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Charlenes Article #1

Understanding American Preschool

Teachers Teaching Beliefs About Literacy

Bib. Information (APA Zou, B. (2017). Understanding American Preschool Teachers

Formatting): Teaching Beliefs About Literacy Instruction. 3rd Annual
Conference on Modern Education and Social Sciences, 413-420.

Author(s) Affiliation: Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College, Shanghai, China

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article that presents a research study


Summary of essential A researcher looked into what teachers use to promote literacy
information: practices in preschool aged children and the importance of
emergent literacy. She also looked at the teachers personal
beliefs and then compared it to their practice within the
classroom. Many teachers expressed that promoting and teaching
literacy skills was extremely important at the preschool age. It
was also evident from the study that teachers who were able to
make a connection with their students found it easier to teach the
literacy skills if the students learned in a fun, engaging way like
using play.

Way in which this source Parent Involvement:

influences the field related to This article influences my topic because I want to try to show
your inquiry (ex. Math parents the benefits of continuing learning at home, more
teaching/learning specifically continuing to practice literacy at home in a fun
elementary) engaging way.
This article delves into the importance of emergent literacy and
has provided strategies that will help parents try to incorporate
theses games, ideas, or activities at home.
Potential relevance to your This article proved the effectiveness of emergent literacy and the
research topic and study: effectiveness of using play as a strategy to promote early literacy
practices at home.

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article will help me gather some literacy games, ideas, and
used: activities for parents to use and promote literacy at home. It is
also giving me the background knowledge of the importance of
emergent literacy and early literacy development.

Charlenes Article #2

Language and Literacy Development in the

Early Years: Foundational Skills that
Support Emergent Readers

Bib. Information (APA Brown, C, S. (2014). Language and Literacy Development in the
Formatting): Early Years: Foundational Skills that Support Emergent Readers.
Language and Literacy Spectrum, 24(1), 35-49.

Author(s) Affiliation: Hunter College, State University of New York

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article that presents data on strategies to make literacy
/Trade/Other) engaging for emergent readers.

Summary of essential This articles provides strategies to make literacy engaging for
information: young children with specific examples listed for all different
learners and how to explain why we read/use literacy skills. It
also talks about how and why these skills are important to
emergent readers and how learning these skills at an early age
will benefit them in middle school so they are not struggling to
keep up with peers who already have the skills they need to be
successful with literacy.
Way in which this source This article influences my chosen topic because it gives some
influences the field related to specific strategies that are used to improve a childs literacy,
your inquiry (ex. Math which relates to my topic of having literacy strategies continued
teaching/learning at home and not only being used in school.

Potential relevance to your This article provided effective strategies to help promote
research topic and study: emergent literacy and also discussed the importance of these
specific strategies for emergent/early readers.

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article will help me gather some literacy strategies for
used: parents to use and promote at home. It is giving me the
background knowledge of the importance of emergent literacy
and early literacy development.

Charlenes Article #3

What Teachers Can Do to Promote

Preschoolers Vocabulary Development:
Strategies From an Effective Language
and Literacy Professional Development
Coaching Model
Bib. Information (APA Wasik, B. A. (2010). What Teachers Can Do to Promote
Formatting): Preschoolers Vocabulary Development: Strategies From an
Effective Language and Literacy Professional Development
Coaching Model. The Reading Teacher, 63(8), 621-633.

Author(s) Affiliation: International Reading Association.

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article that presents strategies for teachers to use to
/Trade/Other) promote/enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers in the classroom.
Summary of essential This article provides strategies for teachers to use to enrich a
information: preschooler's vocabulary while they are engaged in literacy
activities. It describes the process of teachers being coached on
how to effectively implement these strategies. It explains that
having coaching is a positive and that teachers who had
Exceptional Coaching for Early Language and Literacy
(ExCELL) had greater success while using the specific strategies
taught than teachers who did not receive training.

Way in which this source This article influences my field when it comes to teacher
influences the field related to development and parental involvement by showing
your inquiry (ex. Math the importance of vocabulary acquisition for preschool aged
teaching/learning children.

Potential relevance to your This article provided effective strategies to enrich a preschoolers
research topic and study: vocabulary while participating in literacy activities. These are
skills to increase literacy in preschool aged children.

