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Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999


R. A. B. BADAWY, a,b,c* D. R. FREESTONE, c A. LAI d AND hypersynchronous electrical activity of neuronal networks,
M. J. COOK a,b which are thought to be caused by an imbalance between
excitation and inhibition (McCormick and Contreras,
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, St Vincents Hospital, 2001). The ratio of excitation to inhibition is the major deter-
Fitzroy, Australia minant of excitability in the brain. Epileptogenesis refers to
Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, the alteration of a normal neuronal network into a hyper-
Parkville, Australia excitable network leading recurrent, spontaneous seizures
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University to occur (Clark and Wilson, 1999). The proposed underly-
of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia ing mechanisms for this process include neuronal loss,
Bionics Institute, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia neurogenesis, glial loss, gliogenesis, axonal and dendritic
plasticity and intracellular channelopathies or receptor dys-
function. A complete discussion of these mechanisms is
AbstractIt has been proposed that the underlying epileptic
process is mediated by changes in both excitatory and inhib-
beyond the scope of this review and is extensively
itory circuits leading to the formation of hyper- described elsewhere. The aim of this review is to draw
excitable seizure networks. In this review we aim to shed light attention to the dynamic variability in cortical excitability
on the many physiological factors that modulate excitability within each individual with epilepsy. The epileptic brain
within these networks. These factors have been discussed exists in many states, not just the well-established appar-
extensively in many reviews each as a separate entity and ently normal or interictal state in between seizures during
cannot be extensively covered in a single manuscript. Thus which the brain appears to function normally, and abnormal
for the purpose of this work in which we aim to bring those orictal state characterized by widespread synchronous
factors together to explain how they interact with epilepsy, activity occurring in a paroxysmal way, thereby impairing
we only provide brief descriptions. We present reported evi-
brain functioning (Lopes da Silva et al., 2003). Not only
dence supporting the existence of the epileptic brain in sev-
eral states; interictal, peri-ictal and ictal, each with distinct
are these two states separated by the preictal state during
excitability features. We then provide an overview of how which physiological phenomena such as prodromal symp-
many physiological factors inuence the excitatory/inhibi- toms can occur and the postictal state during which the
tory balance within the interictal state, where the networks brain is recovering from the seizure, there are also many
are presumed to be functioning normally. We conclude that variations in cortical excitability within the interictal state it-
these changes result in constantly changing states of cortical self. These changes are inuenced by many physiological
excitability in patients with epilepsy. 2012 IBRO. Published factors each of which has been the subject of multiple
by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. extensive reviews describing their pathophysiological ba-
sis and their relationship with epilepsy. To attempt to pro-
Key words: epilepsy, cortical excitability, seizures, peri-ictal, vide an exhaustive or full review of each in a single
physiological variations, stress. manuscript would be an unrealistic and unachievable goal
and is far from our intention. We present a brief overview
of these factors to show how they can all co-exist in the same
INTRODUCTION person and inuence clinical presentation. We attempt to
draw the bigger picture; to demonstrate the complex interac-
Epilepsy is a disorder characterized by the occurrence of tion that results in constantly changing states of cortical
recurrent seizures. These seizures reect abnormal excitability in patients with epilepsy.

*Correspondence to: R. A. B. Badawy, Department of Clinical

Neurosciences, St Vincents Hospital, 41 Victoria Parade Fitzroy, VARIATIONS IN INTERICTAL CORTICAL
Victoria 3065, Australia. Tel: +61-3-9288-3068; fax: +61-3-9288- EXCITABILITY
E-mail addresses:, rdwbadawy@yahoo. Sleepwake cycle
com (R. A. B. Badawy).
Abbreviations: ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; BECTS, benign The relationship between sleep and epilepsy is well rec-
childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes; BFNIS, benign familial
neonatal-infantile seizures; CRF, corticotropin-releasing factor; EEG,
ognized. Most studies conrm that sleep and circadian
electroencephalogram; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; variations in arousal not only aect the timing of seizure
GABA, gamma (c)-aminobutyric acid; GTCs, generalized tonicclonic occurrence, but also the frequency, morphology and
seizures; IGE, idiopathic generalized epilepsy; LGS, LennoxGastaut spread of interictal discharges on electroencephalogram
syndrome; NREM, non rapid eye movement; REM, rapid eye move-
ment; SCN, suprachiasmatic nuclei; SMEI, severe myoclonic epilepsy (EEG). Synchronized non rapid eye movement (NREM)
of infancy. sleep facilitates seizures, whereas desynchronized rapid

