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118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132

5 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Point Scale 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
U a ppropriate Ma,k...
to ,.-:o,d Point, lOll ond
to ind1cote Totol I'o,nl
117 Ponicn. .... hokl

CUC COMBAT UN IT CAPABILITY NOTE : Abbrevi at ion " P" mea ns u nits ma y not
part ic ipate in that type o f att ack.
ALL UNI T S; No hex v/ith .!I combat unit{s) in TEC TERR A IN EFFECTS CHART ABBREV IATIONS: N- No rmal ; O- Ooubl ed ; H~ Halved ; P- Prohib ited, u nit nOI allo wed in .that terra in e xcapt o n roads.
11 6 iI, defends 8t less thar 1. no matter how the 2,
Basie Basi e basic Melee Defense FIJo; tor is reduced bV flank. Defense Factor "1;1 "fI ::0 "TI Attack Factor MOVEMENT & COMJlAT NOTES
:::; '1-:;:;;::=:::=:::'-''=:::':--::-1
Melee Mel l e MOF w hen MDF whe n atlacks, attack.ing un i-types or terrain. Ex- 1---::::--;;;;--;::;--;;;:-,-,:-=;-1 3 ::;.
115 UN IT TYPE Attack Dufense FRONTALLY FLANK ample: II stack. of twu SK's on a r iver he:o: SOSPSKBCLCCM ~. :::J I so SP SK BC LC for Basi~ Game , ignore notes pertaining to COMBAT
og"" 22
and point value Factor Fa~lor a nacked by: is attackad by ;
Modi f i~ations
due to terrain. sta~k i ng,
wou ld theoretically defend &9ainst a flank.
attack with a Melee De fense Factor of 1-S;
,o' eM oc MF - Movem ent Fa~tor

IMAF) It-___~IM~O~F~I__ -I,""W-'"""''":tl;",sp-'",,":c",l
and/or unit ~haracte ristics are cumul a tive. ins tead the Melee Def ense Factor of the stac k.
Fron t Flank BI CM LC 61 CM LC is brought up to ,. An attacking stack, Clear NNNNNN N N N N N N N Costs one MF pe r h ex 23
however, does not enjoy this privilege and if its
Swordsmen (SO)
4 pIS
3 4 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 2 3
SO's defend" 2 if allackad from more tha n
Melee Attack Facta- faUs below the minimum
necessary for a 1 to 2 .tUack due to modifica Vi llage ONONOO o N N N N N N Costs ~MF per he x !treatad as roads ) 24
~ one f lank h e" .
tion, then the attack may NOT be made.
UN I TS which are attacked frontally and on Costs t wo MF to enter and two MF per hex to
11 2 their Hanks simultaneously, defend at their River HHHHHH N p H H H H H
move alo ng. Double MF cost of first he x entered
FLANK Melee Delen;e Factor (subject to
afte r lea"i ng river

111 ~
Barbarian Inf antry (BI)
6pu 2 2 2 2 1 2 lll J1 1 BI defends al l1 if
One flank hex .
alla~ ked from more than terrain modi ficat ion) .
If units are attacked b\, mi~ed types 01 enemy
units IIrom more than one hex) and some Cost IWO MF per hex. BC may enter only on
attacking types roouO"t the defender's Melee Swam p N H NPNN N N NHNPH roads. LC and OC may not ch arge . No unit
110 SP', defend at their basic value when
Defense Factor while the oth8(s increase iI, use
the unit Is) basic Melec Defense Factor lfIank
may stack (even on roads!'

