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Kortnee Ogbuefi

September 4, 2017
CIL 621
IAAL Part 1

Professional, Course- Why the goal is How I will document/provide

evidence that I am working on
Related Goal important to me? this goal/accomplished this goal

This goal is important to me I will do this by providing

My goal is to create a lesson
because I find it vital for each assignments that require
plan and produce assignments
student to be able to grasp group discussion as well the
that will assist my English
concepts being taught in the use of creating their work
Language Learners in the
classroom in a way that is visually which will give them
classroom when it comes to
most effective for them. opportunity to express their
understanding the content. I
thoughts differently. I will
want them to be able to
create a lesson plan and
visually connect
handouts that will measure
vocabulary/sight words to
their growth.
pictures and drawings as well.

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