0306-4522/12 $36.00 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
90 R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999

eye movement (REM) sleep discourages seizure occur- In focal epilepsy, timing of seizures appears to be gov-
rence (Foldvary-Schaefer and Grigg-Damberger, 2009). erned by the type and location of the epileptic focus as well.
The majority of generalized tonicclonic seizures Seizures of mesial temporal origin may be particularly vul-
(GTCs) in all forms of idiopathic generalized epilepsy nerable to these eects. Seizures in patients with mesial
(IGE) occur after awakening and is particularly likely to temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) tend to occur more
happen when the person is aroused after sleep deprivation frequently during the day than during the night (Quigg
followed by brief sleep. This relationship to epilepsy on et al., 1998), while seizures in patients with extra-temporal
awakening is particularly clear in patients with juvenile epilepsy seizures are more likely to occur during sleep
myoclonic epilepsy (Niedermeyer et al., 1985). Patients (Crespel et al., 1998). This is particularly more common
with IGE also show variation in the occurrence of interictal in patients with frontal lobe epilepsies in whom seizures
epileptiform discharges with sleep. Interictal epileptiform tend to cluster during sleep, almost exclusively during
discharges are usually present in the wake EEG, but sleep NREM sleep. In addition, secondary generalization of
further activates interictal epileptiform discharges in partial seizures tends to occur more often during sleep
patients with absence and/or GTCs (Sato et al., 1973). compared with wakefulness, being more common in
Typically, spikes increase with sleep onset progressively temporal lobe than frontal lobe seizures (Fig. 1).
through NREM 3, diminish sharply in REM sleep, and in- Focal interictal discharges are much more common
crease again in the morning after awakening. During during sleep than during wakefulness (Sammaritano
NREM sleep, generalized spike-wave discharges often et al., 1991). Interictal spikes increase at sleep onset,
become more disorganized, increase in amplitude and peaking in NREM 3, and then falling in REM sleep to lev-
slow in frequency, sometimes with the addition of poly- els lower than wakefulness. In addition, the eld of an
spikes, whereas the morphology in REM sleep is similar interictal discharge typically enlarges during NREM sleep,
to wakefulness (Fig. 1). occasionally accompanied by new foci, and becomes

Fig. 1. Schematic showing distribution of seizures and epileptiform discharges across a typical 24-h sleep cycle for generalized and focal
epilepsies. The sleep stages are scored based on normal sleep cycling between non-rapid eye movement sleep stages 14 (NREM14) and rapid
eye movement sleep; (REM) cycle during the night. IEDs, interictal discharges; IGE, idiopathic generalized epilepsy; JME, juvenile myoclonic
epilepsy; FLE, frontal lobe epilepsy; TLE, temporal lobe epilepsy.
R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999 91

