Philosophy Paper

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My Philosophy

Sarah Levine

Chandler-Gilbert Community College

Dr. Joni Burris

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Most people are familiar with the three generalized categories in which people learn:

visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners. Teachers sculpt and educate the mind

of our youth nurturing them and aiding them to help uncover a youths true potential. They

provide them information to help them pursue their dreams, goals, and their future careers. Each

educator and future educator has their own view or philosophy when it comes to the way they

teach or the way they want to teach. Out of all the philosophies and theories that are known to

date, mine is largely based on the philosophy of Howard Gardners multiple intelligences.

Howard Gardner (1943-present) is not only a passionate educator, but also an American

philosopher and psychologist. His most well-known philosophy is known as the multiple

intelligences. Gardners theory inspired teachers, school leaders, and special educators to explore

new ways of teaching so they were aiming at these different intelligences. Gardner claimed how

multiple intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened, or ignored and weakened (Multiple

Intelligence). In total, he discovered nine different intelligences to date. These nine multiple

intelligences are: Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Spatial-

Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, and Existentialist (Howard Gardners Theory).

What I want my students to take away from my teachings is how they can do more than

they may give themselves credit for. My values incorporate this as well. I want them to be kind

to themselves, to their peers, and to their environment. I have a strong love for music, and one of

the intelligences revolves around this. Using my knowledge and my background in music, I feel

that using this helps them gain a better understanding in school subjects. One of these ways

happens to be with School House Rock where they teach a wide variety of school subjects.

Two of the subjects that School House Rock aids in teaching are mathematics, which is helpful

to teaching the simple ends of multiplication up to 12, and another is grammar, which helps aid
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in conjunctions, nouns, and adjectives. School House rock also aids in history, money, and

computers. Using the intelligences and the values that theyll learn in the classroom, I feel as

though students can go farther than they may think. In my eyes, I feel that using Gardners

multiple intelligences and their personalities corelate with one another, and this causes their

potential to rise beyond our wildest dreams.

In my future career as an educator, I want to incorporate these intelligences into my

lesson plans and daily activities in the classroom. This is a top priority to me, as I feel that each

of these intelligences play an important role in a students education. I have always felt that

students come first in the classroom that there should be a sense of comfort and support. I

know that when the time comes that I will be not only their teacher, but also their guide, role

model, motivator, and support system. There are always going to be those challenging students,

but the result for me is what I look forward to the most. Just being able to be that change in a

students education is what gives me a thrill.

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Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences. (n.d.) Retrieved from


Multiple Intelligence (MI) Howard Gardner. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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