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article will help me gather some literacy(vocabulary in this
used: specific case) strategies for parents to use and promote literacy at
home based on the results seen from the coaching of classroom
teachers.. It is giving me the background knowledge of the
importance of emergent literacy and early literacy/vocabulary

Charlenes Article #4

Early Childhood Education Students

Emergent Skills in Literacy Scaffolding

Bib. Information (APA Nickel, J. (2011). Early Childhood Education Students Emergent
Formatting): Skills in Literacy Scaffolding. Canadian Children, 36(1), 13-19.
Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Education and Schooling at Mount Royal

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article that presents a research study


Summary of essential A professor observed her students working with preschool aged
information: children to increase literacy skills by scaffolding the information
she had taught them in class. She then was able to determine what
skills worked well for her students that showed an increase in
literacy skills in the preschoolers and which skills did not work as
well as others. This let me determine strategies to share with
parents when they are working with their children at home to
improve literacy by reading together or having fun pointing out
letter sounds.

Way in which this source Literacy Practices:

influences the field related to This source provided multiple strategies to use in the preschool
your inquiry (ex. Math classroom to scaffold the learning of literacy. There were
teaching/learning multiple examples of ways the students presented ways to
elementary) increase literacy through reading books and asking open
questions that required the children to think of their responses
rather than only responding by saying yes or no.

Potential relevance to your This article proved the effectiveness of emergent literacy and the
research topic and study: effectiveness of using scaffolding strategies to increase literacy.
These examples were used in the classroom but could also work
at home with a parent.

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article will help me gather some literacy games, ideas, and
used: activities for parents to use and promote literacy at home. It is
also giving me the background knowledge of the importance of
emergent literacy and the importance of knowing what types of
questions parents and teachers should be asking their children
while reading stories together.
Charlenes Article #5

Meaning-Related and Print-Relates

interactions Between Preschoolers and
Parents During Shard Book Reading and
Their Associations with Emergent Literacy
Bib. Information (APA Hau, J. and Neuharth-Pritchett, S. (2015). Meaning-Related and
Formatting): Print-Related Interactions Between Preschoolers and Parents
During Shared Book Reading and Their Associations with
Emergent Literacy Skills. Journal of Research in Childhood
Education, 29(4), 528-550.

Author(s) Affiliation: Han - University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, Michigan

Neuharth-Pritchett The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article that presents a research study


Summary of essential The study worked with parents and their preschoolers to see what
information: types of strategies parents used to increase literacy at home for
their child/children. The study looked at meaning related
interactions and print related interactions and talked about the
benefit of each. There was also a survey given to parents that
shows which strategies the parents used with their child while
reading stories together then those strategies were talked about in
more detail and included ways to promote each strategy at home.
-This will allow me to incorporate some of the strategies that were
not used by that many parents to try and introduce them the
families I plan on working with.

Way in which this source Parent Involvement/Background Knowledge:

influences the field related This article influences my topic because I now know which
to your inquiry (ex. Math strategies are more commonly used at home by parents while
teaching/learning reading together so I can have parents try some lesser known
elementary) strategies at home to continue to make learning/reading fun and
enjoyable together.
Potential relevance to your This article provided strategies used by parents at home to
research topic and study: increase literacy skills and talked about each strategys
also gave information about how many parents actually used each
strategy listed and the benefit of each strategy whether meaning
related or print related.

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article will help me gather some literacy games, ideas, and
used: activities for parents to use and promote literacy at home. It gave
me examples of strategies used at home already and which
strategies were better known than others.

Charlenes Article #6

Real-World Literacy Activity in Pre-school

Bib. Information (APA Anderson, J., Purcell-Gates, V., Lenters, K. & McTavish, M.
Formatting): (2012). Real-World Literacy Activity in Preschool. Community
Literacy Journal, 6(2), 75-95.

Author(s) Affiliation: University of British Columbia

University of Calgary

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article presenting literacy practices


Summary of essential This article provided multiple real world activities for parents,
information: teachers, and children to complete together that promote literacy.
They explained in detail how everyday actions like writing notes
or grocery lists promotes literacy in preschoolers and how
children notice these actions done by parents and teachers so it is
important to include them in the process or allowing them to
replicate adults writing and write their own.

