No 4-The 26th Division in The Aisne-Marne Campaign July 1918

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July 1918

'1 '':
' '

la, Vo,. .i.., ChitI

Draft m11111script not to be reproduced iii

any form witho11t permisaion from the
UG447 U.S. Army Oiemical Corps Hittorical Office
U. S. Army Chemical Corps Historical Office
01453 Office of the Chief Chemical Officer
Washington, D.C.
study No . 4 September 1957


July 1918

l~ Vo,, d.., C~itel

Draft meuaicript aot to be reproduced m

aay form wilhut permiuioo from the
U.S. Army Clemical Corps Historical Office

U. S. Army Chemical Corps Historical Office

Office of the Chief Chemical Officer
Washington, D.C.
study No. 4 September 1957
TM 2fth 1)1T1aioa 1n the Aime-Kam t.upalp.
July llla


HiftOIUCAL r.tlll>III

u.1. Aftf dh..ieal Corp JUstorioal Ottio~

e~.. et the Ch1t Clh...ioal Ottioer
ANJ Ch-teal C-"ell', llaryhn4

Th 28th 1>1v1don 1n the J.imiKarne Cupa1gn
July 1918

Under oontraot DAl8-l08Clll.-41l

U, S, A:n,q Chnioal Corp,

thll h an aooepted draft atudy on gaa W&l"tare 1n World War I

Brigadier G.miral, UIA.

Aut OC..10 tor Pl-inc J)oo\rimi

Thl1 11 a tentatln atudy ot th gu uper1eMe ot

the 28th D1Th1on in th ila-lla.rna Cupaip. during W1r1,

1far 1. Thh atudy h ~ preaented 'aa a dltin1ti'YI and

ottiolal hhtor:r, but h reproduoed tor current retereno

uH wlthln th ll111taey lnabl1ahaent pending the publita-

tlon o.t an apprond hlatory.

ffl author wa, t.aaisted in hil reHaroh b7 )Ir. Walter

o. )loellr and Kr Charlotte Bolin,

10,1 to Reader, Coaienta and aug1eationa reiatlfl i

aoourt.07 aii3 t.d,quaoy of tret.tmlnt are 1nT1tod, and1be
tranaa1ttd to the Chief, u.a. J.rmy Corpa Historical
Ottio, An ChellliOt.l Center, Maryland.
tl!J 2ml DIV lSI0)l Ili TD
.AI4NB-MARU c.ulPil.OI


. .. . .

I ll 'th fa 1iA1 a.nor , , , ... a

r / ()a t or atraeHDbau 8 , , , , ..... 11
T~ Soolld Battle of th Karn 8egiru1. 19
I n th llarrowtnc Corridor , , , ,
Th German' l.etreat , ,


In the Boia 4 Trugnr, , , , , , ,

Corp OrdePa

8The lfondertul Ineff1oieJ' of lb.ell Fire
Tho Caeualt7 leoorda. , , , , II
Tllo 211\h D1Tidon 1n th A"-ok, . .. . . . . ea
Jnnoh &Dd A,oeric11.11 Cu11alt1 ..
tlae l.eputat lop. of the 28th Di'rhion, , , es
llapa an4 field lketoh
Kap lo, l . Onrlq Plan of tho a.oo~ Battle of t.h Kame, la

hp So , I Dhpodilon of !!!I
(lobo'elar) Corpa,
? Julr 1&18 ,

Kap )lo, :S I n)' ht Line Poaitio n betwMn Vau.x &Dd

Bellau Wood.

Kap 110. 6 lat and aad. Poaltlone lnPaa Fini laotor, . ,

Map 110, 11 & o.,.rU .y ..,.._, of Qaa Attaok9, 16-le July, , , , , 12a
Maps and Field sketph (cont'd)

Map Na. 6 ,Disposition for the Attack, Nigbt 17-18

July . . . . . 20a

Field ~etch View of Hill 193, 21a

corps Objectives, 20 .July . ...

Attack on 22 Jluy . ,, . . , .. , , , . . . , . . . .

Map NI). 9 Gas Attack., 22 .July , ,., . , , 3la

Map No. 10 Disposition of corps Schouer, 20 Jluy, ,

Map No . 11 German Defens1ve Poai'tiona in COrpa

Schoeler Sec~ . , . . . , . , . , , . , , . ,

Map Mo. 12 & Overlay Situation Maps, 71.b Apq, 19 & 25 Jl.lly , 39a
Map Nt,. 13 Attack of 101st Infant.ry on 23 JW.y . 4oa
Mri.p No .. 14 Situation of 26~ Division, Evening of
24 Jlll.y . . . . . . .
Map Nb, 15 Plan for Gas Proj ecior Attack, 6 Jlll.y. 61a
,, OhllllVI
ftl 2ffll J>IYUIOI D !lll .llSlil-lWUII
JULY 1918

it th furn ot th !14
'flT Jl 11117 11118, after adftllol.JIC tor n.n day,. tho Gerrnn a - t h ""5[
bu lon lt forward 4r1n. Ill a wrpr1H broakthroup, lt had rouhod. th

Mun. !hat day th Germn turned thelr effort to nltwvd npUldOJl

of tho bu.lee, d - tho n.lloy botwan tho Ouroq and tho Man. towaria tvh.

Petaln' re ....... ,. 1nolud1ng th 2lld . ._.r1oan D1T1tlon, ohoot:9<1 tho 111aat

Nld eTeroxt,1149' 0 - - torooa, and through tho raonth of' Juno tit. Dlllllr

- p t to ooaHlldato tho tvraln he had won.

n1, break\hrouch, wb1oh Ludendorlt had planned a d1Tw11oa for hh

pr1. .1,a1 ottor'c agalaat th !lrltlah 1n 1lllll4or,, to be follDlrH ill aid

July \7 otlNP 41flr,10BIII")' aa..,lt an either aide of' 1u, propara'\or7 to

a tbal ault en tile ai:-11 ~enter at BaHbrouok. On ll .Jill)', th Oel'IUIII

1'1rst and Thi" l.ral te th oaat of Rotaa wore to dr1n tffW'4a Chalona

( .., Io. l and Oftr1ay), 11h1lo tho lnnth Ararr croHed tho MarD.O near
Doru.Aa and ee!lflrCM 1rltb the -1n adTano toward lpernay. Parh - to
b tu.. traa the ean, rather than throug)l the Talley ot th Jlanlia 1M4ea-

tertt 1.a "ak la Fluader, 1r1 to follow on 20 J11l7, when ,he artillery
ud dr,ratb uHd t, lu.noh the lia attaok had been tranaported DOrth,

The ~aek Oil th 11th bn either aide ot I.el.a - tho laat 0.rMD ot-
teadTe the wetteni. fl-on\. Th creat Frenoh and !.-rioan artlllery
aounter-,nparo.tlon juat before the OerMn adn.nce, followed by the .t.ll1N

eou.aterattuk on July 18 againn th flank of th Oemn lennth Ang, ao

jeopardiled th Geraan a1tuat1oa that LlldeJllerft - ooapelled to

- l -
ud thea .-...011 hie whole pl tor tiaal Tiotory. !h b- bad ~&IUI
Deco'*'', at,acly tor a ln...1 ot th Offend-.. by '21 lith lilw:f, 111

*ioh the IM D1T1'1oa - to haft a pan, tore,aw that an .lllL-4 a\taok

on th lZklloaeter front betsn th Ouroq and Cl1gnoa r1Tere - poH1ble

with llh preffllt Ualted _an, 1t th neay Wire to weua r te ' t l n
. .
hlaeelt lNWhere. There wr three d1Th1oa, wt'th pan f a ,...,. I.a \lie

llu I ily, the tat ot llh etudy, b\111. h wuld - lltiw .._ tlTle-

1... at Ill dhpo,al, tour ln th lln ud three ln r e -, wl\11 peul-l.J

- er two Mrlean d1T1d1111 aY&Uabl later.1

Appl1l11& th lenon ta11g)lt br \II a.- anlllery ln ~. b ~

- - - - the 01H and the I - 1D llarch, the hen U't1lle'7, lait Dt1.-.,
wvld opea tile attaok with an lnt" but 'bl'lt ,...,aratloa, 1th lll~elw

'"' ot aa ll oa Dlll!1' 'battery podtlon,. l'ltb Ille .,_, anlllr,, Ile

wov1' llaff tlllna battaUoa, t 1611 oa bh treat, 9t re ,-.1n,17

Dalltral1H _..,, t.nlll..-,.. Thl MlltraU..\lq will be 4 ae ab u

po'u lbl wl a llhlle..1 Te\, tll tl.M tor th at\aelt - , tll

1Ha& rtred ao .,..,11,rr preparMlft llllat-, 1n order to Mhine .al-
- a11r1..., wltb " " re,o.,.ry ot th IINIIY troa \Ile ..,,.1"

,.._u,, h t 11,... , _ 41Tldou, laal\14lnc th ,-r1,aa ~ 11114

IAh, la tlr9' llne tor th a1.taalt all4 . . la rerfl, wltla tile rhan
tftll, . . . . . . . 41111 &e aY&llable later.
._., Jlq lith AN:f, 8tud7 tor R-1 ot Ottendft by the lI\11 J.Nr, I
.J11l (ltth D1T Bo:a: 12, Sl.a). lee aho G-~ etud7, Pm
ot the Jonh 111114
Jortl'ltan, .ta,tleal LI-n.-- hoa Operatioa 'b.t'neu ~e 01H lad tile
loaae, 6 J\tn (tr at CIIQ .tlr, .1, laa) (l'b14., Sl. 7),

Order 81, Prenca 1671111 DlY111. ., 17 '111 (2etll 1>1T !oz lt, 11. 11, l&T"

- a-
7. Am
La, ""' 18. Jul\ ,,, .. 6" "'"",
F.1.. <1.f ,t, t """'""," I,,. I'!, J\&I\ ,.,dt



Sou,c:e, 1-.Gt.,-af\A,wi.'(
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rok l'\AP N0. 1

SECOijl) 8A,TlE OF TttE MA!tfllE

;JIA'f'" A\M:US1

,. .. MU$


,,----- ~


a... tht.\6' 'I

...... ~\F-"t~ ARM'/

MAP Na l

lb, i.h l'rnoh fo1111.d it neoH~1 to uH oondclwre.b l ce. on thdr

front in ordr t a.d't'atlo-

In th great .t.llied countere.ttaok, Degoutt' frneh Sisth A.ray ple.yed

e. aubaidifJ')' role to lle.ngin' Ten\h , e.nd in l)egoutt' ~ th role of the

. .
26th D111on, 1n a p1TO\al poaitlon, we.a rele.t1yely 1noonap1ouou NYor-

theleu, in it week of flptin&, th Ztth J)iYlaia e.d't'atlcd arnntND lcilo-

utera, th firat ree.l Ml.'t'atlo -d by e.n ,Aaerioan d1Yia1on as e. unit 1D

World we.r I, Unlik th rreah 41Yhiona on it r1..1ta, th 2Si.h DiYid10.

mad that e.d't'atlc without th adYt.nte.g of ge.e, It g oe.aue.ltlea, on tho

other he.nd, -nr e.11 out of pNportiOll to thoH aufforod b7 th Froneh 41't'1-

tho 0111>he.ai1 in thl ropert 1 e.Jaoat oque.llr t1do4 bot. .~ i.h c
oxper1aoo of th diYidon 1a ~ two wook prior to ita and, pe.rtl7

aa e. roeult of i.he.t xprl-oaoo, i\a rea.tion to ge.a i.h adYt.nCO

Ia tho fa 11a1 l'l.r

On 6 l\&17, 11JI dar ""' boiac rllYod ill th leuq ...tor, 1n 1;ho

........, 'l.h 2e\h Jlh1,dOll &1'1'1..... ill the faa (Ulllfla1ebot)
. .

nar Olt fhtorry, It 11.. . 'It- riN<l to rU" \ho ahaunff 2114
Dirlaln, 'llhieh tr UllrtT-flff 4a7 teupt . .rH llt11o_.r of crollDll
aca1nn 'II. Genua tore on tho fe.r11-Kt road. C:inc to th left of
tho aonor wro th 1011"4 11M J.06\h locl.aoM~, &2114 llrigd.o, udr lrig, a...
Charl C:1 te ~ ript WON Ui lOZDl u4 lOln 10,uowt, 11-' llrlg-
... (la 1,11.&t rtr t r lf't to right), UJldr llrig, On., 11, 1holt011,

Th lilet r.t. lricd under llr1g. Gen. Dwight I , J.ultaaa, an4 Xaj, Gft

Cl e.reno l , JN.Tatd ec ndod \be dl't'iioa,

- s-
The rellet began that day with elements ot the 52n4 Brig&de replacing
the tth Brigade (14arine) in the lett aeotor, The next day turther relier
waa poatponed when intormation was received that a large-aoale German attack
- about to be m&de aomewhere between and Chateau Thierry, Until the
attaok actually began, on either aide ot Reim t~ daya later, i t - beli..,.d
the eiway The relief wa not to
advano would be mad down the )larn Talley.
be reaU1Ded until 7 July, and wa.a completed on the night ot s-g Jul7.
On & July, a the 52nd Brigade took over the lett aide pt th line,
the German unite opposite were two regiments ot the tth lraat& Di"1aion,
btween Buaaiares and Belleau, completing the rellot cf the 5th Guard DivlaitA
that day and taking OTer a eeo\or of the 87th Diviaion; the 87th Divia1oa,
between Belleau and Boureachee; eleaenta of the 28th Division, between
Boureech and Va_ux, aeon to withdraw; and a reg1mnt of the 20let Division,
6 .
encircling Vaux (llapa Jlo , 2 and S), The 6th Guard Division waa completely
. . .
uaed up. It waa to be reported on 12 July ae no longer oapable of battle.
Th 4th lraata and 8Tth Diviaiona were stlll fully capable ot. fighting ln
pcdthaal warfare but badl7 in need of rest and retraining. J.ll but oue

lal 0, lnd Div, 4 JulJ War Di&r7, 2nd Div, 5 Jul,

IO II.Pl, VIth J,;nrq, 2 Jul, and GO 6'5, $:rd Fr C, 2 Jul (2eth D1v Box 22,
S2.7, Fr or4era) ordered the piecemeal relief of the Marin brigade and ita
U'ty avpport between t-7 Jul, that of the 3rd Brig and ite art7 between 7-11
Jul. 00 :stO!, Vlth A, S Jul, ordered iimaediate alert dlapoaitiona and alert
aeroiHf ln preparation tor the attack. er. IO 48, 28th Div, 1600, 5 Jul
(2et~ Div Box lS, s2.1)

IOI es, 2nd Div, -1 Jul.


t.7.18 ~}
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Loc,.:nof't t: E:Ml.l"'\"f , tT L1HC. Pot1T10"4$
Bt.""tw~ l'C v,..u"I. Mo eo., 01 I.A Sft.,Cfll\Ot o, MAC..1Nt
,~owN v Ptto"To Of' J"LV 1',, ,ua


Ngiment ot the 201st Dhhion was battle-worthy.

To th ot th 26th D1v1,ion was tho Fronoh 167th Divieion, llh1oh,

with th 28th, made up the .American 1st Corpa. To tho right waa th French

S!lth Divle1cn, XXXVIIIth French Corpa.

A captain ot engineer,, goinc up to Belleau Wood w11;h infantry ettlor

to make a reoonnai aano tor the 26th Div11on, 1111., lf't in no dou"' th~

an awt'lll tight had gone on in thoao woodu tree, t.ll llhot to ph,
fol i age de1troyed, oloth1ng, ritles, m kita, &lllllunition, vn ...tta1..
guna , b oth Aaor loan and Gorman, strewn everywhere , And then tho dea ot
both aid 8omat1aea two opponents ware al.moat in a death grapple
!here were two Germana in a little firing-pit , ,.both in the Hae ptn'IIN
and both sighting their rltl hold at the aaa poaltion, In a 11~1 lar-
lng wu a group of eight of our boya , apparently a aqut.4 who had oharpd a
boohe machine gun when it got them all

11' made a thorough reeonnaluanoe ot the woods &lid studied th haat7

intranotm.nta, -ahlna-11,m poeit1ona, and advanod po-ta, On the left w ,aw
a ahallow trench oxtendb1g through a wbeatfleld. In that trenoh nr ua
lying down in the hot aua . They could hardl7 110ve without e:,;poaure ,, hoatll
tire, Bo om could get to ' - aoept at nig)lt , Iver:, aorn1JIC n tll.Ne
oclook a dotall crawled out with a oold aaal of ''lilly' aJld ha~...k alll4 one
oant. .n of water tor th day, ,

["In a olearl11g the aide ot the wood, in tront et lout-Hohea,J

- -r ctartwd to find ouraalvee surrounded by hunal TlieN aun haw bffn
twenty t hel't, all dead, aome aprnling on t he ground, other, hanging in tN
or Oil Wi~, whN our eb.elb had probably bl""D tb.ea, 8

'flUt't (lohHlff) ""llll'h le5ior\, 12 Jul ~7th ~ WIIU., 2g JIID-8

us, n , Qfr.&A ru.,, Bez ao..J> . For 1.t,1 o e1taiid 201a, Dh. . . .
Zfth M I , 22,J. . . - .
0. al ll, th 21th Div orod th 87th Dlv otor into that et tile
IOln IIJ.v ( - Kap Ii, 2), an4 on 2Z Jul waa aririd the tor 11- at lpieda
bhM 201n Div aDi l9'h Landwbr D1v. !hat da7, the 22Dl, the IW 1>1.v
at ..ra (1161 \lie . itfth ~ l\.wa, in Corp, lathe~ waa brought down to n,-
port th lOIII tdw, U:1 itjj ,axon ae~ moving to v1olnlt1 ot La Losetto
Kah (2Sr& Ii ID, 22 Jut l 2Sra i,ti,11:., tol .;c
Geraan rue, los 11tJ1
Corpe lCaUi. . Opn 0 3208, a2T1, Id J11i .[Box l&l.:11

11 '
Cut'ell l, hu (Co D, lOht IJic), My Cc,any (Boatons B01111lt0A Kiffl11l,
11118, I ll pt) PP 18J;.1811,

6 -
ror n ... eq, aftor tho UTlnl ot tho lfth DlTllloii, lt, bo.,quutor1

am Sln lrlp4o roa&1Dt4 la tho 0000114 or UST 4otouo pooltlon, With lt1

Uni lrl1.. la tho troll\ 11 d tlrt polltl 1Ul!Sol' tho u 1ad of tho
2nd D111ln (llap o ).~ Dota1lo4 Corp 11'dor1 11114 1nn1'11otlo111 nro 1nue4

de.117 oa th 1nt- ot tho alol"t aa4 OOW!ffr-ottftllff proparatlou.

01W or.tor _., tho 28th Dlhloa r1aponelbl1 hr lllow1111 tho ll&r1!II -~He
111 tho not ,t broutllN Oil T ~17 alll asln on lll J11l7 hlpor bod

q11art1r1 lH11 ,peelal WV11111& t!l' 'ht apono4 attaok - I.all--, . lnlt
oath b'ont tho Mey eppoaro4 onl:, to bo or1aall11& 41fo11UTO pHltlone la

ep'Cb. 1trl11&l11C aoco,41u W1N an4 , . .1, 'barbot wlN, t.1111 ,oannotlac ...

. .cllino p UII ,itlo podtlou~lO Oil ~ ...,.lou 11,,, all troop nro

11llllarl7 ll&C4 la collftl'Uotlac ,r 111r19Ctboa1ac ~lno l'lll 111plac,..11\1,

wlr ,zrtaql-nt, aad t1,1111 t~ah panloularl7 aroum tho roooatl7 nn
1011 4o 10110111 and Tillage ot T.aa. AD4 4all7 ,n, artlllor:, on both 11401
put down t1N en targot or opportanlty.

ro . lilt c.
T .iul (ln c l a l&)J ltr ~otl 11th Di to co 10~.. Int,
21.:SO, :r .iul, .a ubt
Jllplo:,aaa ,t troop, on Jiodtlon I (211th Di Bn 19, :s2. 1).
Tho .4na1lt4 plan tor tnn of the lat am 2nd polltlou, pan ,t .
nth Azwif' alHion to roaln a orlnc
ot tho lllarno, aro i.n JO i, lrt c, a
.JIil. ... Corp, inavwnleM ia IIUI D1 le u4 Bu 111, sz.111.
0a I Jl, Opu O lit C Art:,. 1a14 eo"ala 'ba1.tor1 'lbooo IOIIO ot

..-1. . 1 -.,:,end 1000 .nor tt our 11 of ollt)oat,, will be NqUlrecl to
n... oa lacaJill,
O,u O e, ln C Arty, aa14t 11 It 11 ~-1144 that a largo
proponln ot gai bo -.,lo:,M la the nautrallaatlon 01\~bo ~ batterl
D1Thloa 11114 .Al'tilll'7 C n4ora will aubalt to thoH ~dquariora 10011
a1 po11lblo aa enlaaM ot tho mabor ot ga1 eholle n.4ocl Jlo 1uoh
oltlaatoe haft booa tollll4o (Opna O 1D lit O Bas 31, 90.11, ~ ot Opu, u4
la lat c Bu :SIi, eo.:sz).

IOI t,~ tho pr1o4, alllll G-2 ht C Jtpt, - of ltu4y of Ina," 19"or
Oppollt let C tr. . i - lat to J11l7 15ill (leth D1 In S2, 11.6) .

~ ....