Spearme n (SP I
4 pts
2 4 4 8 8 )\, 2 2 4 4 frontally attack ed by enemy SO or BI if the
Sp's are stacked wit h friend ly SO or Bt
or front) subject 10 terrain modificalions, II
some snacking types increase the Melee De- Costs two MF per hex. LC and OC may not
units . fense Factor and the others don't affec t it one Woods DPDPND o N OPNPN 28
char ge into or through wood s.
way or Ihe o t her. u~e tile inc reased value.
Similarly, if some attacking types wou ld re-
108 duce a unit's Melee Defense Factor and the 29
Do wnhi":

Skirmishers (SK) Costs on e MF per hex when movi"9 latera ll y

2 pU
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
others in the attack wou ld nOt affect il one
way or the other, ther. use Ihe reduced Melee '. hill to slope or N D NNNN N +1 RF N D N P H on h illtop or in a down-hill direction . SP doubled
on defense only if a ll attackers are on lowe. level.
Defense Factor.
~ slope to ground from
p BC prohibited on nonroad slo pe hexel. 30
First determine the Mglee Attack Factor and
106 the Me lee Defense Factor as if the battle were 31

UPhj ll '
Lt . Cavatry (LC)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
on c lear terrain (taking inlo account facing and
unit capability re latiunships). Next modify
~ ground to slope or
Costs t wo MF per hex when travelling late rall y
on slopes or when goi ng uphi ll . BC on ground
105 those values according to Terrain Effects
Charlo Finally, if necP.ssary, upgrade the de,
.' . slope to h ill level ma y a ttack units on slopes. 32
fending stack to the 1 Melee Defense Factor
104 minimum. Simplify Ihe odds as per lhe Com'
Costs ~MF to enler from road hex, Costs two 33
Oriental Caw. (OC ) 2 2 1 1 1 1 When BC and OC ilfe allackad frontally bat Results Table and lesolve the banle. Bridge
2 pts H H H H H MF 10 enter from river; costs one MF 10 enter
by BC t h ey defe nd in proportion to t he EXAMPLE : 2 81 + 1 SP in a r iver hex are HHHHH N N N
from oth8( nonroad hexes.
Attack Factor ot the attacki ng unit. Thus, a ttacked upon t heir fro nt by 1 SK + 2 BC (at
103 BC attacking al 3 (by chargi ng three hexes) 34
will be resisted by another BC at 3 or an OC
full chargel. The ral'! fac toring would be:
2+3+3 to 2+2+4 (i.e. e~actly "l,tol"), The
/>.. ROADS : Movement along roads is at the rale 'of J1 Movement Factor Ihe effects of surrounding terra,n on combat. Enlry into road hexes
at 2; a charge of 2 is defended aga in st at 2 \ . / ) per road he~ (in other word s, double movement capabil ity) . All units from non .road hexes is at the Movement Factor cost of the terrain in
MOF of the 81'~;< n,mal wit h re!pI.ICtto the
102 Byuntine Cata phraclS (BC) 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 by BC's but only 1 by ~C's. aHacking SK bu t ha" t d to the charging BC's; ~ may trave l a long all roads anywhere on the map. Unl ess o th er wise Ihe road hei< . 35
3 pIS no ted, un ilS t raveling on ro ads thro ugh swamps or woods which are not
Ih8(eiore, their ha ved va lue is used.
allowed oUroad travet on such ter'li n, are ha lved when a tt ack ing or Leawi"9 a river from a " ford " is done at th e normal Mo vement ~
Conversely, the MDF ,>f the SP is raised wilh
respect to the chargirg BC's (and normal to defend i"9 o n such road hexes. In all other instances, road s do not alter .facIO' eost of the he x bei ng entered . '\I.Y 36
t he a Hacking SKI I~erefore the SP would