Way in which this source Parent Involvement/Teaching practices:

influences the field related to This article influences my topic because it suggests many ways for
your inquiry (ex. Math parents and teachers to promote literacy for preschoolers in
teaching/learning everyday life. They can do simple things such as notice signs
elementary) posted around the community and talk to their children/students
about the meaning of each item found, which in turn in promoting
Potential relevance to your This article proved the effectiveness of emergent literacy and the
research topic and study: effectiveness of using everyday tasks to improve the literacy of
preschool aged children.

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article will help me gather some literacy games, ideas, and
used: activities for parent/teachers to use and promote literacy at home
and school. It is also giving me the background knowledge of the
importance of emergent literacy and early literacy development.

Charlenes Article #7

Early Literacy Research

Bib. Information (APA Reutzel, R.D. (2015). Early Literacy Research. Reading Teacher,
Formatting): 69(1), 12-24

Author(s) Affiliation: Dean of the College of Education at the University of Wyoming,

Laramie, Wyoming.

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article that reflects on early literacy practices

Summary of essential A professor shared her answers on questions relating to early

information: literacy practices. She gave insight to the following strategies:
Handwriting, Phonemic Awareness, Alphabet Letter Names and
sounds, Concepts About Print, Writing, and Text Structure. With
these topics, Reutzel provided strategies that work well with
children and provided more than one way to teach a strategy as
not all children learn the same way, especially at the young
preschool age.

Way in which this source Literacy Practices:

influences the field related to This source provided multiple strategies to use in the preschool
your inquiry (ex. Math classroom to scaffold the learning of literacy skills at home and in
teaching/learning the classroom. There were multiple examples of ways the students
elementary) could try to improve their literacy skills that have been used
successfully by many teachers.
Potential relevance to your This article proved that the strategies I used within my literacy kit
research topic and study: are supported by research and are proven to help improve
literacy in preschool aged children. The examples given were
used in the classroom but many of the strategies could be
implemented at home as well and incorporate the entire family.

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article supports my data collection and my data analysis
used: because it talked about how important letter recognition
(alphabet recognition) is in the steps of learning how to read.
This information backs up my previous research and supports my
reasoning for incorporating certain activities into the literacy kits
that the children used at home and then in the classroom.

Charlenes Article #8

Adults Dual Roles as Student and Teacher

in the Literacy Development of Their
Bib. Information (APA Santos, R.A., & Alfred, M.V. (2011). Adults Dual Roles as
Formatting): Student and Teacher in the Literacy Development of Their
Children. Adult Basic Education & Literacy Journal, 5(3), 141-

Author(s) Affiliation: Rose Anna Santos and Mary V. Alfred, Texas A & M University

Type of Resource: (Scholarly Scholarly article that presents a research study


Summary of essential The study worked with parents and their children to see what
information: skills benefit children if practiced at home and how parents with
an ongoing education benefited and helped their children in the
process of learning literacy skills. It talked about the many times
children watch their parents relating to literacy skills, like
watching parents read or noticing print throughout their lives
(grocery store, playground, cereal boxes) and then follow what
their parents do relating to literacy in their play or learning. It
also mentions how daily life affects how often children get to
practice literacy skills with their parents at home and that
teaching should not end in the classroom.
Way in which this source Parent Involvement/Background Knowledge:
influences the field related This article influences my topic because it backs up my research
to your inquiry (ex. Math question of what happens when parents of preschool children are
teaching/learning given literacy practices to implement at home. It gives examples of
elementary) ways to promote literacy skills at home with different age groups
of children.

Potential relevance to your This article backs up my research and helps prove that practicing
research topic and study: literacy skills in and outside of the classroom, at home, increases
a childs ability to successfully understand different literacy
strategies by receiving more practice and seeing the influence of
their families working with these strategies outside of the

Stage of action research Data research/Background -

where the source will be This article will help me provide examples of the importance of
used: families working together to understand literacy skills. It also
gives examples what strategies work with different age groups and
how families can incorporate literacy skills throughout their daily

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