~,J <

'tr; ...
l; ..


alt 11b uu7 hootU HI tire, 3li0 a:uotard llhU """' tlfftl lato th
Joh 4 1 Marett ud 200 ll1fl4 gao 114 HI lholh 3un ot ot Tutlrw 4-..
Tri1M1l t.h a.1p.t ot 4..,5 Jul7, resulting in aor 't;hu 120 c uultl
1n th 2nd D1Tll1on, There wu turthr gu .bll1111g on th 5th, ..S durl11g
th night ot ti,. eth hu>n llOO cu lhlll toll on tho 2114 DlT1tlon troat,
prlnolpal17 aro,m4 M-""" ao4 lourb.tln, w1th 50 or aore gao faNaltlH,
On tho night of tho '7th, opprn:1aot01J' S50 ga1 lhelll flN tlNd lrAO 11b

Boh do la Marotto ud Bl d BoHoau, with 8 oa1ual'blH raponu. b7 11M

2"" Dlvhjon. 11 ~hora h ,.. ro1ord ot 28th DlTillon Bl or gu -ltloo
botoro 9 Jul7 when, ttlcl.'ng onr 1111 ot th et.or, tho 41Thloa 'bocaa
t ,1 .."" 11' """1-lH ot I1Aol11pue ud ,Dilly Opr&tlono a.,,na,U
In tho tlT04q brinoa Qo nenll1& ot I Jul7 ud tho OTOal11&
~ 1& .ruii,, whoa the a.,_,. ottonolTO 11111111 wlth a 4-nrtration aa tho
26th D1Tlalon tron:b, tho ,,...rd, lD4loat that opprn:1Joo,tol7 10,HO ro11114o

or II toll ln tho HJIIS ll'l..,.., rawltlnc ln 14 1cu1.. ud M woumlo4,

In tho - porlotl, a total ot 11, $80 Ill llhtlll toll la th Slot Jrlp4t
Hotor, ranlt.1111 ln 11 lcl11o4 and e wol1Ddtd ln that brlgadO, """ 2 lclllt4
IOI es, 88,
h&TO bnn
2114 DlT, ... Juli Jal o, 21111 DlT, M JIil, t'hoN atlco
pnTlQU1l7 Npol'IOd 111 tl)O 2"4 DlT ""'47
12 . .
...oor41 j,ra..J.oua to J11l7 10, 1918 "" oo lnooaplete that a 4&117 olanl
tloo.tloa ol>. not b;;r1'Ni11 (Ltr JIGO to , CIIII, 20 Jan 19, lip~ " Gu ..,..lTU,100
["28th DlT 8n: HD , .. . .. . .
A. tho 28th D ., . ,.,.,.., oom&D4, hq or tho lOSrd Illf .,,.. oot up at La
Tolo 4u Chaw l, 1111 l<>hll "\ Ill.hon Blo.nob, aD4 ti\ Hn4 Brig at La Logo
re.... $ th 10,Zl'illl Ill Wal 1.,
'COll.P'i"'l, 1m. 101 ~ a.u.d all 1,b;a' I'5"l ~ I *ti
'IA at Lail AlnoU Bon:b..,,, tho &lrt Brlg wa1 at l>oooptin and tho &lrt ri BrlJ
ml DiT liq, at MU'1CD7, Ttt up that day to a.,,.....,11
nre in tho Bolo d La Crelll<ltto, (DOil, a-9 JQl),
'tho lOlrt Ing,

, .. 7 '"'
and 13 wounded ln tho lOht lngl,..trn .13
Although th """7 tired ..... gas on Hoh ot thoH tin d1.11, it
reporttdl7 produ..d little ott,ot. On tho loth, 'La Volt du Cllotol reoolnd
an 1ntenH bur1t ot 1helh .... at 16100 oolook, [ioJ blue aro11 ga1 lhlll

bolng uaod in tho bOlllb.,.~nt, with 26 g round on on unidom:itlod targ"1>

and 20 on tho Bot, do la 11.,.etto that oven1ng, all without oaudng anr oaau&1-
tie1.1' App~ox1.Jlately 60 round.a ot gaa wre put on Vaux and the Boil de la
aoohe on tho night ot 11-12 July, and again on Vaux and tho raYlno b"1>woon
Vux and llonnoux on the ovodng ot tho 12th, On tho night ot l~H Jul:,,
50 gu lhll toll on triangle ro..,., nd Boil do Trhngle and ZS .... 1n tht

Sot, de Belleau.16 That 11111e night between 1,20 P and 111 th

102nd r.1. ot th 26th D1Y11ion tlrod 130 !lo, 5 (pho1gt110) lholh 1,it;a tho
Bola dt1 loohtt,,16
Only 3 ga, oaeu.alti Nwlt1ng boom about 270 gas 1hel11, were reported
b7 tht d1T111on tor tho tlvodt1.1 porlqd. DiYi1lOJ1 Surgeon record,, h....,.r,
lhow e g ea1Ualtlt1 during that period, wl\11 an aotual ooum: ot tho hospl
tal &da111ion ll1t1 reveal 67 gaa oaaualtlo1 botweon lO-l July,17

IOI IT-91, le.II D1T, e-1 Jul (21!1>h DlY a... 8, 20.1), llOlt, 281,n DlY,
._1 ,., ,,.,. . e;,1), . .
IOI 87, ee, 111 JulJ DOI, 9-10 Jul,

IOI 19, 90, 1111 Jul,

Opu lpt 101, Blat 14 i!rlg, H Jul (26th Dh Box 69), Thlo 11 the onl:,
reoord ot th11 g&1 muln, 26th DlT arty t1rtd 7703 rounds ot !Ill that - 407,
11:ll, 9-H Jul1 ohart, lied ])opt (28th Dh) Box 1593, 704 Caaualt1Hl Ullit-
11on llot, lied Dept (26th D1v) Box &1116,
- 8-
Il f1Ppar1 Juat H wll that t;hert nre no Hrlou, ,.,, attaot, 4v1q
1111 perlot, tor ,..,. ot 1'1\o troop, IA tho 26th l>lrllion urlnd ln tho HO

tor "1thollt cu """' haT1ng loot thu,. 911J'ollto. J. tho ga1 ottloor ot tho
1021114 IILl'amr;y nported on tho 7th, '
".Alo badly ott tor 1.B.a. a Coull b""

naplrator,J. Kn haw lo1t1d [:110Jthem in lar,:1 a\lllber,. So ti.I' l''"

had 48 oaM1 Nported. but Ullderatand. thd thel"e flr"e ure , .10 reatl"'ft

1toolc1 lof\ .... Ill try and got them troa l>lTllion that wo rollen but th.,.
u:, not - 110 do A ""PP l;y ot 100 would jun about tl.s up mil
th tooh aon 11Caln.l8 l,ttor lnn1tlgaUng thh ropon, tho l>!.Tllin.
. .
Ga orr1 ..r notltlod Gounl lldward1t "Tho ,uo taut 'lllat hu b - aotl"'

n prttlO'lll aoTII w1.1 notilo4 d\tring thh last un. Th 1 th tut i;.
ro1plrallor1 wore lHt, hr """'Ill, 1'1\o Srd !attaU011 ot tho lOIIOI Iatmr;y
oallod tor 29 ro1plrator1 attor they had uaod up tholr O,C roorTO wbon tho7
Nulled tho front. u ..... ,laoh ot tho Ba""-llno NQ""t looplratora attar
th aon:o 19
I.Jue\ a WNk later, 'Ill. . tho Nliot ot '1\o bA DlTllloa had bHn ooa
plot.. aaol 1111 troop, WON la \ho fl'om 111141 poll\10111, 1'1\o J.ulltant DI.Yhlon
Gu otthor l>lTllloa Ga1 Ottl..r, athr lupfftlOll tour, ot \ho lllfan"7

- anUla:, NClMh, - o r ot llacrt lolatlODI ot Pl alon

Unlfll IATOlTbg \ho ga1 th ao1t 11rhu1 ooourrlnc l11 \ho 1011t

ft ..lll11ura I.GO 101114 XIII to DIJO, 7 J\11 (let>h DiT BR Hll, fol 1),

- D-
Infantry, On 11 July and agaln on 13 Jul7, lt found that ordr regard
1llf. tho ..... ar1ng ot Nphaf.Pr lo th t.lrt' po.11t1on 1n the 1.10:rt: &on.

CwereJ" not being obeyed by 18.l"ge nuaiber at men imd ott1ar1. 11 Fitt:e4m

on wor oarr;y1ug thoir reapiro.tor. lu t.h dung poal tlon,. tnnty-rour " "
Wflll"ing their at the aarry, one h-.d. an unauthorized .ARS hnoh. auk,

&rut thtr"t:l;y-ono het.d nouo t all 20 gao dlao1pllne 1n the diY111on .at large, 1t would b b'11ro1

ouaable g1.1 oa,ualties are one, in whiah (a) a 11a:t1 waa knooked dQW'n by the

where llfn took ott rooplratora ln battlo to be able to tight better, Th

t,Jcon off too ,oon or (e);y """"lnod ln lni'Hhd reu when not
Mol'llUIIUT .21

WhUt tho aur,,07 and ropl.._,n1; of gu Miki n bolng ourlo4 out, lt

n repntt4 ddl)r t.he.t. . . . u 1apro" OW" podtlona, wlth th intaidiq

ln t h o ~ 11noa dlgglng ohelt1r1 and rop&lrlng thtlr rltl, &>

...... AHt l)QO to .111:otl 11-1, 12 .Jul and """"" 000 to .A.Coll 11-1, 15 Jvl
(lbli,, tol a).

LtP 1)(J() to C C'WI .. 20 J.uc.. auh11 . . .fflf", ... " ,.,.l' 0.0.""4 ....a a.ct a... l>h (aeu..
Dl J11r zu, tol a),

cutting lot1, o.nd preparing wire ontanil....nto, Rightly, patrolo wont ollt lD
aggre1s1Te toray1 to acout enemy po11t1on1 and 1eoure 1dettt1f1cat1on ot th

Qa11 for "Str1.11eba.u1

heavy ground tog, tho onomy fired hia nol'llllt.l harulng llinlon,, !hon
11t&1"t1ng abowt m.ldnigb\, uw- .trout. 11 and iut.raedlato ar ..-ere
hoa-.U7 ohol1o4 with High bploalw and gao, tho llarno brldgoo ollll baolc
arou woro ohollod intorm1,tontl7 during tho night, .Lo t1"" wnt on tho
firing b,...,. aoro lntonoo and lt boo .... OTldont that tho 1011t Intautr7
wa11 rvl.Tl..tig .11vlal al,\,w11t.1v,u D1 :Bu1 .Ji l.a lh."1r.'"1 ll11,1'1n ,,._ .-vu-
pun1ehmcmt but 1.1 a whole, the tin aonoentrat1ng towrd1 Vaux. 1'h11
oonoontratlon ooutlnuod - U allout ~ff
'olook whon It roaohod th ln-
tenalty or barrage ln front ot Yaw<,
Roport1ng tho g a~o.ok thu1 ,alnl.lold b7 dlT1olon hoaclqu.rtor1,
Capt. thom.a, H Cutler, th lviaion Gat Ottiae~, 1a1dt "ln ~onjunotion
with tho et.rt ot hlo tltth grand ottenaho tho onay protootod hll right
flank b7 ..ano ot a hTY gaa attaok on poa!tlon, ot our troop,, Ho
estimated that during tho to ...alnllto proparatlon with dlpho,gono n<I ohlor-
.plorln, t o l l - by ro,.....hour auotard gu bombardaont, alaoot 1500 gao
111>.olh ha<! bl.a\ tlro4 .on tho lOlot Infantry, lOht lnglMro, one 1021111 KO

DOR lf ... 16 Jul. Opns Rpt 101, 15 Jul, 51st FA, saids 11 In response to
the enemy's bom.budment our batteries fired c.p.o. 1 s v.nd at ls26 o'olook on
report from the Infantry that the ~otion was localized at Vaux, the Light
Artillery Groupine; fired 676 Ga.a shells [:No. f\..?"npp('}.sitA +.h$ lOlst 1nhn
try ,,.lt 2100 oolook .r-our 7ba.rrage wa, finished end a c.p.c, was ato.rted
on tho wood, north ot 'I""""" w'l\h gu (26'h lllv Box 691 also Intel Bpt, 102nd
F.L, 1"16 Jul /110:,: 61 1 20,7.J),
'tflYl'Jll 1!,.n .. ,.+..111.'l'llla ,nP 11.ftUffl!M>-p,...aPa+.IMI l'lf'i"At'IAf- f'\ra. (!f'.,. (!.,('l .'f:I.
(Gaunter otten11'f9 p~U"&tlon). Tbe C, ,0, on the iiiie ot m1n reaistlt'LO
lo t1ro on a 10111 ..tended trom tho barrag, u .. for a depth of 500 ror
aotJ matora (Opn1 0 169, lOlot 1.L, U Jul C2sth l)lY Sox 60, 32, l!J),

Battalion 111 the B0i1 d la Cro11ette I.lid at Vawt and llom,.eawt; 6200 round,
had fall OD the 102nd IDfantey at Hill 201 and in th wood, around Coupru;
1500 row>d1 011 tho 103rd Intam:ey 111 the wood, near La Yol.e du Chatel1 and
200 round1 on the lOht FA northe01t or llahon Bleoho (llap !lo, 5 I.lid o..r-
The lOlot Infantry reported 22 inhalation and 130 burn ouualtiu Hui:
to tho ho1pital on tho morning of th 15th, the lOlot lng!neen reporting
10 inhalation and 62 burn oaaoa, 24 A field ae11ace ir.. ,he 102114 Infantry
at Coupru radt Han had .about $,000 to d, &00 p.1 lhll in our lfftr
lut night, l101t of it 1lu1tard with 1oae Phoogone and llipho1ge"'9, Wood1
ot!ll fl;all of l.t,
for. the Mat two day, H onr
.l,bout SO to hoopl.tal up to now, Wl.11 bo lot
{'N IQO 10211d Int to IXIO, n,h,, 16 Jul
ro H

(26th DlT B"" 2t8)J, Th ht Battalion Gao Oftioer, lOZDd Intantey, no

to or that tho ga, attaoll; that night beg.., with a high oonoemratio11 of

phc.. alld dipho1c for tiften. or. ,..,..-1 aima, th,11 the b'*'allft
area l.11 the wood, wu drollOhed "with fl;al17 6000 11Uotard gao ~elh,df tho

reg!.moirt later reported1

Betweea l.dnight alld f041r o~loolc, 11th July, th onn,.y threw appr.,.l
matol:, fin thouoaml uotlU'(cu lholh into the wood on Hill 201, Boh dH
ClrMlD, an.ct the woot1 1n\h ot th fa.rh......,ets Road., ... ,!h ~ eoapaal
i;,n JU.ll .201 and, 1.h 1.wo 1n th woocb ao~ o'f 1m road, iJh ft:rd

1<1r DIIO ~ oa e- Ph, ao .1..1, lip~ ot "" 1,~11: STning ot Jul7 l'-1&
(201lh DlT lff 15, Ne8),.

Ltr BOO 102nd t;o IICIO, U Jul (ibid),

- 12 -
/\, 1011ft\ lhf '"'"" c:--~ o'MI ~ - - - , ,,1o,JI\ .,.,,. , 1~1111y 01
B, 11tl#f"'f .... ~.""C"'M'\l.'lt.~... ~-,...1,41,."", IJ.)l.,l'f
t, 101,... tfl.f -' 1\111. \01 ~ -h I ! - J,11. tWf!rlL, 1'-t'R4tH ....... ,. Joo!~
\), ~\:c," 11."'""'~"'",.... t'lf, ,......~ ... c
E. 101,..,M,G,tf,,, i<\l111wM\ <:.,...;lt.1M4tor.o"-ll'l.,l..lllly

f', , ,n t ...t .....u ~kCl.t.l, "'~ 1-M~1," "'"' ,~.,, ~.,
Q. ,., 111,11 l,r\f, - "'" ""'" ..... '1!~'1.,1, ,,'1............... ,, 3,.,.1'1
Gt., 101, t .. +....... l.."rlo"' c~~l,l,R'l1,oit,M, ".Nt'1

':' 1
' '

M..,.,_p NO. 5


Battal1on ln 1upport, ..,fforod hoaTU;y, tho ou.... lti bolr,g ohltfl;y body
burn 4ffl.up1ag '1w-i~ th :r::i.,uS.:a,; aq,, tho , h-..:t,glng S.n th woa1,
alt,rnatol;y hold 4...,. by raln and agaln voltilisod by tho 1'l.l'lll oun,
Th 103rd Inf'ctry. 10\lth of Torey, reported the bombuda1nt ot mu.atU"d. g
acd Hi in the "Proportion of g to high oxploai,.. 1hall 2 for l, 1600
' .
gao ahollo toll, 600 lnwoodo ooo~pld b;y 2nd Battalion and 1000 ln adjaoem;
11.J"ao At a,30 a.~. on the 16th, only two men ln th 103rd had n r-
port1d en.ouated a1 1. o:t the g1.11lng. 27
Th parthalar target of the gu attack on tho 11ornlr,g of tho Uloh,

th dlTlolonal artllll'J', roported l otttoor alld 2 ..,. ga111d on 1'h1 l,W,,

and 39 ..,. of tho lOht rA and l otnHr and 111 of th 103rd r,. IHHt
on tho letb,28

Corp1 lohool1r, wllH anlto had ti.Nd c alulonl ll alone " ' helll
that aornlng, dld not appoar to agroo wi tb Captaln Cllt lor that the gu . .
for fll.nk protootlOD, but 1ald1 0n thl 19th tho ottonoi" avao11.a,au

['"load Conotructlon, ood.o """"' for thl llaru-ll1la1 often1iflJ WH 'bepn

. .
b7 tho tr1op1 la th loft 11otor, In order to 41.,.l'II tho attontlon of th

,._, burato of amlhllatlon flro nre dtllffrtd and rald1 u1outld oa ta.
11'ltiN Oil" trout." S0boeltr'1 4:1ih lraata l>lT111on 1 hownr, n.a on ez..

p1lo1t HIIOll'IWll th g1mrd otra110171

1!1ot ot tho lOla,1 Int (28th DlT Bo:,: 1, ll,f.), lpt of Opno I Illtol,
102""' I~, 14-15 Jut (lbld., 20,7), reporto4 only 26003000 RI and ca ,l>ollo
crnr tlt.OH tour h1ur1. ooa1ng troa Qer,un gun, at Konthier, and Jt.rep11l7.

Ill lip r "" m.ell Ult on l0Srdt lllt 011 11.. Atk. 100. 103rd Int (28'11
DiT Box HI),

Opno Rpt 101.1os, 11-lT Jul, 5ht Brlc (28th l>lv Bo:,: 511),

Oluuount l:aportonoo for tho ffl.lcoou of tho rot the Qot111on
Aral 11 aomplt a11uranc of the protot1on or ~h righ'r tl..ak, b7 ti.Illy
ropuh nc ~ att&0k1 og"1not tho Blnth AITf and not front ot th IOTOnth
A.rtq without r,quil"1Dg !ION toroe1 than ai"e in li11e t prnt. 111 not
to withdra.w any troop troffl the ttackove ot a:anihil&tlon tlrt will b
dll1Tered d.&1ly l;)et.,.n ~0 and 51~0 aom. on the er::&eay- aaHrabl:i &rH, Ab\Ul-
da.:t u11 will be made ot ga,.29
Th rold on tho 26th Dhlllon, l1multoneou1 "lth rald1 011 tho Preaoh
toro,, Oil either 1ide, mat1tiali1ed &I th ga &od HI b..bardaent c1a1edo A~
11P , appro,clJnatoly hulldl'04 201111: D1Tl.o1on troop, ..i,,..nood t.lld ooou
plod tho rallroad out north et Vaux. Boxing th Qol'llf.n toroo ln wlth bar
rag,, th lOlot Infantry attaoke4 ond diaper,od th ral4or, ln ohort flfl1.t,
Th dlYiaion 11tl.matod that approa:laatoly 11,000 1holl1 ..,., tlrod lilt

1t, Hetor on t!IO nlght of 1415 July, wlth th ohlot "'ratlon, ta 1'1\o
forward podt1cno or tho 101n li, th Boil 4 1,111... IJld ""' th batt,17
poe1t1ot11 near th Parll-11/ftl Thr auoh ga1, th maber ot
round, pl'Oo-ly 1nolu44 ln tho abon tot.i. l!O

la hh orlclMl report, \ht Dlldon Cle.a OftlHr oat 1'bat oppr011Claatol7

9,120 cu aollt ... ,.. tlrod on th~ .. tnlng ot tho 19'11, ... l.ilpUN tho -
mallor tho - nlgh,, tho 16'11, tpoall:lng ot lt at prHtl0&1l7 a d"pUoatlo,a
ot tho tlrn attut,11 Hau1Uan 1ayo that tho Qorun 17th Dhl1lcm tlro4

llpt ta An1on, 11 Jul, VIII c (lohoolff~ 11 J111$1 AU&, tr rr.. tol l
( - ru.. loa 119) 1 th Go bl,, 0pn1 c5 6 , Proparatlo111 h ltHln Co\llltor
dlr:, 11 Jul (WI .,., 11>, l'iit tt, pp, 1e,.11 c-
ru.. ._ 1,e.7).
SOI H, 1.._l& Jul
11 to CIJ 11th Dh, 20 J,.l, abon, A pomv roport on 1'bn attoot1,
1 oi, tho baoll of hl rooordo thn, le oontr~dlotory ln lta ootlnu ot Z,815()
41pho~lohloruol, fllOIIC"M, t.lld uotud 11>:olh on tho lUII rnlght ot 1..
1st 7..i ~. 100 pho,..-, Ufltc. om ...
ln !'59 c
oaoualt101 t.lld 2c
lholh on t110'1.1t11, ,..,111t1nc
doatho, (ltr DllO to C OWi, 20 J.,,. 19, oub1 llpt
OR Gao ...thltlH pl!\I\
tliT .... 2,e.7)
.. U: ...
1pproxintel7 8000 yell.,.. oro11 ,hello on the morning ot the 15th and 750
JOllow oroo, 1htll1 between 2,00 and 3,oo aomo on the 16th, all aga11'1111 tho
battry po1ition.a ot th 26th D1via1ono He further observe,, Th11 c
bomba.rdm.ont took place 1n conjunction -.1th the German off'endve .orou th

