New Constitutive Model For Hot Working: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A December 2015

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New Constitutive Model for Hot Working

Article in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A December 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-015-3280-y


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3 authors, including:

Fei Chen Zhenshan Cui

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Jiao Tong University


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New Constitutive Model for Hot Working

Based on plane regressions of a set of key points in the ow curves without using SellarsTegart
(ST) assumptions, a new approach to determine parameters in classical two-stage constitutive
equations in hot working was presented. All the parameters in constitutive equations can be
obtained at dierent temperatures and strain rates. The ow stress and recrystallized volume
fraction can be predicted when workpieces undergo dierent conditions during plastic
deformation. Experiment data of 12 pctCr was used to verify the model. The results show
that when using ST model, some bounces occurred near the critical points, while using the
proposed model, the results show better precision especially in determining the characteristic
points such as critical strain, peak strain, and steady stress.

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-015-3280-y
 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2015

I. INTRODUCTION to express the recrystallized volume fraction for dynamic

recrystallization (DRX). A common expression is
DURING the past several decades, numerous ow    
stress models for steel have been proposed, which are e  ec n d
widely used in hot working not only to predict the hot X 1  exp kd 4
forming force but also to optimize the microstructure
and properties of the workpiece.[1,2] Kocks[3] showed where ec is the critical strain for DRX, and ep is the
that the evolution of the dislocation density (q) with peak strain corresponding to peak stress (rp). kd and
strain (e) can be written as nd are the parameters to be determined. Combining
Eqs. [2], [3], and [4], Laasraoui and Jonas[4] proposed
dq p a piecewise function:
k1 q  k2 q 1
where k1 represents work hardening; and k2 represents rWH rs r0  rs  exp  k22  e e<ec
the recovery of dislocation. Let q = q0 when e = 0, and r rWH  rs  rss  1  exp kd ep eec
e  ec
according to some following researches,[46] by integrat-
ing Eq. [1], the following expression was obtained: 5
k1 k1 k2 e p k2 e 2 where rWH is the ow stress when only WH and dynamic
q  e 2 q0 e 2 : 2 recovery (DRV) occur. Equation [5] shows the relation-
k2 k2
ship of ow stress (r) and strain (e) for a certain
temperature (T) and strain rates (_e), and it has been
When dq/de = 0, qs = (k1/k2)2 is obtained, where qs widely used to express the constitutive relationship for
is the saturation dislocation density, corresponding with deformation under DRX.[1] As illustrated in Eq. [5], it
the saturation stress (rs) during work hardening (WH). contains some characteristic points, including initial
The ow stress is proportional to the square root of stress (r0), critical strain (ec), peak strain (ep), saturation
dislocation density as given in stress (rs) and steady-state stress (rss).[6] Therefore, rst of
p all, it is desirable to establish the relationships between
r nlb q 3
these characteristic points and the thermomechanical
where n is a constant, l is the shear modulus, and b is parameters (temperature and strain rate). In the last two
magnitude of Burgers vector, respectively. Based on decades, numerous models have been developed, and
Avrami equation,[7] some modications[2,810] were made modications or new formulations are currently being
A nonexhaustive list of recent studies concerned
FEI CHEN, Research Fellow, is with the National Engineering with this aspect includes the works of Garofalo,[11]
Research Center for Die and Mold CAD, Shanghai Jiao Tong Sandstrom and Lagneborg,[12] Sellars and Tegart,[1315]
University, 1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai 200030, P.R. China, and
also with the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Mecking and Kocks,[16,17] Poliak and Jonas,[5] Barnett
Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD UK. et al.,[8] Roters et al.,[18] Poliak and Jonas,[19,20]
Contact e-mails:; Roucoules et al.,[21] Gottstein et al.,[9] Svyetlichnyy,[22,23]
GUOWEI FENG, Master, and ZHENSHAN CUI, Professor, are with Najazadeh and Jonas,[24] Mirzadeh et al.,[25] Jonas
the National Engineering Research Center for Die and Mold CAD,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Contact e-mail:
et al.,[6] Solhjoo,[26] Mirzadeh and Najazadeh,[27] Fan
Manuscript submitted June 3, 2015. et al.,[28] Mirzadeh et al.,[29, 30] Bambach,[1] Jonas
Article published online December 17, 2015 et al.[31] Among these models, ST model[1315] has been


