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(5. )
I. Put the sentences into the plural:
0. I am a student. We are students.
1. This woman has a problem. These women have problems.
2. I must go to her party. We must go to their parties.
3. There is a book on the bookshelf. There are books on the bookshelves.

Comparison of adjectives
II. Complete with comparative or superlative forms:
I think I am (0)more intelligent (intelligent)and (1) more beautiful(beautiful) than my friends. Im
also a (2) nicer (nice) person than any of them. I think Im (3)the most interesting (interesting) girl
in the class and also (4) the happiest.(happy).
Present Simple and Continuous
III. Circle the right answer:
1. He DOESNT WEAR a uniform.
2. We GO to Berlin every spring.
3. Sarah often MEETS Ann on the way home.
4. Does he FEED the chickens every morning?
5. I am DOING my homework now.
IV. Write the interrogative and negative forms of the sentences:
0. They are friends. Are they friends? / They arent friends.
1. She is making the cake now. Is she making the cake now?/ She isn`t making the cake now.
2. Anna often takes my books. Does Anna often take my books?/ Anna doesn`t often take my books.
V. Complete with UNDER, IN, AT, or TO:
1. It is quarter to seven.
2. Look at that man!
3. Im not interested in cars.
4. The cat is on the floor under the chair.
Vocabulary and Use of Language
VI. Write 5 or 6 sentences on the topic: My family.
- who they are - their hobbies
- what they do - what they look like (describe them)
(5. )

I. Put the sentences into the plural:
0. I am a student. We are students.
1. A child is crying. Children are crying.
2. Her baby has one tooth. Her babies have( some) teeth.
3. That man is looking at you. These men are looking at you(them).

Comparison of adjectives
II. Complete with comparative or superlative forms:
Peters (0) a better student (good)than us and he is also (1) the tallest (tall) boy in our class. He plays
basketball and is (2) younger (young) than the others on the team. I think hes (3) more handsome
(handsome) than the other players and hes certainly (4) the most exciting (exciting) player of all.

Present Simple and Continuous

III. Circle the right answer:
1. Are you GOING to Moscow?
2. They ARE CLEANING the room now.
3. DOES Tom meet you at the station every evening?
4. He sometimes LISTENS to music in class.
5. He ISNT LISTENING to you.

IV. Write the interrogative and negative forms of the sentences:

0. They are friends. Are they friends? / They arent friends.
1. We often visit our friends. Do we often visit our friends?/ We don`t often visit our friends.
2. She is sleeping now. Is she sleeping now? / She isn`t sleeping now.
V. Complete with AT (x2), TO, or OF:
1. Id like to talk to him.
2. Im good at Maths.
3. History starts at half past two.
4. The chair is in front of the door!

Vocabulary and Use of Language

VI. Write 5 or 6 sentences on the topic: My friends.
- who they
- what
they do
- their hobbies
- what they look
like (describe
(5. )

I. Fill in the gaps with SOME or ANY:
There isnt any juice in the fridge, but I have some Cola.
I really dont like Cola. Is there any water?

The Past Simple Tense

II. Complete with the correct form of the past simple:
1. She ate (eat) a lot of cake yesterday.
2. We heard (hear) a noise.
3. Ann and her mother made (make) a cake 2 days ago.
4. He showed (show) them his new car.

III. Write the interrogative and negative form of the sentences:

0. He was at home. Was he at home? / He wasnt at home.
1. Ann opened her umbrella. Did Ann open her umbrella?/ Ann didn`t open her umbrella.
2. They took Helen home. Did they take Helen home?/ They didn`t take Hellen home.

IV. Write the missing forms of the verbs:

infinitive past simple past participle infinitive past simple past participle
have had had write wrote written
tell told told see saw seen
stop stopped stopped watch watched watched
be was/were been hate hated hated

V. Fill in the gaps using WE, IT, OUR, OURS, SHE, US and MY:
Ann, Jerry and I are best friends and we often walk to school together. Yesterday our teacher gave us
a project. My sister did the same project last year and she will help us with ours. I think it will be

Vocabulary and Use of Language

VI. Write 5 or 6 sentences on the topic: My summer holiday. Use the Future Simple Tense and
going to.
- Will you have free
travel time?
Where? - Are you going
- What do you to visit
plan to do someone?
when you - Where will you
(5. )

I. Fill in the gaps with SOME or ANY:
Do we need any food from the shop for the picnic?
I think weve got some cheese, but there isnt any bread.

The Past Simple Tense

II. Complete with the correct form of the past simple:
1. Miss Jones bought (buy) the book yesterday.
2. Anns mother gave (give) us some fruit.
3. He opened (open) his presents in the morning.
4. I wrote (write) an email to my friend yesterday.

III. Write the interrogative and negative form of the sentences:

0. He was at home. Was he at home? / He wasnt at home.
1. They saw her yesterday. Did they see her yesterday?/ They didn`t see her yesterday.
2. We packed in the morning. Did we pack in the morning? / We didn`t pack in the morning.

IV. Write the missing forms of the verbs:

Infinitive past simple past participle infinitive past simple past participle

V. Fill in the gaps using IT, THEIR, THEY, HERS, HER, WE and US:
I met Susan and her mother on holiday. They were very friendly and they took us to see their cousins. Then
we had a meal at a restaurant. It was delicious! In the end, I gave Susan my e-mail address and she gave me

Vocabulary and Use of Language

VI. Write 5 or 6 sentences on the topic: Next weekend. Use the Future Simple Tense and going to.
- Will you go somewhere? Where? - Will you have to do any work for school?
- What do you plan to do in your free time? - Are you going to see your friends? Who?

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