Bowie - Research Methods 509 Updated For Fall 2017 - Final

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Department of Counseling
Research Methods and Statistics in School Psychology
SPSY 509 - 191
FALL 2017 ~ Thursdays 4:55p-7:25p ~ LOCATION: J.E. Proctor 122

1. Course Name: Research Methods and Statistics- Course # SPSY 509 - 191
2. Instructor: Darla M. Scott, Ph.D.
E-Mail Address:
Phone: 301-860-3185
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00p-4:00p; and by appointment
Office Room: 281 in J. Proctor Building (formerly CLT)

Course Description:
This course provides candidates with the knowledge needed to understand the theories, techniques, and
methods of designing research in applied educational settings. Candidates will learn to evaluate and apply
research as a foundation for service delivery and collaborate with others in the research process (data
collection, measurement, analysis, and evaluation) using various techniques and technology resources. The
focus will be on the selection, formulation, and execution of research/ program evaluation projects and the
interpretation of the data from these projects. A special emphasis will be placed on the design and
implementation of research studies on current educational issues and will take into account the impact of
current school cultures on research and the implications for school psychologists. Topics covered will
include the development of research questions/hypotheses, operational definitions of research constructs,
sampling methods, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, qualitative inquiry, case studies, mixed
methods, program evaluation, data analysis and interpretation, effect sizes, research report writing, and the
critical analysis of research studies. In addition, ethical considerations with regard to educational research
and implications for diverse populations will be addressed.

3. Course Prerequisites:
Open only to school psychology majors. Exceptions must be granted by the course instructor.

4. Required Text(s) and ISBN#

Lodico, M.G., Spaulding, D.T., & Voegtle, K.H. (2010). Methods in educational research: From theory
to practice. Second edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (ISBN: 978-0470436806)

American Psychological Association, (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association. Sixth Edition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
(ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5)

Recommended Supplemental Text(s) and Reference or Course Materials

Borman, Geoffrey D. & Dowling, N. Maritza (2006). Longitudinal Achievement Effects of
Multiyear Summer School: Evidence form the Teach Baltimore Randomized Field Trial.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 28(1), 25-48.

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Bleske-Rechek, A., Zeug, N., & Webb, R. M. (2007). Discrepant performance on multiple choice
and short answer assessments and the relation of performance to general scholastic
aptitude. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 32 (2), 89-105.
Christensen, L., Young, K. R., & Marchant, M. (2004). The effects of a peer-mediated positive behavior
support program on socially appropriate classroom behavior. Education and Treatment of
Children, 27, 199-234.

Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 155-159.

Ehri, L. C., Dreyer, L. G., Flugman, B., & Gross, A. (2007). Reading rescue: An effective
tutoring intervention model for language-minority students who are struggling readers in
first grade. American Educational Research Journal, 44 (2), 414-448
Erickan, K. & Roth, W. M. (2006). What good is polarizing research into qualitative and
quantitative? Educational Researcher, 35(5), 14-23.
Gravois, T.A., & Rosenfield, S. A. (2006). Impact of Instructional Consultation Teams on the
disproportionate referral and placement of minority students in special education. Remedial and
Special Education, 27(1), 42-52.

Johnson, R. Burke & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose
time has come. Educational Researcher, 33(7), 14-26.

Klinger, J.K., (2005). How to publish in scholarly journals. Educational Researcher, 34(8),14-20.

Marchant, M., Renshaw, T., & Young, E. (2006). Using single-subject research in the practice of school
psychology. Communique, 35(1).

Marchant, M., & Young, K. R. (2001). The effects of a parent coach on parents acquisition and
implementation of parenting skills. Education and Treatment of Children, 24(3), 351-373.

Parker, R.I., Brossart, D.F., Vannest, K.J., Long, J.R., De-Alba, R.G., Baugh, F.G., Sullivan, J.R.
(2005). Effect sizes in single case research: How large is large? School Psychology Review, 34
(1), 116-132.

Polanin, J.R., Espelage, D.L., Pigott, T.D. (2012). A meta-analysis of school-based bullying prevention
programs effects on bystander intervention behavior. School Psychology Review, 40 (1), 47-65.

Schappe, Julie F. (2005). Early childhood assessment: A correlational study of the relationships among
student performance, student feelings, and teacher perceptions. Early Childhood Education
Journal, 33(3), 187-193.

Thomas, A. & Grimes, J. (2008). Best practices in school psychology: Fifth edition. Bethesda,
MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Wainer, H. & Robinson, D. H. (2003). Shaping up the practice of null hypothesis significance
testing. Educational Researcher, 32 (7), 22-30.

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Wilkinson, L.A. (2005). Bridging the research-to-practice gap in school-based consultation: An
example using case studies. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 16(3),

5. Task Stream Requirements:

TaskStream is the Bowie State University College of Education assessment evaluation system. Each
candidate is required to register for TaskStream. There is no key assessment required for this class.

6. Course Objectives:
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) 2010: Standards # 2.1 (Data-Based Decision
Making & Accountability) & 2.9 (Research and Program Evaluation).

