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G.R. No.

158085 October 14, 20015 Sun Life is a cooperative company under the Law
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by the CIR, petitioner, vs. 1. The Tax Code defines a cooperative as an association conducted
SUNLIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, respondent. by the members thereof with the money collected from among
Topic: Mutualization themselves and solely for their own protection and not for profits.
Without a doubt, Sun Life is a cooperative company.
Facts: 2. [Doctrine] First, it is managed by its members. A stock
1. Sun life is a mutual life insurance company organized under the laws insurance company doing business in the Philippines may
of Canada, but is authorized by the SEC to engage business in the alter its organization and transform itself into a mutual
Philippines. insurance company. Sun Life has been mutualized or
2. Sun Life filed with the CIR its insurance premium tax and paid converted to a nonstock mutual life insurance corporation
such tax, as well as its documentary stamp tax (DST). pursuant to Sec. 266 (probably now Sec. 268) of the Insurance
3. CTA rendered a decision in Insular Life Assurance v. CIR, which Code. In its by-laws, ownership has been vested in its members
held that mutual life insurance companies are purely who are entitled to one vote, and elect from among themselves
cooperative companies and are exempt from payment of the board of trustees.
premium tax and DST. Hence, Sun Life filed a claim for tax 3. Second, it is operated with money collected from its members.
credit with the CIR, as it has erroneously paid such taxes. The members constitute both insurer and insured who contribute
4. Since CIR failed to act on such claim, and the period to file a claim is by a system of premiums to the creation of a fund from which all
slowly expiring, Sun Life filed with the CTA a pet. for review, losses and liabilities are paid.
praying for the issuance of a tax credit certificate. Sun Life 4. Third, it is licensed for the mutual protection of the members,
argue that it was a mutual life insurance company, vested with and not for the profit of anyone. Such members are responsible
the characteristics of a cooperative company. Primarily, the for the payment of all its losses. Verily, a mutual life insurance
management and affairs of Sun Life were conducted by its members; company is a cooperative that promotes the welfare of its own
second, it is operated with money collected from its members; and members. It does not operate for profits, but for mutual benefit of its
lastly, it has for its purpose the mutual protection of its members, and members. They receive their insurance at cost, while reasonable
not for profit or gain. properly guarding and maintaining stability and solvency of the
5. CIR filed its answer, arguing that Sun Life does not fall within such company. Economic benefits filter to the members. (see notes for
exemption of a cooperative company under Sec. 121 (now Sec. 123) extra info)
of the Tax Code. 5. Just because Sun Life is registered as a non-stock corporation, the
6. CTA ruled in favor of Sun Life, holding that it was a mutual life company can no longer make any profits. Earning profits is merely its
insurance company; hence, it was a cooperative company. Being secondary purpose. It may engage in business activity for profit, as
such, it is entitled to the same interpretation of the Court in earlier long as it would not change its nature as a non-profit entity.
cases, exempting such companies. 6. The distinguishing feature of a cooperative enterprise is the
7. CA affirmed the ruling of CTA. mutuality of cooperation among its member-policyholders
8. Hence, this petition for review by the CIR, arguing that Sun Life was united for that purpose. So long as respondent meets this
not a cooperative company since it was for profit; and that Sun Life essential feature, it does not even have to use and carry the
must first be registered with the Cooperative Development Authority name of a cooperative to operate its mutual life insurance
before being considered a cooperative company. business.

Issue: W/N Sun Life is a cooperative company, exempt from payment from (not so relevant) Registration with the Cooperative Development Authority is
payment of premium tax and DST. not required
1. The Tax Code does not require such registration with the CDA in
Held: Yes. Sun Life is a cooperative company. order to enjoy such exemption from premium tax and DST. Also, the
Cooperative Code do not apply. The Cooperative Code was created
for the registration of small producers and consumers to form a an overpayment, a benefit to which the member-policyholder
business enterprise they themselves controlled. These cooperatives is equitably entitled.
included barrios, federations, etc. Obviously, Sun Life does not fall
under such classes.
2. Also, when the current Cooperative Code was enacted, all existing
cooperatives were required to be registered. However, Sun Life was
not required to be registered. Not even the Insurance Code requires

3. Having determined that Sun Life is a cooperative that does not

have to be registered with the CDA, Sun Life is entitled to the
exemption from both premium taxes and DST. And having been
seasonably filed and amply substantiated, a tax credit
certificate must be granted to Sun Life.

WHEREFORE, petition is DENIED.

- Factors that determine that Sun Life was for the protection of
the members:
o In the event that the company itself fails before their policies
expire, the members do not acquire the status of creditors.
Rather, they simply become debtors for whatever premiums
they have not paid in full. Only when the premiums have
accumulated to a sum larger than that required to pay for its
losses will the members be entitled to dividend.
o The rates of premiums charged by a mutual life insurance
company is larger than expected as such companies has no
capital stock, and relies solely on premiums to meet losses,
contingencies and expenses.
o Sharing in the common fund, any member may choose to
withdraw dividends, or to apply them in order to reduce a
subsequent payment of premium, purchase addition
insurance, or accelerate the payment period.
o The so-called dividend that is received by member-
policyholders is not a portion of profits set aside for
distribution to the stockholders in proportion to their
subscription to the capital stock of a corporation. One, a
mutual company has no capital stock to which subscription is
necessary; there are no stockholders to speak of, but only
members. And, two, the amount they receive does not
partake of the nature of a profit or income. The quasi-
appearance of profit will not change its character. It remains

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