La Zagreba Metodo - Vocab

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La Zagreba metodo - Vocabulary

Leciono 1 - Amiko Marko

nun - now
sidi - to sit
ĉambro - room
laboristo - labourer, worker
instrui - to teach

Leciono 2 - La amikino de Marko

amikino - female friend
geamikoj - friends (male and female)
bonvolu (bv) - please
saluton - hello
ŝati - to like
nur - only
jen - here is, here are
ankoraŭ - still, yet
kuiri - to cook
dankon - thank you
ankaŭ: also, likewise, too
malvarma - cold
ami - to love

Leciono 3 - En kafejo
antaŭ - in front of, before
ĝoje - happily
tra - through
strato - street
kuko - cake
sufiĉa - enough
kompreneble - of course
ho - oh
kelnero - waiter
denove - again
loko - place
per - by, by means of, on, through, with
okazi - to happen, occur
scii - to know, know how

Leciono 4 - Miaj leteroj

vera - true
amo - love
kiam - when
tie - there, over there
fariĝi - to become
fali - to fall, drop
pardonu - excuse me

Leciono 5 - Nova aŭto

vendejo - shop
aŭto - car
tie - there
plaĉi: please
vendisto: salesman
kiu: which
tiu ĉi: this, this one
tiu: that, that one
ĉiuj: all
certe: certainly
multekosta: expensive
bedaŭrinde: regrettably, unfortunately
veturi: go, ride, travel
dum: during, while, whilst
tio: that thing
denove - again
bone - well
pli bone - better
edzo: husband

Leciono 6 - Maja
beleta: pretty
junulino: young woman
malbona: bad, miserable, nasty, poor
fali: to fall, drop (-ig-: cause to)
malsaniĝi: be taken ill, fall ill
alta: high, lofty, tall
morgaŭ: tomorrow
voki: call, summon
je: at, by, on, upon
je la naŭa horo - at nine o'clock
malvesti: undress
ĉio - everything
sub: below, beneath, under, underneath
teo: tea
trankvila: calm
farti: fare
bonega: fine, great ('eg'—denotes augmentation, intensity of degree)

Leciono 7 - Ĉiam malfrue

ĉiam: always
malfrue: late
suno: sun
eksalti: to start (sudden movement)
salti: to jump
malfrui: to be late
meti: to put on, lay down, place, put, put down
vestaĵo: article of dress, garment
rapide: fast, quickly, swiftly ('eg'—denotes augmentation, intensity of degree)
laŭ: according to, along, by
kia: what kind
malsaĝa: foolish
baldaŭ: soon
nek ... nek: neither ... nor
lernanto: learner, student, pupil
eksidi - to sit down
diable: darn (diablo: devil)

Leciono 8 - Malbela tago

malbela: nasty, ugly
raporti: report
noto: grade, note
knabaĉo - brat (aĉa: awful, terrible, rotten)
labori: work (ig: cause to)
pli multe - more
kapo: head, pate
kiom (da): how many, how much
ĉe: at, beside, with
tiom: that much
kvankam: though, although
vorto: word
tuj: at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
kara: expensive, valuable; dear
multe pli - much more
pri: about, concerning, on, upon
tio: that (thing)
ankaŭ: also, likewise, too
denove: again, all over again, anew
tamen: but, however, nevertheless, yet
beligi: beautify

Leciono 9 - Plano pri veturado

plano: design, diagram, plan, plane
veturo: trip, ride ('ad'—denotes an action being continuous, habitual or repeated
vojaĝi: travel
urbo: city, town
belaĵo: beautiful sight ('aĵ'—denotes a thing having a certain quality, something mad
e from a certain matter)
feliĉa: fortunate, happy
vestaĵo: article of dress, garment (vesto: garment; 'aĵ'—denotes a thing having a cer
tain quality, something made from a certain matter )
jam: already, by now, yet
vagonaro: train
nenio: nothing
kara: expensive, valuable; dear
veturi: go, ride, travel
plenumi: accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform, fulfil
por: for, to, in order to, per
uzo: use
karulo: darling
eksidi: sit down (eksidu: let's sit down)
sidadi: to keep sitting ('ad'—denotes an action being continuous, habitual or repe
do: so, then, therefore
kial: why, for what reason
tio: that thing

