Personality Adjectives Information Gap Activities

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Complete the sentences with the adjectives Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box. The synonyms given in brackets can help you. always gets good marks in every 1. Tesbhis deeaily brainy He 2. aways a. good marks in every test fe does————_—__ ‘games ‘player. He spends all his 2. fee istiran onlimgaadn fact, vitle's gameisieplayergadee atisesitlall his 3. ee KHOR ABNHIRG onan Gansieree YOREKAKACHAAIntry. | 3. Yamnotdyeliegthingwabout political igouerein your own country. | 4, Cannot believe heiadaporagtutd able (copatle, gtted) absent-inded forgetful adventurous (ott tem) BHA" be punished. Nobody 4. stPignespectial or imerotites should assertive (cif assured) brainy (clever) cautious (careful) 5, BAYS wie neQUFishsdppoltAgay, sauldshe rude gr impolite 5. Ghetsd, wid ewes Winap papric typis ‘seppase he’s a __trustworthy _ Alen AYHRARNaMANA BARAE iG SHBRETEO his mum is awake and It’s midnight and Alan is still not home so his mum is awake and fe Me ih ‘aE 204 in one place for a life leifxe,an adventurous life so | . Fatisatnatioain pomlant (ore Hs lfeulous hairstyle is the most 8. This American patitinian’ weithebé tidindouse’bakeayle dtfedbtvem@tt Temibrosdossout menigtarts ewer inmastloftinis thmalyxenttysisinic ati! ierearkeeabout immigrants are 9. MAR OfshectinsSseenoRBOD beAnd prejudiced. animal but sometimes 9. Maen liteasumpesesis tove bet ray dagotipnal _ animal but sometimes conceited (arrogant) dere ts decet ts disrespectful (insolent) extent ce ett fom ts ieort marorea loudeouthed tiormutn) = a mischievous (wicked) 3 ‘obnoxious (despicable) : auteoten weass uicktenpered trite) § ‘A femme is something about vou that makes vou "vou." A fewmezal is something about you that makes you “you.” When your mother says that you got all your best traits from her, she means you have the same charming smile and ‘the same brillangmind as s ae a The Earth needs more and wan ane ced ise thatinesengat ZB risks. Hel ie acai as Ne eee 5 ashy Bozaeraes possezsed by isPeORIS - Se tO a ais lig nervy. es 2 Be NS asa aun aD ARTE aE ain, Ee etic Toh ah eet, 1 RES aae acta PORE SI 20. Her “Saying one thing and doing 21. ra,dgoctibg. sempapne pgs self-coni tee rave statements and firm actions. % Leet e o ate oo Fe en nae est aie oe “ee sind ae at geen ee el en ee meet wil seis re A SE ee 2s Ne ea 10, WOPB she PE BBRSIBIUSDRYSSORLIBNE ge 2 nitiahs : BubtsHer os say she's 7 fest tee \er_peap| restiess ersew) $10, Nora is a resporrableienyiesensihle co mus aa Hh stingy (mean) pnw Her peciihané ake SIRE 5 camer cook your, fends ae sn -ahen-yous SGML! v, “coveted -..oemsihasire ue se eer oe eee ae ena 3” SBaBe Ed umsy. 25. Ann's so fussy _, always too ‘trustworthy (elie) = 12. Able means the opposite of busy with small_and unimportant. unskilled or clumsy. things.

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