used more extensively in industry. At the same time, it is characterize the condition of recrystallization for metal
still widely used to predict metal formability and in hot working, it is essential to improve the accuracy of
microstructure evolution in hot-working processing even calculation in characterizing these points.
today.[32,33] When ST model was adopted, an assumption In this paper, the deciency encountered in the
of hyperbolic sine function was usually used to describe the practical application of ST model was discussed. The
relationship between ow stress (r ) and ZenerHollomon methods to extract key stress/strain points from
parameter (Z),[34] which can be written as[1315,35] experimental data were introduced. Without using ST
  assumptions, the relationship of stress with respect to
Qact temperature and strain rate was modeled by tting
Z e_ exp Asinhar n 6
R0 T with multiple linear equations. Besides, quadric sur-
faces were used to predict exponential parameters in
where A, a, and n are the parameters to be determined. R0, constitutive equation. By comparison of the predic-
T, and Qact are the gas constant (8.318 J mol1 K1), the tions and experimental data, the newly developed
absolute temperature, and the activation energy for hot method shows better accuracy in predicting the posi-
deformation, respectively. According to the research of tion of key points such as peak stress, peak strain, and
Garofalo,[11] the assumption of hyperbolic sine function steady stress. In general, this exible technique pro-
has been used to characterize the relationship of minimum vides a novel way to nd/determine the characteristic
creep rate and the applied stress, which satises conditions points in the ow stress curves, and for further
for both low and high stresses in the experiments for constitutive modeling of the ow stress for steel under
copper, aluminum, and an austenitic stainless steel. hot working.
Garofalos work was based on the edge dislocation climb
mechanism used by Weertman[36] in low stresses and jog
migration theory analyzed by Feltham and Meakin[37] in
high stresses, which oer physical basis for the utility of II. MODELING OF FLOW STRESS
hyperbolic sine function. As the mechanism of strain rate
in hot deformation is quite analogous to that of minimum A. Analysis of ST Model
creep rate, based on torsion tests, Sellars and The Taylor expansion of hyperbolic function in ST
Tegart[1315,35] applied this nonlinear function to hot model can be written as
working. As McQueen et al.[38] reported, no matter in low
or high stress levels, the assumption of hyperbolic sine ear  ear ar 3 ar 5
function has been widely and successfully used for most sinhar ar 
2 3! 5!
metal materials where either DRV is the only mechanism
or DRX takes place as well. However, as hyperbolic ar 2m1
: 7
function is strongly nonlinear and hard to solve, in order 2m 1!
to determine the involved parameters in the ST model, the
hyperbolic sine function has to be simplied to a power In low stress levels or when ar <0:8,[38] the higher-order
function at low stress level and an exponential function at terms can be neglected,sinhar  ar , and Eq. [6] is
high stress level, for it is easy to solve the equation by replaced as
linearization techniques. However, as the parameter a in
Eq. [6] can only be obtained in subsequent calculations, it Z Asinhar n  Aar n 8
is hard to know whether the ar belongs to low or high
0 0 n0
stress level. Details can be seen in Section IIA. To solve where n n. Let A A  a , and a power function
this problem, Cingara and McQueen[39] developed a sound can be drawn:
method by selecting an estimated initial value of a from the 0

literature or from plots of log_e  logrp and log_e  rp for Z  A0 rn : 9

the whole stress range, and then adjusting a until a good t
is obtained in a plot of ln sinh arp  1/T. Besides, Rieiro In high stress level or when ar >1:2,[38]
et al.[40] linearized Eq. [1] by considering it as a plane, and lim ear ! 0 and sinhar  ear =2:Hence, Eq. [6]
varied a to nd the best correlation with the experimental ar !1