Kun. and designed to hold the enemy batteries and preyent thir nt'll
1<11"' tho 0.l"lll&n troop, part1o1patlng lli thh attack; and at tho , _ tlM

to pa..-. the way tor looal patrol ra1dioS2

Tho aaoualt1 reported by tho dlTl1lon 01 result or tho oholllng
(15,000 round) and tho flght at 'i'aux 011 tno 15th woro l oftloor 111'14 , Mil

k1llod, 5' aon wounded, and l officer and 175 n gauod, nth i.laoot all

tho Id llod and wounded and 83 or tho gas """' ln the lOln Intantr')', U>d
99 ga1 oa1ualt!oo ln tho lOZnd Infantry,33

On 16 July, h.,..n,, th 102nd Fleld lloapltal reported that OTOr tho

proT1ou1 2, houri, total of 580 oaou had pa ..,d through tho hoepltal "

ouo;,grltt an der .biorloanlaohon From;, pp, 1111<118, llanollu ....-.

on \he "'rJ laao111pltt 0.l'IIMUl data for thooo two bCDbardllonh, but bollOTH
1penor1 data equally lnoompltto rogardlng aatualtl omong tho dlT11lo,,
Hot _,. ~ u.d. hre oon1Hrn1ng the nioor4a ot th, ,th lr1at, 87th,
anll 20ln l)lThl.ono ln \ht Fil ot th llat1onal .t.rclil.,.,, !ht reoord1
ot tho ffl
\b 9.n
Ji-0.1 1ndlollto lt
wa ongaged prlnolpall;y with tho J'rollOh 187th,
ng-.ged i:h. French Stbh4' Ge.I clatt. 1n thoH 0.1"1111\ N
OOl'dt uwo..t that tho J'ronoh leapt llonth1era, to tho loft ot th 26th DlT, and
Bill 20', to tho rlght, oOTorod with gae, BJ OOllporlaon, gaa data ln 17th l)iT
Nord1 . . t.Cr * Th only t1pe I that haTe Mien tc:,uz,d tor the ca atk, of
l0-10 Ju];J ro1at to ...,. roplaoamont tor tho ht&TY arty ot th 8?th1 3$0 701
low orou ca ll July, 1100 70llow orou on U July, ouul too yolloioro11 on 14
July, On U July oon1"""'Uon of 903 yellow aro11 1' reported and on 15 Jul7,
5 blu1 oro11 and 3'8 70llow aroH, with 395 70llow orou ro .. lnd u repl_.
-'-"' (Of,~h P .. .,..,.. Wt> /'"l>nn nlY (Sub Unlta) IIIU. U Jun-30 Jul, pp, 251
256J, 0

Gorman Fllea Box !oi), Bo oomparablo data tor tho light art:, ha bom

Bu l Gul"J', of which 41.8 were ga1 caaualt1e1, with mustard ga, prevatl-
lng,154 !ho D1Tlalon Gaa Off1oor on the 20th raported 518 ga, oaaualtloa, ot

'llhloh 26 nro lung ouu, the rest eye and bod7 burna, mo1tl:y Ught. llan:y

gue.rded and un wen ptn,aitt,d to go bt.oll: into the1 artu in a tw hour,, no

guar~, being posted to pronnt tbom, !hue will undou\Jtedly be .... au
dovol0p from thi~ Dllll111on,$ 5

Th -1 t.rl:11117 oont1nued ih bombardment ot the dlrlllonal Hotor

all day on th 15th. There haa been," th diT111on said,
an noraoua amount ot tiring onr om' Who1 Hotor all the tiae, blzt
Hpeo1ally lll th f1rat put ot tho nigh\ Ct th ltlll> 7, 11' hon bHll
drenched with c
Between 1e,so ooloolc iilll aldnlgllt ~. trout Uu,
reoai'Hd S.nteu bb1.J"dmett1:1 thl ga1 w been reael.Tlng 1 au.ftU"d,
Th tire wa1 gen.r1.l and wid.eapred, nan Oftr th bt.ok a.ra, but T&\1.X, Boh
do la Br1ga4o llarino, Luo7 lo Booage, tho :Par11-llth roa4, and entire iii!
tro"' 11.. , at tho Slot Brigade han reoe1.od apoolal atttatlon,
Alli rooult ot "" aUmatod 1600 round, ot Bl on tho troat 11... through tho
night of l&-U Jul:y, lntontey ouualtloa wore $ lcUled and 2l woUlldd, ho
hundred roUlldo ot Bl on batter:, politlona opparml:, oauotd 110 oaaualt1H,
llo eotl..t ot tho nuaoer ot , .. ahlls wao aa4, but th auatard gaa put

- tor eo lOlot Ian 'l'rdn, le Jul (llt4 Dip\ Boz HIit, tol ea),
Ltr \o CG 26th D1, 20 Jul, aboTO,
llOlt lfi..16 Jul, Tho gu ahtlllng 11 oontlNo4 ln the 87th DlT ll'D, 1S
.Jul, 0ur t.rt:y delivered 1ner1.l um1h1lat1on tire wav and gaued 'th
brook bottoa 1111'.ot Malson Blonoh with yellow orooo, a, alao tho dapre,alon
,ouu or l'llU Z.01 gn t.h J'll,Cl ru...i .nd 1'b 4-.prdoc. nv au (loltrt:.
(87th DlT llllU, 11 Jul29 .lug, tol I, Ge...,. Fllh B"" 2M), 8H ho !ill.
~ noon rpt, 16. Jul, "87th I,D,. ga11e4 patllaH ot wood, am 4r....,..,,..,.
iiaii IJlllhllatlon barragei:'Tn th #:lolJvp
Jui-e ug, pp a-s ca........ ,u
Bo" oo .1,. "'"'".
(7th J.rmy Wllt!i.t., 16

18 -
down on tho bottori .. nHr llaiaon Blanoho and Pori1 FIJ'll rooultod in l ott1oor
and 68 artUlerymon l>elng gu104; '11111 4 ottioor1 1.114 l9S 11<111, prlnolpall7 1n
tho 102nd Infantry and lOllt lnr:inoora, .,,.r, roporto4 g&1Hd ln th oholUng
of the front l.1nH1 and balk area,. 37

Throu,:h the n1,:ht and day ot lS-17 July, an onlUtod T,000 r0\111111 ot Bl
toll ln tho 41vldonal ,oetor, Yot th Da1t7 Oporat101111 loport, onw\l111 I

lclllod nd 24 wounde4 by thll lholl tlro, r"Portod o.-y artlllory uUritr

bolo,r llOi'll&l, 118 In addition, bet111 31~ &114 411& 01> tho IIOming ot tile
17th there ..,, another bo&TY bombar4Mnt ot tho ontlN loft 1,alt ot tho rlpt
brlgado with gao, H,I, and ohr"!'nl .. ,wt~ UpNlall7 h1'1 OOIIOffll'&tlOIIII
oround Bouruohoa, Tho Ill 0&11ualtlo1 tollft1nc thia bca......,.'* appoor to

DOR lll-lG Juli IOI 93, l!l-1S Jul,

Th 102114 Int reported IUOOOHhl bO,i't,u...nts ot 6GI ,.. ........ 60 U
& g, TB Bl & gu, and 40 Bl & gu, all t,,a batterl at l!bnthloro, uull111
107 "allf)\tl7 bllrm oaaualtioo la tho recl.llllllt (lipt ot Op1111 .i, Iatol, llill
Jul /'1iat11 DlT Boz 41, 20,T 7\,
'"'rho lOSrd Inf reportoGiOO 1111atard .,,,..4 wlth U 111 Ill prapon1on ot I
tor l b"'1wla i-10030 p,a,, 11 Jul ""4 ltlll-f,100 a,a,, la Jul, all 1a 1111
T1o1n1t7 ot th H,ta,ntal PC, Bo .......iu,, "" Nportod vp to 9130 &oll,,
16 J\11 (.> ot Gao lholl .L~ loart /28111 DI.,. 9oz Z48 7\,
Tho l03r4 l.L rep-o4 100 m,ator4 'iheUo, largo oaU!i'or, 011 1t1 po11t1011
in th T&lle)' II et l)oooptb. on 1'1!. >'!>la& at tu 11111h, oauahc 21 ouualtiH
(llpt Oil ikl ....... W'~2e.t.) ,
Ct, luulUoa 1 npm ot TIO 7"11..- Ol'OH - ol>m,

.lpprox 12& 88a, 1010 Ul4 c

llhlh h11 l.ll th Bola 4H Clorabauto, 1114
1200-1500 7h, 1051, """ , .. llholl, ill Ill> lloh llu'1DII (IOI M), n, 1021114
Int rptd 60 Bl & gao roum, in ita ,ootor in thooo hour,, oaul111g t oaaualUH
(lpt ot Olll, 16-17 ,lul), , . . . .. .

,i(rtY. Comdr WD, 17 Jul Battle A/ltlYity, 'The enemy batteries,,,..,.. gaoled
-., 1/M ,i'"'Mth root Ai'l:7 with 100 yellow orou llholl" (87th DiY WDIU.-hlt
u.1t,, 1~ Jliii... So Jul, p,11, a.,,.... ru.. 1a a') B'lth biT lb 11 ..1111, ult,
our artUl'7 ga11et a 1101111, batl'7 IJl4 alN ftN4 Oil o\hor lloat11 battw-
teao 11

be 1noludod 1n th tlgW'H r.1>on1 gaa ou,,.ltlea ropol"tod at tho tiao were ,
otfloora and 60 un, But the lOht J'lel4 lloapltal 1ald1 "Tho 17th da:y CuJ
light onwoundod, mo1t ot tho 220 admitted being ga "'O
Diviaiou htad.quarter1 reported 486 g oa,u~lt111 a1 a reault ot tht
1or111 ot goo attaoko on 1""17 Jul:y, Tho D1Tio1on Surgeon wa, to oh"" 721 "'"
011u1ltlo1 tor that period, not including, doath1 due to g11, lt 11 1110

probable tha1' tho additiol 18 gu death Nported on 19 Jul:y """ tko ro111lll
of th ,..., b011bardmont1, U

The 28th D1v1aion hi.I! arr1Ted 1n the 7 r1n1 aeotor after 1111 th1.11 a
nek' 11 relief from tronh line duty e.nd without reoelving replaoenta. .A.1 1.

fighting unit, it waa apprOJtimately at thrquartor1 strength and could ill

atf'ord th ga it had te.ken. A rtatr officer to 11.7, A.

larr.o nuabr of oa1ualt1 reaulted troa gu. th wood.1 1n 11hioh the torwu'4
oompanlea were ooll11t1d against ob1trYatl1a ,rere frequently do1td hea1"1ly
with mu1tard, 1.1 al10 au.oh trape e.1 th Tillage, along the forward area. Th.
nuJaor1od nNngth of beth lntantry aad 111.oohl..,gun unlt1 was 111,pairtd to
dogNe *lob arouto4 ut " Utt lo oonoern, iU

11"' ot JI! C 101, Pan G (llod l)op lloz 1989, fol 77),

I, G, !qlor (l.otg I.Cota, 2eth D1T), In lngbnd ln J'N.noo, l917UU

(lo1toa1 ll~cktOn llttlln, 1820), pp, l63l6i,

.. 18 ...
Th Sooond Battle of the Mar"" Bgino
Two ,..k after arriving in th ,eotor, the 26th Division reoeiT9d ita

ord1r1 to atta.oko It had 1ix hour 1n which to get out ita ord1re and to
aoTe up fro their support po11t1on.t th unita that had ben eelected to mile

tho attaoko
ilxth J.rm7, in conJ~notion with Tenth U'll'f on th loft, wu attacking

with the object ot ta.king th enemy in :rnorae betwee11n Oh1.t11.u Thierry t.nd

!f:h"ia10 J.1 1ta part in tho great tlank 1.uault on the Oeme.n Seventh Arw.y,

th 26th D1v1don wa.1 to p1TOt firet on Vaux and thereaf'ter upon th Ml,l"nl
ne&r Che.teau Thierry, and with the frenoh 167th J)ivhion on its left, it

t~ advano toward the Fore en Tardnoie road L:1'P Noo 2.:J'~ In the first
aaneuverv on the 18th, th 5ll't Brigade w1.s to rcnain in plaoe, while th
52l'ld Brigadep reintoroed~ attacked between Givry and Boureaohea~ H Hour..,.
,,zs &oa,1

B\R at 361o~oa CoPoOo with g iR&rted on the tiret and oond linet
or tho lot\ ~r1gado and latod uxil:11 abo~ 6100 olook. Tho reported goo
oa1u&lti11 ot l oftlcor and 48 mon, all but 11 1n tho 52nd Brigadt, did not

t'ullr ,... ....,., tho oon!'llo1on thot foll-d, ..

ro ,,
ht c, 1no, 11 J11h ro ,1, Hth D1.,, ooso, l8 J"1, Th rr-
Hth l>h', en th rip\ of tho Hth, ...,.ind 1n pla.. u the 1"1ohor ot ti>

IOl H, 1718 Juli OOI 1719 Jul, 1 1hll of largo and -11 ooUb,..
wore u,.d, u nll u lhrapnol md - ,., (llpt bt Lt J, .I., IT11rt1, 00
G 100..-.i m zi... Ccot.h 1>1-.- i,ox c& ea.,cn. 7) ..
Thia gu wa1 tir.4 i,., tho 402nd r.1., a\. Bou St, Germain, aooording to
ito Wll, 11 Jul, .w attaolt n1 mad againot tht 87th 1>1T, and tor 1t1 1uppor1'
wo ga11od tho Bllt&u wood' (201,t D1.,.lub Unit,, Gorman Flloo Box 218),
Th llot"alot.n reQOrd lO. lndioatio '\h.~ ~h l':rlllOft 187th DiT (dtp1t lt
ordr) uoed c
well ...oko on 1t, tl:'oat at 5o~O a,11, en tho 18th (,th
Ir 11ll ond rpt1, in 4th Ira D.l, 29 J1ml3 .I.UC, ppo 4, 21, 0.l'llan ru..-
Box 146),
.. l i ..
Supported by "" art1llery barrage by the 51st FJ. o:nd 3rd Battolio11 ot
the rrenoh 181st FJ. (220mm mortar), but without prniouo artillery propar

tion. tho attack battalion ot tho 103rd Infantry jumped off at B hour in a
hH.vy mist and entered Toroy at 5140 thm (Map No. 6). "We took our objeo

tiv before the enemy woke UP-L'1;rhe main enemy,.j' poait1ona are alone Rill
193,,,,Bill 193 ia bristling with guns nd the excellent obao,....,tionll&lte
our mo~enta impossible. Must gl ... thl1 hill thumping tonlght,45 Tho
3rd Battal1on, 104th Infantry, howe.,..r, got loot in Belloow Wood and bt0-

thoroughl7 disorganized as & result or the netlly' gaa e.nd HI tire, It1 ooa
JlS.I'lder, MoDade, relieved on the apot, At 8s20, with a new lader, it
' ot
OUIO up to tho jump-oft Uno and an hour later bad taken tho 'rillapo
Bolloau and Gi"rry, Tho 2nd Battdion, 103rd Infantry, waa &ho delor,d b:r

tho n"'"T tire, and boo- ml.xod up in Belleau raTint with the battalion ot
the 104th whoH pat!. it had to orou, Ao a rHult, it did Dot attack umll
d'tor 7130 a,11, By e,oo oclook it had orouod tho lt1o Gobort and hid takon
Bourooohu nation. Bot intonH riro from Blll 198 and from BouruobOI

110<><1 torood tho oattl1on at nightfall to fall baok to Belleau Wood, 'llbr
lt waa rel1oT04 oy tho lot Battalion of tho rogillllnt,* 6
J.t the roquut ot 1l\o Fronoh dlThion OIi tho lof'b, the b&ttaUon at
GlT17 reportedly adn.nood and occupied Hlll 193 in the l'N>noh Hnor that

801, Bll 3rd l!n BIO, 043&-1200, 18 Jul (26th DiT Box 20, az.le).
Qpila & lD.~Gl, llp1. 1 104t.b l:.ul', l.T-10 Jwl (C&bh l)l,y 8oa Ut 1 t0 .. 11')1 lqt-\.

C1pt Hootord CO 2nd Bn 103rd, 6 (Box.,7, 33.8),

0tr1ng to tho ,tr.n ot our ann1h1lat1ng tire, tho Amor1oan atro-4
b&olr: into Belleau wood, and ouftorod groat loaou(11pt on J.ot1on, 11 .Jl,
YIII Corp, C1oho1br 7. l8 J~l, 11 Jul.-:n A\l,,. tr tr-Olli tol Ii O.:naaa ft.1
1lox lli),

- 20 -
c.,-r ..,...,pi..1 it l>lv
\',l,,.t, ....., ............
DiSPOS\T\ON F'OR 1'M.E ATTAC.I<. 'U"l),11 ....,.~,10\ft.(t,ll.CI

~ 1 gh't of \1 /1 e Ju\y

aight, but wl.thclr.,.. 11hn th French aignllad. t:ha.t they could not lupport th,
attaolc ( .. Fleld Sleet oh),
In th oporatione that mo~ni~. 254 !Min nf +.he 62ni4 Rriglld war r11pol"'be4
wounded, IJ:L undetc,rmined number killed. In the l)lt Brigade, whioh hl.d r,-

ouu&ltlu """ reported by lta lOlst Info.ntry deaplto a later report that
5.d "11h1l ,C'1n Vau:r mi 1:h lAthJ ft were shelled quit hea:' with

h!p, ""Plod-.., gu and al,o tro,i.oh Dl0rtar1, a-1,,od in thil pollt1oa -

-tU,,t A ntrtlnl'l\r,. .1111~ 2ht~ 1918 .. .- 9 The lurcon Ganeral NPll't et
139 , oa,ualt1 that d:r may h,... lnolud 4ola:,,,d t'l'oa rl1er at-
taok well new oaea. 50

Durlug th night or July l8th19tll t:' plat of tho lOSrd 11G Batt ...
U.('On., t!n +-h ... .t:. "f' TaNyJ waa ca1Hd. with Rt.rt ,:.&I and th tntirt

platoon tT&ouat,dQ Th area aouth ot Bell11.U wa., al10 gaa ..4, tor th

;. pomar study ot the opn wa1 to aay1 ;., to atat-nt1 1n roporto

hlstorlH 7.. ,that they 414 or oould ha-.. ""l?h4 11111 1113 011 tho>t
or. July 18tl>, t!i'y aro belin,od to bo totally~oux,4lo11 a"4 oztra'!"-1am ("
Col Joha Jlacrudor, r;., Field Not, 1919 l!th DlT Box 7, 16,B.f/ ,
111 a.s 157th D1T to a,.a 26th Dh, Ul6, Jul, u1d 111aoh1M CUii.i 1n the
Joli do Potrot oontlm,od to hold tho Frenoh on tho Lloy-Toroy llno,
SH alao RJ>t of Opru,, CG 211th Dlv. 7 AUL rtprlmod ln Harry ;. h,_.ll,
H11ter~ <rt Yo.nit D1T1olo,i. (Boston, Cornhlll, 1919), pp, 116-lSe {01poo1oll7
po 118 o olted aa Benwell,

lllll 11-le Jul,

lat Lt: I, ll, Don-re; CO Co G lObt Int, f. ;.ug (26th D1T BO>: U;

Chart, lied DlT Box 3693, ?OI.,

,.,t, ' '

<;t,. ,,;:
"" ~-
"' ';:;
' \

\, \

' '
! ',

' ' '



ratio1U1 doUnred to Belleau wood that IIOl"lling nro all conrod nth muotard
s and. two ot tho train haud.J.lug, th.._, .,.u aa t.h 104th Intantrpt.lll
reporting th incident, wer. ga11ed oonaiderably.51
l)oapi'b Corpe ordore tio roiswae tho 1.'baok ou tbo 19th and agdA Q;a. \,he

m.or_n1ng ot th 20th, the inability ot tho l'Nnoh rorcH on tho lot'tl to -

Hill lGI kopt ~ho 26th D1T11on ln plao a'boye foro7 ew.d GiYTJ, ,1no it had

order to regulate it1 JIOTQlOnts with ita noighbor,52 While tho troop oon
aqlid~~od '\hoir now poi~1on om 'tho lot;h, ta'\bar baok work wae OOltll:lleno$d

on a new deten1i~ po1itio~, along Bru111are1aouthwest of Torey-north IUl4

"!luring tho day tho battalion, holding Toray, Belleau, and Belleau 11'ood111'1ro

with other oonoentrat1on, of gaa on Bour1oh, eo\lth ot Bouro1oh1, 1outh

o~ a.11....... 56 Th sin Dll"Ls.o -.'4:. -1:hM ... .ttr4 ..... , .. on. Dol

Rpt lot Lt _J. J.. l.-o,,l,1, CO Co D l0SPd MOD (261:h DiT Bao: 26, 55.81).
Jnl of Opu, lO'th Int, entr;y tor a,&8 a,,, 19 Jul (26th Ill Box 52, a&,S,
Jnl 0).
Ill ll, lot C, 22,0, 18 J11l1 FO 13, lot C, 2200, 19th Juli DI (Tel) Q.2
to G-3 211th Di & 51st, 52nd Brige, 2310, 19 J11l, 1aid 167th Dlwould.not
attaot 11-ioPe that nig\1-t,
53 ;'' ,
l!l.&1, 26th
Jul (26tb lliT !OJ\ 20,
~1,1230, 20 Jul1 DI Cots to CG 51st, 52nd, Ing, 1100, 20
llpt CG 62nd Srig to CG 26th Div, S ~ (26th lliT Box 37, aa.e)I SOI 96,
18-19 Jul.
"-"'nt,~.4 tn WO ,tM,.,,I 'r}.., 1A .Tu1. (?:Oht n .....&u'h TTnt+.11. Gill'l"!l'IA.n Jlilflla Rmr
2'), 'For 1upport or
tho 87th ll1T we.are again gau1ng tho BollHU wood
and doliToring annihilating fire.on Vaux,
lltlr"1'ill7, Doh .t.cron on tilt night of tllo ltth Ill.)' ha... boon 1n rotal1at1o,,., H