Leciono 10 - Familianoj kunvenas

familiano: family member ('an'—denotes an inhabitant, partisan, member of)
kunveni: assemble, congregate, gather, meet
naskiĝtago: birthday
kelka: some
bonvoli: to be so good as to
iom: (quantity) - a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent
trovi: to find
iomete: a little, rather (iom'et'e)
almenaŭ: at least
manki: be lacking, be missing
havigi: get, procure
manĝaĵo: food
bone: OK, okay, well
aĉeti: buy, purchase ('um' - a little used affix with no fixed meaning)
anstataŭ: instead of
manĝi: eat, feed ('eg'—denotes augmentation, intensity of degree)
interesa: interesting
ekskursi: to make an excursion/trip
klubano: club member
ia: some kind
papero: paper ('uj'—denotes that which contains, produces, encloses or bears)
morgaŭ: tomorrow
frue: early
ano: member, supporter
ĝuste: just, exactly, okay, right
foresti: be absent, be missing, be away (for: away)
inter: among, between
sama: same
fojo: occasion, time
rajti: may, have the right to
proponi: offer, propose, suggest
foriri: absent onself, depart, go away, leave (for: away)
plu: else, further, more, on
kial: why, for what reason
ideoriĉa: full of ideas
rideti: smile
je: (preposition with no fixed meaning, see rule 14 in the Fundamento)
tro: too, too much
riĉeco: abundance, wealth ['ec'—denotes an abstract quality (similar to the Englis
h suffix ness)]
plena: complete, full
monujo: purse, wallet
daŭrigi : continue, go on, proceed with
nu: now, well, well then
dolĉa: gentle, soft, sweet, tender
kvankam: though, although
atenti: pay attention, watch out for
dikiĝi: become fat, gain weight
tuj: at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
ŝanĝi: change, turn
sen: without
dum: for, during, whereas, while, whilst
ekskurso: excursion, outing, sightseeing trip
soleca: lonely, solitary
tiuokaze: then
tamen: but, however, nevertheless, yet

Leciono 11 - La sentimulo
sentima: bold, courageous, fearless ('ul'—denotes a person or being characterised
by the idea contained in a root-word)
vespero: evening
homoj: people (viro/virino: man/woman)
plenigi: fill, fill in, fill up
placo: plaza, square, public square
junulo: youngster, youth
militisto: warrior
maristo: sailor
elstara: outstanding
alilanda: foreign
vojaĝanto: traveler, traveller
ĉambristo: servant
gondolisto: gondolier
moviĝi: move
urbomezo: middle of the town (mezo: average, mean, middle)
iom: a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent
plue: besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover
iom plue: a little further(?)
fine: at the end
proksime de/al: close to, near
laŭ: according to, along, by
hommulto: crowd (multa: a lot of, much)
rideto: smile
flanko: side
Ĉu tio estas vi? - Is that you? (predicates are never in the accusative case)
ekkrii: call out
fali: drop, fall
vere: absolutely, genuinly, indeed, really, truly
renkonti: come across, encounter, meet, see
sekvi: follow
dum: for, during, whereas, while, whilst
novaĵo: news, novelty, something new
tie ĉi: here
malfeliĉo: unhappiness
koni: be acquainted with, know
subakvigi: to sink (transitive)
kio: what
subakviĝi: to sink (intransitive)
troviĝi: be found, be located, find oneself
tiel: so, such, thus
estro: boss, chief, leader
preskaŭ: almost, nearly
jam: already, by now, yet
por: for, to, in order to, per
tie: there, at that place
grava: important, serious
haltigi: halt, stop
tiam: then, at that time
apud: at, beside, by, near, nearby, near to, next to
iro: run, operation, course
gravulo: important person ('ul'—denotes a person or being characterised by the id
ea contained in a root-word)
tial: for that reason, therefore
timi: be afraid of, fear
malliberigi: imprison, jail
dum: for, during, whereas, while, whilst
montri: indicate, point out, show
domego: mansion (domo: house; 'eg'—denotes augmentation, intensity of degree)
bezoni: need, require
kiom: how much, how many
mortigo: murder
monero: coin (mono: money; 'er'—denotes one of many objects of the same kind, the
smallest fragment)
afero: affair, business, business deal, case, matter
ĝustatempe: at the right time, in time
ŝipkuro: regatta
malforte: lightly, weakly
senvorte: without a word
ĝis: until, till