data for the regression planes. These methods provide can be simplied as
possibility to determine the dierent constants involved in A n00 ar
the ST model. However, as a is a small value and the Z Asinhar n  e 10
nonlinear method is sensitive to its variation, adjusting the 00
parameter a is largely based on experience. Therefore, in where n00 n. Let A00 A=2n and b n00  a, and
practical application, most researches have to simplify this Eq. [6] is replaced as an exponential function, which
problem and do not distinguish the variables in dierent can be written as
stress ranges, resulting in two imperfections. One imper-
Z  A00 expbr 11
fection is the poor accuracy in characterizing the key
points in ow stress, such as the peak stress and the
relevant strain. The other one results from the bounces on It is worth noting that although n0 in Eq. [8] and n00 in
the transit point between low and high stress levels. Since Eq. [10] are both equal to n in the formula, they are not
the key points in ow stress are also the basis to numerically equivalent exactly, for n0 is obtained by


regressing the experimental data in low stress level by The BaileyNorton law is still widely used to repre-
simplied approximate equation, Eq. [8], and n00 in sent the primary and secondary stages of creep because
Eq. [10] is obtained in high stress level. Data in dierent most designers for structural integrity are more inter-
stress ranges may bring in discrepancies. Therefore, ested in these two creep stages. The simple power-law
when using the ST model, the researchers are still breaks down at high stresses at high temperatures,
puzzled by the following problems[38,4144]: where tertiary creep easily occurs, and exponential
function is more suitable to describe the relationship
1. It is hard to define low or high stress level until a is of stress and strain rate. However, for hot working,
determined. Although the hyperbolic sine function especially heavy forging, hydraulic presses are usually
has been simplified to two equations in different used, and forgings can be easily kept warm under most
stress levels, most researches apply all the stress circumstances. The forgings usually do not undergo
values to determine the involved parameters, with- such high strain rates and stresses. As SherbyDorn
out distinguishing the low or high stresses because a proposed, the relationship between strain rate and
can only be obtained in subsequent works. For most temperature can be expressed as
steels, r varies from dozens to hundreds mega  
pascal, and the factor a is often between 0.01 and Qact
e_ / exp  13
0.025,[38,41,42,47] so the values of ar range from 0.1 R0 T
to 5.0. Neither Eq. [9] nor Eq. [11] can be reason-
ably used in such a wide range. Besides that, it is where Qact is usually obtained by regression process in
hard to deal with the range from 0.8 to 1.2, which ln(sinhar)  1/T plot where strain rate is a constant,
belongs to neither low nor high stress level, but and in ln e_  ln(sinhar) plot for isothermal experimental
takes up an extensive part in the whole stress range. data, as not all experimental data can be used in one
2. Parameters need to be distinguished, but they are regression process, which may lead to errors. Therefore,
difficult to be separated in fact. In most works, n0 in it is more convenient to calculate the data in one
Eq. [9] is the slope of regression lines in ln r  ln e_ regression process.
plot, while b in Eq. [11] is obtained by the gradient of Based on Eqs. [12] and [13], a combined equation is
regression lines in r -ln e_ plot. In the practical use of shown as
ST model,[38,41,44,45]a b=n0 . However, n0 is calcu- a 
lated in low stress level, and b is obtained in high stress rx expa1  e_ a2  exp 14
level. As the slopes of regression lines for different
ranges of stresses are not guaranteed to be the same, a
can only be obtained as an approximate value. There are two main methods for identication of
3. Temperature and strain rate cannot be applied to model parameters in Eq. [14]: logarithmical lineariza-
determine the parameters simultaneously. In most tion and nonlinear minimization methods. In this study,
researches,[24,38,41,42,44,48] stress exponent n in Eq. [14] was linearized by taking natural logarithms of
Eq. [11] is obtained in ln e_  ln sinhar plot when both sides:
temperature (T) is a constant. Qact is obtained by 1
ln sinhar  1=T plot when strain rate (_e) is a ln rx a1 a2 ln e_ a3 15
constant. Therefore, as only a portion of the
experimental data can be used in one regression, it where rx stands for r0, rc, rp, rs, and rss; a1, a2, and a3
is unstable if one of the experiments is conducted are the coecients to be determined; ec and ep corre-
imprecisely. spond to rc and rp in r-e plot, respectively. In the actual
operation, if the natural logarithm of stress (ln r ),
strain rate (ln e_ ), and the reciprocal of temperature (1/T)
B. New Modeling Method are plotted in a three-dimensional (3D) space coordi-
nate, it is found that the corresponding points lie on a
Some key stresses, such as r0, rp, rc, rs, and rss, and plane approximately.
their corresponding strains, are the results of WH and An additional discovery is that the form of Eq. [14] is
dynamic softening (DRV and DRX) interacting with quite similar to ZenerHollomon parameter (Z) in
each other. As the ability of atom diusion and the Eq. [6]. Qact can be used in some other simulating
propulsion of dislocation motion depend on tempera- calculations such as multiscale modeling[50] and nite
ture, while the accumulation of dislocation density and element analysis for grain evolution.[51] The transfor-
grain bound energy relies on strain rate, the key stresses/ mation of Eq. [14] is
strains must have some relationship with temperature   a2
and strain rates. It has been demonstrated in previous a3
rx expa1  e_  exp 16
work[36,49] that creep mechanism is based on a climb- a2 T
plus-glide sequence at high temperature. According to
this theory, the steady-state stress shows a power
Compared with Z in Eq. [6], Qact can be obtained by
relationship with strain rate, which is called power-law,
the function:
creep law, or Bailey-Norton law. This is given by
e_ / rns 12 Qact  R0 17