81,..o tht nU11bor of llhtll fired b)' tho ODlllll,Y o,,. tho 19th wao odd to bo

blnw floPa&l,, th.a 662 "trounded and gaaeed. that day in the 52nd. Bri,:;ade must

h&ve inalud.d m.any una.ocounted for on previoue days. Th Surgeon OtMral

r-..f!nPtd hut. !2 gaa oarmaltiee up to 6t00 pdD. on. the 19th. 58

,1th tho Fronoh Nlnth i.rr.y on tho rig/It dr1Ting tho 011n17 baok to 11114
nT"ou t:ha MA.!"n resumption 0 the attack on the who le Sixth l,ziay tront wa
ordorod for 3100 oolook on th afternoon of 20 Jlr (oee ll&p No, T for
co..,_..A ohjeotivea)al7 .i.tter a twohou.r artillery prfJDarat1on. but without

oouatorbattery t1rt b7 Corp,, th attack OIi tho 26th D1v1aion troat ""'


On tho rig/It, th lObt Int"'"ry ot th Slat Brigade at once an 11XttnH

lll&ahine a:un and mi~rter tire troa the nltorn edge at th Bot.a de Boni
.Acron ond Boil du Rooheta and enfilade fire from H1H 204, in the Frenah

1ntor to th r11,ht. lfct 10 tho 102nd. At s,30, it oro11ed the railroad,

5111; FA Intel llpl; 11, 12-12 hr, 19-20 Jul (26th Div Box 67, 20,7), ro-
poatod in Illtol llpt 102114 FA, 1920 Jul (Bo:,: 61, 20,T), Seo Rpt Copt J),
llaoLood, CO Bty B 103rd FA, 12 ,l.ug1 011 th nlg/lt ot tho 19th n fired a lot
of gu on Bolt do Boln l.grOOl and on ltreplll1 DI BOU de ltropUly" (Bo:,: S2,
Th ltpt ot Aotlv ot lOlat .t,mo ,,. that OIi 1e July :rroa vu-ux to
llontrtull aux Ll0111, 250 g&o tholl1 (Bo~ SS, SS,6) lo tho 011l7 oluo to tho
probable n,..i,er fired, _
Co,,.tl.,..tlon appear in Ill H5th lgt to 179th Brlg, 87th DlT, 1,,6 ,
20 Jul (87th D1T Wllll,A, 18 Jul-29 Aug, p, a, Gol'IIOn r11e1 BOX 20l)1 'lporedl
aurprl attack, on the 1MWl llu of &J1d rear Mm)" ga.1
ehell1 .... caaualtiee, l MD wounded, 5 gt. a101t. VIII Corps noon rpt, 20 J111,.
uid that th 871:h_ DlT had loat 7 gae aiok, tho 20ll1i tS gas 11011: (Tth W
llll!oA, 16 Ju1-e,;ug, p,' :Ill, Gorman ru.. aoz o<J),-
!IOI 18-111 Jul; Ch..rt, lied D"!'t Box 36111, TM,
FO 15, lat c, 11.10, 20 Juli ro 60, 25th Div, 1'00, 20 Jul,

... 2:S -
----~.--r--;-.---,... \1 ......

Cti\lfC.... 1,1"\f"f

l.,cy Clf,111.., S ~ '""''"'~...... '

\~ '


1* A-. e.

MI\P N0.7

t,:ad atr4 lo~1oh Wooda, going like hell Th advanoe aoroas the open
oountry to Boll de Bolilreohe1 n1 rapidly ma4e, th n 111.ovtng on th run and
t:hrow5.0fi oft ~1 puJu 'Jlhlllh hhutrd. their speed. Th abandoa.1111 ot the
pack os.u1ed auoh 1ub1equent hardship b1aau1e pt tho loaa of all proteott,..
ooyerLa a:od. r....- ~atlftna Th ffU" edge ot the wooda were oonaolld.t.ted
bl' &,oo p,11,118 On tht lot'\, u the h agal.n tailed to toke HUl 193,
the 52nd 9riga4 ttaaked agalnat di1aatrou1 al't1lleroy and 111aoh1ne gUA tire,
but l-xxta ot the l0Srd Intaxxtry neverthebu 1ucoe1ded 1n oooupylng Hill
190. r- A,M ftt l'!.loak tha:t n.lcht the line of the d.1Tia1on ran from. Giff)"

11'ood1-north ot Loo 8ruH&a r.....-11111 190-La -.-1.e Fermo-Hill 20lPotxxt

192-v...... (811 Kap No, &),69
J.ll during the day ot tho 2oth there nre """'f "boabardlloxxto ot oon
aid.robl h,tanaity acalnat Bour11oh11. Bot, 4 la Brlg&d. Kar1ue uct O\U"

from Uno g1n11rally, J. good do&l ot ga wu ua..i, ... f!lo n11111 ortlllor:,-
- not vt - - 1n ltt lllttllllty, honfl.-, "'1 "1'tlller7 ,m1t of
the <le;nw, 20llt D1'ri.lion H14 1n lt W1U' 41U:,t our batterl or p9"1.n&
amd.hibt.lon flt on Hlll 2<>1 and g&llls,c th Bellau wood1,,ulo 1.1 not
to let IIOI' -I.ti.on thm poulblo tall into ham ot tho eUlllf, all

Bln ot th 102"4 Int (111th Dl B"' 1, 11,t).


DOI. 1120 .Jul, Thro are 110 IIOl1 tor the l"Olll&l!ung t1ve day, ot the
01111Pl.ign, ,
20 Jul, J,d-,anoed 1th lntimtr7 troc Toroy to Bolleau under heavy
Kutt.rd /alol Gaa alld high uplollve r1re(1tpt S1gnal 1le.t lO~rd Int, 215th
D1 v BOl< -a-..
S , 6)
N!UllUnition which the oolWR1lt could ,not carry oft, e1peoially the ga.1 ammuni

t1onp ..... t1rd Cverf'uert 7. 61 The ca.sua.ltb1 resulting trom. thh m,u-
1ng u repor-ted by hHdquartaro tht day were 8 k1lld, 4 off1oers &rul 115'1

men woundd, and 2 offior and 166 men gaased. 62

At 8100 p.m., on the 2oth, learning that the enemy was prepar1ng to with
draw, ii,i.xth .Army ordered the advance continued enorgetioally on the whole
front "thia eTen1ng a.nd tonight, the d1v1dons to push torwa.rd without
refereno to th progress or neighbgrlng diY1slone. 63 Again, the Frenoh
on th le:rt oould not aove and the 26th dlayed, 10 that it was 4s00 a,m~
on the 21st betore the division t.dttnced, to tind the enemy gone tr th

tro!lt, !og1m,1ng an hour before midnight, the mdn bed)' of troop, ot th

O.rman .!!!!:!!. Olld 20ht D1via1on1, w1th their artillT)', hod "retreated in

great h ..te dur1ng tho n1ght, leaving bohiru! aall group ot moohino guDll
and m1nenwer.for1 to cover the withdrawa.l and abandoning some light artillr1

402ru! 1A Wll, 20 Jul (20lat Dh 'llll!oASub Unitl, l4 3l Jul, p, 68, German

F1lu Box 2111), .
At 8100 p,a, on th 2oth, the BG reported 84 11!;_ ..... (ohart, Kod l)opt
Boz 15113). An hour lator, tho Srd Bn, lOlat Int L botwoon th Bo11 de
l!a,._d1r and Tau,c 7 -..., oubjoot,od to a ffr)' hoavy Moh1no gun fire,
a1Mtl1f'etr, :nea.,y ar\11bq and gaa bombardmnta 1'd. tho 2nd. En o.'\I 1'd'ov.rn7
hlo ,.., 1ubjooted to he~ artUlory md ga bo,abordmenta (Rpt CO lOlot Int
to CG 6ht Brig, 2 Aug 6th l)iT Boz H, SS,6_n, The SG would aooount tor
theae aatual~i on th 1,t.

IPO 17, lot C, 2000, 20 Juli JO 66, 26th Div, n,h,, 20 Jul. FO 18, lrl;
C, 2350, 20 Jul, iaid1 "Th ad'1U101 will oom.1nuo at dawn,,,pr4 with tho
......~ Tlgur1 10 D1, 01;h D1T, olis, Cl J~l.

- 21 -
piaa &rut. oone.iderablo tJ!lll\.u.n1tiono 64
Tho grain fields over 'Which tho troops advanod were filled with aooor
dian wire ent&nglom.ontaQ Hurdlint thesen the advance guard of the d1Tia1on
re&ehod the Chatoau Thirl7""Soissons rotld shortly after noon and halted, al

oaught up to them, the brigade oommandors were told to preas the adT&na
with 'rigor~ and the carps 0011111.t.nder direotd the troop a to reach th r.H
en "'ud.enoh....Jaulgo~ road ten kilometers distant(/ by daylight on the

Tho troop, resumed th$ir adTfUlQOo At 6i00 pomaa elements or the l,tt
oolumn were on tho Betu~Epieda=Chartoves road &?Id still not 1n oontaot with
the eneio.yo Farther south~ a.long the :Bretillluil FH'ale road a.nd traill t,...,.d

Trug;ny "rrery roe.d. was found lind with artillery po11tions from lffl.ich the
guJ111 had been hurridly dragged(/ leaving quantities ot ammunition many ot,the
lholh droady primod and ready to put 1n tho gun, 66 Night toll and tho

87th Diir WD.~ 21 Juls _.FU"thr northp tho nay had ge.1nod ground.,Poao
that .tiould he advanoe farther~ there was grea.t dmgor of the d1.vU1on be1ng
nveloped f'ro11 the northo For that roaaono.:iothe div111on na ta.ken baok: dur...
1ng the night of tho 20/2lat to tho ""st edge or tile Chatelot wood,,,. ,!t
1,20 our lntmtry regiment dhongagoll from tho enemy, tho al't1lleey
ha:dng don 10 earlhr111 (87th Div 'WtltA fol I~ !'ilea ox Z04)o ll&p
Ho~ S ahowa that the 87th wa.1 now out ot the 26th Divislon~a sector~
Ct, 11D lot Bn 403rc!Inf 201st D1T, 20 Jul, "Ordered to retire to n
11"" lHo,,.ltag..l!p{od, at noon (~oiiit Di,,..Sub 1lnita-11D, 14 ~l Jul, Fol II,
Gonw, PU Boot 218),
Komo Liggett lot C to 26th DiT, 167th Div, cotA,oty lat C, 21 Jul, "Th
VItih. ~ I. ._.ons.:si.6 <.1z1. Fi-.~~"(,R+.h n,,, 'R~ 16,. 32,,11),,
fll No, l, Cofll to SG 5lt, 52ncl Brlgo, 1625, 21 Jul, "It would opp.,..
:your adTanced troops.are halted on lino ot Chateau 'l'hterry,,,Soissona road.ooQ
Puah forwardo"
J'O 58v 26th J)i,r., 17269 ?.1 .ruL.
Hist of 102nd Int (26th D1T Sox 41, 11,t),

- 26 -
"Th ll(lproaoh to th 1'1l1og Cot 'fruwJ led through a 'l'lllloy ln whloh

tho hilo:ing ln 1:11 darlcneu mroly dlttloult. :l'bo advancing elome121>1 ot

when they,....., 1uddonly hlt b7 lntn 111&oh111 gun tire and fell book to th
~nd.a eo~thwa.t ar t:h 'hmm .. CS? ftie leading ba.t=t.a.U&na ot the lOht a:nd 102:ni

Intantl'J ing up to the 'tiolnity of Tl'UW that night mot tho ,..,. maohina

oome to a halt, Th on""'7 had oleotod to atand in the lpioda-Trugny area,

aU preparation wre made 1n th rear ot that for a furl:ller retreat,
The 21' gu oaaualtiH reponed by th Dlrloioa Surgeon on tho eftnlai;
of 111!. 21.t probabl:, reproaent preYloualy UJIZ'"llori,14 &Dd delaved oaaualt1
broqght into th1 gaa ho1pit&l at X.u&&IIOJ' alaoe th beg1ming of tho advanoe,
It h u11U11t1:, tht.t ga1 oa1ualtlH 1unaln1d at Trugey were l:llat nuurou1 or
oould haft b - Npon"4 that dllf,
I-I.a arowid 11idni,ht <>I' tho 2ht, a oorp1 11011ag wa rooolftd
dlHotlng th Un Brigade to tw Offr the ontlN zou of tho dlrlalon at
ltllO a,a, At tbe Hid tllllo tho li21114 Brlpde 'Wt.I to ...,.,. to lto loft, toll:ing
..,... the ~ lilTth 1eotor, 1'11 rromh 'WOUld thon foll"" 111 wpport of

lpt ot Aotlo11, CG 62114 Brlg to CG 26th Dl't, t Aug (26th DlT Box S7, 33,6),
IOI 98, 20-21 .lul,

Ill Cofl to CG 61.t, 52114 Btlga, 0100, 22 Jul nod 02II01 Ill Cota
5l1t FA, 0110, 22 JIil (26th D1T Box 20, 32018),

tho 211th, !ht oonnrg1ng torooo ot th, two French t.rml.os against th '"""1
tlULlc: wer narrowing th oorpe seotor<>
Fearful or the oontuaion these order might produce 1r oarr1ed Mat ia
darkJM1a1 IDU.d aeaault preparationsp tho division aomnander, who had not n
th order bt,fore hia ohiet ot start torwarded it to the brigades, at onae
oalled Corp and obtained perm.inion to au1pend the ordo:r., But. ,_. unit1

had already tllkon tholr """pooit1on1, Tho Slat Brigade reo1"d tho
mg at 2s00 &nan on the 22nd, IJJd the 102nd Intatttry was ordered l=to
tho zone ot th 52nd Brigadt, The order did not reaoh the 52nd Brigade
Ulltil 51~0 a,m,, at 11hioh time it had alroady law,.ohod it1 attack actJ.nat
lip1o41 and 'fMI-, with tho 102PII Intantey participating, 70

th ~ln b~:, ti.a th IHl"thn Th &rt111.ry ot Cory, Eathenf into whoH "ttar
tho !e\11 l>hhioa wa1 IIO', 'ftl ordr4 to oonhalnato tho tront 11 wHII
yellow 011" A4 pnp&ff .urprh boabard,n.e:a.ta with abed c" 1.11 t:,pD
ot ,...,.. at ot batttri I.a ill MH ot lnorea"4 llf'tlllar;y ut1-nt1,' 1

Bt1111<1ll, pp, 121~111,

omr, Ill 19, 10,<lO p,m,, 21 Jul, t11rtoto4 -
Th Dll."4 (t) oorp,
tlmlac, atromo,a pW'IUU; ot tho IJll1, taoll UX1lt drlTlllg ahead With all
1t, pc,nl'.<> without "'1t.i111 tor 'libe olhr or pay.lug "ldln to aJ.t.. . .at,. t.o
a.Ike the IMIIJi I f'ftNd I. routo !o hal'tll\ the adn.nol 11 4h1.ll01l 00 trtdff"I
" " to , tornrd u4 tu.o ptroonal oo=rol ot tho tight, Through tile nldl\
ot 21Q22 Jul:,, the 21th t.n4 tho lllttll Fr l>in would oont1nue abrean, ;., hf-
11,gA"lii.<> 1D. 1th JIU":J'UW&.ai 1::u;.a1r, --'ter-p -tab I.ff~ wov.ld _._.. h,ri, 9 wh.L1 - .
52nd Brlg pa1104 throup, o.t whloh UM th lllf;h DlT would , ..,. th ,nun
oorp1 tro=, Tho 18'1th would illt11 hllw 1111, 20th a, & tNoa4 Uno at
din..,,., of "'"' 1111,
1oe,,.10't, """"' tu..
Cory lathn Ordr, U Jul (I.,.. IH C!I 'IIIW., ll JUlll
Boz ua)
... 28""
.l,ug, .,,
Crnlnc th wi4 wh.aat t1al4a btore Spieda. 26th. Division toro were
aet by aurdroua d1reot and. oro11 tire from me.ohine guns" in Epid and

Trugnyc tn addition to shell fire and ca" from La Goutteri Far.~ in th

French Hotor to th left rear. 72 A. German WU' diu7 1aid ot th attaoka
"Th A:Drioma oharce4 tol"'nl:"4 ,Cb.tween lp1eds 1.nd BauJ 1n clnH orowll.1
aooompanhd l>1 n....rou, tlllll<o, &X1d were oaught by our artillery ml 11&0h1M
cun 1'ire.n71 Th troop r.traated,. were re-to:naed and sent torwU"d. &cain,.

to oooupy th dg of llpl1d1 briotl:y before being hurled baok b7 oount1r-

.t:+: ..11tr4ng ~&Y"n (u.,. 'Nft .... A),, 74 OveP ._ hundNld men 'ftr>l!II le:N: in aneay hu.d.a. 71

llpt ht Lt H, W. ltobblu, CO ht Bn lMth Inf, 9 .lug (2mt DlT !ox IZ,

sa.a); lpt Capt Hf.... CO 2nd Bn l0Srd Int, 8 .lug (B"" ,,, SS,6),
.a2nd PA (20ht D1y) Ill. 20 Jul (ZOht ph-Sub lhllt1, 11<1,,...n run 5oz
218), .

.l po1twv 11tt on lplld1!rugriy" wa, to 1a:y1 "Th tan that la Gouttffle

Prao -.., not - 117 tho honoh D1Tldon ., tho lott. rnult"4 in Tiry hut7
brollklDC .., ot th attult ag&inat ll,pled1 ....ho 1tt1111pta nro mode to tu,
lpl1d1 b:y tho 152m lrlg&do, one ln tho 1' Cot
the 22114 7 iUJd one 111 tho Both tailed,.u.!he 51at Brig&4e a110 attaoQ4 twfo through Trupl1J
tho 102nd I.a 1'1>.o -,,1nc aotuolly took 'l'rug:ny Olld then had to withdr Tho
101n 1n Ill - 1..nh ot 'l'ru- did not 1otuall:y attack on th 22nd" (Lt
Col Jolla llagruer, r.t., rlwld llotH, "1/r 1111 Czmt DiT Box 7, 18,8.J), But
n 0....... data 'bela.
11g11t ottloor1, llO .....rlo0111 IIJld l2 aohlno gu111 oaptured I.II ro-
tllklllc llpl..1 1 (201111 DlT WD, 22 Jul, llera111 PU1 Box 21.9),
1101111 &X1d Xolffli !it ot 2Srd DiT ordered to oo~oro.tll; ll,plod1, but &bout
1100n th 20111' DlT with &Hhll- ot llep !"llrd Gd Gron, 11th Gd
DlT 7renoro4 tho 1ltua1llo11, aT7th 1114 S?sth ll'f 'rotii L!i oapturod 26th DiT
iirtiontr1 (lOllh L4w WD, 22 Jui Z il>tli L!i Wlliil, S-27 Jui, rol x. '1111
Box 161.J) ----

29 -

D..lteol hf'lu $hol'l t.-lh,,u;

'n,,:,.+ .,......,;,.,, s,"N-.,,.+u,...
... ,,ft\" '.l'l1);1\>l'j11 ............ ~
...... .,1 ..s """"0' f'~~""""'
f lo\..+ :I:,,-f..,.,.,h~,

&orl'J ~-H"\lll
n/10~ "' ._,
d lit stat,o"
A, C t,. I) 10;, ~ 8"'
\ MG. Co IC4 ll'lf
,, de
WI "101\f IA

1./101,,, /
:J!;,01/ B~bi l\oo
'JP./101 I
<'.' ..~t .... ~r1-" ~ Dw
Nat1~al A.1"<;:ft~J
2.4,... ow ~ "' Q..G. \'l.O

MAP NO, 'i

V,U,.blo to loom th lnta:a.tey politlon.o or tho looation of en...., neat, the
dlvlolon ..-tlllory 01011 bthlnd da!'ed not flte,
Br 2100 p,11, on tho 22nd, the 1111.rop or t!>o brlgade1 that had beg,m ln
th nlgllt u, 001111>lt, Tho 62nd Brlgado 'J'&e oooup7lng and operating in the
1eoto:r with th &ht. At Kajar Hanaon' 1 p.c. CJ..t 'l3att.-.Uon, 10Sr4
Intarrt-.ry.J wre t'J'o -ta!. ot hh batta1lon arid two ot the 102nd, whllo
I.II horrt-. ot thil 11,.,.. were dotaolllriont1 or tho 102nd, 103rd, and 104th, 11>-
torml.ngl14, Thll OlllblJ 1dTanood 01101 more in three ...,.,... about 2116 ui
wero ohortl7 jolMd on th lott by M element or tho 2nd Battal1on aDd two
OOl!lpanl ot the 3rd Battalion, 103rd Iott.ntry, A halt hour later all tor-
wvd motlo" ,topped ln thl taoe ot maohlM go tlre from no,t, on th reftr11

dope beyond Trugey, 1 8

"A n nnt torurd th word oame buk that tho lntantr:y would retreat,
8uddonl7, tho 521>1 Brlgade o.,.,.ander later oald, throe oomp""101 ot too,111
3rd Battal1on, 104th Intalll:17, oould not !>0 found, haT111g h.Uen bAII<, all
alaim1ng to have no1fl4-0Ner1 to do so, 1.lthough no auah o,.d.ere: were ginn
by l"1 offloer having 1uthOl'lt7 to do oo, Lewi. wlth oru, comp&" wu pimed

down on tho road, tho other three oompn1.. foll baok trOIII tho vlolnit:y ot
trug~ to tho *"d at l!Ul Ill. Moamm1lo, tho IIIPPl"t battalln ot tho left
00111111. (th 3rd Battallo11, l0$i'4 lnta!ltr:y) b- op llt during tho advance tht
rnlng, two OOllpWH btoOlll."C loot atter oroHl"C Chateau Thlrrr-Sohoo111
road, the other two toulld la B01uot tho lllld att.rmon, Later, all tour

