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Module Scenarios

Sign up using the User launches the application for the first
registration form time
User launches the application (from second
User taps on the Sign Up button
User wants to enter the Email ID
Email ID is not entered in the
User enters an email ID in the
User enters an email ID which is already
User submits in the
form after entering correct
User enters correct mobile number
User does not enter correct number of digits
in mobile
User doesnumber
not enter mobile number
User wants to use the same mobile number
User more
wants than 1 accounts
to change the country code
User wants to search for a particular country
in thehas
User country code
entered hislist
correct mobile number
Enter OTP field input is given
User taps on Resend button
User enters OTP less than n digits
User tries to enter an OTP longer than n
OTP entered and confirm button pressed
User enters the OTP but does not register
Userkills the application
generated an OTP for the second time
User does not verifyfirst
using the theOTP)
email ID
The name in the registration form
User taps on any field of the registration
form (even in
User enters case ofage
his/her dropdowns)
User enters 0 as his age
User enters his nationality
User taps on the Gender option
User taps on the Country option
User taps on the Password option
User types anything in the Password field
To verify the functionality when user leaves
the Password
To verify field blank when user wants
the functionality
To view
thePassword he has
functionality entered
when user wants
to hide the entered Password
To verify the functionality when userafter heleaves
the Confirm
To verify the Password fieldwhen
functionality blankuser wants
To view
thePassword he has
functionality entered
when in the
user wants
To hide
theentered Password
functionality whenafter heleaves
user has
both the Password and Confirm Password
To verify the functionality when user enters
the Password
To verify having lesserwhen
the functionality characters than
user enters
the Password
To verify having morewhen
the functionality characters than
user enters
the Confirm
To verify the Password having
functionality whenlesser
user enters
the Confirm Password having more
If any of the fields are blank in the form and
User tries
sees tapping Submit
the Terms and conditions option
User wants to view the terms and conditions
Taps on the Terms and Conditions text which
is highlighted
User tries to tap on the Submit button
If any of checking
the fieldsthe
blank and
and conditions
user tries
tapping Submit button
User kills the app during the process
User tapssuccessfully registering)
the back button
User taps on the Submit button without
User tapsconnection
on the Submit button and
connection to server fails
Expected Result
He should be shown options whether he wants to
login or register
He should not beafter
or walkthrough
sign up page,
The registration form with the fields of fulltoname,
should be auto logged in and directed home
age, gender, country, nationality
Email ID should start with a small letter and email should
User should be notified about the same with a
error message should now be enabled
User should be notified about it and is given option
to goto be
Should Sign up/Log Inwith
prompted screen
a message that an OTP
has been sent to the email
His Mobile number should be ID and Enter and
accepted OTPhefield
should be able
User should be to move about
notified forward withuser
it and the should
Userbe allowed
should be to move about
notified forward withuser
it and the should
not be allowed
He should to move
be allowed toforward
do so with the
He should be allowed to do so
Should be able to do so
1. An OTP should be sent to the given mobile
Confirm and Resend button should be shown in
Another form
OTP should be sent again to the same
email ID
User should be prompted about the same with a
The user should not be allowed to enter an OTP
longer than nbedigits
User should able to know that his email has
been verified
System would start from the Login/Signup screen
first OTP should not be valid anymore
User should be prompted about the same with a
Should be camel cased
The label should float and get fixed above the field
The numericlabel)keypad would open and he can only
enter numbers
User should be able to enter any age except 0
Should be camel cased
Any of the button should be selected as per user
A dropdown list with the names of all the
Normal keypad in their
be openedshould be displayed
The current character he entered should be visible
shouldtimebeand then about
notified get hidden
it and user should
He should be allowed to do so with the
be allowed to move forward
He should be allowed to do so
User should be notified about it and user should
not be allowed
He should to move
be allowed toforward
do so with the
He should be allowed to do so
User should be notified about it and user should
not be allowed to move forward with the
User should be notified about it and user should
Userbe allowed
should be to move forward
restricted and shouldwith not
the be
allowed to enter
User should more than
be notified abouttheit permissible limit
and user should
Userbe allowed
should be to move forward
restricted and shouldwith not
the be
allowed to enter
User should more than
be notified aboutthethepermissible
same withlimit
error message
It should be by default checked
Should be able to tap on the "Terms and
User should text which is highlighted
be navigated to the terms and
conditions static page
User should be notified about the same with a
error message
User should be notified about the same with a
error message
System would start from the Login/Signup screen
should be redirected to the Login/Sign Up
User should be notified about the same with an
User should be notified about the same with an

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