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Lesson plan Date:16th October 2017

Theme Science Year group Grade 4

Resources - A3 poster paper Target Vertebrates and invertebrates.
- Glue sticks Language:
- Scissors
- Pictures
Circle Learning Objectives (LO) Activities
- Identify simple
15 Mins trends and - Warm up, asking the students what the learned in the
Including patterns in last lesson.
Greetings results and - Then Refer to TG Pg 16 & 17. The teacher Complete all
& Warm suggest activities in student book Pg 14 7 15.
Ups: explanations for
some of these
Group Learning Objectives (LO) Activities (include groups/differentiation)

- Students create a poster as Pg 15 on vertebrates and

invertebrates. (Ask students to bring in pictures and
- Identify information they can use to produce the poster in
20 vertebrates and lesson 3. Students need to write one sentence about
mins invertebrates. each vertebrate and invertebrate picture/animal.

- LA- This group can be supported to lay out their

poster, and labelling their pictures.

- Support will be given with sentence structure and


- MA AND LA- Work independently and LA can write

extra information on each picture

Assessing the students by, Score the poster out of 20. (Rubric
available in folder)

Reflection I need to manage my time next lesson, because the students take longer time to write the

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