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Running head: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography on Animal Abuse in Dogs

Alitzel Neri

University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Professor Hernandez
Annotated bibliography !2

Marijana, V., & Dimitrijevi, I. (2007). Body Condition And Physical Care Scales In Three Cases
Of Dog Hoarding From Belgrade. Acta Veterinaria, 57(5/6), 553-561. doi:10.2298/
This article is overall about Animal cruelty and animal hoarding. In the beginning of the

article it talks about animal hoarding and explains a whole lot about the topic. It gives statistics

as well about deaths in animals being abused. To my benefit this article continues on about

focusing the animal abuse and animal hoarding to mainly dogs. It gets in details about how dogs

are the more common animals abused. It also explains dog hoarding and mentions stories of dog

abuse and hoarding, as well it gives statistics about different types of animal cruelty in dogs. The

article also includes charts about physical appearances of dogs abused, which is a big

contribution to my research. This article helps with my research greatly because it not only

talked about animal abuse in general but it also got in depth about abuse in dogs, which is what

my research is focused on.

Destreza, K. (2011). Dog fighting: A basic overview. Veterinary Ireland Journal, 64(5), 281-284.
This next article focuses on dog fighting. It shows dog fighting as being one of the main

ways of animal abuse. The article has many visuals and also some statistics about dogs who have

died or have been severely injured because of dog fighting. The article also talks about the areas

where dog fighting is most common. A section also specifically talks about how veterinarians are

helping dogs who have been in dog fights. This article is a major part of my research because

dog fighting is one of the main ways of animal abuse and it gives so much detail and information

about the dogs forced into dog fighting.

Annotated bibliography !3

Sacks, P. (2000). Puppy Mills: Misery FOR Sale. Animals, 133(5), 10.
This article focuses on talking about puppy mills. It talks about how puppy mills should

not be a way or raining animals. It gives many reasons in why puppy mills are just a way of

animal cruelty. The article gives examples of investigations of some puppy mills and facts of the

animals being abused. This article helps me add onto my lists of many types of anima abuse. It

also furthered my knowledge on how horrible most puppy mills are and how badly the puppies

and dogs are treated.

Annotated bibliography !4

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