At the completion of this course, candidates will be able to:

Module 1: Research Design Explained & Interventions
1. Identify the fundamental principles of applied educational research, including the development of research
questions, the development of methodological procedures, and the collection, analysis and interpretation of
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of various quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques used to address
educational issues in the context of the school setting
3. Critically analyze educational research articles and reports and discuss the implications for the practice of
school psychology especially with diverse student populations
4. Examine the criteria for evidence-based interventions and construct justifications for the use of various
5. Identify and apply ethically sound methodological practices with regard to educational research

Module 2: Program Evaluation

6. Identify the core components of effective and ethical program evaluation processes
7. Construct appropriate logic models to examine program effectiveness (including identification of formative
and summative program outcomes)
8. Design and implement an educational program or response to services or programs plan
9. Evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program or response to services or programs

Module 3: Application of Key Concepts

10. Access, analyze, and interpret data from educational research databases
11. Utilize systematic and valid data collection procedures to evaluate and document the effectiveness of
educational services or program
12. Apply the major elements of a research project in a written proposal focused on an educational intervention
or program
13. Collaborate with other scholars on an applied educational research project
14. Create a research/ evaluation plan utilizing data from multiple sources with consideration of the ecological
factors (e.g., classroom, family, community characteristic) impacting the focal population

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7. Instructional Strategies:
Instructional activities will include lecture, demonstration and modeling, guided practice, independent
practice, online and in-person collaborative exercises/ activities, candidate presentations, and group

8. Diversity:
Candidates need to develop proficiencies for working with students from diverse backgrounds and with
exceptionalities to ensure that all students have an opportunity to learn (NCATE: Standard 4).

9. Course Requirements:

Assignment Descriptions
Candidates will be required to engage in a variety of activities that apply knowledge of the educational
research methods. Those activities are listed below:

Discussion Board Participation 50 points (15 points / module forum)

Each candidate will be required to respond to three module discussion board posts plus a 5 point
introduction discussion board. Your grade will be based upon the clarity and thought of your original
post and your response posts to your classmates.

Online Exam Exercises 100 points (50 points/ exam)

Each candidate will critically review and analyze the information covered in Modules 1 and 2 and
respond to online exam questions on those two modules (administered on Blackboard). Each exam will
contain short answer and/or multiple choice questions. These exams will require that you demonstrate
mastery of the content covered in Modules 1 and 2. DUE: September 28th and November 23rd

Research Proposal and Powerpoint Presentation 100 points

Each candidate will prepare a research proposal (i.e., abstract, introduction, review of the literature,
research methodology, proposed data analysis and references). This assignment should be 10 to 12
pages long, double-spaced, 12-point font, and in APA format and style. Topics must be discussed with,
and pre-approved by, the instructor. Cover page, abstract, and references are NOT included in the 10 to
12 paper page length. This document will be uploaded to Blackboard for submission.
DUE: October 19th

You will also prepare, and present, a powerpoint presentation summarizing your research proposal. All
references and information should be presented using APA format. Copies of the power point should be
presented to the instructor and class participants.

The research proposal should include the following:

A statement of the problem or question (based in proven theory or theories) to be researched.
(Begin with a clear concise declarative statement)
The rationale for this study (i.e. why is this question /problem an important one, given other
related research in the field).
A discussion of who could benefit from the results
The purpose for doing this particular study
The hypothesis/hypotheses
The limitations of the study (e.g., possible issues regarding sampling, etc. These should be stated
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clearly, and an explanation should be provided about the scientific measures that will be taken to
address these limitations)
A review of related scientific literature to support the conceptual or theoretical framework of the
An explanation of the methodology. This includes: (1) the research design (2) the definition of
your dependent and independent variables (if your dependent measure is a standardized test, give
its reported mean and standard deviation) (3) a description of your sample and sampling
procedures (4) an outline of your instruments /measures and their relevant psychometric
properties (if you administer a survey to collect data to measure an independent variable,
describe how the surveys were disseminated, collected and scored) (5) your stated hypotheses,
both the null and the research hypotheses (6) a description of your data analysis (be sure to report
both descriptive and interpretive statistics and you may use a flow chart to give an illustrative
sketch of your research and data analysis designs)
The proposed data analysis section will outline how your research question will be answered
using your data and a particular analytic technique (e.g., t-test, ANOVA, or Pearsons

Collaborative and Independent Evaluation Plans 100 points

Each candidate will work with other colleagues to prepare an evaluation plan with supporting logic
model (25 points). Furthermore, each scholar will complete a brief independent evaluation plan for an
assigned program (75 points). These two assignments will be used to demonstrate mastery of the
program evaluation process. This document will be uploaded to Blackboard for submission.
DUE: November 30th & December 7th

Application: Evaluation Plan or School Based Intervention Presentation 50 points

Each candidate will prepare a power point presentation to present to class participants on either data-
based program modification plan OR an empirically-supported, research-based intervention for a
specific issue or problem frequently encountered with PK-12 children or adolescents. The focus of the
powerpoint will be on analyzing the following: the research base for the intervention/ plan, the sample
used, the methodology, and the results with a supporting logic model. Each presentation should also
include a discussion of the limitations of the plan/ research and its applicability to school psychologists
and other staff working in schools. Topics must be cleared in advance. DUE: December 14th

Module Exercises and Activities 60 points

There will be online video critiques, article annotations, and collaborative exercises to reinforce the key
concepts in each Module. These assignments will be required as you participate in each online module.

