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A _______ is a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar
manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same types of
outlet, or fall within given price ranges.

a. Product line.
b. Product mix.
c. Promotion mix.
d. Advertising mix.

2. Companies at the lower end of the market may want to enter the higher end is called as
_________ .

a. Downward stretch.
b. Upward stretch.
c. Two way stretch.
d. None of these.

3. A company offering middle class or upper class product line to current market may offer a
new product line to the lower market is called as ________________.

a. Downward stretch.
b. Upward stretch.
c. Two way stretch.
d. None of these.

4. Companies in the middle range of the market may decide to stretch their lines in both
directions is called as____ __________.

a. Downward stretch.
b. Upward stretch.
c. Two way stretch.
d. None of these.

5. The firm can lengthen its product line by adding more items within the present range of the
line is called as _____________.

a. Line Pruning.
b. Line Filling.
c. Line Modernization.
d. None of these.
6. A _____________ is the set of all products and items a particular seller offers for sale.

a. Product line.
b. Product width.
c. Product mix.
d. None of the above.

7. The _____________ of a product mix refers to how many different product lines the
company carries.

a. Depth.
b. Line.
c. Consistency.
d. Width.

8. The ____________ of a product mix refers to the total number of items in the mix.

a. Width.
b. Length.
c. Line.
d. Consistency.

9. The ______________ of the product mix refers to how closely related the various product
lines are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or some other way.

a. Width.
b. Line.
c. Depth.
d. Consistency.

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