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Getting started

Huff and Puff

Car drivers. Students each collect a hoop and then hold the hoop horizontally around their

waists. Students begin in a random position within a designated space. The teacher gives the

following directions. On go, students start up their car and run in the general space, trying not to

bump into other drivers. On drive on roads, students side gallop their cars along the streets

(lines on the floor). When students come to an intersection, where two streets cross they must

give way to cars on their right. On home the students return to their starting position.

Bee stings.
Students spread out randomly in a marked area. They move within the space by

hopping. Four students are selected as the bee. The bee chases other students by hopping and

stings the other players by touching their backs. If students are stung they swap roles with the


Allocate a playing area. Students run around the playing area until freeze is called.

When freeze is called students stop and balance using the description given, for example, one

foot. Change the way the students balance each time freeze is called.

Giants treasure.
Mark out a playing area with two end lines. One student is the giant and stands

at one end of the playing field. All other studen

ts are at the other end. The giants back is

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