100 VfE'l Comma nde r (CMI 1 1

CM's may melee offensively against all types defend 8t its increaSld value. Thus. before
ODDS DETERMINATION 0 " Dispersed: a ll de fend ing units flipped over. You m a y not a ttack at le ss than 1-2 odds.
1 1 1 1 1 of units. consider ing le rrain. Ih,) factoring is 2+3+3 10
15 pts Tota l up attac king tac \ors; compare with total Dispersed uni ts may not mow or anack . Eaeh
1+ 1+8 (i.e. 8 to 10 0- "1.10,2'"). Due 10 the
river the defender's value is cut in half: defending factors; simplify odds in defender's dispersed unit or stock of dispersed units 11-1 c: Th e u nit is des tro y ed w ithout hav ing to roll th e die .
therefore, Ihe final iactoring is 2+3+3 to favor to conlorm with odds on Combat Re defends wit h a tO lal value of "1." Units
99 suits Table. Example: "14to5" becomes become "undispe.-sed" after the passagEI of one
Y>+JH4 (I.e. 8 to 6 or "I,to-l ") . Get it?
FtRE FIGHT EXAMI" LE : 3 SD unilS are "2to-l." ()(Ids greater than "IO-tol" auto Friendly Movement Phase and one' Friendly 1-2 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 61 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1
matically eliminate defending unit. Missile Attack Phase lin whatever sequence those
98 Slacked in a hilltopW()()(/s hex and are being
fired upon by 2 SK's on an adjacenl slope he~.
units in he ~ es under ettack al greater than Phases next occurl. Un its dispersed by 1 o 0 o o E E E E E E E 1 39
"1 Otol" may nOI fire defensive ly. No combat Defensive Fire may not proceed with a
Since the target is up~i l l each SK fires with a
un it or stack of combat units may defend at planned attack (thiS lost op portunity would
2 o o o 0 o E E E E E 2
97 Fire Combat Factor of "I." Then the total
effective Fire Combat Factor o f the SK's (2) is
multiplied by the total number 01 targel units
less thijn '" I." regardless of modi fications to
defensive values. No unit may attad at less
count as t he missed Friend ly Attack PhijSQ of
its dispersed period). Dispersed un its may no t
3 o o 0 o o o E E E 3 40
(3) according to the FEM rule. The target Fire
than "1\0-2:' fire defensively. When a "0" resuit is rolled 4 o 0 o o o o E E 4
96 against an already dispe rsed u nitlS), t he unit(s)
Protection Factor, hO'VI.Iller, is Ihen doubled
COMBA T RESUL TS is e lim ina ted.
5 o o o o o E 5 41
because of the woods (Oller. The final odds are
"'6'\012'" or exactly ~-to 2." E Eliminated: a ll defending units are los t. No Effect. 6 o o o o 6
94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43

components by Simonsen


HOW TO USE TH IS CHART : The numbcl'$ given u nder a unit type OPTIONAL. RUL.E ABBREVIATIONS: bw " Barbaridn Warrior Rule.
SCENAR IO AND ORDER OF abbrevia tion rC'PreseO! the nu mber 01 units o f thllt type in the OB o f a b< Barbarian Tribe Rule. be .. Barbarian CBYlilry Rule. dl - Declining
BATTL.E CHART given army. The letters atler Ihe number of uniu or 11"1 the notes L.egion Rule nr " NonRoman Swordsmen Rule. FF - Fonune Fac tor.
represent modi 'ica tions of the basic OB due 10 OPtional rules. All Mg .. Marginlil. Te .. Tactical. SI .. Strateg,c. PV .. PoiO! Value (enti re
scenarios require tOO L.egion Integrity Rule . army). PT " Panic Th reshold.


BATTL.E F':pq;"
ii.V) .... ~
eM SD ., .'1IH'
-" lf~'T'6;~:"'lr-"?
.' . , .
s. Le Be oc
PV PT Unless otherwise nOI(ld, Iho flrll side in any given sc:enario
deploys firsl and Ihe MlC:ond lido moves first.

NUMIDIA Roman$ 3 '0 10 B 153 60 Deploy ,. $(XJ/hrul f qUlldr;Jnt;

first group deploys first , $i1Cond

(l06 BC) Numidians 3 10 10 10 10 175 70 mover firlt.

VERCH L.A E Romans 4 30 12 12 216 Deploy ,. Southeast quadrant;

first group deploys first, second
(10' BC) Cimbri Ibt) 4 40 12 10 33' 133 mOlles (irst.