whereas parameters such as k2, kd, and nd in Eq. [5] and the saturation stress corresponds to the solution
can be obtained by tting. Actually, it is hard to nd of Eq. [23] when h 0, and
their linear relationships with respect to temperatures
and strain rates. Quadric surface tting can be utilized 9A1 A2 A3  2A32  27A21 A4 A2
rs  25
to describe a phenomenological relationship: 27A21 A3  9A1 A22 3A1
1 2 1 1
ln x c1 c2 ln e_ c3 c4 ln e_ c5 c6 ln e_
where x stands for k2, kd, and nd. c1, ...., c6 are theun- PROCEDURES
determined coecients. Equation [18] can be also writ-
The present investigation has been carried out employ-
ten as
ing dierent eective strainstress curves obtained from
 c3 c5 
samples of commercial turbine rotor steel, namely,
x e_ c2 c4 ln e_ T  exp c1 2 19
T T 12 pctCr, nominal compositions of which are listed in
Table I. 12 pct refers to the weight percentage of Cr.
First, all the cylindrical specimens of the test steels were
machined to the dimension of 10 mm 9 15 mm. In
C. Determination of Characteristic Points from order to minimize the occurrence of inhomogeneous
Experimental Data compression due to the existence of friction between the
Critical stress, which has been referred in many anvils and the specimen surface, the entire end face of the
previous works,[1,5,19,20,24,52,53] corresponds to the onset specimen was machined away except for a small rim to
of DRX. An easy way to identify the critical stress is to form a reservoir.[25,30] Subsequently, the reservoirs were
t the h  r curve by a cubic polynomial function, lled with glass powder as a lubricant material. Then, the
proposed by Najazadeh et al.[24] The method is also uniaxial hot compression tests were carried out on a
used in the following researches,[41,53] and the tting Gleeble-3500 thermomechanical simulator. The speci-
equation in h  r plot is assumed as mens were heated to 1523 K (1250 C) at a heating rate
of 10 Ks1 (10 Cs1) and held for 3 minutes. Then, the
h A1 r3 A2 r2 A3 r A4 20 specimens were cooled to deformation temperature at the
cooling rate of 10 Ks1 (10 Cs1) and held for 30 sec-
where A1, A2, A3, and A4 are the undetermined coe- onds to obtain a uniform temperature distribution. The
cients. The critical stress corresponds to the zero of its tests were conducted at nominal deformation tempera-
second-order equation: tures of 1223 K, 1323 K, 1373 K, 1423 K, 1473 K, and
1523 K (950 C, 1050 C, 1100 C, 1150 C, 1200 C,
d2 h A2
h00 2
6A1 r 2A2 0 ) rc  21 and 1250 C) and strain rates of 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, and
dr 3A1 0.0005 s1. The re curves were obtained, as shown in
Figure 1. According to Figure 1, the characteristics of
When rc is determinate, ec can be easily obtained as it stressstrain curves for 12 pctCr are quite typical, which
is the strain corresponding to rc in ow curve. are represented as follows:
Saturation stress is a hypothetical value that is  It can be seen that the effects of the temperature and
extrapolated by work-hardening rate (h), and it attri- strain rate on the flow stress are significant. Relative
butes to the dynamic recovery (DRV) alone. The high temperature and low strain rate results in lower
saturation stress is obtained when work-hardening rate
drops to zero. Therefore, the tangent line on critical
point can be used to obtain the saturation stress. The
work-hardening rate on critical point is Table I. The Main Chemical Compositions of 12 pctCr Steel
(Mass Fraction, Percentage)
2A32 A2 A3
hc  A4 ; 22
27A21 3A1 Element Weight Percentage

