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Date: 2nd / November/ 2017 Juwaher Rashed Ali ALnaqbi

Time: 9:10 10:00 School: Khatt School
MST: Sultana Abdullah Class: Grade 4

Unit: Unit 3: The UAE desert- lesson 3 No. Ss 26 students

Learning objectives:

Speaking: To describe Deseret animals (Jerboa and Oryx) .

Reading: To read notes and compare two animals.

Writing: To write a description from question prompts and from provided notes.

Prior Knowledge (What knowledge are you building in?) students know:
o Writing sentences in present simple.
o Lexis of animals, parts of the body.
o Present simple to describe animals.
o Understanding of the question form: What is X like?
o Students knew how to use first, next, then, finally strategy to write a paragraph.

21 Century Skills:

o Learning and innovation skills: introduce learning to develop, implement and communicate new ideas to
others effectively in English.

o Learners Book, page 43
o Activity Book p.30
o Worksheet
o Colored markers

Key vocabulary:

o moisture, root, insect, tunnel, underground, cool, blood, brain, sweat, body, mud, rattlesnake, hill

Common misconceptions for learners, ways of identifying these and techniques for addressing these

Learners at this age may not be used to working from written notes so they may need support with how to
interpret them.
Those learners whose first language is Arabic might still be struggling with writing because of the lack of
needed vocabulary for specific topic, so they might need a little extra time for the writing stage and
flashcards of some helpful words.

Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
Check the students answers after each activity or at the end of the lesson collect their books and mark them.

Personal focus (related to PDP): In this lesson I am working on my

o Building my management skills and focus on teaching strategies that include writing, listening, speaking and
reading skills.
o Focus on myself to be a guide teacher rather than just take long time to lecture and talk.
o Let each student to be busy with learning something new.


And resources - / (Activity and Language)
Activity 1
Activity 1 Engage Quickly review the material about camels from the previous lesson by showing the camel picture
10 T-S students
minutes (Whole
1 class) Review Ask learners the questions from Activity 4 in Lesson 2 (Learners Book, page 42) again. Why
Starter does a camel have a long neck? Why does a camel have wide round feet? Why does a camel
have long eyelashes? Why does a camel have a hump? Why does a camel have thick lips?
1- Ask questions ng Through PowerPoint you can revise the desert animals (Oryx- jerboa- camels- wolf- fox- scorpion-
lizard- gazelle- sheep-goats- rattlesnake). By visual stimuli strategy Learners are provided
2- Visual stimuli with visual stimuli such as images, cues, or objects, to support them in making associations
and connections in processing, memorizing, and recalling information Linse, Boylan,
Medwell, & Schottman, (2016).

Activity 2 10 Whole Identify the Activity 2: read the note box

minutes class reading
strategy box Draw learners attention to the Reading strategy box and ask them to look at the photos and
Learners Book, page pictures and guess the content of the texts.
43 Compare Ask learners to read the two sets of notes. Draw a simple two-column chart on the whiteboard,
between two with one heading for Jerboa and one for Oryx.
Whiteboard (column animals in Ask learners to help you compare the two animals by asking questions: where does a
chart) the desert Jerboa/Oryx sleep? What does a Jerboa/oryx eat etc.
Complete the chart with the information the learners give you.


Talk about the chart and ask learners what similarities and differences they notice between the
two animals.
Support the low achievers and engage them while the activity do not let them just set back and


Learners own answers

20 Group Writing Activity 3: writing task

Activity 3 minutes work about desert
Learners Book, page Teacher should read the questions in page 43 then ask the learners to choose one animal to
43 write about it into groups of 3 students.
Writing notebook Students should answer the following questions according to their chosen animal (jerboa or
1. Where does it live?
2. Where does it sleep?
3. How does it get enough water?
4. How does it keep cool in the hot desert?
5. How big is it?
6. What does it eat?


Teacher should be walking around and check the students answers

Teacher try to check students writing grammar and encourage them to write correctly and
neatly on their writing notebook.
Ask learners to write full sentences using it, they.
Early finishers can be asked to help and/or peer-correct other classmates.


J erboa:
1- It lives in the Sahara Desert and the Gobi Desert.
2- It sleeps underground during the day.
3- It gets enough moisture from its food.
4- It closes the tunnel to its home with mud to keep out hot air. It has long legs to keep its body
away from the hot sand.
5- It is 10 centimeters long.
6- It eats leaves, roots and insects.


1- It lives in the Arabian Peninsula.

2- It sleeps in a shallow hole.
3- It gets moisture from grass and roots.
4- It can cool the blood in its brain by breathing through its nose. Its light fur reflects the sun and
the heat.
5- It is 1.52 meters long.
6- It eats roots, herbs, fruit and grass.

In pairs Activity 4:
Activity 4 10 Let students
minutes speak and Get the class finished with:

Describing an describe
Ask learners to think about their favorite animal then describe it to their partner, the partner
should guess its name.
Give students homework and demonstrate the worksheet for them:
1- Do a worksheet filling gabs with having picture bank. (see the worksheet below the lesson
2- Re-write the answers that they wrote about jerboa/ oryx as a paragraph.

Linse, C., Boylan, G., Medwell, C., & Schottman, E. (2016). Bridge to Success: Teachers guide.

United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press


The lesson in learners Book:


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