more diuse in NREM 3 compared with NREM 1 and 2 This is thought to suppress both ictal and interictal events
and more constricted during REM sleep. during REM sleep and wakefulness (Shouse et al., 2000).
The circadian oscillations within the neuronal net- Much less is known about how sleep modulates epilep-
works that generate wakefulness, NREM, and REM sleep tic discharges and seizures in focal epilepsies. Reduced
are driven by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the dom- electrochemical activity in reticulo-limbic pathways most
inant circadian pacemaker in the mammalian brain. It is parsimoniously explains interictal propagation from tempo-
still unknown how this molecular clockwork is controlled ral or frontal lobe foci during NREM sleep. The eects could
by extracellular neuro-hormones and neurotransmitters be mediated by direct innervation of focal epileptic neurons.
and which membrane receptors undergo circadian modu- Studies indicate that local application of noradrenaline
lation. The principal neurotransmitter on SCN synapses is receptor antagonists to limbic seizure foci promotes ictal
gamma (c)-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which acts at post- discharge propagation, whereas noradrenaline receptor
synaptic GABAA receptors. Studies have shown that there antagonists block seizure discharge generalization
is daily variation in the postsynaptic GABAA-mediated (Shouse et al., 2000). In a recent transcranial magnetic
functions in the SCN (Kretschmannova et al., 2005). stimulation study involving patients with nocturnal frontal
Observations from patch-clamp studies suggest that lobe epilepsies, a marked decrease in intracortical inhibi-
levels of synaptically released GABA from the terminals tion during NREM sleep was found (Salih et al., 2007).
of SCN output neurons can inuence the relative contribu- Mutations in genes coding for subunits of the neuronal nic-
tion of pre- versus postsynaptic GABAB receptors in mod- otinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) present in families
ulating both excitatory and inhibitory SCN innervation to with autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsies
parvo-cellular neurons in the thalamus (Wang et al., result in a gain in receptor function (Marini and Guerrini,
2003). These studies also report diurnal uctuations in 2007). These studies suggest that increased response to
spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic activity within this acetylcholine and enhanced GABA-ergic function may be
network that may contribute to the mechanisms for syn- the basis for epileptogenesis in nocturnal frontal lobe
chronization of rhythms between individual SCN neurons epilepsies.
and may underlie the circadian variations in the spontane-
ous ring frequency of SCN neurons (Lundkvist et al.,
2002). Hormonal variations
Sleep is induced by GABA-ergic cells located in the
basal forebrain and in the anterior hypothalamus. Cholin-
ergic neurons in the basal forebrain are directly inhibited Hormones associated with stress. Stress, and emo-
by GABA-ergic sleep active neurons leading to deactiva- tional stress in particular, is ranked consistently as the most
tion of the cortex. These cells are more active during common trigger of seizures independent of the type of
NREM sleep than they are during REM sleep or during epilepsy (Frucht et al., 2000). Some have argued this is
wakefulness and they also increase discharge rates with predominantly due to the common association of sleep
sleep onset and continue to release GABA with increasing deprivation and medication noncompliance with stress
levels as sleep continues (Siegel, 2004). (Frucht et al., 2000; Haut et al., 2007). However, there is
In generalized epilepsies, reduced cellular discharges also a connection between stress and seizures indepen-
and chemical release in reticulo-thalamic pathways pro- dent of these two factors (Haut et al., 2007). This is further
mote interictal epileptiform discharge generation during shown in a study demonstrating that audio and video
NREM sleep, probably by enhancing the thalamo-cortical recordings designed to elicit empathetically stressful
EEG synchronization patterns that are associated with responses were sucient to induce spontaneous seizures
spike-wave complexes. Sleep transients such as sleep in patients with epilepsy (Feldman and Paul, 1976).
spindles and possibly even delta waves are contingent on Moreover, patients with refractory epilepsy tend to report
hyperpolarising GABA-ergic input from the thalamic reticu- triggering factors, such as stress, more often than patients
lar nucleus to the thalamo-cortical relay cells. Increased whose seizures are well controlled with medication. This
GABA release from thalamic and cortical neurons is con- nding underscores the potential therapeutic benets of
sidered critical to the generation of the slow component managing stress in patients with epilepsy (Sperling et al.,
of these discharges (McCormick and Contreras, 2001). 2008). When faced with a stressful situation, faster, more
Although the peak in GABA release that occurs during instinctual mechanisms regulated by the amygdala, hippo-
NREM promotes interictal epileptiform discharges, it campus, and striatum take over, superseding the more log-
seems to discourage clinically evident seizures such as ical and analytical functions of the frontal cortex (Arnsten,
myoclonic jerks or GTCs. On the other hand, the moderate 1998). The physiologic stress response is often divided into
level of reticular activation, chemical release and synchro- two separate yet linked systems acting in a coordinated
nous thalamo-cortical discharge patterns during drowsi- temporal manner. The rapid response to a stressor
ness are conducive to generalized epileptic discharge involves the sympathetic-adrenomedullary system, which
propagation with clinical accompaniment. In contrast to results in the activation of the sympathetic nervous system,
NREM and drowsiness, extreme activation of ascending increased systemic levels of norepinephrine and epineph-
brainstem aerents, particularly cholinergic cells that rine, and increased levels of norepinephrine in the brain.
occurs during wakefulness and REM sleep, abolishes The slower, longer-lasting response to a stressor involves
GABA-mediated synchronous thalamo-cortical discharge the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis and begins
oscillations and leads to desynchronization of the EEG. with the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
92 R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999