and the derivative of work-hardening rate is C 0.11 to 0.13

Mn 0.40 to 0.50
dh A2 Cr 10.20 to 10.80
h0c A3  2 23 Mo 1.00 to 1.10
dr rrc 3A1 V 0.15 to 0.25
Nb 0.04 to 0.06
Hence, the tangent line can be written as N 0.045 to 0.06
Ni 0.70 to 0.80
 3     W 0.95 to 1.05
2A2 A2 A3 A22 A2
h  A4 A3  r ; Si 0.12
27A21 3A1 3A1 3A1 S 0.005
24 P 0.01


Fig. 1True stressstrain curves for 12 pctCr under strain rates of: (a) 0.1 s1; (b) 0.01 s1; (c) 0.001 s1, and (d) 0.0005 s1 and at dierent
temperatures: 1-1223 K (950 C), 2-1323 K (1050 C), 3-1373 K (1100 C), 4-1423 K (1150 C), 5-1473 K (1200 C), and 6-1523 K (1250 C).

stress. For example, the stress decreases from 150 to longer time for energy accumulation, and higher
15 MPa when the temperature increases from temperatures result in higher mobility at the bound-
1223 K to 1523 K (950 C to 1250 C) and the aries for the nucleation and growth of dynamic
strain rate decreases from 0.1 to 0.0005 s1. recrystallized grains and dislocation annihilation,
 For a single curve, due to the dominance of work and thus reduce the peak stress level. Therefore,
hardening (WH), the stress sharply increases in the materials with a high deformation temperature are
initial stage. As strain increases, DRV becomes more more prone to DRX.
obvious, and the rate of rise is getting weaker. After
deformation reaches a peak strain, the stress
decreases for sake of DRX which plays a more
significant role in softening mechanism. At last, the IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
flow stress comes into a steady-state region due to the
interaction of work hardening and dynamic softening. A. Determination of Characteristic Points
 At a given strain rate, the higher the deformation Approximation functions were used to formulize the
temperature, the greater the dynamic softening extent experimental ow curves. The dierential equations of
and rate, and the lower the peak stress. At a certain the approximation functions are he curves. The hr
temperature, the higher the strain rate, the higher the plots, which are shown in Figure 2, can be constructed
rate of working hardening, and the higher the peak by nding the corresponding r with e. rc corresponds to
stress. It is also found that the value of strain the inection points on hr curves. Cubic polynomial
corresponding to the peak stress moves toward a curve can t the hr plot well and make it easy to
higher strain-level with decreases the deformation calculate the inection point. It can be seen that at the
temperature. This is because lower strain rates provide initial stage of DRX, the work-hardening rate, h,


