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Lesson plan Date:15thOctober-2017

Theme Science Year group Grade 4

Resources - Oxford Science Target Language: - Fracture
- Textbook and - x-ray
Teachers Guide
- Support
- Skeleton from the
Science Lab - Protects
- X-ray photos - Organs- heart, lungs, spinal cord, brain
- Vertebrae
- Invertebrates
Circle time Learning Objectives (LO) Activities
- Super skeletons
10 Mins Know that humans - Refer to TG Pg 16 & 17.
Including (and some animals) Complete all activities in student book Pg 14 7 15.)
Greetings &
have bony - The activity in this page shows super skeletons and picture
Warm Ups:
skeletons inside of humans and animals. And they need to match the
their bodies. skeleton with human or the animals. Some of the student
will think about it, because they think the animals and
humans has different bones)

Group Learning Objectives (LO) Activities (include groups/differentiation)


- Teacher her revise the homework (page 12-13) with

students and make sure they understand the work and have
the correct answers.
30 identify the skeleton parts
mins name, and how they look. - Then Discuss textbook page 14 with students. This page
includes the skeleton places and what they named. The
teacher will discuss with them why the place this part and
how they work.

I will assess all the student by asking them question, in the end of the
lesson about how the names of skeleton parts and where they placed.

Reflection This lesson went flowless, because the students were focusing to finish the activities in the books.
However next lesson I need to include more fun activities.

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