. apt Cl!Pt au11;e, ar..oo. 103'-d.Illf (2& Db Box 25, ss.4), "'.there waa
oontliln at th!o tlae, lten trr,rn all tour r1g1ment1 ot tho 1>1Yhlon
were r'l'otilng to tho tlrot ottloer the.z._ uw tor duti (!!pt ht t.t I), F,
MnGrmr, 00 :it;'tm:lfl btJ1 103Pd. !i'lt 6 .luc. /,,,. Boa 4i7 18.6:7)

"' !O
oompllDl olt.ilul4 to ha.,. i'Nlll order, to tall baolc to thoir original
politiono at Chant llerle, nioh th"7 did. "The troops L:",hat had fallen
baok t,o BroteuUwoodo I.DI! 11111 216 wood1J practically r-11184 ln thuo
poa1tlooa durlng th nlght of 22 July under heavy ahelltlre and gu (l!ap
!lo, 9), 77

llountlng hlo pan ln thlo utlo11, th -andr at th ln 8"'-llon,

101lth Infantry, toll""1ng the lot Battalion, 103rd tnt,ntry, repol'lled that
at 3,0o p,m, he moffd out I.DI! al'ter ora,rllng about 600 :,uda, both unlta
wre otoPPod ag&l.n by maohlno gun tire,
WhU 1)1,ng there CPl., a tlallll: a\taok agalnat the maohl,,. guna
to his trr,,p:7 the ....., gHHd tho thlok oto..r ln 'llllloh '" wro lylng,
maltlr,g it unl'nhabltablo .. ,,'rhe tlre am ga1 beo111 10 oonoe,p:rated that the
kttallo11 111 the lead wae obliged to tall back out of WI gauo<I .,..., 111111
then withdrawal wu orde,..d,,,,!ho harau~r,g tire that tollond wa, lcllp1' up
all nlght, .. ,.t.ll th - day, July 23rd, the battalion rlnod in 11h
woodo,,,urulor11:oi11g a heavy hara11i11g tlro ot beth hlgl> "'Plodn am gu all
day l,"11Pt ot lot Lt I!, W, llo'b'blno, CO 111 Bn, lDnll, AUg (~o:< DI, IJll,o)J',
!ho Colllpo:a;y .t. o onder lnth battalion, reporting the withdr..,.l, 1ald1
I reoolnd nrbal Oll'de~ pt.HOii 4nn tr. th tro..i., to bo14 ""'U 1;1>
,....hlne gun ,,.n had,l>Nnwl.ped out, b\lt ai...ot l.medltely 1 tound that the
front tllH Pr w1thdr""1ng upoi, M ml I ol'dered that th"7 hold ft.ft, Our
maohlne gun voopa on 'I(// right pao1..i the wrd that tho w1th4ra:n1 wao
ordor4 by "!he Lieut. 'llllenupon I - 'II/I p1ato1 an4 throateMd to ohoot
o:a;y men '11110, Ud aot t....,. 11%14 tao th from, llelllltl.llt 'N wore prtoNd by
troop -ng ln trom the troll!; who puod 40'l'll th word purportlng to . _
tra the Jla,lor .... I wlthdNW 'r'my un-7 am tonrie4 1111 ln th pooltlon wlllc
1 held 1"1fore otarting to t111"li .. ot"'epart,...., tud trua "'re I "'P...-
,._.d1ately to !IT Bttallon O ndr, lil4 learned that no wlthdr-1 h"4
1"1en order.4 {llpt of 2114 Lt II, .+., l!UMa. CO Co .+., lO&th, 9 Aug J,
.t. journal or opor1t1011a Dp1' by the nporte4 that
ln tho attaolt thl ""-'>n, tho node a.. 1'11*"
frOII !rucm, 'NN
reaohod, loff tho 1411'11 end of the 11.. wae gauod o.114 o\ltth.- by lli&Ohlm

l'lpti ot i.stlon, CG uaa Bl'il to 0G Zelh DlY, Au& (181h 11!.Y u.... ff,
a~,6)1 apt Capt .t.adl'..... ""'I' CO llr4 llA 10lr4 Int (B. . i?, n ,.


( .;f\rt/
~ --\~
; ~ - " ~)
!-T ~- l \J .
,,, :?
- '
I ~

gu11 tlre, 11&,jor Lowil ["co 3rd B11, l04~h had ju1t beo11 badly gassed, and
ht had ord1r1d a withdrawal to the wooda NW ot T.rugnyJ, 'Where th1111 line
would be ootaollshed, Captaln Ho1tord O 2nd Bn, 103rd 7 al10 had ordered
withd.rural to the line f'rQDl lltlence the e.dvano ne mado thh morning {"Jnl 0,
104th Inf, 2205, 22 Jul (Bo:,: 52, 33,3)J.
An 1pparent prlor draft or thla journal n1d or tho wlthdranl that hto ln

th.e afternoon or the 22nd orders were reoeived to mo'" forwvd lZ k1lomet1r1
that 11lght ln order to roaoh La Croix ltoug by de:,Ught on tho 23rd, But

"llaohl~e gun neat, 1n tho Bola do Trugny prOffntod ""00lllpl11luurrt ot tho

mf:\flll.Dnt nd tire wa1 ao, hea-ry that a :retlrnent na neo111ary to the wood
just N1i ot Beauot. Two OOlllpllJllH ot th 103rd Infantry bHame panlo atr1okon
..1ng to their groat tatlgu and lttt their position in tho lino, Thy wore

returned u.nder the per1om.l wpeMi.1:lon ot Lt. Col. root Ceo lO&thJu
whoH energy at thil pr..,entod a spread ot tho hynoi'1a,78

.Llthough thoro it no 1poo1tlo aoknowl..ig... nt ln th attoraot1on re-

ports or 1n other reoorda, it seem :rea1ou.bly olear that the pu1 ucl ff

tro&t of a ....ber ot l-nt1 on the 22nd wu aotivated in larg part bJ th

gah Thore wore, aooording to PI.Tb1on $11J'goon rooordt, ....,.. ,oo gat oa111al-

t1H that day. The panlo oorroboratod by ramarl< u.d by the lOfotk
Infantry 111J'goon 1n a mootlx,g ot tho dh1.t1ona1 modlod ttatr on 28 Jul:,1
'lllln troop, ar aorlng ahead 1omooody start th ll'UIIOr golng that a oort&in
lllloll wa1 ga1. Imodlatoly there h a rtaln ll1IOUl1t ot hynorla and """'

28th DlT Box 52, S3.6, dratt ot Jnl O, Tho oompanlos WON ln Capt
J.ndrn, Srd Bu~
11-rrt, ot tho 2nd Bn, 104th Inf, and tho lOllt ling to ita lott, 1n th
,rQo(l near Sp1tn1, ...,.{"O' ahu at"f'OQ\>od. 'b;y ifho 5$.-s; "*~ -,tV wa111 llftU-
ing thl1 tblbor with gao and high explo1h and wt flN oompolled to nor CH
Miki tor 4'6 aiDlneao llu.aerou1 oa1ualtle1 ""' Q&UHd at thh point;. Th
potlt1on boo... untenable booau10 of g, h1gh o:,:plotlTO and,,. g,ui tlro
randJ....., tell book abou1> 100 ;ran! (llpt ao.i Lt 1!. 1.. ll&y CO Co r 104th
!nt D6th D1T B:c llll, ss.e.J). ,

- 32 -
b<lgin collinc 1n aaying thoy are g&Hed and tho nervoua indiv1duah will lm-
118d1ately empt7 out \heir stomachs and come in 1n drovea. 19 .The g&1 wae
aooaaor:y to tho state ot tat1gUO of the men, the deadly aoour&te maohln.e
gun .f1re they were meeting in the open tields, and th almost eomplete aon

tuaion resulting trom the mix-up of unite,

That night panic waa apparontly past, but not th dhorganilat10II .I.a

the oommandor of the 102nd Infantry reported the nut .la oolloo11iq

and rOJ11tW>ts,,,,J.ll ct 103 and lOf. Inf B8ftI to bo collooted in 91

1eotor lal't ni~ht in great oontua1on.b got m;y OW'.11 pople separated and or-,sed tor defenaeo There l no d1aord~ or oontua1on in my own regi'llent
, .. ,PeroonAlly I am mighty noar ond of coheren'b thinking but am holding on

hard and hafl dtuation l.n hand C'FM CO 102nd in BretouU wood1 to CG 611111

Bric. 8160 a,m,. 23 JulJ,

There was to bo still more gas that ovening, The 102nd Fl. ropcrtod that
almo1t 500 77mm diphoogano llholla landed among it 11.Jt battori.. in tho wood,
1outh of l!lpioda (1,o,, near Coto 215) botwoon 4,00 and 9,00 p,m, on tho
22nd, aending 60 mon to first aid as slight lung caoos, (llap No, 10),
J.t 1,00 p,m,, before LaGouttorie hnne and tho village of Epiods, whel'O tho

!!pt or llot1ng of llodical Of'f1oora Hld at Oftioe ot Div Surg, 28th J)l.y,
28 Jul, p, 15 (lied Dept BOJ: 3586, fol 21), this file oontaino alllll>st wootl7
roporta ot' mod1o&l meetings f'rom 16 Allg 1918,
There ii no queetio:n abOU't pan.10 1n a 26th Div report. 1n Novom.'ber1 _on.17
ono ..,.u a:-1 ot 'Gas !'right' appeared l.n which 95 casualties, including
one ottlaer. turned ba.ok: a rather brisk bombardment with evidantly U"
Hn1oal shell, The oasu hold and 79 returned to duty next day (ltr Dh
Med Ga Off to )led V1r ~,ra tnru U1V ~urg ~O'th D1v, ~~ Nuv, au~t Jli,~,,.muulib.ur
Oct, and llov ht to 10th C2sth Div Bo:i: 248..7),
Rpt ot Gal 1.1,k, RGO, 102nd fl. (26th Div Bo:i; 2'8), Thia 11110 report lll>tod
i.n the Remark tht.t a. n1.lth or ga mater11.1, 1no1ua.1ng var1Pus t:n,e o~ 1a
shells /had boon J loft behind by 11ho llel'llll\1, at lflry tarm and ville.go ,....
- ss -
103rd. llG Bn had bn hl4 up 11:oc 2e00 pom "The &ne111Tuuetartd to aroh
th tlold ln -.hloh ,.. ,,.r loo&ted, wtth rtlllory tlre, A WI Wire wlthdr....,

Lng seve~al of our men we~ gaeaed a.nd orw aeriouslywow:ided by ab.ell fire, 81
The 101st Int.-n.try,, 1n the woods east e.nd ot BHtuil r,rinell IJld

an element ot the 102nd. IIG Battalion. on the western dge or the Boll de Trugs,.y,

Wire also caught ln tho gu 1holllng1 "11'7 gas and H,11, lhtlUng by th
"""mf ontaUod ,,..r loHH at 7 am 9 p,m, 82 "G COlllpany ouf:!'orod tho

hot,T!tlt loH, looing HT91'al killed, about 15 'l'Ollnded am Mllf g&llff, lea'f'-
lng u1 wlth aoout two plotoon,,es One platoon reported that 27 - ftl'O

rllllOTod to hoapltal ua result ot a ouddon burn ot ga1 llllelh 11:1 our Tery
mldn, wlth no opportunity to adj""' noplntoro, 84 other platoon ....S Hlllp

any leader, 1no1oted then """ 'hoa'7 gaa t.rxl hlgh cploa1..,. lhollbg
throughout the dar and night ot the zw, 86 .u the d1v1ln h1adq""er1
1dds "Tho ODIIID,l' to bl t1ght1ng a good ,._ guard aotlon., 111&
oonoldera'bl artlllory, a largo nUllblr ot maohlt:11 g,.1111 am apparomly a -11

ltpt ot Cop\ W, Bo IIUllHll, CCI Co C, 103rd JIG Bn (B" 25, SS,Sl),

82 lpt ln " I, R, l)enomoro, temp CO 2114 BIi lOlat ill1', Aug (Z6tl>. ll1T
Boa,: H, U,e), llpt lot Lt J 11, Sanborn CO Co .l 102nd 11G Bn, 6 .1,,ag (Bn 65,
llpt lot IA I, 11, l)enomore,
B 1,, as.e), .
co Co Cl lOln Int C110..J, , "'c(l6tll
ltpt lot Lt L, II, J'rcun, co 1ot Plat, Co G, 101n,
1ft 2114 Lt I, lo llaoh_r, CO 2114 Plat, Co H, lOlot (B ... at, H,S) 1 lll>t
IA I, II, lio,.., CO lr4 Plat Co H, 10ln.,

- 34 -
8.lftount of intantry. Pris~nors have stated that detaohments or about 8 men
1th ma.ohine guns and qnll.mited ammunition have been left to hold the UM
while the rest of the line withdraw. These men have delayed our advanoe and
cauaed ua heavy lossoa."eG
The battle oasualtie1 reported for 22, 23 and 24 July~ hire preaeltbed
together, for while tho daily total may be ooourate, lt ...., doubtful
'llhether the ~bulance and hospital companies were able 1n thoa three hectic
daya to count each day's aa1ualtie1 precisely. The reoorda shaw e2s wounded
and 86 &11ed brought 1n on the 22:ndJ 666 wounded, 368 1everel7 g&11od, and
lg death on the 23rdi and 169 wow;,dod and 218 gassed on tho 2,th a
total or 1358 wounded and 670 gauod on thoeo throe day .1,laoat all woun4
oa1ualtie1, 1aid the aitt1ng lt&t1~n~tr1age..]" ln the field, were oaua4
by machine ,:un bullet,. Th gNatol" maber /:of the ga, oa,ualtieaJ
ed. to be suffering from. tesp1ratory gas thu trom vo11oant. None were

1enr" 8'1

Th German R"roat

.BetOr-. oontinulng with tne operat10:ri.ll ot the 2&th D1via1ou on tho 23 IUlll
2, Jul7, 1omothing ahould be said or tho on~ situation at that ti.. and
partloula:1"17 a.bout the 0-Na.ll to?'Oel w'b.oH r"ar gurd.a 110 11k1l'l~lly h...-
o\l'Wlg the 157th and 26th JllThio1111,

SOI 99, 2122 Jul,

Chart, DS reoords (lied !)opt Box 3593) 1 Rpt llaj F, L, Bogan, CO 102nd I!!,
Opno 1826 Jul, 15 l,ug (lied Dopt Box 3588, tol 58),

- ~a -
On 16 Jul:r, 111\Uo th Gel'1111W lllnth "f"'l onil Oorpa 11'1nolr:lu no! ~

Sohoeler ot tho German Sennth #1!7 held tho flank (H J1ap1 Bo, l and 2),
Corps KatM1n, W1chura, and ~ 01"9:iaed the u.,,rno. In ilhroo day t:h

German seventh and First Arm.1.os advanced almost six 1dlea before being
halted by Berthelot f' Army e.nd 'bh rigb.11 tluak ot P.go\iltt Sixth.
At that point, a Cotfa Iathen order said, "In order to mate troop,
&T&1l&ble t::'tor tha attao~ 1n th~ ~rth againot-'IJho Brlt1Bh at Uabrouok_]'.

the llarno front wUl ptt.H from tho otf'en1J.n to th defen11V9uon th

on tho nlght of 18-19 July, and on the """' nlght th maln dtenoln Un1
would be establhbod by Corp Sohool.o:r- o.n4 th right 'Wf.tag ot Co? X::thn

Ln tho T1o1n1t:r ot Bp1eda, BNteuU Fo..,.., Verdlll;y-Chateau Thlerr:r Road,

to perm.1,;. ~n. c11,m,u u~ 3uvou\ih Army 88
-\;t,:, vnhuip . .d ..

B~t on the 18th the "oompletly ~nexpeoted French oo~nterattaok" wa.1

the proteotix,g tlollk torou for t)'le center ot tJ'lo Ge,-n Sefl!Xth Army were

ported, th enemy oontinua hh great attack betwen the Ahne and Marne,
a, uWJ.Ut1od Gr,,a.ppon Winoklr. Soh~lar and T&thn ra~1rff

But CO'J>I Schooler, agalnat wl!.010 !!:!!. and 20lat D1Tla1on1 Gonoral
Bdward' 2&bh D1T1alon a.d.Tnod, did Jlftt rwtire unae~thd ln the with-

Corpa Order, 16 Jul (23rd R C /ltatbon 7fl'D, lS,.24 Jul, trano t,,o,. tol
I, Fll Box 129),

7th Anny WD, 20 Jul-9 Aug, German Flloo Box 79,

.. 36 ..
ottendvw atroqth gt O\ll' 1..uf'o.l:Xbqr wao OGtinatod :t.n tho owning Cot tho
21st.]" as follow 4th l!raatz-~400 meni ~--1800; 5th lluardlOOO meni
87th..lOOOo Ilu:1.t. nl~t tho 4th Braatz_ 1>1.viaion wae rolloTod b;y tho ~


Originally aet up n(llar Laon, southeast ot Am.tens and almost 80 miles trom
Paris, 1t had tlr@d H,a .th"i,.t oh-ot into the oit.y on 1:3 Ma.roh 1910, u parb 0

the Spring offensive that was to overrun the British &no.tee in Flanders, the

the lfQl"o

mUe1 from Parh,. a.nd began firing agaih on the 27th, 1.1 the Gennaa. ania

oompaa.1on llinoh railway guzi,. na m.ond 1n1a> th Bola de Btuyerea 1 blcnr

Chatelft to th 1outhwest (H llap Ho, $) It began tlrlng on 15 July, at a

On tho 111th, u tho l'renoh Nlnt,h ond 11.J:th .ArllllH &dve.no4, dhmount,ing

Rpt on. .Lot:ton. 21-22 Jul Cjitl Corp CeehoalerJ. 11 Jul-31 ,J.u1_. trans.
fr<>II tol l, Germen rilei B"" ll ) ,
l!OTl1 An ...,,rloan d1v11n had about 12,000 rltl.,..n at full strongth,
a Gorman dlvlalon abbut half that.
:Iii? '4:.h 24.'th., 'th l!!Cllti'l: l\,v Yin Wll:t +.l'!I "'AJ:'U'l'l"i:. i+.11 ltt11H1'1. A.A 6 ~ lta ef',..
taotive atrougtb down to 22 oft'ioors and &47 IUD in th 401-at
oera and 500 men ln tho ,02nd Rogt, and 17 otfloor ond 616 men n tho 40Si"d
Rec,. 19 offl

!im.Th B?~h DlY reported ita loaaas tor July aa 14 ottioers killed. 41
wounded, 2 mling1 261 men k1llod, 1116 woulldo4, 59e m11ng (87th D1T11l>,
1 Jul, 1n Wor Dlarl ot German Unit, 9!'e1t Sooond Dilion, Vol, Sj,
.. 37
back to tha aite nee.r No:,ran.. ,A.a result o.t the s.tubbtun datan Qf ~

Sohoelr, it was not ~~til 28 July that the elaborate gun pita, shell crates,
antl athel" abandoned aoc:8&.l!I.O:ri1!UI for tha guns in ths Rruy1u1u1 11nd Chtlt

woods wore examined for tho first time by Allied Intelligence. 91

On 22 July. as it.' out oroas German Corp.111 lirut.1!1.., tha 2Ai:.h D1.Yido.n w..s

oppd in tht ipied ...Trug!lj' area by tho 201st Divioion, and around Broteuil
Farme by outposts of the loth Land:wehr Division of Corps Kathan{ Vap No.

attaok of the Frenoh on its flank, two deteneive posltiOQI were aeleote4 Nl4 prep&Nd north of the Marne and naaed "Brta" and 1'Ct.eaa:r" (Mt.p lo.