releasing corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) (de Kloet some women with catamenial epilepsy (Herzog, 2008).
et al., 2005). CRF is also present in the amygdala, hippo- However, seizure exacerbation during the entire second
campus and cortex (Dunn and Berridge, 1990). It is an half of the cycle (luteal phase) when progesterone levels
important hormone in the regulation of the response to are expected to be high is also commonly reported (Herzog
stress and can act as an excitatory neurotransmitter or neu- et al., 2004). This may be due to an inadequate luteal phase
romodulator (Dunn and Berridge, 1990). It may also con- with insucient rise in progesterone levels to be protective
tribute to seizure-related neuronal loss (Ribak and against seizures in these women (Herzog, 2008). Clinical
Baram, 1996). CRF stimulates the pituitary to release adre- data indicating that the catamenial pattern of seizure exac-
nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) into the bloodstream. erbation is more often observed in women with temporal
ACTH stimulates release of glucocorticoids, which lobe epilepsy (Herzog et al., 2004), where reproductive
mobilize peripheral energy stores, dampen the immune re- endocrine disorders such as anovulatory cycles and oligo-
sponse, and act as mediators in negative feedback control menorhea are also commonly present (Morrell, 1998), and
of the HPA axis (de Kloet et al., 2005). Glucocorticoids may also support this proposition. However, this is not a
including corticosterone and dexamethasone, facilitate universal nding (Murri and Galli, 1997). Furthermore,
epileptiform discharges and seizures in animals. This eect while most animal studies conclude that oestrogen has
may be mediated by type II glucocorticoid receptors, which pro-convulsant eects, there is evidence this eect is inu-
have a diuse distribution in the brain (Paul and Purdy, enced by the region, the neurotransmitter system, the sei-
1992). The HPA axis and sympathetic-adrenomedullary zure type, the animal model, the distinct expression of
system work in conjunction with one another to coordinate individual oestrogen receptor types, and the distinct
adaptive responses to a stressor. Chronic glucocorticoid modulatory eects of oestrogens on the neurotransmitter
excess in the setting of chronic stress results in hippocam- system involved in seizure genesis (Veliskova, 2007).
pal neuronal loss and loss of dendritic spines and branch- Some studies even report an anti-convulsant eect of
ing (Sapolsky et al., 1990). This was postulated to occur b-estradiol, which is one of the main metabolites of oestro-
by potentiating NMDA receptor-dependent neurotoxicity. gen (Veliskova, 2006).
It is known that progesterone metabolites function as
potent positive modulators of the GABAA receptor (Kokate
Menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Many women with et al., 1994; Scharfman and MacLusky, 2006). However,
epilepsy experience changes in seizure frequency and uctuations in the circulating levels of this steroid at pub-
severity over the menstrual cycle and with pregnancy. erty, during pregnancy, or following chronic stress produce
The eect of pregnancy on seizure susceptibility is vari- periods of prolonged exposure and withdrawal. This can
able, with no conclusive evidence of the eect of pregnancy cause changes in GABAA receptor subunit composition
on seizure frequency (Harden et al., 2009). On the other to compensate for sustained levels of inhibition (Smith
hand, it is well documented that seizures in many women et al., 2007). These changes have been shown to pro-
with epilepsy tend to cluster in relation to the menstrual foundly alter GABAA receptor structure and function
cycle, a condition referred to as catamenial epilepsy. (Maguire and Mody, 2009) and subsequent seizure exac-
Usually, seizure exacerbation occurs during the peri- erbation in catamenial epilepsy. These data indicate that
menstrual phase or peri-ovulatory phase or during the there is a highly complex interaction between hormones
entire second half of menstrual cycles (Herzog et al., and the neurotransmitter systems in patients with epilepsy.
1997). This phenomenon has largely been attributed to This interaction is likely to inuence patterns of cortical
the neuroactive properties of steroid hormones and the excitability and seizure risk across the menstrual cycle.
cyclic variations in their serum levels. Oestrogen increases
late in the follicular (pre-ovulatory) phase and then gradually
Blood sugar levels
declines during the luteal (pre-menstrual) phase. It has
been shown to lower seizure thresholds in most adult animal Blood glucose levels show natural variability, and in gen-
studies (Nicoletti et al., 1985). This eect on neuronal excit- eral, levels are lower after lack of food for extended periods
ability is mediated by increases in glutamate (Wong et al., of time or following exercise. The relationship between
1996) through cytosolic neuronal oestrogen receptors. these uctuations and cortical excitability is largely
Progesterone, on the other hand, increases late in the unknown. There are several reports of seizures triggered
follicular phase and then gradually declines during the with lack of food or after prolonged exercise (Frucht et al.,
luteal phase. It potentiates GABA-mediated inhibition 2000). Seizures are also very common in patients with
mainly by increasing the activity of GABAA receptors impaired transport of glucose across the bloodbrain bar-
(Kokate et al., 1994). This depresses neuronal ring, less- rier due to deciency of the major brain glucose transporter
ens epileptiform discharges and elevates seizure threshold GLUT1 (Roulet-Perez et al., 2008). These seizures can
(Nicoletti et al., 1985). occur in the classical severe GLUT1 encephalopathy, but
Given these competing properties, if seizure exacerba- also in milder cases that have otherwise typical idiopathic
tion in women with epilepsy is linked to uctuations in sex generalized epilepsy. Those patients respond to oral glu-
hormone levels it would be predicted that this would typi- cose with signicant improvement in both clinical seizures
cally occur when the oestrogen/progesterone ratio is at and EEG ndings (Suls et al., 2008). It is also well known
its peak. This occurs during ovulation when oestrogen lev- that seizures can occur as a complication to severe hypogly-
els are at their highest or right before and during menstru- caemia induced by excess insulin (Malouf and Brust, 1985)
ation when the decline in progesterone can be regarded and epileptiform discharges have been recorded on EEG in
as pro-convulsant. Indeed, these patterns are seen in the setting of extreme hypoglycaemia. These changes are
R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999 93

