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Lau Rules- Supreme Court Ruling: identical education does not constitute equal
education (LPAC, 10).
2. Castaneda 3-Prong Test - 5th Circuit Ruling: theory, practice, results
3. LPAC members: whos in (89.1220.e) We need multiple APs; several models include
counselors & ours say they want to participate. Each LPAC is only 4~5 people, but
communication & training need to happen for LPAC team options.
4. Scheduling
a. Training for correction prevention or designation of key person to prevent annual
b. Credits dont appear after transcript turned into Central within 30 days
c. Grouping with core teachers certified to address linguistic needs of ESL students
d. ELA for ESL must have certified ESL teacher, NO subs, & no more than two
adjacent proficiency levels at a single grade level in same hour and classroom
e. If we have an EL section & an ESOL section they cannot be in the same room at
same hour!
f. Last Spring LPACs adjusted course requests to correct repeated classes, but
none of the corrections seem to exist in current 10-12 schedules (each counselor
received copy of LPAC paper for that kid). (89.1220.g)
g. We tried to give counselors original docs from LPAC, but they wanted only a
copy. We gave them a copy alphabetized and sorted by grade level & fixes dont
seem to be made.
h. US Hist timeline:
i. Our kids need more time.
ii. We need them to take it no later than 10th with some exceptions because
they need the extra testing attempts.
iii. Prior graduation data shows this late testing is weak spot for these
students graduating.
iv. This earlier year for testing helps keep them inside the 3 yr window for
i. Geometry v. Math Models-
i. Standard for Americans L1 Eng not reflective of where EL is.
ii. Linguistics impact score & L2s have different STAAR than what L1 Eng
iii. If they passed STAAR Alg 1 they then need Geometry this year!
j. Because our students need more time for testing & to fall inside 3 year window
for STAAR L, they need US History most of time in 10th grade to be done by
k. Speech- students in first two years need to not take speech.
l. There needs to be a published track from the district for counselors to refer to
for High School EL students. This would include recommended language support
courses, beyond ESOL, per grade level and proficiency level. It would
recommend the number of language support classes, and which ones, for
students to be enrolled in.
5. Grade level
a. Roll over students need to be largely rolled back or rolled up another grade
b. New EL Progress score calendar allows 5 years for students coming in as 9th
graders and scheduled for EOC courses
c. Students who come late each spring are 1st year 9th graders and NOT 10th
graders to be accelerated to a 3 year plan.
d. 8th graders held back are being accelerated to 3 year plan when come in as 9th
graders. Doesnt that change ELL plan from 5 to 3?
6. Class sizes need to follow program model in addition to state law guidelines
a. We have 15 computers & spill over can take very few laptops, but we really need
smaller sizes to ensure 1:1.
b. Struggling DNQ & M1/M2 can be placed in uppermost proficiency section to
alleviate general pop classes & provide tier support for these students.
c. If we are following the model from 14-15:
i. Classes capped @ 15 bodies; to be expanded for future students to 20
ii. The schedulers looked back to all prior ELs to see who may need extra
support to reach 15 students per class.
7. Mailings
a. Re-entry letters hopefully went out in spring for denials, but office doesnt want to
accept them from LPAC to include in packet each time we send them.
b. This now means we need method to send out letters to 9th grader parents with
understanding that 8th grade didnt send letter last Spring. ESL doesnt have
contact information for every EL on campus. Letter is in student attendance
manual for a reason.
8. CBE
a. CBE credits not applied to change course schedule.
b. Students do not find out CBE scores under new UT test system.
c. CBE not offered to replace beginner Spanish with other appropriate course.
d. CBE registration during school year not in language accessible to population
needing to register to take it.
e. Does CBE have to be on computer, b/c Computer Based exams for students not
familiar with technology skew to lower scores when no paper option given.
f. The old test was paper-based & had oral component, if we cant use it then can
we get one with a paper option.
9. NS
a. STAAR wants students using a dictionary starting in 6th grade. They cant spell
to find words without NS classes.
b. These have state course codes under SS instead of NS for Spanish Speakers.
(Its not a local construct & HB 5 has plan for it.)
c. Teacher assigned needs to be able to distinguish the common letter swaps
associated w/ these students
d. While I can remind students for whatever particular word theyre hunting, my
focus is the Eng side, thats why we had the classes
e. ESSA- new federal law has AP accountability specific to Hispanics and not only
passing AP courses, but AP exam success. If we dont have these 2 AP courses,
what is our plan to help meet requirement?
10. Special Program Placement
a. GT-
i. Theyre not being tested so then theyre not coded
ii. Im having trouble keeping them in Pre-AP/AP. Counselors/Teachers
keep pulling them back to regular.
iii. LPAC recommendes placement but when I try to get counseling to honor
placement I get responses of Well after consideration we have decided
that well keep them in current placement.
iv. They need to be served by both ESL & GT
b. SpEd-
i. What are we doing to serve the dual coded students?
ii. If were placing them in ESOL, then theyll need an inclusion teacher.
iii. Reading classes for whomever from EL Pop get scheduled with
Arceneaux who has SpEd cert, but no ESL.
iv. They are being placed in one program or other, but other than paper not
currently served by both ESL & SpEd.
v. Almost impossible to get them tested if dont arrive coded.
c. Dyslexia-
i. by passes RTI & we dont have access to an EL approved test
ii. When they did get coded they didnt receive services (Dyslexia manual
says through 12th grade!)
iii. The couple of 11th grade students currently untested have been on the to
test list since 9th grade. They are still repeating 9th grade ELA. Can they
take Joseph to accommodate them since they arent getting tested. The
pairing of Joseph for 9th & Richardson for 11th should get them the help
they need.
iv. Any other 504 potential concern falls through to not be addressed.
11. Career Center
a. They dont end up with services when they get career center; we dont have a
procedure for how to serve them.
b. They need to have History there & Eng here to keep the ESL teacher unless the
law or teaching staff changed.
12. ESSA changing Monitored from 2 to 4.
a. Do we leave them as 2 until computer reflects ability more than 2 years?
13. New staff
a. We have a new teacher of upper ELA that needs to take on ALL the 11th & 12th
graders not served by honors, ARE coded EL (F), & are NOT denials (C).
b. Hes going to have to cover 2 to 3 sections of reading because Keedy will need
3 sections of 9th & 3 sections of 10th.
c. Richardson says has ESL, but only under her TEA account not published
d. Well need a common prep for ESL to communicate, plan & trade off for LPACS
e. LPAC meetings need 1 hour block- This could look like:
i. 4th prep & 1st lunch
ii. 5th prep (best option for 2nd floor 2nd lunch logistics)
iii. 3rd lunch & 6th prep
f. Are we grouping the science classes with our certified science ESL teacher?
14. Dictionaries
a. Create checkout policy like old calculator policy
13. Alternative Programs (Pathways, ISS, etc)
a. Per law, students who are enrolled in Pathways for 5 days or more, or who are
placed into In-School Suspension for 5 days or more must be receiving services
from an ESL teacher, or their services have to be terminated (for funding
purposes in the Attendance Handbook).
b. Since these students are still EL and we are actually required to serve them, this
means we need to ensure that no EL remains in ISS for more than 5 days, and
Pathways needs to have an ESL certified English teacher on staff offering
services to EL students.

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