11). On 23 July, a third poattion, "Dora," was orde~ed oon,truoted on tho

(aee Map No, 2),

At noon 011 the 23rd, the h!U"d-pratHd 0.rm!Ul to:ro on the French S1xth
Ar,q h'ont, protooting Svonth Ary u it withdrn it adn.nod oom:or, "''
ordered to retire to tho Berta pooition that night, and on tho night 2.-2&
July to tho cao ...r polition, held by tho :!!'.! ond 10th 1.andnhr DiThiono,

H,11, lliller, Tb farh Gun (New Yorks Jon&thon Cll? & Harrioon 8"1th,
1930), PP 70, 202, 239, 243-44,.263, 277, 28283, On 12 August, tho b.,._
brdmen1: ot Parh on41d, Tho gu,, &"'4 its roplaonont, had tired 367 shelb
into Paris inc 22 llaroh (pp, 278, 286),
Coro Order, Kothonl 20 Jul, 1t.. 128 (23rd RC Wll&A, 15 Junl Aug, p,
13, Germon Filu Box 128 1 Corp O, 11:athon!.21 Jul, item 71, (7th J.rmy t,.n,..
nox, 24 Jun27 Jul, trano tr.. tol III, tllt.n Fil aox 79),



MAP ~Cl. lo

'"'II. \
, \
"where tho bttle w1ll bo to1'i;ht to the tinhh,'' In v1ow of the tomporar;y
1uoo1s1 of tho holding foroe,, tl\! planned retireme~t or the Seventh~
behind the Ouroq wu to be postpone~ The next tran1d'er of de!'e~,e11~ instead,
would b trom C~e1&r to the Dora posit~, 'Whose eonotruction and defense was

a.uigned to the loth t.andwthrp 23:rd. lat \Cl\la.rd, and 6th Bavarian Reserve
.!!Ul:..!.<>.!!! of Corpe lfinoklor, 94 (Map No, 12 and Overlay oho. tho retreat ot
Bennth Al'IIY between 1925 July,) f'or thh operation, Corp Kathen wa
rhaaed out on the 24th- 1.1 its troops W4ue transferred to Corps ff1nokhr and
the oorp, oOIDlll&ndtr a.nd hil staff went north to lay out the Veale po11t1on~
tho ultiat lino ot defenee, 95

Stopped on tho,....,., lino lHorm1tagoVordllly, lot Corpe f1lt that

contuiu.ea n.eaaon 111v11ional 1,tte.clt11 aga1m,t ttu, uum.r~ mauhlno iw.u ml 51J.a

ehell r11i1tanoe would be tutile, Inotoad, on tho n1ght of tho 22nd, Corp,

corp, K.athn, item :51 (7th Al~ A1moxoauaaOorme..n PS.ha llox 70)g
H"""... r 87th D1T iii), 24 Jul, ra, Dur1ng night ot 23/24, Corp,
Clohoeler'"'7 tell baok to Caeu.r position,_ this poaition along south and
odgo ot sol', do la fo,irntll" (S7th DiY l!ll&A, tol I, Germon Fll Box 204),
"W1thdr.w tTo~~ 11.i;a a\.ll,ib pW through O&oa~r pooit10~ {BauT11.rd-
l1 Charmol), ocoup1od by 23rd V1viaion during tho arte,noon (loth L<lw 11D,
U J,al [1oth Ld'lf 'tlmA, 1927 Jul, tol I, !lemon Fil Box l61J},
Corp Bohoeir Ordr. 23 Jul, aaid tteld trains ot 5th Gd, 87th, 20111;,
aJld aSib D11erou;-" to oroaa ~ho Veal on th 2Srd (lpp to 8"'1th'"bi~
tol I, Gtlnaan ru Box 204)

Ou.q.1 Cnl.-- fl1)h\l.ra na Ju.1, li>QI. OG (,ilh. Aral -----, a.. ........ I'll
Bo:t 79),


- !~ -
.,. Gk<io. ><v11.


Sw,ce, 11."' Dw,~'b \,11\i-li.
v-JDliA 1,11 J..1 1 ''l'I MAP NC 11
G~~"'"'" ~ll~, 'a,.,y.. \Se

3 ;ii,.[, '
,2.,..,1. 2


MAP NO. l'.l

The breaking of thie shell of resist$?1Ce which cover$ ~the en,3my1 s.:?'
retreating toroes Yf1ll o.fhr an oppo,1:tunity for oxpl1.o-te.t1on ot the moat
decisive character. Tomorrow morning, 23rd J~ly, at 3155 a.m., there will
be exeouted on the entire t'I"ont of the 6th Army, a numbe~ of powerful at-
taoks of penatration, one for each division, eaoh on about one regimental
:t"rOn't.,,.lt1:1.oh of the attaaks u pt:mt;1trat.lon uruist be d1i~n homo th.rough
the enemy's line or resistanoe, after which the attacking regimnt will
spread out to the right and left, taking the remaining portions of the enomy
line in flank and reverse.~ It should be impressed upon 11 officers and
1ulrlittr1::1 t..htil,. 1::1. wurnh,.d'ul opportu.n1ty for a. oruehing dofoo.t Oll
the enemy of four years at1.nding, lies before ua.
Th 26th D1vis1on elected to nd the 101st Infontry through th Bois do
Trugny, first drawing baok all troops east of the Epieds-Trugny line, to

permit an artillery prepa.r~tion"96 In th~ .r,ar of the 26th D:l.vhion, 5000

French ovalry were coming up, to ex.pliot any br~e.k made by Corps in the

front o
A!'ter a thorough artillery preparation on Epieds. Trugny, and the Boie
de Trugny, the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 101st Infantry, attacked at 6sOO
on the 2Zrd, and before noon, after an advanoe of about two kilometers, ga1nd
the oaotorn edge of tho Bois do Trugny, outflanking the two 1llages (Mop
l3l97 There 1s no evidenoe whatever that the 26th Division fired ga& into

the Bois de Trugny or anywhere else previous to its assault, yet in

PO 20, Corr Copy, 1st C, 19,s, 22 JulJ l'O 59, 26th Div, 2230, 22 Jul.

No reoord has been tound tor the number or shell tired in the preparation
that morning,, Lt Col Magruder (op oit), in a MNot~ on Boie de Trugny," Apr
1010, aid, "Ther were aigni Q'T''rrtf.lA &rtillery fire in the woode,".
NUllerous complaints in the a.fter~aotion reports of friendly shorts d~r-
ing the bombardment are refleoted in a field message at the time, "Early this
morning there appears to have been a little Ste.mpede E1,mOng the men and some
of -tho oi'f'ioro o~ tho l.of't,. n.,.+ nt' 1f\P.nrl. 'I-in+. WA nn trnnf:lr.m.a.tion,, Our
men well 1n hnd (FIi T",t.1or Cstaft, 102nd Inf J to CG 51st, 0726, 23 Jul
f:'26 Div Box 33, 32016.IJ~

- 40 -

\v\AP ~O. t3

his Hhtory of' the A,Ecil', (p. 175) says, "The next morning ,(July 23) f'ter
a skillful battering of th positions with gas and high axploaive
Ahmlls by the divisional artillery. the 101st Infantry assaulted the Bois

de Trugny, and by noon had penetrated almost through to the other aid of
this pieoe of wood$." Thome.s may have accepted the logical strategy tor th,
faot, or oonf'uaed German gassing of tho wood for .Alleriaim..
Two companies or the 101st Engineers moved through the 104th lnfe.ntry
to exploit tho attack of the 101st Infantry on the right, But by thon the
101st Infantry h&d met witherint machine ~un fire from both aides of its

position. as well as a prolonged gas bombardment, and after hig)'l loaas it

was tercd to withdraw to its original position in the Bola de Ba.rb1llmn to
......1t further artillery support,
'th. wt.thdrl.lfal of the 101st seem to have been h&stenod both by th ga1

and b:yth ~etreat of the 104th Infantry force, on its flank~ At 1100 p.mci,
LlTinc1ton11 oonnt.nd1ng the 4th Pl~toon, Company I, 1icnalled1 "A number of
unite ot 104 ha.,. retiredb Bosohe have advanced machine gun, on o~r ltt
flank. Po1ition at present does not look good on left tlal'Jk Got th~ough
wood1 to forward position but was nearly out oft. Woods :f'l.lll ot gas, One
neot ot l3 mohine gw,1, 99 Tho oOllllllAndr ot tho 101st Infantry oaid later,

It ay haft b ..n at thi11, time tht some one {:in the 101st Eng1nHrsJ
or14 1 Tht damnltd b\Ul* put another qu&rt:er 1n the meter1 we'r8 going to gt
gae. Sur enough, 1t cam," (!!!!, M.y Compimy, po 234)

:n4 to 11.rker CCo 102nd InrJ,, rorw.,ra,e1 1or 1n.10 or CIJ t>l~ 1:1r1g, 1;,,
ocloo~, n,d, ,1.ll ot th 104th Inf &gr that on the 23rd it out-
ttrtd " hea-.y h&r&11inc fire of both high "'Plosive and gas all day, Set
.. Rpt ht Lt R, 11', lo)bi111, CO ht Bn l~th Int, among others,

C 41 -
"While ha.lted (:on the Epiods-Le Cha.moil roe.d in the Bob de T.rugn.yJ tho

regiment was subjeoted to 1.n exceedingly heavy artillery and gas bombardment

and at l5s45oaothe CoOo of the 1st Battalion ordered the withdr~l of his
Battalionooosubsequently retiring to the original position oooupiedoooon the
morning of July 23rd,"' lOO The Company D cQmma.nder estimated ther wu nry

n~a.r \l& at least 25 JD,aohino gunsi" e.nd agreed with the Company B eoanander

that "The moveaent to the rar was slow on ataount of the fir and a barrage
of gas and high explosiT shells whieh the enem.y put downonlOl
On the t.ftrnoon of' the 23r4. the Compe.ny F commander le.ter l"IIJOrteds
~owe received he&yY fir of explosives and gas directly on our r1aro
Two covering platoons 'ftl"e very Am brokln up beaause of many oaau&lt1
and Toluntr atrtcher boa.rere. The situatlon beo1111e eeriou10 Thn th
artillery barrage 1n re.r or UI orep~ eloserD 'I1tn order thou o..._o tr~ th
Battalion Comna.nder to re,treoo~oW moTd southeaaternly baok through th,
woodso The oomp11,13.y was then rorganiztd end moved back to th wood1 ,outh-
east of !plods and b1nua,tkod for the night, 102
Elements of Conpanies F~ Gp aM. H ot th 101st Int&ntry spent that night
olo1e to the French positions oa the right edge of the sectoro 103 At the

!!pt Logan CO lDlt Inf to CG Slat Brig, 2 Aug (26th Div Box 36, 33,6),
!!pt ht Lt 11, W, Corua, Co Di Rpt ht Lt G, E, Irving, Co B, Rpt 2nd
Lt lf, J, Laoro110, Co I, lOlot Inf, 4 Aug (26th DlT, Box 39, 33,6) 1ald1
"011 tM aarn.1n; ot th z.t,th I 1n 00111U.u.d ot 8 Conpany t Oap'b O Drhn, !Al
Wtrr1n, and Lt Morley haTing been gassed ,urlng th action of the preTious
de.y ..
llpt lot Lt A, A, Henson, CO Co F 101st, 4 Aug (26th D1T Box 39, 33,6),
llpt Sgt lf, T, Klnno, lit Plat Co F lOlot, 4 Aug, added, "Ptrol reported
large nuabr of Germane adTa.no1ng upon o~o.During our retirementpooothe
(;c,raa.u,,Y u1-1u,l u,1:1 ou uo ...-1-tih ,!!jO.CI ohl.111 Ntd -wo heo.d 'bo pQ.DO ilhrous}!,
gad ara going backo"
Rpt ht Lt Ao A, RanHn1 llpt 2nd Lt G, I., Good>'1dgo, CO 2nd Plat Co G,
l01't ! llpt lot Lt I!, I, -lly, 00 1st Plat Co ll, lOht,

... 42 ""
ona of tho anio" tho Un<> ot th 21ml P1v111on wa1 roponod as woat ot I.a
Ge1ntlf'llplod.,.!ru.,p,y-l.a Conoo & Ill" Th ponotnt1on hod fai;J,4 nory,-
wh.r oa lhe Carps trontJ 1lh nay had again auootntully 11prennted us
troa 5oi&i11c ontot wlth hl adll body, 1 '
"tt; lt.t11ar1," 1ald th Sua.ary ot IntlU.ceno, th&t 111, "that
111tt uny """ b~t a t..,, ''"'" n4 that thty are wll )look 'llhor they .., bo

wlthirC1111 .. ,o lly, Th dlviolon a rooult tou..i but to..r ab""'"""'

eun during it, purault and 110 li111ltloantly lore &torte ot oqul-t or
upll Only 111011 qua:a.tlt1 of .....,..ltloa, py:rotoohnlo, aurcloal
drood11go, caa 11&1k1 all4 other u.torhl hu ll<ton to1211.( ttoroi onr tho
.-Y lino ot r.troat,

Co\11 Oritl'f
It waa n1,ent now tna, 1:n. UAt.un Zhll, wa."toh 1V t-w" 'b.rl5 ""l.;r
a1lco(, ttuU c tar\horby lt,olt, At u oa tho Uri, Corpe rtlaotatM
lta or t t.n 211 rr th 2tth llTI-1 t t.U .-..r th llM"rninc nr:,.
trov.t aa - .. the ,.,.Jaulco,,no road wu rouhe(, puttlnc a Nc1Mllt et
th 2ttti. 11..-u,-. .... th t1apl t th zeta.,, ... rrT, "bo . . . . . <kt.t.rl

ldwario t .. ,...lo 0110 laf""l'Y lrlcu tor th rolbf or th U?th l1T1

1100. "1o ltfl, ,:,,a 111.1'tal1ono of th iUth Dt-1')' (~tth llrl1u, 29th

D1T11l..) ,..ul lit 11..t to a11l1t th Ito. ll'leo( 111 th rtllot,ll)t

O,u Jpt, lot c, 2~2' Jul (ht C In: 2, 3ll,l) 1 801 100, 22-2S lul,
0--S - , lot C, 2S Jul (21th Ii In 11, 32,11) I 10 21, ht C, 12W,
2S J,,l, rtlutawt JO u, lot e, 10 ,10, 2ftlt 11T, 1600, H Jul,

- .-
But tht J'tro...J..,lsonne rood wa atill oomt .kilomtttra dlotut, that
Hmt """lng, Corps 111.lopO!:ldtd tho order tor rogialntal ponotrotio,i. .,.4 diroo

td a gontral attaok oy tho 26th an4 167th Dlvl1ion1 at 4105 a,a, on th 24th,
u11ng, '1thIU" freshest troop1. 11 lqs At the sme 't1u, Ge11erd ldnr4 .e.ho
rooo1vod a oorpo lotter ot&t1ng that tho ntlr 56th Brigade of tht 28th
Dlv1o10!1 waa at hl dlopo1al, t.114 ho was to put thlo in tho lint at OllOt IA
order to oompl:y with orders of tho 81.rth /;nl;y OOJ111andor to drive tho lint
torward, 107

Cle100ral ldWlu"do dlrootod the 56th Brlgodo to rollovo the now uol
52nd Brlgod on the loft, with th intention ot roorg.,.lzing that brl.gadt an4
>tt11lzlng it, oattaUon1 and r111....nt1 u faat ao they oould rtooullruo
ttd, 108 'lhh wal to oo dolOO, 1&ld Corps, llot later than tho .mornlJIC ot tbt
24th, 10 th 62nd Brlgod oou14 reUvo tho Slat Brlgod wi4 our;y th ad:
n.noe torn.Mo llee.:awh1le 6 an.other lett:r tra th oorp1 oOllllmder aid th
68th Brlgado wa1 llOt to oo o-,,ttod untU it hod .had till to 1l1&ke a rooon-
0111uia1,;i 109 Corp,""' ad.Th4 that tor th advuo ftN

l,t,, tbt roglllant of tho 28th Div, ro 22, ht c, 1900, 23 Juli FO 61,
28th Dlv, 2ll00, 23 Jul,
Uir llo, 130, Crdg Cotl tor Ll.gJltt CG lat c to C\I 2oth Plv, n Jul,
IUbl lellf (21ll:h D1T BOX 16, 82,11),
Oil th ..ming or tile Ur4, tli la~ BA l(H1>h Io.I roporh4 1t ho4 10 ot
fioer, 1.1111 206 atn, th 2nd Bn had 4 ottl~ .1.1111 103 MIi, ancl tho 8rd Bil hod
11 ottloera an4 1146 II! Ont !!!Dll*"Y w&i down to l otf1oor 1.114 16 atn (Jnl
O, 104th Int, 2206 hr, 22 Jul C2et11 Dlv Box 611, 38,SJ), .
109 CG lat C to CG 28 Plv, 23 Jul, 1uo1 lloaauro, takon upon rtllot ot
6111111 Br1g (2111ih 1>1v Box 18,82,11), no 62nd l!rlg, being roorganiH4 near L&
Saoori :,......., n4o phlla .to UTt.1100 again on tho aornlng of tho 24th, but ro-
malnod in plaoo until rellovtcl .(lpt Copt 8 Bllbeo, ll:U.00, lOl!rd 1111' canh
Dlv Bo,c 26, 83,6.7),
t,lroad.;r S.n. progr ud. ilh .611:J& 9r1gd. ft ord.Ad. oomaS.1'1JH, lno An

ordor, p...,.alld over Corp, dlrcrtlve,.110

,l-t 4'106 ., ., on t4- July, two b"'\aUon ot ilh 111-bh Xnhnt17,. GC!tth

Brlgad, wro to attaok l!pled1 OJ>! Trugny, whll a battaU011 ot tho 1111th
.b.t~17 ..,,.4 -through -th lOlff ia.Jld ultcl 11:ho Bo1 d. lfru.P, on 'bh
tllllk, bt,on rooolpt ot thh order, 8Plgadlor General Wolgol. ot 1111 18th

.no r&""J ratlo111, Jloreoyor, tho 112th loglu,sl; Wt.I - wl.111>. 1:ho

l.nto tho 1,,....,11. At d~l1ght on tho Hth, Oenort.l Wlgol reported that ho
had not b- abl to g.t hh i,.ttdl.ono "II to tho lbAo and tu -ull:

would b del~d. 112

lt n.1 loamed that tho Ill~ toroe1 had agt.ln withdram during th nlght.

8.:10 a,a,, hh battallon1 up, We1g1 n.1 ordored to puob to....,.. "irithM

battalion ot tho 28th D1Tld011 wu glven th rlght ot ""1, to ad'ftlltoo and

NMIII th lmed.h.t l)'t,jftlft -.11. Pa"' 'PIIU"d.Ml0h....tau1gmma road. Th

u... Wftt torwvd,

Bnw11, p, 126,

,u 02, ieu .01T
Aug (26th, D;:w: Bo:a: . 39,

615 ...
.t. brig&<! ot th 42"'1 Dlvilion would tak "I' tho purauit ot the on-:, on
pudng through the tront llneo or the 5lot and 56th Brigades at dawn on tho
211th, .t.t 3115 p.m., the divlalon Chlot or Start dlreoted the Slat Brlgado
to continue tho puroult until dark and then walt tor th rellt,lll 0...rd
ld;t.ud.,, learning ~ii, 11gnalled at onoa "I em aghut at Bonn /:0-3 J
lnt"!'l'rotaticn ot tho Corpa order, Cortainly you koop on ln purauit until
4'2 Dl.T rl1eYe1 or p1.11 thru you. ja Ropped at Trugny. 11 The aubH
quoab dlvlalon ordar aald tho 5lot and lillth Brlgadoa would oontlnu to
pro11 attor the en9117 untll rello,.d. 11'

.t.t 6130 that ovenlng, abroaat ot tho l'Nnah, &dvanao . i - t of the

26th mot determined re111tanoo &00 aotor, ,..,t of tho Joulgonne road and
oam to a ha).t, Thero a oorp1 lottr oaught "I' with th d1Tillon. lllttll
~ uld all corp, ol-at1 """ to puoh forward without pau 1rlthou11
roferonoo tho rellof that had booi,. ordered, tho 26th llld ldTth l>lThl..,,
....... 1Urona4 to u.kO a 1\'lll'OIIO offorl" to talce S-l'gy by 2100 Ioli, Oil \llO
Hth and puah on to th plate"" bo:,ou, to pomlt th lronoh CaT&lry Corp1
to pau throup Ul4 break "I' tho rotreot!.ng 11141117, thu1 """l'lotlng tho
TiftlN'J whioll ll at hu4" An ,mllpod pomillod "-' .;. lihh lottor rn411

JO 2S, lat C, n,b., It Juli Ill !o, 5, Cotll to CG 5lat Brig, 3oll P'.,
ff Julo

Ill ldnrd to lholtoa Cea
&lat Brh7,a,H p,11,, 24 J11l (2~h l>b Boo:
181 CCv10)J N> ts. I ~ l>S.T. ias. t4 Juf." flot' nPd la aid the dit
orguhed &2nd Brig, llffl11C baot, wa1 \o be yo It ot tho Cbateu Thi,....,..
lolHona road bllforo 8100 P ~at 4a7, \e lotep tho road1 DOIII' tho tron,

. ,e.
"Srgy ~ It Im,, bo70Jl4 th hr..-Julgo""' ll'Oacl, leod 18,50 oot, 11'
th dhhton o.r-lir *'14 tih &lift ad Sfth. Br1gMl t,M l:>roS.gU ot th

42nd DiTlolon, a1d4 bf th 1S?th and ol:h ,,..noh diTi1iono to th north,

were to mak thh ilt.toHv J., ooaplet vS.otoey h a:t hu.d.011111$ But 1:utlH.4
tllo 28th D1vh1on was to 1po111d th night in tho Font do Foro, Tllo troop,

oould go no t-.rthr (X:ap Boo 1)0

At 12'36 on the 211\h, th 61st Brigade n1 ordered to , .._ 1111

th 4i1'h1on wero w,dor ordre to oontinuo to S.rgy, th tille t.114 pluo ot

dolignatld to aot tht leld1ng l - t ot tho 21114 Dlvh1on at &,IIO a,a, 11114

11Mt.b a n - ~ tor 'th u.,..117

Tho 2oth Dhhion, nattered in the Foret 4t ,.,.., 414 not adftl>oo 011

lag tlr ot H,I, and ga1 oa tront 11111 11114 a tar baok aa Brigid P,C,1,
hrlns th night ,;,.t 2'-2ltk alt pt,dt:i.on.a ef' the Cst.t..]' w:re

IOl 101~ 21=24 JulJ ltF CO lat C ta CO 26th DlT~ 2 Jul~ .ubs Caat.1nut.
tlon ot e.ttaoll: (28th DiT B"" le, Holl), .

