central Expressway Project Section 2
4. The Sub Consultants jointly and severally shall be liable and indemnify the Joint
Venture partners in the event of an intentional or accidental default by them which
affects scope and nature of the project affecting its continuance.

5. MGC as the lead party shall front all communications with the Client and other
Stakeholders in relation to the Central Expressway Project Section 2.

6. MGC shall write to the Client to request that a Request for Proposal be issued to the
entity named in 2 above.

7. Parties agree that the JV shall nominate all international expertise required together
with the technical and support staff of the Team Leaders office.

8. All local expertise and / or experts required (other than stated in 7 above) shall be
divided in to 5 equal parts and shall be apportioned one part to the JV and one part to
each Sub Consultant.

9. The JV shall raise required guarantees, warranties and insurances.

10. The Parties (JV and Sub Consultants) agree to jointly submit the required documents
for the RFP (Request for proposals) through the lead party MGC.

11. The parties agree that the details relating to schedule of services for each party,
liability period for each party, fee structure for parties ,internal procedure governing
the parties within the alliance, termination of a party on the grounds of failure and/
or inability to perform, indemnity, insurance, mobilization fees, retention money and
insolvency among parties to the alliance, and other related functions all will be spelt
out in detail through an addendum to this preliminary agreement.

12. The parties agree that one party leaving the alliance voluntarily or such party being
removed from the alliance for inefficiency, insolvency or other reason will not affect
the status quo standing of the association.

Authorized Representative

For and on behalf of ECL

Authorized Representative

For and on behalf of RDC

Authorized Representative

For and on behalf of CEA

Authorized Representative

For and on behalf of CECB

Authorized Representative

For and on behalf of OCYANA

Authorized Representative
Name: Ajith Rohana Wanniarachchi Formatted: Highlight
Designation: Director
For and on behalf of GT

Authorized Representative

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