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. .


) ( .


" " Horace Propertius
" " "
" ) .(Nietzshe 1974: 137


Nicolas .
" " ) ( .
Dablancourt ) Sir John Denham (
Aeneid Heroic Couplet " Virgil
" ) 1656:
.(A3r Dablancourt Denham

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) Zuber 1968 Venuti

Umberto Eco ) The Name of the Rose (1983
) .(McDowell 1983

) (Eco .
Giovanni Gaureschi

Gaureschi ) The Little World of Don Camillo (1950

. Sir William Jones
) Institutes of Hindu Law (1799

) .(Niranjana 1992 Eugene Nida

Nida " "
)1964: 159 ( . Freud
) ( -

).(Bettelheim 1983; Venuti 1993b

) Schleiermacher ( ) .(Berman 1992
" " Schleiermacher " :
" )
.(Lefevere 1992b: 149

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) Antoine Berman

)1985: 87-
. Schleiermacher

Venuti )

Rudolf Pannwitz Walter
Benjamin . " Pannwitz
" ).( :

Johann Heinrich Voss ) (Odyssey 1781 ) (Illiad 1793
Goethe "
" ) .(Lefevere 1992b: 77 Friedrich Holderlin
Sophocles Antigone () Oedipus Rex
) (Old High German and Swabian
) (Lutheran )George Steiner 1975: 323-33; Berman ) (Pietistic
.(1985: 93-107 Holderlin


. Dr. John Nott

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Johannes .
) Secundus Nicolaius (1775 ) Petrarch (1777 ) Hafiz (1787 )Bonefonius (1797
) Propertius (1782 ) .Catullus (1795 Nott
" " Catullus
" " ) .(1795: x
George Lamb .() Catullus

Francis Newman ) (Iliad 1856
Matthew Arnold )( Newman

Homer . Newman ) ballad(

Sir Walter Scott .Homer Arnold



Norman Shapiro
Paul Blackburn .
:Gaucelm Faidit
Us cavaliers si jazia ab la re
que plus volia
soven baizan Ii dizia :
-Doussa res, ieu que farai
que-I joms ve e la nueytz

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qu'ieu aug que Ii gaita
cria: 'Via! sus! qu'ieu vey
venir apres I '
alba ' .
(Mouzat 1965: )

A knight was with his lady fondly Iying _

The one he cherished most - and gently
sighing As he kissed her, complained: My
love, the day Soon will arrive, chasing this
night awar
Alas .
A Iready I can hear the watchman crying :
Begone !
Quickly, begone! You may no longer
stay, For jl is da\\ n.
(Shapiro 1962 : 72)
A knight once lay beside and
with the one he most desired
and in between their kisses said
what shall I do, my sweet
Day comes and the knight
goes Ai !
And I hear the watcher
cry: 'Up! On your way !
I see day
coming on, sprouting behind the dawn '!
(Blackburn 1978)

( Shapiro
alas, :
.begone, cherished
Shapiro .Faidit
Richard Wilbur Robert Lowell
.(Perkins 1987)
("coming on"" in between" " ( ) lie with" )

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. Faidit
Robert Creely Charles Olson
).(von Hallberg 1985
.Faidit Blackburn
: Shapiro
. Blackburn
Day come and " :
"the knight goes .

) (

Adaptation; Free Translation; Ideology and Translation; Literal Translation; Pure

;Blanchot 1971; Cohen 1962; Ebel 1969; Graves 1965; Heylen 1993; Lefevere 1992a
Simon 1987; Venuti 1995a.

)(Lawrence Venuti

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