Leciono 12 - Nokta promeno

nokta: nocturnal
promeno: walk
alta: high, lofty, tall
dika: bold, corpulent, fat, thick
peza: burdensome, heavy, onerous
larĝa: broad
tio: that (thing)
korpo: body
aspekto: appearance, aspect
ludi: play
rolo: part, role
fakto: fact
almenaŭ: at least
pripensi: think, think about, reflect on (pri: about, concerning, on, upon)
antaŭ ol: before, previous to
ofte: frequently, often, regularly
utila: advantageous, useful
dumtage: by day, during the day
prezenti: introduce, perform, present
per: with, by, by means of, on, through
malplaĉa: nasty (plaĉa: pleasing)
ĝeno: trouble
loko: location, place, spot
arbo: tree
ĉefe: chiefly
devojiĝi: go astray, stray off (devojiĝo: aberrance)
ekstere: abroad, out, outside
vojo: road, route, way
iri: to go
aĉa: awful, terrible, rotten
sovaĝejo: wilderness (sovaĝa: savage, wild)
pasi: pass, pass by
brua: noisy
krome: besides, in addition, moreover
tuŝi: touch
natura: nature ('aĵ'—denotes a thing having a certain quality, something made from
a certain matter)
malseka: wet
meze de: among, amidst, in the middle of
paŝi: pace, stalk, step, stride, tread
travivaĵo: experience (tra: through)
malofte: seldom
dolorigi: hurt
ju: the
ju pli: the more...
antaŭen: ahead, forward, on
ĉe: at, beside, with
kastelo: castle
des pli: the more
ju ... des: the ... the
viro: fellow, man
okulo: eye
iro: run, operation, course
policano: policeman ('an'—denotes an inhabitant, partisan, member of)
mallaŭte: quietly
kunulino: companion
ĝusta: correct, exact, proper, right
ambaŭ: both
zorgi: care, see, take care, worry
kiel eble: as possible
eble: maybe, perhaps, possibly
plej malmulte: least
bruo: ado, din, noise
movi: move
sovaĝe: wildly
promenejo: promenade
faligi: drop, overthrow
dolorige: hurtfully
kavo: cave, cavity
akvo: water
iu ajn: any whatsoever
malplaĉa: nasty
efektive: absolutely, actually, in fact
atendi: abide, expect, wait, await, wait for
krom: apart from, besides, except, except for
homa: human
voĉo: voice; vote
tuj: at once, immediately, just, right away, right now
miri: marvel, marvel at, wonder (ek'—denotes an action just begun, also short dur
ation of an action)
surloka: on site
salto: jump, leap
koro: heart
ŝajne: apparently, seemingly
supren: above, up, uphill, upwards
ĝis: until, till
buŝo: mouth
kun: with
provo: attempt, test
sensukcese: unsuccessfully
rekapti: recapture, recatch, regrapple
repaciĝo: calming down? (paco: peace )
krome: besides, in addition, moreover
ŝajni: appear, appear to be, seem
surhavi: to have on, be wearing?
soni: sound
fuŝi: botch, bungle, screw up, spoil
eĉ: even
bieno: estate, farm, property, ranch
grafino: countess
ĉeesto: presence
peti: ask, ask for, beg, bid, request
sekvi: follow
klarigi: clarify, explain
ekde: from, since
fare: ?
ĉirkaŭaĵo: environment, environs, surroundings
koro: heart
foje: once, on occasion, sometimes (ĉi-foje: this time)
nur: exclusively, just, only
perdi: lose (perdigi: to cause to lose)
malmulto da: little

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