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Table are une of the cummonest aad earliest wag of storing and txbaisting dats. Tabulation is the aystemtic and seierstilie presentation of quantitative data in zuch a form that it is uble to elucidate the problem under consideration. ‘Anaspirant iscxpected to be able to go through a table, quickly and offectively ie. with ‘understanding. Hasontuale of a tuble: There are six eysential elements of a table 42) Title (2) Stub fsecnion containing row heading) (3) Column caption (heading of each column) (4) Body (5) Foormutes (6) Soures INTERPRETATION OF DATA Its bused on tae careful assesomont. of the Figures (number) given in the rable. in this process we abalyze Ube catries and subontrios ‘in the table and derivo conclusions regarding: () waxicum and minis (9 masimum ftuinimem este of ncreasOR decrease percent change ia an cntry dro the previous entey Any cezentrickohaviour of cptrlea nature of dependent variables ° @ @ IMPORTANT POLNTS EOR STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Ratio and proportionyA rftio represents relation ketweeo part ag@! part whereas Preperuon regret a retin between part and whole. These ard? very important in inforpretatign of data, Percentages, The word percent means hundredthy We tse the symbol “ts” te express the woedtigarcea”. For example, "17 percent" mating “W7 Wandredths", and can be woitten with a Sgrmbel, az a fraction, or as «decimal We provide a decima. le a peveent. move the dedal point twu places tthe right, adding Os Sinecasdory, wad add the % svmato! Toconvert a ftactitn 1 « pore, first oonvert ‘the fraction to a decimal, and then convort the decimal to a percent, ns indicated above. Data ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION (TasLes AND GRAPHS) 03 30%, 10 = 100055 Many questions involving percents ca actually be answesed more quicklysarpie head han by using paper and poneil Sig, tthe: 10% ofa number, jusl divide by LObymoviag the decimal point one place tn tie Lett TOL 60 is 6. Alco, wince 5% is half dBJO%,Jbien 6% af 60183 (half oC6);end since 30a Lime 19%, then 30% of €0 in 189 6), Hates: A ratio GoxWeg> Wwo magnitudes usuully showrmyet a period u° cime is ealicd rate or zate(@f chagz®. This ratio helps we in findang the rae of change over & period of time, Tfone geachyr iPbeirg paid ac arate Ra.500 per clas andjthenbis payiment increases to Rs.600 per 7% 18, Study the following table and detertaine es whose overall perfaraauce is hest umong 2 the thrce. ca Sibject __ As Marks By Blacks 7s 5 oat Maths 30 ey 5 gob me English 0 50 B 0 & (a) Nene of these Science 20 40 40 | a8) According to tho survey of area A and B Soe. Se. 40 88 40 the fellowing records were collecced. Sturty GK. «0 39 39 {he recorda and determine che come wsion: Hinds 30 20 ‘1 which is not eorrvet ? @s Thor Nise loi» Pas Sits eis Fuad ) B ots tims tito @) C BrenA WR 10% 1 1B BK 11% ABDOO (© Cennot be determined eu 35 IB IM ah AK TK 30000 14. On the basis ofthe data gfFemeGhuss which G@) There is a difference of L540 Tindus of the following conclustans iscurtect ? between these two areas (@) English 1s an ey gutbject for A ®) Number of Parsisim ares A is equal to @) Abas tailed in 8 subjects but B in only ihre Comnlede eee one ) Windus remamed the largest (@ Peeformatte of in Englich is twice | Sommunigy im batirthe areas that of Mache (a) All of the above 16. (@) None ofthe bore 19. According to the survey of 2000 educated In the follawing figure determine the wafite oBX, j ’ unempleved persona in which 1200 were men and 809 were women, che following were collected: Tualifcation Tumployed — Cnamployed Mon Doctors 72.5% Engineers 20% Trained Teachers 15% Postgraduates 29.5% Graruates sy Un the basisef tke above table what w the difference wr, the number at unemplayad men nnd wenn doctors? 20, Securdiny to quevt cola number of umenoplyved gle f@) 3125 175 5) 530 fay ace EXPLANATORY ANSWERS fa) 20 a) 30 fer 40 id) None of these ; 2. (ee prob = Revenue — Expenves Bunn — 4500 = 900, Nunw percentage prov ss 16 64% Expenees on industites “1? and that of Bavicuiture = 45" Soit isunly Acuble, Here 366 180" > 50% and 90 ~ 254% fuyort and export both are so Bucluating shat ogthong cue be wid bout future prespect definitely. ‘Area shown an the hats af the dagroe in taken into account here, The line that ent the cxrcle into two halves means ilivision of a0" and 50% while sn arco 10 seams one-fourth, 8. dh): Simm the sugle is net given here so nothing eau he suid wy nceuralely. 7. tb): Only estimation is poewble and nothing Bh) 3. tb}: 00%, 4. ode 5. tb}: inbe detinitely eaid about future Fir berser performance not only average mv impartant hut eonsistency much more ampartant. Conriarency means difference beuween the highéat ceore aud the lowest score érnfige) should be mioimam witheleam a in stussntienl Ianglsaaes Hxeodhcoure us highly Ocetarating so Pe TaQioushup is nay die 10, (b} The export U.K, anid fron fauia as inowoaatng undoubsediy FUE nok #0 much a5 itis incrgasingin dice of other five ccantries 8. (ep: i. ay: iat 1@gT 1971 1987 1951 UP. 4 3 en Big WY 5 ss MP, 3 4 5 4 ap d Ue a i 1 ae 2 1 1 a a) The ahovs table shows tha: the wank of WW, Bengal was Gil ys TY6] wLich becomes rd in 199:. The nther states tare not showing so ouch improvernent inchem performanze. 22. (b):APurank wae Tibia | 11991 B saul Cis mist snark we Ve range we C= 3M Bie rungs a4 43 ~ 20 = 2p C's rooge a9 45 - 35 510 Standard doviason gl be ttasstimum mmease of & ther, coals 3a! Joant SD which gail 13. « taal bub will be there in cas> af.* U1. (@): None of thesronelustls we cornet beet (i) Pase maplingeach rubrect sar not bporemven, @) Hack cube measures cifferest types adybilitses, Dpscaraw ins peracular subject Aepeod not ny on tbe mature ofthe yect luc, other variables like. interest, aptitulle. wethud of teaching ete. alec affect vraren SN? Prox (to tne lefts the minus sign of X avid X is 2 point lees than Y. 2s. (a)rIn Linear etatrsnp fue Variable @ eeastant amouct the ponding increase an ths ather variable ig alsa constant. eu YL ik 14 axa 13 incre in Xs une Ge. 1, 2, 8.4 6, and increase in ¥ is 4, t..6, 9113.19.21 13% 38000 - 4940 Pass 17x38 a (8130 Christiane ‘Thus thee ave nat equal 19. (h):(12 5% 1200/00 150 men. (5 » 8bO) LOO = 120 worten Difloraner: = 150 — 120 = 30 20, (a 430 « 1208N7100 = 360, 360 + 240 = 600. (90 = 800% 100 = 249

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