Lesson Plan 5

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Date: 2nd / November/ 2017 Juwaher Rashed Ali ALnaqbi

Time: 9:10 10:00 School: Khatt School
MST: Sultana Abdullah Class: Grade 4

Unit: Unit 3: The UAE desert- lesson 1 No. Ss 26 students

Learning objectives:

Speaking: To ask and answer questions; to read a poem aloud for fluency and pronunciation practice.

Listening: To do an extensive listening of a scientific text; to listen to a poem for general comprehension.

Reading: To read a scientific text; to read a poem for gist.

Writing: To spell superlative forms accurately.

Prior Knowledge (What knowledge are you building in?) students know:

o Writing sentences in present simple.

o Understanding of the question form: What is X like?
o The superlative and comparative forms.
o Lexis related to the desert and desert animals and plants of the UAE.
o Adjectives to describe people and places, comparatives and superlatives.

21 Century Skills:

Communication and collaboration: Introduce the concept of working in teams, with a common goal, to solve

o Learners Book, page 44 and 45
o Audio Track 28 and 29
o PPT presenting the ghaf tree
o Activity Book p.33
o Worksheet

Key vocabulary: Ghaf tree, roots, leaves, branches, fruit, underground, tall, deep, big, dry, funny, interesting, scary,

noisy, delicious

Common misconceptions for learners, ways of identifying these and techniques for addressing these

Learners may have difficulty with that we form the superlative in different ways according to the number of
syllables in adjectives and their endings. They will need more practices, so I will make some worksheet for

Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)

Check the students answers after each activity or at the end of the lesson collect their books and mark them.

Personal focus (related to PDP): In this lesson I am working on my

o Building my management skills and focus on teaching strategies that include writing, listening, speaking and
reading skills.
o Focus on myself to be a guide teacher rather than just take long time to lecture and talk.
o Let each student to be busy with learning something new.


And resources INTER- / (Activity and Language)
Activity 1
Activity 1 Engage
5 T-S students
minutes (Whole Odd one out strategy:
1 class)
Starter On the board write: jerboa oryx camels- Ghaf tree- rattlesnake
(little discussion) Introduce
the topic Have students decide which word is the odd one out and why?
Students give answers


Ask students to think about what type of plants they can see in the desert.

Give them some more examples and ask them which plants can grow in the desert and why?


The Ghaf Tree is out because it is a plant while others are animals.

Activity 2 15 Whole
minutes class Listen for Activity 2:
PPT presenting the information. Ask the learners if they have ever seen a ghaf tree and, if so, where, and ask them to
ghaf tree describe it.

Learners Book, page

44 Present the diagram of ghaf tree on the white board by PPT and point to the parts of the
tree demonstrating the new vocabs (root- branch- leaves- underground water).
Play an audio track
28 Ask learners to repeat the new words after you.

Ask students to think about these questions answers: 1-Why is it difficult for plants to
grow in the desert? 2-Why does a ghaf tree need very little water?

Ask learners to open their learners Book p.44, then ask them to listen to the audio and put
their fingers on the text.
Ask someone to read loudly in front of class.


Ask students to describe the ghaf tree using long- short- tall- etc.
You can play the audio two times more.
While students read the text ensure the correct pronunciation of the words.


1- Because the desert is very dry, and plants need water.

2- Because its roots are very long and they find water deep underground.

In groups Activity 3:
Activity 3
10 Ask students to read the Use of English tip on the previous page.
Learners Book Clarify and explain further if necessary.
page 45
Ask the learners to complete the sentences with a partner. Check with the class.


Discuss the answers to the questions learners have completed as a whole class.

This part ( comparative and superlative) need more practice so they will get a worksheet

as a homework (it is attached at the end of the lesson plan).


1 Which is the biggest continent in the world? Asia

2 Who is the tallest child in the class? Learners own answers.

3 Who is the funniest person you know? Learners own answers.

4 What is the most interesting fact about deserts? Learners own answers.

Activity 4 Work Activity 4:

15 Individuall Listen for
minutes y pronunciatio Play the audio 29.

Read as in n Learners listen to and read the poem in the same time. (like a chant)
Learners Book page
groups of 5 Ask students to match the words (hot- strong-easy-sunny-dry) to est in the poem.
45 like a Practice Ask students in groups to practice reading the poem, then ask them group by
Audio Track 29 reading and group to read it together in front of the class.


For the groups who has finished reading the will do ghaf worksheet to review the lesson.
fluency and
the rhythm Homework:
of the poem
1- Activity Book page 33
2- Practice vowels worksheet
3- Comparative and Superlative Worksheet
4- Each student will get Comparative and Superlative summarization worksheet

Resources: The lesson in the Learners Book

Ghaf Worksheet

Vowels sheet and explanation sheet for Comparative and Superlative

Comparative and Superlative Worksheet

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