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An ad hominem argument, or argumentum ad
hominem (Latin, literally "argument against the man
[or person]"), is a fallacy that involves replying to an
argument or assertion by attempting to discredit the
person offering the argument or assertion. Ad
hominem rebuttals are one of the best-known of
propagandist tactics.
Simply, it is a refutation of a proposition, based
solely upon some unrelated fact about the person
presenting the proposition. Such refutation is said to
be "against the person" (ad hominem) and not their
proposition. Properly, it consists of saying that an
argument is wrong because of something about the
individual or organization is in error rather than about
the argument itself.
Moreover, it is not necessary to insult the individual
or organization whose argument is attacked in order
to commit the ad hominem attack. Rather, it must
be clear that the purpose of the characterization is to
discredit the person offering the argument, and,
specifically, to invite others to discount his
Three traditionally identified varieties include:
Ad hominem abusive
Involves merely (and often unfairly) insulting the
Involve pointing out factual but damning character
flaws or actions.
Insults and damaging facts simply do not
undermine what logical support there might be for
one's opponent's arguments or assertions.
Ad hominem circumstantial
Involves pointing out that someone is in
circumstances such that he or she is disposed to
take a particular position.
Constitutes an attack on the bias of a person.
Does not make one's opponent's arguments, from a
logical point of view, any less credible to point out
that one's opponent is disposed to argue that way.
Ad hominem tu quoque (literally, "at the
person, you too") Also called the "hypocrisy"
Occurs when a claim is dismissed either because
it is inconsistent with other claims which the
claimant is making or because it is inconsistent with
the claimant's actions.
As technique of propaganda, despite its usual lack of
subtlety, it is powerful and frequently used (and,
anyone involved in
sometimes, excessively).

political discourse, and public

discourse in general, would do well
to become acquainted with it.
See also: fundamental attribution error
Portions of this article were adapted from Wikipedia's
Ad hominem article.
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This page was last modified 15:38, 8 Nov 2003. This
page is available under the
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