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Complete Nick's description: his physical appearance athletic Complete Nick's description: his physical appearance E y athletic and his clothes. Choose the right option and fill in the gaps with words from the bubble. Use the rest of the words to complete exercise 2 n+ cap + earring engineering « hard- working huge * iguanas jacket * marks because / but he is / i smart « siblings « sunglasses We ™ can / can't see Nick's eyes te Z because / but he 7is/ are wearing Sattons ; trainers acre erg) trendy tweeting twenty-two Hi is / are really ® mouth is big and his teeth is/ are really®__white__. He isnt wellshaved. very* white + wrist air 18 —raw-y warn anu —seiort / ears are really ! Nick's hair is ® fair / dark and ® short / He ig isnt wearing a long. His ears are really huge _! an® on his ear Yt wearing 7a / an ®_earring__ on his ears and we can't see ™ some / any ___tattoos___ on his body. |s wearing a 7) shirt / ater and “a / some jeans. He is wearing a trendy _”shirt / sweater and ™a/ some jeans. s hands are big. He is “carrying / inga smart ™ watch / clock on his Nick's hands are big, He is ™ carrying / wearing a smart ™® watch / clock on his Bieft / right 9 __wrist__ and he's holdinga 7__smrart__ phone. Nick is holding a / an orange * at Nick is holding a / an orange ™”__jacket___at the moment 79 but / and he isnt wearing a 7 cap__. ‘ere you are more personal details dout Nick: his age, nationality, Here you are more personal details Nick's legs are long a about Nick: age, nationality, a a farrily personality, hobbies and pets. oa ea aSyeT 2 Nick's legs are long and / but je's°____. He has got earn | think that Nick is @ brokbetysnwes sisters ‘old and beyigothg @rahdtian _. He has.ddte two _stbifhas _. a brother antie ststdies Nick is easyaoing ata Re unitersitie and gets is also very® hard-working _. He studies His® Mis! 9 _enginetitrehealpure Aniversity and gets good ”_1drfarks with his friends. In his froeitiranttectovass*the "Peeting stories aneht_gobekiiraets avittots friends. His favourite animals are the ® _ iguanas _ but he hasnt got any pets at home He usually likes wearing # His” _trainers__ "is / are cool. He usually likes wearing ” casual / formal clothes.

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