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Instructor: T. Steffy Section 4.

3 Properties of Logarithms College Algebra MAC 1105

Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

4.3: Properties of Logarithms

Objective 1: Use the product rule.

Let b, M, and N be positive real numbers where b is not equal to 1.

logb (MN ) = logb M + logb N

Example 1: Use the product rule to expand each logarithmic expression:

a) log(7x) =

b) log 4 (7 11) =

c) log(100x) =

Objective 2: Use the Quotient Rule.

Let b, M, and N be positive real numbers where b is not equal to 1.

logb ( MN ) = logb M - logb N

Example 2: Use the quotient rule to expand each logarithmic expression:

a) log 7 ( ) =

b) ln =

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Instructor: T. Steffy Section 4.3 Properties of Logarithms College Algebra MAC 1105

Objective 3: Use the Power Rule.

Let b and M be positive real numbers where b is not equal to 1 and p is a real number.

logb M p = plogb M

Example 3: Use the power rule to expand the Logarithmic expression:

a) log A -3 =

b) ln x =

c) log(4x)5 =

Objective 4: Expand logarithmic expressions.

EXPANDING a logarithmic expression means to write a single log expression in as many as log
expressions possible by using the product, quotient and power rules .

Example 4: Use logarithmic properties to expand the following logarithmic expressions.

a) log b (y 6 z) =

b) log 4
x +8

x7 x2 + 6
c) ln
( x + 6 )

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Instructor: T. Steffy Section 4.3 Properties of Logarithms College Algebra MAC 1105

Objective 5: Condense logarithmic expressions.

CONDENSING a logarithmic expression means to combine many log terms of a given logarithmic
expression into a single log by using the product, quotient and power rules. (Opposite of expanding!)

Example 4: Use logarithmic properties to condense the following logarithmic expressions.

a) log 2 4 - log 2 2 =

b) 9 log b x + 5log b z =

c) 3ln x + 4 ln y - ln z

d) (log 4 x + log 4 y) - 2 log 4 (x + 3) =

e) log x + log(x 2 - 81) - log3 - log(x + 9) =

Objective 6: Use the Change of Base Property.

For any logarithmic bases a and b, and any positive number M.

log a M
log b M =
log a b
we use either a = 10 for common logarithm.
or a = e for natural logarithm.

Example 5: Use the change of base property to evaluate:

a) log5 140 = b) logp 57 =

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