SERVILE WAR Romans 3 20 B 149 59 Deploy ,. Sourheast qUlldrant:

lirst group dllployr fifl l , second
(71 BC) Spar taeus 1 30n r 135 54 mOlles Ur$(.

L.YCUS Romans 3 20
~ "9 '9 Deploy ,. Sou/h eas / qUlldranr;
first group deploys first. second
(67 BC) Pontilns 3 20nr 12 4 157 52 mOlles first.

Romans IFF)
Ne~ii Ibt)

Ntuvii deploy first, facing south
along hills in north -<;entrlll p or-
tion o f tha bOllrd. Romans move

CARRHAE Rom ans 3 20 , , 139 56 Deploy ,. Soufheast quadrant;

first group deploys first, second
(53 BC) Parthians 3
"'" 20 109 43 mOlles first.

148 BC)
CaeJilr 1F F)
12 2
220 .
Cillil W,}f. Fight /0 fha death

PHI LLI PP I Triumvirfl 2 30 5

15. 57
Cillil War. Senatores deploy
around town, facing sou/h. T,i
142 BC) Senalor n 2 25 5 12
152 50 umllires mawr firsf. Fight to the
Germans dep loy i. M . . of the
Germitn.I FF )
hills and fOrelf in NW corner of
board. on the north tidlJ. Romans
must entlJr /J6tWflan hills flanking NW corner.

Romans dep/ol' befween hills in

BOUC- !':(.;A Rom ans 1 10 4 4 57 27
central portion of mlJp, facing
161 AD ) Britons 40 255 102 Sou/h.


Picts Ibwl
3 10
Picts deploy (acing East on any
hill with clear ferrain before it.

CT ESIPHON Rom it n, 3 20 12
\57 52 Deploy ,. Sou/heillt quadrant:
firs t group Mp/oys firs t, second
1363AOJ Persi.n, 3 20
'''' 20 223 89 moll6S" f irst .


B "9 59 Deploy ,. Soufhe;ur quadrant;
firsf group deploys firsf, slJCond
1378AOI OSirogoth, 3 24 12>, 12 309 124 mOlles firsf.

CAMPUS MAURIACUS Romans 3 10 20 5 10 5 250 100 Deploy ,. Sou/heaSf quadrant;

first group deploys (irsr, second
1451 AD) Hu ns 3 10 10 5 10 170 58 mOlles firSf.

DARAS Romans 3 , 12 , 117 47

Romans deploy abouf fawn, fac
i ng South. PlJrsi ans mo~ fi rst.
Romans may deploy
1530 AD) Persilns 3 10 24 " 3 45
to si l(
BUSTA GA L.L. ORUM Rom an' 3 20 10 3 24 307 123 Romans deploy facing East on
any hill wifh claar tflrra;n before
(552 AD) O$lrogolhs Ibwl 1 30 12>, 12 255 102 it.

FANTASY Marian Army 4 30 12 12 201 .0 Deploy in lIarious Iffalls, with each

tide faking rums at firn dtlp/oy
EklIi"rian Army 4 12 20 24 177 71
CEN1VRION unit counters

~~*\(*\~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 e~1I
~I I

~ 0-0-9 .0-0-9 41; 0-0-9 0-0-9 41; 0-0-9 41; 0-0-9 .0-0-9 D D Pts.lost PANIC r.. ~
D D D D r..I'f
CENTVRION unit counters S,MrTIt.sew '71

~ ~ : ~ ~ : e~1 1

fl 0-0-9 I

1 1
.0-0-9 _0-0-9 _0-0-9 1 .0-0-9 _0-0-9 .0-0-9 .0-0-9
!!!!!! I !!!!! I DI ....... !!!!! !!!!!!!!! I
I .
!!!!! I - I Jl '" ~I D
_ _ _ _ 1_ ...
II ....

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