reversed by glucose administration (Niedermeyer and (marked by the dashed line in Fig. 2) is lower enabling
Lopes da Silva, 2005). It could be that variability in blood transitions to seizure to be trigged by normal uctuations,
glucose levels is associated with uctuations in cortical with a sucient level of excitability. This is the seizure
excitability. These changes may be sucient to change transition that Lopes Da Silva referred to as bi-stability.
seizure threshold in certain patients. Within this scenario, seizures are thought to be unpredict-
able as intrinsic neural noise (random walk) may trigger
TRANSITION FROM THE INTERICTAL TO THE the transition to seizure.
ICTAL STATE The second scenario presented by Lopes Da Silva
and his colleagues (Lopes da Silva et al., 2003) can be
Epilepsy is regarded as a chronic and persistent condition described by a deformation of the surface that the ball
with a persistent pathology. Therefore, it is fair to ask why rolls along, such that the barrier gradually moves to the
the symptoms are (seizures for example) not persistent. right into the epileptic region with physiological changes.
The answer to this important question lies in the under- Tracking the aspect of the physiology that deforms the
standing of the ever-changing state of cortical excitability. surface is the goal of seizure prediction.
The intermittency of epileptic seizures poses major chal- The third scenario is changes in an exogenous param-
lenges in developing robust treatments. Therefore, under- eter, or input, that triggers seizures without any underlying
standing the mechanisms underlying the transformation changes within the brain. An example of this kind is the
between the relatively normal interictal brain state and well-known photosensitive epilepsy, where ickering light
clinical seizures (the ictal transition) is critically important. may trigger seizures. Another example of seizures of this
Seizures generally occur without warning and kind is from the maximal electro-shock rat model of epi-
because of that it has largely been assumed that the shift lepsy (Nelson et al., 2010). In this animal model, seizures
between the interictal and ictal states occurs as an abrupt are initiated by electrically stimulating the motor cortex
phenomenon. Over recent years, there is growing evi- (M1 region) of normally healthy rats.
dence to indicate that this two-state model is inaccurate, It is likely that a combination of the theoretical transi-
and that there is a prolonged transitional peri-ictal phase tions to seizure presented by Lopes da Silva et al. (2003)
between the seizure and the interictal state. Preictal pro- occurs in particular situations. For example, as discussed
dromal symptoms such as irritability or headache are fre- in the previous sections there is evidence that seizures
quently reported by patients minutes, hours or even days cluster to particular times of the day, week or month. It is
prior to clinical seizure onset (Delamont et al., 1999). Fol- well known that seizures cluster around times of stress,
lowing a seizure, postictal changes such as confusion and sleep deprivation and around menstrual cycles (Frucht
amnesia are commonly encountered by patients, making et al., 2000). During these times of high seizure susceptibil-
the postictal period for some patients even more disturb- ity it has been shown that, with care, patients can avoid sei-
ing than the seizure itself. In addition, postictal features zures (Spector et al., 2000). Therefore, it is reasonable to
are frequently seen on EEG recordings and include regio- consider these times of stress as a necessary but not suf-
nal or diuse polymorphic delta activity, attenuation of cient condition for seizure occurrence. In this scenario, a
EEG rhythms or activation of focal spikes lasting for up combination of hyper-excitability (deformed dynamical
to hours following seizures (Kaibara and Blume, 1988). landscape) and a particular exogenous input may be
Animal studies, show evidence that seizure initiation required to trigger an epileptic event.
depends on a loss of inhibitory control of the epileptogenic The pre-seizure or pro-seizure hyper-excitable state has
zone resulting in increased excitability of neighbouring been measured by multiple imaging modalities, but studies
neurons facilitating the spread of seizure activity (Depaulis using intracranial EEG have dominated the literature. This
et al., 1994). Theoretical studies, involving mathematical is due to accessibility of data and the high delity of the
modelling, have demonstrated that seizure initiation may recordings. These studies report changes in neuronal com-
result from multiple mechanisms. An important study by plexity and network activity on linear (Esteller et al., 2005)
Lopes Da Silva et al. (Lopes da Silva et al., 2003) hypoth- and non-linear EEG analysis (Martinerie et al., 1998; Litt
esized three routes to seizures. The rst transition is mod- et al., 2001; Iasemidis et al., 2005, Le Van Quyen, 2005),
elled by a jump from normal brain dynamics to seizure optical recording of intrinsic signals (Zhao et al., 2007) and
that is trigged by intrinsic neural noise or a particular stim- a probing-stimulation technique (Kalitzin et al., 2005;
ulus. This is illustrated in Fig. 2 where the brain state is Freestone et al., 2011). These changes last from seconds
indicated by the grey ball. With no input, the ball will rest to hours prior to seizure onset. Over the past 4 decades this
at the bottom of the well (lowest energy point) on the left- has evolved into the eld of epileptic seizure prediction and
hand side. This position would correspond to the idle state control, with the goal to detect an impending seizure and
of the brain, such as alpha activity. With perturbations, stop it before it manifests clinically. A limitation of intracranial
say sensory input, the brain state is free to roll along the EEG studies is that they typically use features of the signals
surface in the normal (green) region. The brain state is that are abstractions of what we really want to measure. This
eectively trapped in the healthy region and cannot tran- is illustrated in Fig. 3 that depicts a cascade of events that
sition to a seizure without an extremely large perturbation culminate in seizures. The goal of experimental studies in
to overcome the barrier. The brain can, however, still tran- monitoring pre-seizure excitability should be to track physio-
sition to the seizure state with a high-energy input (i.e. logical variables as far to the left, upstream in the cascade,
electrical stimulation) or an extreme level of excitability. as possible. A critical link in the seizure cascade is the
Conversely in the epileptic brain, the transition threshold increase in excitability. Another way is to use functional
94 R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999

