Theme: Individual and Society. Topic: Character.: Characteristics-Of-British-People

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Theme: Individual and society.

Topic: Character.

Influence of the attitude of people in a country

Sources# 1.

Andrew Crawford (2016). What are the characteristics of British people? To

revise World Wide Web: URL:

Many and various. British people covers four (or more) nations and numerous
regional cultures, many of which will vehemently deny any common ground with
the others. But I will indulge in a little generalization.

British people are proud and stubborn. Theyre quite strict about conformity and
quick to criticize those who stand out. They have a strong island nation mentality
which, along with their imperial history, gives them a sense of exceptionalism. They
are irreverent in general, especially regarding authority (except when it comes to
the Queen). They are sarcastic and their sense of humor is very, very dry. They
are not very expressive, leading outsiders to assume that they are cold. They love
soccer to an unhealthy and often self-destructive degree.

Sources #2.

Steve Wilds. How do British people socialize? To revise World Wide Web: URL:

Britain is pretty diverse country for its size, and different regions socialize in
subtly different ways. For example, don't ever try to make smalltalk or eye-contact
on the London Underground. However, feel free to chat in bus queues in Yorkshire.
In pubs and more social settings, we will often probe new people with humour.
At first it'll be stuff like making wry observations and leaving them open to see how
the other party responds, and as thing proceed it might develop into gentle ribbing -
though rarely on a too personal level. We do the back-handed compliment thing a
lot too (or even affectionate insulting, it's part of the probing by humour thing), and
often say things that have a different literal meaning to how they're meant. From
experience, I know that this can be a bit confusing for Americans. ()

In short, you can tell a lot about a person from their sense of humour and how
they handle banter.

Sources # 3.

(2013). The People of Britain today. To revise World Wide Web: URL:

The British are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are
famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humour.
British people have a strong sense of humour which sometimes can be hard for
foreigners to understand.

Britain is a country of mixed cultures. London has the largest non-white

population of any European city and over 250 languages are spoken there.
Therefore not all British people are White or Christians.
Sources # 4.

(2013). Culture and social etiquette in United Kingdom. To revise World Wide
Web: URL:

Time and punctuality

British people are very strict when it comes to punctuality. In Britain people
make a great effort to arrive on time, so it is considered impolite to be late, even
with by few minutes. If you are delayed, be sure to inform the person you are
meeting. Here are some situations when you are obliged to be on time, as well as
some situations when it is advisable:

For formal dinners, lunches, or appointments you always come at the exact time

For public meetings, plays, concerts, movies, sporting events, classes, church
services, and weddings, it's best to arrive a few minutes early.

You can arrive any time during the hours specified for teas, receptions and
cocktail parties.

The British often use expressions such as "drop in anytime" and "come see me
soon". However, do not take these literally. To be on the safe side, always
telephone before visiting someone at home. If you receive a written invitation to an
event that says "RSVP", you should respond to the sender as soon as possible,
whether you are going to attend or not.

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