exhibits an abrupt descent, which is attributed to the strength of liner relationship between the experimental
sharp increase of dislocation density. Subsequently, it and the predicted values. It is clear that the R value is
gradually decreases with the increasing stress under the higher than 0.9, which means to prove the excellent
interaction of DRV and DRX. Meanwhile, several capability of the developed model to predict the
turning points on the work-hardening rate curves can be characteristic points of the studied 12 pctCr. Expres-
seen clearly. When the work-hardening rate approxi- sions of characteristic points can be listed in Table II.
mately drops to zero, the slope of the work-hardening In the application of the ST model, temperature or
rate curve changes from negative to positive, which strain rate is constant, and only a part of the experi-
indicates that the ow stress of hot compression reaches mental data can be used,[24,2741] while in the presented
its peak value. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 2, model, all the experimental data were used in the
saturated stress, rs, is obtained by extrapolating the regression plane, which make the model more
strain-hardening rate at critical point. The results show stable and robust. As the coecients a1, a2, and a3 in
that rs  1.1rp and rc  0.9rp, which are quite similar Eq. [16] are obtained by linear tting, active energy
to the experiential relationships.[24,27,41,46] predicted by Eq. [17] is 432,154 J/mol for 12 pctCr,
which is quite similar to 452,090 J/mol calculated using
the ST model. With the predicted characteristic points
B. Predicting Characteristic Points at Different
by regression planes and piecewise function in Eq. [5],
Temperatures and Strain Rates
the ow curves can be tted one by one to obtain
Using Eq. [16], planes can be tted to predict the parameters such as k2, kd, and nd in Eq. [5]. Parameters
characteristic points, such as r0, rc, rp, rs, rss, ec, and ep, such as k2, kd, and nd in Eq. [5] are determined by
with respect to the reciprocal of temperature and the nonlinear tting. Although the coecients of associa-
natural logarithm of strain rate. The predictions of rp tion are not so ideal, the trends can be roughly
and rc are shown in Figure 3. The correlation coecient described, which are shown in Figure 4. The expressions
(R) was employed to provide information on the of parameters are listed in Table III.

Fig. 2Determination of critical stress and saturation stress of ow curves at dierent deformation conditions from the tted curves of Fig. 1.
rc is the value at the point of inection. rp and rs are dened by the intercepts with the horizontal axis.


Fig. 3Regression planes to predict the characteristic points: (a) yield stress, r0 was dened using a total strain oset of 0.02; (b) saturated
stress rs; (c) steady-state stress rss; (d) critical strain ec; (e) peak strain ep. The values of x-aix and y-aix are the reciprocal of the temperature and
the natural logarithm of strain rate, respectively.

C. Application of the Model to Experimental Data model in this work. However, for the case of strain rates
In this study, the ST model was also established as of 0.1, 0.001, and 0.0005 s1 and temperature of 1223 K
shown in Table IV. To validate the correctness of the (950 C), there are obvious errors between the experi-
model, comparisons are made, as shown in Figure 5. It mental and predicted results of the ST model. Mean-
can be easily found that the case of strain rate of while, there are some bounces that occurred near the
0.01 s1 is the most ideal one, i.e., the experimental and critical points in the results of ST model.
predicted results are in good agreement no matter Comparisons for predicted characteristic points
whether determined by ST model or by the developed are shown in Figure 6. The calculated correlation


coecients (R) are 0.93, 0.98, and 0.99 for ep, rp and rss, paper is quite similar to the simplied ST model in low
both of which are higher than the values predicted by ST stress level. The advantage of this model is avoiding the
model. The comparison results indicate that there is a use of Qact, and all the parameters can be obtained by
good correlation between the predicted and measured
data obtained by means of the proposed model. In other Table III. Expressions of Exponential Parameters
k2 e_ 1:5120:02636 ln e_  T  exp 20:22 69293
words, the model proposed in this paper has greater T 
precision and has some advantages in predicting the  
kd e_ 0:38320:08693 ln e_ T  exp 15:02 24059
positions of peak strain and critical strain, which play T  T2
nd e_ 1:0860:02504 ln e_  T  exp 9:309 35307
important roles in engineering application. Further, it is T  T2
also worth noting that in lower stress levels, such as T (K); e_ (s1).
rp 100 MPa, both the ST model and the model
presented have sound predictive abilities. However, in
higher stress levels such as rp 100 MPa, the predicted Table IV. ST Model
values and experimental data have larger discrepancies, (  
rWH rs r0  rs  exp  k22  e e<ec
at least in this research. By nature, the model in this    nd 
r rWH  rs  rss  1  exp kd ee ep
e  ec
Table II. Expressions of Characteristic Points Z e_ exp RT
r0 0:4823_e0:1285  exp 6883
T ep 0:0009Z0:14
8331 ec 0:83ep
rs 0:2794_e  exp T
  r0 0:51Z0:12  
rss 0:0931_e0:1671  exp 9505
rs 43:77 sinh1 2:49 104 Z0:25
ec 0:0022_e0:1604  exp 6632 rss 43:77 sinh1 2:90 104 Z0:24
T 0:074
  X 155:11Z
ep 0:0026_e0:1603  exp 6633
T kd 1:05; nd 1:24
Stress (MPa); T (K); e_ (s1). Stress (MPa); T (K); e_ (s1).