Fig. 2. A simplied version of the dynamical landscape of healthy and epileptic brains. The solid black line within the axes represents a simplied
version of the brains dynamical landscape. The ball marks the current state of the brain. The ball (state) is free to roll across the landscape if it is
perturbed by an input. With a higher level of excitability the ball will have more energy to roll away from the trough given a perturbation from an input
or endogenous activity. In the epileptic brain, the landscape is deformed and the barrier between the normal and epileptic states is lower. Therefore,
given a suciently high level of excitability and a particular input the transition to seizure may occur more easily than the healthy brain.

Fig. 3. The seizure cascade. From left to right is a causally related cascade of events that may lead to epileptic seizures.

MRI (fMRI), a technique that assesses cerebral activity by transcranial magnetic stimulation lasting for up to 24 h
detecting signal changes related to focal alterations of de- postictally (Badawy et al., 2009). This demonstrated cor-
oxyhaemoglobin concentration (Ogawa and Lee, 1990). tical inhibition, possibly creates a physiological postictal
This has demonstrated signicant fMRI signal changes state that is likely to reduce the risk of further seizures.
occurring several minutes before the onset of seizures that
could be localized to the site of the presumed seizure focus, VARIATIONS WITH TIME
as well as to other brain regions (Federico et al., 2005). Non-
equivocal evidence of a marked increase in cortical excitabil- Maturational changes
ity changes lasting for up to 2448 h before a seizure was In many types of epilepsy, especially childhood epilepsy,
also found on transcranial magnetic stimulation studies seizure types and EEG patterns are age dependent
(Wright et al., 2006; Badawy et al., 2009). (Fig. 4). Many epileptic syndromes are only seen in chil-
Seizure termination is thought to be modulated by dren with striking age-dependent patterns that can evolve
both synaptic excitation and inhibition and is character- or resolve over time (Dulac, 1994). It is also known that
ized by a strong depolarizing shift (block), hyperpolariza- the electro-clinical manifestations of seizures in newborns
tion and recovery of neurons in all cortical areas (Pinto are dierent to those during infancy and childhood, and
et al., 2005). There is also evidence of relative hypoperfu- some types of seizures e.g. infantile spasms occur exclu-
sion in the hippocampus associated with the cessation of sively during this early period of development. Normally, in
neuronal ictal discharges on postictal brain perfusion the rst two years of post-natal life there is over-production
studies (Leonhardt et al., 2005). A prolonged marked of synapses. This is facilitated by the relatively slow
reduction in cortical excitability was also reported on maturation of inhibitory neurotransmitter systems and
R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999 95