111 Cotl to ca 6l1t Brig, 0035 oolook, 2& Juli Ill lo, a, Cota to ca,
llat, 118th, ond 6.i.t 1A Brl&, a,oo oolooll:, 21 Jul (28th D1T Bo,: 20, $2,Hl,
.t. pennld noto on th11 laot mo11aeo rood a,S0.-9sSO. SH.roht4 nln nod
tor OIIO hour without btlng able to looat 1....am1ng Co1on"1 or Gtnere.1, .t.d
Tl.tt4 odtt...ld battalion. ot 168th rt2n4 DlT 7 to get ott the road t.114 li
la .,.uvtitA fl-+,. 1'1,at:.t:.11.1111,, aeout. ef't'rear to t..'"'br&111 /:KuiJ' 'fan. tor a4YiOI
1.1 to ....,. loee.th11o Loft look>-out poato4 ... to tell ottioer, whtrt
to tln4 GollOn.l aheltor,.,.,./~ Lt PB ln,glllh,

., ...
.,, <"
1ubjootod to hoat1lo ohelling by high Oltploeivo and ohrop,,.el m!.>:od wlth
go,,118 In tho ot.rl:, morning, tho 102nd Infantey roportod1 "11&1 cloud

has dritttd ott the roado lt la "ffJry den Th wood1 are tull or 1to

!Ill' litiolc,ooit 1e only retaliation tor our CoPoO," (DI Pt.ricer 102nd to CG
511t Brlg, 4135 a,m., 26 Jul l'"26th 1)1T Box 2, 32,18.7),
J:t wa1 10,00 IMitoro tho odvanoo ol-,,,to of the 4Zncl l>lrlllon

looato4 tho torwt.rd unit, the:, wore to rople.oo, A11 T,so that evening, tho
o.,.,....4 of tho no palled to the 62nd 1)1.-hlon and th1 non day tho 211th

Ill .-111011 bcan to mo.. bull: to tho ltnplll:y t.roa 110 - i t ordera, 119 Tho
,2..i l>lrlllon, relieving the J'Hnoh 187th l>lThlon on 26 Jul7, toot OTV

th oorp1 t"l-ont and went cm to Ol&P41q th DIIIY oontlnud to r,iirea'\o

Th,o lOlat Field llooplt&l, at Boau lo Q,Mey, rooolnd 94 gao patlont,

b-111 2201),,HSO hour, Oil 2... u Jul:,, whU tho lD'th Flld Roapltal, at
Luano:r, 414 not aloH 11111tll 29 Jul:,, two da)'I late, "h&Tlng boooao ' -

moblllHd by tho largo n - r or oawaltbo ot exhauathn and 1u1pooted g&1

poloonl"C 'lllo wore oubjeoted to ot.rotul Obll"ntt1on b:, apeolal board bo-

tore bol11,1; OT&ouated or rot..,.,.od to duty, 110 Altogether, the l>lv1a1on

IOI 102, 2.... 26 Juli Opu Jtpt, Srlg Oen Chol\on, eo 5let Srlg, 6 AllC
(26th J>lT B.,. ao, aa.e), ct. 11p11 001 B. Park<>, co to2na xnr,
(2etll DlT B"" Ii, sa.a).
D lfu, D, Cota to OG 61ft, &fth 8-ih . 6lri. J'j. Brlge. 1000. 26 Juli
JO 66, 2!ilill l>lT, lllOO, ze
Jul, J'O ee,
28th lllT, lTIO, 29 Jul, iald tho
dirlalon woal.d IIIOTe to th La hrt aouo Jouarre area l'"nar lat C HQJ tor
reorganlsatton amt rttrain1ng.
I ' 'lllO
lino lOln Ill tor l)lr IH, n.d, (lied llopt Box 1MB, fol 22)1 rpt co
1qi.t San rr to Co 26th JlT, 2 Aug (!J!!!,, tol 10),
1"1"1""" ropol'\ed later, V.r 1:11 gao ualt.1 rooord4 b-tw 111 211-
27 Jul.y,
In tho 11xt... 4"11' _ . , , 10-29 Jul7, tit 2etlt DlTl1lon lid Nf'ter-4

21U wolm4 oaauoltlH, prl111lpal17 117 aoltlll p tlN, . &114 1NO pa

oaaualtl, l110lu4lJOC 24 cu doat.111. It lid .... li,;l;o a lllf!l)' aotl... ,
0 uzitlnloll. ffotor 111th lH1 than a ....1r:1 Nn 1114 at tllro""IWll'tor
nrffi,:th. It hd adTanOod 'b)' boulld1 alao1t 1' 11:ll""'"era agalnn a 4H
1>rt and nllbborn toe 111 mroat, r... 1n mabora but alud 'b)' . .11.
dl1p0Hd aohlllO gwui &lid lU'ga quu,Utloa of gaa,

"Th 'tron4rtl11 lllltttl.olenoy ot lhll Flro

Tho oporatlon on4 lntolllgtno rooor41 ot tho 211th DlTiolon tor tho
porlod 11-1 Jul;y aro llngularl;y oomplno ln thlr on!Jut.. ot tho ,.,....r
of artlllll'7 oholl, tlro4 lnto the 41Tltlonal oootor Ind tho oa1ualtlo1
pro4uoo4 b;y them, In that porlod, opproxlaatol;y 21,?&0 HI oholl toll
ln th otor oooupld b;y th tour reg!Jo.tnto of th dlvl1lon, oaulDC 2?
doatha Ind 172 wounded (narratlff, pp T-8), OD th baoh ot thop nr
UN1, lt Nqulrod 126 lllp aploolff llloU1 to produo a ouualt7,
ln tho .... perlod, lt la oet111ato4 that "l'prca:111&tel7 210 gaa 111111
fll ln tho aoo11or, produtlng I 0&1ualtlH uoor4lDC to 41Tlalon htad

quart, &T uoordlng to 14loa1 Dlp1JI "'' r,oorcl1 (urratlft, pp, S-t),
! the lattor and problbl7 1IOl'o ooourato tlpro, lt rqulred b-on

Ind I gaa oholh to pro4u c 011111alt7,

Portl""'" to th1o o...,orl!IOII ot ottenl-n 11 tho rnorl< ot tho

w -
BoetOII,, Olobo oorri\,pondonil Ylth the 211th l>lTidon ln Fronoo, on that
111>.loh , , _ ..ue4 111>.U,o tho 11'11' laote4, how ...,, oould pan all vo

...... a HIii ot llloll tlro thlol<l;y, Onr and OVOl' api:11 tho
-4ortv.l btflol"""Y ot ahll tlro haa uaH4 ob1ornr11 ovor Ind onr
""'1n ... llavt oooil Ml1 nll< rlght llltO tho bolt ot f'l7lDC Mtal and go
thrOllp ,...,ILthod, 121 Ho rotorrod to n.-.;y ot 211th DhUlon

ral41DC partlH 1n 11h CUlilA du "'""" aootor ln Fobruar;y, but th nate,.

- na - aoro op11 ln Jul;y, non tho - wro aoro or lHI bunohod


- &O -
om i..obUlH4, 111A tll<t , ......1.a .... nlll alllo,t U11orcanl114 llm'

Data tor tho gt.1 attaok1 i.a..<11atel7 prlor to IIZl4 rollOlfing th tlght
,t '"" ... th l8'b. ......... dltnoult to ....... th DlnalOD Ila Otrloff
reported a total ot 9'00 gao elielh llllrlllg tile nlght of l.._l& Jui, IIZl4
Uk -""' tho nm nlght (...., , pp, 12-13, l'-15), Both 4lThlonal
unlt noorda and noordo dh&gl"M on tile ..,.b,r of gu lhdl the
Hoond night, l111Z1oli1111' 1nl.aat ot eooo :,,,llft' orou ohol11 on the 1111h
and 7110 th tollOlfiag aonlng h pHbabl7 aoro oornot, !'ho attuk on tho

IIOftlng Of tile 11th iDWlftd A leaot 100 :,,Ol10lf Ol'OII ohello, %' liq thn

bo ,.,..,..4 that t. ..,.1:ar.ia otboora t,000 11114 10,000 ga1 111111 ot all 1<111&1
,..,.. fl.rod lld>o th 211th l)lTlalon Mnor durlllg tho thNe-u.7 attaok,
th llCIO NIJ)Orted 1111 c1 oa111alt101 11114 I 41atb1 H a n111lt ot thlt
cu111C, but 414 ~ 411tlllcllhh tile -'ult "" tho .,...1ng ot tho 11th, no
41Tlalon roporto4 171 gu oa111al1lle1 tollft'lng tho attaok on tho 1111111, ~II
tollowlng that on tho lellh, 11114 M tor tile 11th (IUll'l'athe, pp, lt-lG, l'r
111), tor total of 4'1,9, Ill lll.b4 na14 Booplilal aald that 4.U ca oaoual-
,1,,., aoat.17 au1tvd o, wre enouat4 4"rlxac the 24-llOW" per1o4 Ddlng
tht aonluc or 18 Jui, (llal'l'atlft, pp, 1..10), In the ollort tNa th Dln
don '"'"""' ottlo (a ii"" 1a), thl1 ncuro ot 111 opp1aP1 on 17 Jlll7,
' 171 po OHH olld , po dlatho roordod tor l.._10 J11l7 IIZl4 1H oaH on
ilho 11th, U#f or 111., lat"'r pNb&blf 411&:,,,4 oa111al1'l ft n ...1 total
I.a l>lnolon lllrCoon -Ol'II h th111 721 poH4 11114 gae 41111, u a ro-
ult or tb "ftH.IMJ>IIU &U 1.ftUU, ar tppl"Cllt1-&'li1111J IIIIM G&9\l&J;1"7 rur
' '
lfffff 16 pl 1hell1 1'1"4,

... 11
lo 1atl1totory aooou11tlng can be lll&d1 for tho 120 ,.... klliod or
wounded by hlgh cplo11n llld rl.tlo tlro during . tho ptrlod lll-17 July,
ti.nee thr ii no way to 1tpar1.t those 01.1ualtie1 ria1ulting tr011 th D
llblling llld tho10 ,uttrd 111 tho flro flght at Va,.,., The reoord1 indloato,
honnr, that at lout U,000 roW141 of Bl were flro<I l11to the '9otor in
thoae thrOI da71 llld 11lght1 (!W'ratl'N, pp, l._16, 18-17, l7l8), ouggootlng

ratio of lhelll to oa111.it1.. to that tor tho prlod 11,,U July,
1 .... ,, 128 to 1.

Th Ca,ualt7 Rord
!1 11 e-.Unt tro11 th narrthe 111d 1'1"011 th ohart below, th 28th

J)1v1s1on was under gu attack or noow::i.ter'ed gaaaed terrain .-nry dngl day
wnll in th Aimo-!,lorne Ollpaig,1.122


6 a.m.




10 Jul;y 11 17 13 81
11 July 28 5 5 72
l2 Jul;y 30 6 5 67
13 Jul;y 17 2 3 81
'U J"ty
1& July
ll';J! 2J . '83
16 July
17 July
"2252 l2
la July 31 139 l as
19 July
20 July
21 July

uo 21,
(111) 3
R,:x BA 122
22 July
23 July
2l July
( l) '00 2H
25 July H 80 1 82
e, 8 52
~8 Jul:y
27 July - C'l&J
- -
1906 (24)
- --
1728 5876

:r1111 DI ohut, dated 1v JOD 111, 11 rro11 1114 i,ep-.: (28th v1-.) 80>: 35V3,
70l-caoualt11 ab in 211th 1>1T Bo,i; 2'8.
Bracketed tlguru ropreHl!t oorrootion1 to DI ohut reproduood 111
ltr 1JOO to C Cllll, 20 JIil 19, 1ub1 llpt on Ga1 AotiYltiea (26th Di BOlt 2e),
where ,ouro U given a.1 JJI noord
figure, in parentheH1 ,are ga.1 deatha.
th tollow1ng tab,il.,t1on repr ..nt It! aotual oount ot the gu oaoual-
th reported by nau ln tho hoepltal Mbo.l11lon Ueto 11&intdnd by the 101st
and lMth field Roepitala (114 llept Bea: 3818), Ille page, ot thuo ll1tl aro

10 July
ll Jul7

.JI! .!:a!.


- - -



...I!!!. ..!!

..!! !!I.

-a I -- - --
12 July
13 July - -

1' July 3 8
15 July
18 July
17 .July
8 l
18 18
M (I
''J 411
l8 July 8 20 -1 7 1 ~ a H

19 July l u a l 24
20 July 2 108' 1
- 18 ''12 '7
21 July
22 Jul;y
8 6

- -

l 11) ea
23 July
24 July
111' 11

-S 3
26 July
26 July
27 July




- --
l 8

11 &00 &ll 128 217
72 118 :se Ul (19)

Th"' S gu ouo, wre in the 102nd FA,

Fill"""i in parenth'" r1p ... ,ent 1 111 other unlto of tho d1'11.11on
than tho 111 the oolwm.1.

A note DD tho lhHt tor 28 JUl7 ar that ot "'- total ot patient tholl in th1

41T1e1o.u s hoap111a1 \lrnder o'llffrn.'\S.a tor ga1 ,apt. 200 . . P. ret.u:rntid to

duty that dath


111mo Dl'r llurg tor all udloal ottiura, 18 .l,u& (W-Ua), 1e.y1 that ot
:141 ott1oer1 and ...,. at tho l041lll 111, 2'5 1111 wre l'tt\11'1114 to duty, date, DA>t

.uiothor ohu'11, Wlduo4, 111 llo4loal 11op.-t l'Ooorb brealc1 don th,
,1Yl1lon 011ualtlo1 by uni.ta, but oOYOr1 onl7 tho ~rlod ot oDllbat, 1826
July, oalttl"' all aaaualty tlguroa )otw9on 11-17 July, The klllod ond l
lng tlgur,1 ll'O oald to b ba1od on lltatl1tloal Sootlon reoordi, 116 Tho
t1c'11" in puenthtHt (hom MILO,. DI, 31 Jul,. 1ub1 Ca1ualty Un -to 28 July,.

1ouroo) oppoar to NlpNHnt. allc)ltly oll'Utr tal>ulatlon th... that ot

"11 oh,rt.

trait lUlN ,,....... Gauod llild;c
10llt Int n 121 1U 273 381 28
102nd Int II 1111 llt 121 Ut et
102nd IIG 1!n u 20 41 88
'' '
l ~ Int
104th Inf
lO!rd IIG l!n

611 let
. 104

1 !
lOht IIG l!n 27 ZI e e 0
101n r.i. 20 42 0
102ur.1. le H 22 12 18
u 481 0
i.oara r.i. lS 38 ,s 72 0
101n 1ng 92 116

-rr iee, czoaa) 1207 (U8'!)


ffl.Al.t HOt (4201)

The aagnltudo and tilt otfeot on the operatlo11 ot tho gao oa1n1&lt.lH

lnoUffo,I, during tho .l.lmo-1111'11 -dgn .,.. 1n only ffllft l.not..,.u, ud th111

lmlronly, rotleoted 1n tho aftoa-utlon ropona of tho un11'1 f "'- Zfth

ll1Y11lon, tho relatl.,.ly few fitld .. i tor tho period oontrlbute little
or a-thing to what mun hafl bHll tho dtuatlon on tho battlofbld, llelthor

m Chan, Casualtl.. fo;, l'orlod 1826 July, pnparod In roply to - .t.otg

Cota for D&, 31 Jul (lied D*pt 8998, 704 Cauo),

.. .51 ,,,.
the auhl.Do gm111!ng aor the o.l.Mn 0011\I.IOIOlll go.1 lhell!ng of th dbl.alon I.a
th tl.14 ad wood, boton lpld md !l'U~ oredl.ted tor th pml.o or
1erl.1 ot p..,.S.01 that ""'lua1ll.oa&bl7 ooolll'red oa 22 11111 21 July.121
111 -ro.ndo. U!.<I """'0.C" during th opera.ti.on IUld l.n tbo ,.n.,,
report1 1t wu th dittloult whHllng ....., u.d by th 41Y1.ol1 ~

oautl.0111 Gd olow ot the 1\';1110h torou OIi the le~1 th rop,ae417

dtlo:,N, OOll(lllotd, Gd 0011\r.17 order ot Corp,, ""1 th -aUa11l

lftiadl ot the IIMIIIQ' lltll&tloll by 1.11\1111.CIIIOI thd WH laid to haft -
11>-lbuto<I to tho 1114 dl.ttl.oultl.11 ot the dl.Yl.11.on, 11111
011l7 ln \It. Ught ot th DI.Thin ....., .... I ti.pre thd 1111 ,._.I... d
OClllpltlllnc au11 tor oonl'la1Lon 11114 p111l.1 ...,,.,,,.
Althougll G n c l11YVla'bl7 olaltl tar ..,., oa1ua1t1,1 l.n pro,:os
ti.on to I.ti night ot llholl the aplo1b1, 11114 1n the O&H ot th 3M
D!.Yl.alon prod,...d abun IIOll7 011ualtl."' 11 a,,.....,. art111"1
guu, om rlnoo oaul.1>1114 produoed """"'4, 1.n th "'l)ort, om hla11or1 the

p1 ap1rl.noe ot th di.Thi.on 11 ooatl.,.d to pa11lng ..- ft h

qult "l'P"""' I.nth tour narratlye hl1torl11 ot th 28th OlY1.11on ...,_

llll11ed tor thll report, that ga1 laolc<ld the - l a t e opeotonllr - ot

tllo ml.p... bulln, tlMI u.ohln gua 1 ohai!t.,., th -"'"'" art111'1>7


!h tl11&1 oper1tl.on1 report ot th lht Brlgo4, lllll or - 102n4,
10llri. llld J.Olth Int1.ntr7 all glTO -1.
ot ou11&ltl.u tor l.ewZD July.
,..,.. 41.9'1.ngullh ""J ga1 oa1ualtlo1, tho loard Int report noli ~1er1
~ OX' m G&IIQa~t.1 ..- oa-u.4 'b;r p 1.i.. -... u. o-. ..... -1 I!'__._..
,1 .... by tho .....,

Desp1t the high 1noidenoo of siokn which .... lled the totl ot
oa1ultie1 in its two subsequent o&mp1,tign11,. the 26th Division suffered its

g~eate,t number of battl oaaualt1ee in the Aiane-M~rne (Ch~tau Thierry)

operation. as the following ohart (in memo. DS, 24 Doc 1918, Mad Dept Box
3593) 1nd1oate11

Sector I1llod lloundod 0..Hed Siok 111ul3

Chemin dea D1.111ee 18 52 283 :

.. ''
ll 364
Toul (Bouoq)
Ch!.teau Thhr:r:y
1351 222 2791

1722 1728 118 ;
St ... U1h1A1 , . .4 27S !!()10
Verdun 530 1853 1942 4150 265 8740
1766 -
6709 5573 8888 649 23585

Varianta on the total casualties ot the 26th PlTleion in are

ottered for oomr,ar1aon.,

1785 6763 4150 645 : 13,3*3

2188 13000

Ltr Div Pers .Adj to TAG Alt, 8 liar 19, sub, Hist ot Stt Soo, 2eth Div
(26th Dh Box s, 11,l),
.1/{r'u, Th liar with O..runy1 a Stat1otiool 8""":"!2, p, 117, and Thom,.,,
History of the AoiF, P 4590

Tho high 1111lt1H t&lcen bf jaer1oan troops in their first aontha or

presat: a contest ot endurance llld the rapid reoonatitutlon at our div111ona.

lllhc wU1h4ra,m. troa i;h Un b ot prUUU")I' ! ... 126 '.Righ udt.le,

aggravated th probl. . ot ,..oonot1tution,

nnt forward .!!!. !!!!! 111 trontal attaoka, and toll 111 nn botoro tho OIIIOllf

rhk, uul warnod partloularl:, against bn....,.,,lng tho tront 111100, wboro tho

frontal attaok1 but bi tho tao ot thoH ordoro tho:, and tho ..-n ot tho
~:a.-2.oMi l,n,q- DdLou'J.:,- ~rtk eh . . tht ff('II :,,.-.,,..,,), et11,0a'I" tn 1'1.h rlCft't a.ind

would han oha11ood1 nor would our ..,, had tho7 bHn tlghtlng duo 1914, 127
' ' . .
S.ep ..tdlT,. th aft..otltWi HpoM:a 1o.1plalnecl that th O.rau. aoh1n guna

and lll.n-rtoro alaon alone '!11oppod tho purault, enabling tho Mm1 to with

d:r pr..otlollY' ~la.t.aa.. Impatiently,. tht troopa limply Offl'Tllll the &Uni

or mad costly fllllklng attaoka on them, or nltod tor lone horou to t&lco
th ~!' The :l"Nnoh,. on th othtl" hmd. w1thd.rn t.t Ono wbc

thoy mot hoaq u.oh1no gun fire and waited tor their art1llory to doal with

Ltr CG lit C to CG D1, n,d,, publlahod 111 In1tru No, a,, 26th DlT,
2 (26th D1T Box 15, 32,11),
lluntor Llggott, A11'1 Ton Yar A 1n Fran (Nn- York1 Dodd, )load,
1928), p, 130,

"' 58 ...
it, .lgal,11 1114 agaln troop 0Cllllll&Jl.der1 1dd that on et'reotlve method ..,,t bo
found for d11troying lh 11111111, 1114 .,...louoly 1ugge1tod that tho 37'111 gu,,,
.,.all tank,, or """ 7 - fhld pieH ao00111pN1yit1g the infantry might quickly
knock thm out. 128
A letter t'ro11 First /.nY, ahortly after tho 26th Jli'ohion wa1 rol11T1d,

reportod oom011t1 or Frenoh 81.xth /,rm,/ prhon1r1 or wart

Th j,,arloano 1aoriti their troop, modleuly by oloH fo,...t1011, by

noodlt111 headlong ruah11 .: IWl!linogun neat,, and by 111111tno1ent attont1011
of iold.ire to "Ui1i- .tielter troa O.rman ttre on, pPhon,r d.1011.t'-411
tm aur that my ICllplAJ without osu1.ltie1 cm. one oooaaion raowd down thN 0011Panl1 J.n Cf1117 ott1oer deolaredt The .bter1oan, ad:nno in
oloa, toraationo They ttaok 1lr;,wl7 without paying -~~1~1oa 10
DUll~I 1n-
ltead of golng tol'lllrd by jUIIIP and king oooaalonal oovor, 29