Fig. 4Quadric surface tting to predict the (a) k2, (b) kd, and (c) nd. The values of x-aix and y-aix are the reciprocal of temperature and the
natural logarithm of strain rate, respectively.


Fig. 5Comparisons between the predicted and the measured ow stress curves of the studied 12 pctCr under the strain rates of (a) 0.1 s1; (b)
0.01 s1; (c) 0.001 s1, and (d) 0.0005 s1 and at dierent temperatures: 1-1223 K (950 C), 2-1323 K (1050 C), 3-1373 K (1100 C), 4-1423 K
(1150 C), 5-1473 K (1200 C), and 6-1523 K (1250 C).

the least-squared method, so the results show better parameters. Linearization introduces additional discrep-
precision. Therefore, the model in this paper is more ancy. Besides, measurement error of experimental study
suitable for soft materials, high temperature, or low should be taken into account.
strain rate process in industry. In high stress levels, both
models can hardly predict the peak stress precisely, but
it might be better to use the mean values. V. CONCLUSIONS
In general, as seen from Figures 5 and 6, predicted
curves of proposed model are somewhat better than A novel way to model the ow stress in hot working
those of the ST model, but not excellent. The has been presented. The new model is not developed by
errors mainly come from the following three compo- using the ST assumption, which employs a hyperbolic
nents. The rst one is due to the predictve ability of the function to describe relationship among ow stress,
classical phenomenological model itself, Eq. [5]. The strain rate, and temperature. The hyperbolic is nonlinear
typical characteristic of Eq. [5] includes piecewise addi- and hard to solve, leaving some problems still remaining
tive function and main parameters, such as rs, rss, and to faced by the industrial application of ST model.
ep. Therefore, accurate equations for description of these Methods to determine characteristic stresses/strains
parameters play a key role in the Eq. [5]. The second from experimental strainstress curves are formulated,
component is associated with approximation equation and by regressing them with the new model, other key
for model parameters, Eqs. [14] and [19]. By introducing stresses/strains at dierent temperature and strain rate
the quadric function, Eq. [19] into Eq. [5], the additional can be predicted. Exponents such as k2, kd, and nd in
degree of freedom leads to better results, because it Eq. [5] can be calculated by quadric function of two
reduced the approximation error. The third component variables. As all the parameters in constitutive equations
is an error of the method of identication of the model can be obtained at dierent temperatures and strain


Fig. 6Comparisons of the predicted (a) peak strain ep, (b) peak stress rp, and (c) steady stress rss curves obtained by the developed model and
ST model.

rates, the ow stress, and percentage of DRX can be model can only be obtained when temperature or
predicted when workpieces undergo dierent conditions strain rate is a constant.
for plastic deformation. 3. More accurate to predict the flow stress. Compar-
The new model can successfully predict the key stress/ isons between experimental data and predicted val-
strain with respect to strain rate and temperature with ues for some key stress/strain are made. The results
the following advantages: show that the new developed model in this work has
better precision in predicting the flow stress, espe-
1. Easier to solve the function. The new model was cially when the stress is not higher than 100 MPa.
developed based on the BaileyNorton creep law
and SherbyDorn relation, which only contain As the model is based on the BaileyNorton law,
power function and exponential relationship, respec- which is usually used to describe the primary and
tively, and can be linearized to a plane equation. All secondary stages of creep, it is more suitable to predict
the parameters contained in the new model can be the forming force and microstructure in heavy forging
obtained by simple least squared method. where temperature is high and strain rate is low.
2. More robust to calculate the parameters. The
multiple linear regressions for a plane in 3D space
take temperature and strain rate into account
simultaneously. All the experimental data can be
used in one computation, and an individual bad
experimental result has insignificant effluence on The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding
the result, while some parameters involved in the ST support from the National Basic Research Program of


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