the rapid maturation of excitatory systems. This creates a and Degen, 1992). BECTS usually starts between four
functional imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory and 11 years and almost all children achieve remission
synaptic neurotransmission in the brain (Holmes, 1997). by adolescence (Kramer et al., 1998). This includes chil-
In the immature brain the eects of excitatory neurotrans- dren whose seizures have been drug resistant.
mitter systems predominate initially and then become less Idiopathic generalized epilepsies on the other hand
predominant as inhibitory systems gradually mature are thought to mainly have a genetic basis (Helbig
(Brooks-Kayal, 2005). The function of the GABA-ergic et al., 2008). Genetically determined alterations in sodium
system also diers markedly in the mature and immature channel structure and function are widely described in
brain. Whereas GABAA receptor activation results in neu- many IGEs. These include generalized epilepsy with feb-
ronal hyperpolarization and an inhibition of cell ring in the rile seizures plus, severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
mature brain, receptor activation results in membrane (SMEI), and benign familial neonatal-infantile seizures
depolarization and excitation in the immature brain (BFNIS) (Gardiner, 2005; Helbig et al., 2008). These are
(Brooks-Kayal, 2005). This is followed by a longer pro- strikingly dierent epileptic syndromes in terms of age of
cess, lasting through mid-adolescence, where pruning of onset, seizure type and severity, and developmental out-
excessive synapses and activity-dependent renement come, the most benign being BFNIS and the most severe
of synaptic connections take place. The visual cortex being SMEI. Mutations in the genes encoding for the volt-
completes this process of pruning earlier than the motor age-dependent potassium channels are described in
cortex (Huttenlocher and Dabholkar, 1997). Thus one of benign familial neonatal convulsions (Gardiner, 2005),
the factors that may contribute to the increased suscepti- which is a rare, autosomal-dominant idiopathic epilepsy.
bility of infants and young children to seizures is the imbal- Seizures occur in well newborn infants from the second
ance between excitation and inhibition in the immature or third day of life and usually remit by six weeks. Child-
brain. While this imbalance is a transient and essential hood absence epilepsy which comprises 8% of epilepsy
component of normal brain maturation, it may be pro- cases in school-aged (313 years) children, also shows
longed or even re-emerge later in development due to a striking age dependence with a third of the children
various genetic, maturational or acquired factors (Holmes, becoming seizure free by teenage while the rest either
1997). develop GTCs or evolve into juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Idiopathic partial epilepsy especially benign childhood This pattern suggests that although an autosomal-
epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (BECTS) is consid- dominant pattern of inheritance with age-dependent pen-
ered to be disorders of abnormal brain maturation (Degen etrance causing specic disturbances in ion channels

Fig. 4. Time line showing distribution of age-specic epileptic syndromes according to age of onset.
96 R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999