Corpe training 4irootiY11 hammered ...,,.y at def1n10 against tho 11<1..ily iJIIJ'llan
....h1n gun, "Tho UH of pho1phoru1 rlflo grenad.11 tor doallng with -1111

ICllll 111st, and oopeolally tor ...,Jcing th111 by their .,..a, will bo thoroughly
worked outuootheH .,okt dn1o ahould bl fully utll1H4. Th ,_. direo,,o

tlfl reprinted a - rr.. Jllgoutte on th uoo ot ortllltry to noutr&lll

maohi111 """ ln tho a1111aoke J\lrthll'IION 0 oal4 Jllgoutto, 1n attaoko by nlght

or 4ay, there 11 groat &dnntage in foNing the .._ to put on hh auk by

aholllng hla with gao ohoLlo tor tow 11inut111 betoro I hour, 150 co.,.,

Ct, Rpt Capt 11!, G, BulPloy Jr,, CO lOlot IIG Bn, ll Aug (211th Dh Boz
25, U,81),
11..0 ltr Cota lit A to CG lot C, ' oopl to 26th JllT brlga, regt1,
1114 001, T ,\ug, ilubt llthod1 ot .\ttaolc (wlth IOh, 26th lllT Box 8, 20,l),
lllproduood In 211th JliT lnatru lloe et, 2 .\ug (26th DlT Boz 15, 32,ll),

.Artillery, 1n t. lll9m.O rpating the p1.1eag amended 11:i to read 1 ThNI 11
every t.d, hl 1'o.rol11C tho MIIT to 111&11lc:, 131
But the 26th PlTl1lon ln Jul7 had 1"I phoophorua grtnado1. (Tho thor-
m1t grenade, dedgntd for ~ 1.gdn1t 11aah1ne gwi neats, d1d not raQh the
field untU $optember, tor the st, 111hlel operation.) .IJ>d gao gronadu ... ,..
brought up, app,....ntl7 tor the tlr1t, on 25 Jul7, 132 llor wao tho

d1villon able t.t an, t!.M to t.n 1uppl7 ot gu moll, ,t.l
though th Fl'1moh toroH on tither lido ot th dlThlon appt.rontl7 1111d

largo quantltleo or gt.a shell botoro t.nd during tho t.dvanoe, tho 211th Dlvl
slon 1'lred but three brlot al.01ton1, t.11 with pho1go..,, on 115-1,, 15, D<I

20 July (nal'l'atho, PP 78, 11-12, 2221),

Ot lntorot lo no'!:, dt.tod ,,10 P, 18 Jul7, ln a tlold journal
apparenbl7 Jc<lpt by 0-3, Slot, wrltton whllo tho troop, ln Toro7 and
BoUeau Wrt bdllg puod, 11enort.l 114nr4, telophol>lld,,.camJ t.tlcod ,.._

gardlng th poo1lblllty 01' t. projootor gao attack r,,.., 111 f>'ont, I told hi.a
I un4orot ... f>'omllojor l!t.taon it would not bo po11lblo ln ouoh lillltod

tlao,13$ llenoral ldword had 111 !lllld tho projootor CH lhoot that ht.d bHn
plUlll!ld duo t Ju17 by llaj, Georg 'lilatoon ot th lot Battalion, 3oth llllgl
,.,r, (later, th lot Go. . . ,-l, ' unlt, orlg1nt.1l7 ua1gnod to tho

lot o.i. mno, 1 .1.111 (211th DlT BOIi ie, az.11).
.. ,28 Jul, f>'om llontrtull to &p1odo, 1250 gao gl'ont.i!.H, (J.oth1.ty ot
101ot .lllllO ,~. 211th lT BO<lt aa, aa,a).

Jnl, i,111od J.ttuk ot Jul7 l8th~July 20th, 1918 (211th lllT BOIi 25, 33,6
11pt1 ot Opn1),

... eo ...
2nd Dh1.llon, tran,t,rrd to Corp 1th the i'ol"lllllt1on ot lat Corp on
H Junt, Opert.tlon Order 5, 17 Jul, opproved by Corps, ll1dloat01 that 50
drums of BC (ohlorp1orln) and 100 drUlll,I ot phoagen ... ,. to be fired on eaoh
of flvo targeto opposite tho lOlat Infantry aootor on th night of tho 17th
( Mop No, 15), 134
owing to reoe1pt ot order tor a general attaok, thi1 operation 10.1
oanoellod by Corpe, The h11torlan of the 1st Gas R<,gimont aloo to 11
later that there had bHn many apondU targets in the Hotor and pl..,.
had boe11 propard tor m1 ..1ons, but no oloorano could be obtd110d untll jun
before tho ottook, "Tho rauona for not taking adnntago ot thh napon wore

,.,1ar,oly.. ,lanlc ot lr:l>owld& ot lto pou1bl1ltloo, and ohecH ln o ea4

ot th ,Ullrloan trodpo pNporatory to th adTan.. , UIG Th ln llo.o loglUn\
unit 414 ,;n odfl!IOo with tho 28th Dl'fi.lln,
l'J'onoh yporlto oholl had bon lntroduoo~ on tho battlotleld tho pr...

Tiou, month, in June, and the 2..:1 Dlvlolon tired at loa,t .... lot before it
let't th otor. But th, 28th Division na later to obeern1 "W reoe1Ted

our tirn 00111lg111M1nt ot Frenoh Mustard Gao October 4th 1918 oonslatln& ot
1000 llpoolal ,feo 77 oallber 1holl1,138 Slno it was leaTing tho aootor,
tho 4iTidon t.rtUhr:r tire~ th at ao. lapromptu targn .th next; dq, Tho

iA CG ln c 1>0 CO lat Bo. 30th Ille, u .tul, 1ub1 Supplnontary projoot
rpt (Gil'llt C), .
Hin ot tat Ill, pt.rt III, ... s, pp, 1, &.

lH DQO to c C1111, 21 !lo.,, 1ub1 llpt or orre1111... Opno wltb u.. ot J.M:r
Gaa llhelll (26th DiT B(llt 25, 33,6 Speo l\pt1-111o),


-:" \

. ..

""....,..#" u~< "


~ <
1 .
<( "


o:x:perion wa1 typ1oal, ding to th Divi1ion Gao Otfioor,
Our g1.1 ahoota 1.1"1 dign,d to make the bst uae of the g1.1 11hlla 'lmloh
oa.n be obtaiD*d and not pr1Tiou1ly IU"ranged projeo't1 tor whioh ga1 11 order.a,
a.a we would prefer... W have been under French Co:rpa la.rge part ot the t11Mt..
Our llunitions Officr lottpa in a oonataxxt requioitlon or all the fs, ,ti, lllid
j2o which he can gt As soon &l!I he is informed tht.t oertain EUnDunt, of gas.
shella haTe been allotted to us. the Division Gas Ottioer and the Chief of
Opraticn ot the Artillery Brigade plan shoot,.,,.137
General ld.WU'ds was to say after the AhneMune operations

The ,.rtillery did ite work excellently, Thy had too few gas shell1,
The rroportion ahould be much greater herearter. even in open warfare.
They oan be effectively uaed against maohinegun ~ata where the proper in
tetTal elapses between the preparation 1nd the a,,ault. I also reoomm.end a
much greater allowance of gaa ,hells tor all oalibere for oounter battery
work of the oorps art1}lery as one of the beat agent in the neutral1iation
ot oppoeing batteries . ;,o .
The 26th D1v1aion apparently had one weapon against machine gun neat,.
which. 10 fJr aa oa.n be determined, was not uaed ~ur1ng the aampa1gn. OU
18 July, the artillery regimtn:xts were advia~d that '3000 smoke ahella art
available tor hsul9i to lluoh b&tterle~ e.a may requ1re themoU:0 That 111 the
only refereno to theae shells or to the uee of smoto .shells in all the

records .XND.ined.

Ltr 000 to C CfflJM 24 Oot. $Ula use ot Arty Ga.a .A.gains\. t.he ltuoncy
(26th D1v BDZ 249, tol, S),
Quoted in Bn.ull, P lM.
Ono 1olution to th O.r,oan maoh1ne gun, And diocovered gain 1n World
1'-1"' II, a to haft appeared 1.n what was oona14ered only
mOlllOrandwa of th 42nd Div, dated 31 July, 1n 'lritioh 1t
an 8 inttrHt1nc
directed that
w1th1u 1phere11 of ~ &r'tillery and 111,aohin, pm r11Sobtanoe 1mo norma.l b'bok
torm&t1on 1n av should not be adopted. Sn&ll patl"Ola of ten to titteeu atn
were to moTII forward in aoout. fashion, oraWl1ng and ut111z1ng all depreas1on,
in tho torr~ln, while tho main body, halting under oover, 11'81 to assist the1r
t.dYano by tne 1'1re Of O'to.leea mortars ~ ;:ii5al,. gu.uu .:ea.~t.odon o~ 'i'Ul!Wl p:o.a
wc,re to be :run up to the Un when d1i-e_ot f'iN a.iatnst enay ne1t1 wu praotl
oobio, Jorinlng1 C, W1, Tho Turn cf tho ?14 lB... York, Honry Holt, 1920),
pp, 231232,
Opne O ll?, last llpg C1,e., 102nd FAJ, lS Jul (Box 61, 33,13),
62 -
rrollOh ond .....rlo111 c..ualti
,.,...llabl oa1ualty tlgur tor tho ""'noh d1T1s1on1 on either a14 ot
tho 2etll DlTi1ion dlll'lng tho '"nth of Julymokt a 0111?ari1on ot oa111alti11
pouiblo, It obould b noted that at f\lll auoter, a French 41Til1on had
allout half tho otroacf;b ot an ...,.rioan 41T11lon,
On the ba110 ot ""'noh and 0.l'lllal1 reoor41, it aay b proo-4 that
tho gao ID4 Ill UJlrlno ot tho Fronoh 187th DiTlUon, whloh tiro4 tar
'""' ga1 -11111t.ion than tho Zetll DlTllion am n therotoro aoro oubjooll
to gaa rnallatlOlll, no probal>l7 at loaot tho oquiTalont ot that ot tho
28th DiTllion, Dlll'lng tho perlo4 11-20 Jul:,, 4dly 01111alt:, -,.111

ropcrttd by ht Corpa or 1>:, tht Jroaoll diTlliOlll llhow tho tollowl.Jlc Hllp&r&

tlTt t1gurl40
J;Ul"4 1f11!!!1d lla1104
lS-lf, Jul:, 18'11h DlT 1 6 0
18th DlT 11 6S 3

l,._10 Jvl. Ufth DlT

81 ta
28th Dh 17t
u-u Jd:, 18'11111. DlT l
2611h Dl<r "" "I'~
111-lT Jul:, 187th DlT I 8 0
2111'11 DlT 3 26 H
1718 Jul:, 187th JliT 21 88 0
111-1a ...1r
28th DlT
117th DlT
10 fi7
28th DlT 6 6TB

lf-20 July . 187th DiT 27 62 3

9 tot 188
- l>l

Opno llpto, lot C (ht C B"' t4., SS, l), . . . ot 0p,.. llpiio, ht C (1bl4,,
33,2) 1 Opn1 llpto, lli11'1l D1T (r,,- 111.. l!mi 1'1),

!ho 187th lllT1o1on n, 011bjooto4 to hoa"1 ca bombar-nt on the

11ornl.11& ot the llltib.; t o l l - b:, a ra14 1n toroo oil S11uiaru that "" rt
p11laed in a tiro tight, 1114 toll-up gu bombardunt OJI the 111th and
1151111 - Tlrtudly tho 01110 up.rioMo u tho 28th DiTllion. Inn allowing

tor lo,r ootillotH in tbH Corp, tiguro, (tho 28th DlT1tion, "' han
""' uttore4 betwe011 Too-800 gao oa111altie1 btweon 1318 J11ly), no 4'1

plan1tlon oan be ottero4 tot th relatlnl:, tn ou11altlH in tha Fronoh

diTllion exoopt lto hllN....,ll talent tor oonHt'Tlllg U11 fighting otrongtlt.
-rlu ot ou11alt1n tor tho. period 1828 July aro ava1lablo tor
both tho Fr"'ob 187th lllTlllon 11111 tho Fronob lfltlh Divilion, to tllo right

of tho 28th, and tuppon Qonoral Llggnt I nat-nt, preTiO)loly Qllotod, tho
rookle11 Aaorloana, tho tlg"1'o.,.. ortero4 without turtbor ...,.nt,

IUllod 11W1114 Gaooo4

"- Ott 11... Ott 11...
187th DiYial- T 212 ,1
8H - -
21511h Ill TillOII ..
3tth D1T110D ... a"' 170 aa
'" ,10 l!S7

.i.uc rn..

1'1, :so.,,.
Tronol ot llpt on Opna ot 181th DiT 1827 Jul, 19 (l'Nllob Bm:

" J'roa 1111.l'ratin PP 611-68,

"* Sfltlh lliY, Hhtorlq dH Jo"1'n.. ,

l'll B* las, so.~).
du 18 au 28 JuUln, p, a (r,,-

!l!!J!op1'\at1on of tho 2eth ptvhl011

Tho 26th' Dhhlon . . . . tif ~an 'bHn hold 1n -11 ortHm 117 Ho.dqu..,...
ton, ~ . ml to haTO ondu,..d, a rooult of lt1 J11lr oi>orat1on, .....
thln,:. like tho ott1o1al lfl11Dmlllf that the 35th Dlrltlon n1 to un4orgo two
m.on:tha lotor, (It 11 only ooinoldno that General l'tr Traub lt't tho
&lot Erlgad.o, 2eth 111Tlt1on, to take -and ot tho 36th lllrldon on 11
July, two daye before tho attaok.)
Llk the 36th lllvldon ottor lt1 bod lhaw, the oOlllll&ltd of tho 28th
dOWII. to 1>latoon oorporall and aerg1e.=1 waa apparrrtl;y ordered to a:pla1n
ln detall lt1 aot10111 tor the period 1826 Julr, Such bluiket reportln,:
doea not oaour tor any other opratlon ot the 28'h DlTiaion, nor o 1t
appear ln any other dhldon nlnod esoept tu 36th. (Tho rooord1 ot tho
2nd llhh1on haw not 1"1t boon n111lned to HO whether lt1 101t. o on
on 18 Julr, ml rollot on tho llltlh rooultod ln a 11,ml.lar ropl)l"'b;r-lndor1~

-> Th thr11 popular hhtor1H ot tho 2eth llivhlon pr..ent lone

1orlo of lnoldenti that teod to ohow that th 21th and General ldward1
. 141
dld not 1to:lld wtll wl~ tho .llaorloan higher o-1nd," Sibler 1 vol1llllf,

lndHd, 11 not a hlnory 10 muob lt 11 3""""'lht' 1 4et111H ot tho

dlTlllon and an onooml... ot 1t1 in41Tldual aen and ottloor,,

llhlo:y, lfltt tho Tanke Divhlon 1n l'ranoo, pt.Ill.Ill Bennll, H1atorz
of th YU>koe .jj{y lion (a 10UT111ir hlatory), pp, U&-198; Taylor, llew
ingiM'l.d in tfenot {91'1919 . PP 111, 169170, 260. _,._

Th,.. had been eM"llr 00111'l1ot1, but the Ul.,.,,111 boouo own wllon
tho 2etll DiThion .... .,,., ot th Uae on th 28 J"ly &lid
Corp, oponly aharged that tor two d"71 llur1ng tho Chatoau:rhi1!'17
\h J) dU. 11G'b know 'Whllf!IIN 0Anar111l Cnla C&2nd: Brigade 7 waa,
and tha.t <Jltneral Col 41dnt k:now at all llhere hh troc,p1 nr,. Iii n.1n
Cproot wa, offered 7. ,.but Corp 1ndnod that tho g11111ral and h11 br1r
od had bffn I.oat ""rh, inquiry to Colonel Logan 01nt1r1d aroullll th
obeolc that; hh /"\01n __7 Niglm.n:t aftduJO~ ln t:h wood of' !rugny., 11ha l't
had to tall bao'i, lea...n,g it1 - wounded out 1n tro11t, and th ar"1U1ey
oouU aot tiN booau.. ot tho danger ot bitting thoH wounded mon. J.42

brlgado during that aotion1

~~ tk a~~ ~, +-ht. hPtgiad. klMI teat. ~letlon; cana
aotray &lid falld to hold togothor an orgon11atio11 atter th night ot
July 2lH, Fortunately, General lohal,tl;, _...4,4 tho 107th
Frenoh, roali1od tho 1ltuation and had the good judglllnt to go aboad
wlthO\lt ordor 1mtU Jut, ts, r - ahould haft had a dangorou1 CIP la tlll
Uao ot tho rirat Any Corph Al on aa th dtu1tton wa, app,..olat4
General W.lgtl.1 t &8th Brlp.41 ot tho loyot- DlThlon oallod ln to
tlll tho plaoo. 1,a
At tho tlao, aooord1ng to 11111'7, """"""' wa1 mod that General lldward1
roUOfl th111 two llatloul Quard - ~ (Colo ali4 Logan) and General
- r d ...,...,.

fh lno141111 11ppear to han oulm!Jlatod ln tho reUet ot Goaorol

ldnrd on ie Ootober, Brlg, aoaoral l'ronl< I, Bamford, ot th lot

Jll.Nl, a.p:i.r -, .. -cl. fht - 1111, Colonol Log"'

roll..... of k11 e---ncl ot tile 101.ot Intllltry, On 8 ,.....,bor, Coloaol ll111N

llbi..,, p, IIIO
lHI), pp, UII-
td'"& 1!!1 Yoart~ la l'P'!t!" (lw Tort, Do4cl, lead,
""'PN hh ,imiatl"f iaont, on the N>treat or
the 85th llh, pp, 180-181, that th111'1 Ill aotlon that wOUlcl haTO trl..
tho 1oule at 11h b1ot troopii 111 the world,.

,,.. Nll.... et the lOllri Illt'IIIVJ, 1114 oa I 10..-or, ....ral C.le ,...
NU....a ot llh 'brtcu n, Clemnl B..tord ..,_, to .,_ _.. 111
ol1or to ll'bll)' that tho Nuoa f'll1' tbolr ,e1l1t - ...It 110 ,1.,1,, .t.11
tbPM .nor their ordeal at 111011, ll"'"'"r, wN Nnoro to W.olr -
.....So, I.ff
Clenoral Butori orrl'"4 wlth o. poor oplllloa ot 1111 - , , - , It
ohorge4 the 815th DlTl1lonwl.tll 1nertla, ll'bl17q1&"11111111 e1e....a1 u
n;rlnc (p,HB),
'tile quaUt7 ot a 41Tloloa 11 4nl'lll"" 1IJ 111 ho4oro, 11, 1,1
r an4 by 11-. 0111lv1W1 t. h an494 b, 4lrleloa 'IU. & '
0"1011111 1"'0 &ff drlTIPI, fb'lTIH wUl MD 1, dlTlllOll 40 thlllgl,
Look at th 11.rn DlTloloa, '!hat Dl'fioloa bu ha4 18,000 pu1
111l,oap l'J 11' llao bod 11,000 hHH tba1o - - - U I U1$, lt h
too 'b.. that thU 4lThl.. ,11 an ou. ot 11111 ollte dlnl ot tho .
....,, .,1 doat 11a to ..,1, tho . .ri
4lTllloa, \n&t 1111 Ill l ' f 1 aftl'IIC4','
to 11h1 !i'll'to- ot *
.aa lllnorlu,. wiilll ti>. - a l, a,, ntlooto 11111 lfW ,n_ la
1"'llll "111 Htl>. DlTlllon wa1 11114 I.JI bh ao"'8 ot th .t.l- llptffll
... 117 llh - ' oa tllo 41Tld-1 1...... "!ho lailllaltl.. ...,. IOt fuow
l'ilpOl'tl4 u tl08, wt lt 11 oonaln that Ill po....,..n lot111 414 IIIOt - -
IOCIO, Otllr itl 11:Ulotl., on4 1HI 11rloualy WOIUl4o4, or o. tott.1 ot 1NO nN

l>Nllll""1J "Porto,"' In o. word, 11h1 21111!. DlTldon, ao a ronlt It 1111

tatac l 1tau1, hail t.0qtalN4 ..,1g1117 -lop14 , . . _ o11oranmdl11,
. .
""'' 1n .... 2nd DlTllloilll wlltoll had 1 plll'll7 Aaorioon lhor-lnll,

1tr, PP s11, aza tt,
Jemtac C, Who, 'rbo hftl of tli.1 Tltl.1 (1ft Tort, B1t1117 11o1,, 1810),
'', 100-101,

- 4? -
er latr 4lTlalQ~I that aoqa1r"4 8r1tl1h oharMJtrl,1 th a~
Dll1l1n,,., guilty ot 01\\tlon,
lt 1a not arta1n tha't thh oharc or 1D.rt1a r ..tlou 1' J\IR1t1cl

In hbr""'7, ob11ni111 the oolllluot ot th 21111h 1" r&14 1 1111 1"Mb ""r
_ . . Cb7 \ho aplrlt of 1iho -.J 1' tlrn1. -
\11"7 1>1pa " a
llttlo ,1..,..d, A llttl later on, 11h17 tolUl4 our .. tater, tllllooriac 11p

woul.4 ,a.- .,...rlean 11.-1, (libl17, p, 75), In July, tho dlTlaloo ....,

- 11pirlt, and ,..u ln ad'l'UICO ot tll ,...,,.h dh'hLe1111 oa lllolr tlull:.-



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