Attendance and Class Participation 40 points

The course objectives cannot be realized without regular attendance and participation. Please note that
attendance and class participation count toward your final grade and that there are not provisions for
making up absences. Credit for class participation is based on factors such as regular attendance, regular
participation in class, and contributions to class discussions.

Additional guidelines and templates for selected assignments are located at the end of this syllabus.

All written assignments are to use APA format 6th Edition. APA 6th Ed formatting guidelines can be
found at

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10. Attendance Policy:

Students are expected to attend every session for which the course is scheduled unless otherwise agreed
to by professor and student. Three (3) or more unexcused absences may result in the students receiving
a failing grade for the course. Students are considered tardy 30 minutes after class begins. Three
instances of tardiness will be counted as one absence.

11. Evaluation:

# Requirement Percent of Grade Weighting Scale

1 Discussion Board Participation 10% 50 points
2 Online Exam Exercises 20% 100 points A = 450-500
3 Research Proposal and Presentation 20% 100 points B = 400-449
4 Evaluation Plans 20% 100 points C = 350-399
5 Application Presentation 10% 50 points F = 349 or
6 Module Exercises 12% 60 points less
7 Attendance & Participation 8% 40 points
Total Points 100% 500 points

12. Class Schedule

Date Module Topic/Assignments Activities Due

Selected lectures will briefly incorporate a review of ethical guidelines and/or issues of diversity.
8/31 1 Introduction to Educational Research Lodico, Spaulding, &
Philosophical Frameworks for Educational Research VoegtleChapter 1
Research Ethics
9/7 1 Types of Educational Research Designs Lodico, Spaulding, &
VoegtleChapter 2
9/14 1 Descriptive Statistics / TED TALK Lodico, Spaulding, &
VoegtleChapter 3
9/21 1 Qualitative Measures and Procedures Lodico, Spaulding, &
VoegtleChapter 5
9/28 1 Quantitative Research Lodico, Spaulding, &
Descriptive Survey Research VoegtleChapter 8
Conducting and Evaluating Descriptive Survey Research ONLINE EXAM 1
10/5 3.1 Experimental Research Lodico, Spaulding, &
Steps in Planning and Conducting Experimental Research VoegtleChapter 9
Threats to Experimental Validity Ethics Reading on
Single-Subject Research Designs Blackboard
Effect Sizes
10/12 3.1 Research Proposals Lodico, Spaulding, &
Identifying and Researching a Topic VoegtleChapters 14 &
Preparing a Research Proposal 15
10/19 3.1 Proposal Presentations DUE Research Proposal

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10/26 2 Program Evaluation in Education Lodico, Spaulding, &
VoegtleChapter 13
11/2 2 Nonexperimental Approaches: Causal Comparative and Lodico, Spaulding, &
Correlational Research VoegtleChapter 10

11/9 2 Logic Model Development in Program Evaluation AEA/ SAGE chapter

Program Evaluation Exercise Reading on Blackboard
11/16 2 Exam Review (Online Exercise)

11/23 2 No ClassThanksgiving Break ONLINE EXAM 2

11/30 3.2 Educational Measurement: Archival Data and Lodico, Spaulding, &
Standardized Instruments VoegtleChapter 4
DUE Collaborative
Collaborative Evaluation Plan Exercise Evaluation Plan
12/7 3.2 Action Research Lodico, Spaulding, &
VoegtleChapter 12
DUE Independent
Evaluation Plan
12/14 3.2 In-Class Application Presentations DUE: Data-Driven
Evaluation Plan OR
School Based
Intervention and
Powerpoint Presentation

Each student is expected to attend all class sessions, complete reading assignments in advance, and be
prepared to participate in class discussion and activities. Supplemental readings may be assigned during the
semester to address specific issues as they arise within the course.

Important Dates to Remember:

August 28-- First Day of Classes (Regular and 1st Eight Week Session)
September 1-- Last Day to Add/Drop, or Register For Class
September45 --Labor Day
September 13--Matriculation Convocation
November 13-- Winter/Spring 2017 Registration Opens
November 23-24-- Thanksgiving Recess--University Closes on Wednesday at 5:00 pm
November 27--Classes Resume
December 11Last Day of Classes
December 22--Last Day to Submit Final Grades for Non Graduating Students
December 23--End of Semester (University closes at 5:00 p.m.)
*Periodically check the Fall 2017 Academic Bulletin for all dates or changes.

13. Other and Additional Information :

BEES: All students are to sign up for BEES (Bowie State University Electronic Emergency System).
BEES registration is located on the homepage of the Bowie Website.

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14. Special Accommodations: Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in
this class are encouraged to contact Dr. Michael Hughes at as soon as
possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Appendix (Available on Blackboard):
Information Literacy Standards
Conceptual Framework
Program Standards
NCATE Standards
Other Standards appropriate to your program

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