(sodium and calcium) and GABAA receptors has been campus (Kullmann and Semyanov, 2002). But it remains
described (Helbig et al., 2008), a multifactorial pattern that dicult to elucidate what changes are due to the actual
involves both genetic and environmental factors is more underlying pathology or a compensatory mechanism
likely. associated with recurrent seizures over time.
Other common disorders with striking age dependence In patients, it is well recognized that complex febrile
are the childhood epileptic encephalopathies. These seizures early in life are associated with the later develop-
include many syndromes in which seizures typically start ment of temporal lobe epilepsy (Annegers et al., 1987).
to occur during the neonatal period such as early infantile This transition from a latent period to a seizure disorder
epileptic encephalopathy to those that start during early is strong evidence of progression of the disorder. In
childhood such as epilepsy with myoclonic-astatic sei- addition to having increased seizure susceptibility, many
zures. One such syndrome is LennoxGastaut syndrome if not most MTLE patients become refractory by adoles-
(LGS). Children with LGS characteristically present in early cence or early adulthood (Engel, 1999) and are often
childhood, either de novo or as an evolution of West syn- associated with co-morbidities such as cognitive decline
drome (infantile spasms). Despite the homeogenity in the (Marques et al., 2007), which indicates that some change
electro-clinical presentation, this disorder is commonly is occurring in the brain. Furthermore, the number of pre-
associated with a wide variety of diuse or multifocal treatment seizures was shown to be related to the proba-
pathologic processes predominantly, although not exclu- bility of subsequent remission (Mohanraj and Brodie,
sively, involving cortical grey matter and subcortical struc- 2006) and in the refractory patients, longer disease dura-
tures (Markand, 2003). tion has been consistently associated with progressive
atrophy of mesio-temporal lobe structures including the
Progression to chronic epilepsy hippocampus and entorhinal cortex (Bernasconi and
Bernhardt, 2010). There is also evidence of an associa-
Whether or not epilepsy is a progressive disorder is a tion between the severity of hippocampal damage and
matter for debate. There is strong animal evidence con- the estimated total seizure burden and seizure frequency
rming progressive changes associated with epilepsy. (Briellmann et al., 2002). In addition, progressive neocor-
Prolonged and recurrent seizures in these models lead tical atrophy has been observed in patients with intracta-
to cell loss and subsequent reorganization of synaptic net- ble temporal lobe epilepsy and correlated with epilepsy
works (Holmes, 2002). A common pathological nding in duration (Bernasconi and Bernhardt, 2010). Furthermore,
patients with focal epilepsy characterized by complex par- there is recent evidence of progressive changes in cortical
tial seizures is hippocampal sclerosis which consists of excitability described in a longitudinal transcranial mag-
gliosis and neuronal loss primarily in the hilar polymorphic netic stimulation study on refractory patients with dierent
region and CA1 pyramidal region of the hippocampus, forms of idiopathic generalized and focal epilepsies
with relative sparing of the CA2 pyramidal region and an (Badawy et al., 2010; Badawy et al., 2012).
intermediate lesion in the CA3 pyramidal region and den- Conversely, there is growing clinical evidence that in
tate granule cells. The available evidence suggests that most cases the occurrence of seizures itself does not inu-
status epilepticus and chronic epilepsy with recurrent sei- ence the long-term outcome of epilepsy (Berg and
zures are associated with neuronal injury and reactive Shinnar, 1997; Marson et al., 2005). These studies
changes in human and animal hippocampi such that hip- indicate that with the exception of some rare syndromes,
pocampal sclerosis is generally considered an acquired human epilepsy is not a progressive, self-perpetuating
lesion (Holmes, 2002). Anecdotally, however, there are disorder. Furthermore, there is evidence that the co-
examples of individuals who experienced frequent com- morbidities such as cognitive problems remain relatively
plex partial and generalized seizures but in whom both stable over time even in patients with refractory seizures
in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and postmor- (Holmes et al., 1998) suggesting that recurrent seizures
tem neuropathologic examination were remarkable for do not have a major eect on brain function. Clearly, more
the normality of both hippocampus and neocortex, at least human studies need to be performed to resolve this
using qualitative assessment (Holtkamp et al., 2004). This controversy.
underlines the heterogeneity of individual susceptibility to
neuronal damage from severe epilepsy, possibly from as
yet undened genetic factors.
Another commonly described abnormality associated
with seizures is mossy bre sprouting leading to formation In this review we have highlighted the complex and highly
of recurrent excitatory collaterals, increasing the net excit- variable patterns of cortical excitability in patients with epi-
atory drive of dentate granule neurons (Sutula et al., lepsy. As summarized in Fig. 5, changes in excitability
1988). Nevertheless, there is evidence in some animal can be a result of many factors however; it is a unifying
studies that sprouting can occur without the development theme in almost all epilepsies. Bursting behaviour in neu-
of spontaneous seizures (Cavalheiro et al., 1991) and that rons may arise from a seemingly continuum of multiple
seizures can occur with severe to complete loss of sprout- parameters (Marten et al., 2009), thus homoeostatic and
ing (Longo and Mello, 1997). There are also reports of compensatory mechanisms may play an important role.
increased number or modied properties of NMDA In order to understand this and the mechanisms behind
receptors (McNamara and Routtenberg, 1995) as well the highly variable nature of cortical excitability one must
as reports of glutamatergic modulation of GABA-ergic sig- measure a comprehensive suite of physiological parame-
nalling among neuronal populations in the epileptic hippo- ters simultaneously. Finding a correlation between a
R. A. B. Badawy et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 8999 97

Fig. 5. Schematic illustrating the dierent states of an epileptic brain and the dierent physiological factors that inuence cortical excitability during
those state.

diseased state and a change in a single physiological var- Cavalheiro EA, Leite JP, Bortolotto ZA, Turski WA, Ikonomidou C,
iable cannot provide a complete solution in bridging our Turski L (1991) Long-term eects of pilocarpine in rats: structural
damage of the brain triggers kindling and spontaneous recurrent
understanding. In addition, due to the heterogeneity of
seizures. Epilepsia 32:778782.
epilepsies and diversities of possible mechanisms, a pa- Clark S, Wilson WA (1999) Mechanisms of epileptogenesis. Adv
tient-specic approach must be taken to facilitate our con- Neurol 79:607630.
ception of these ever-changing states of cortical Crespel A, Baldy-Moulinier M, Coubes P (1998) The relationship
excitability to form new and robust treatment strategies. between sleep and epilepsy in frontal and temporal lobe
epilepsies: practical and physiopathologic considerations.
Epilepsia 39:150157.
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adaptation to disease. Nat Rev 6:463475.
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disclose. epilepsy: waking and sleep EEGs in siblings. Epilepsy Res Suppl
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gan and Mr. Simon Vogrin, for their insightful suggestions during cardiac vagal activity before and after epileptic seizures. Epilepsy
the preparation of this manuscript and help with the gures. Res 35:8794.
Depaulis A, Vergnes M, Marescaux C (1994) Endogenous control of
epilepsy: the nigral inhibitory system. Prog Neurobiol 42:3352.
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